Create Beautiful PowerPoint Slides with ChatGPT + VBA: Quick Tip!

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here is a quick tip to create beautiful PowerPoint slides by letting catch EPT and Visual Basic for applications do the heavy lifting and in case we haven't met yet my name is Claudio I'm a presentation coach who loves helping entrepreneurs and Executives present with confidence and passion so let's Dive Right into how do we use chat GPT to create beautiful PowerPoint slides the first step is of course visit jat GPT and then prompt it to create the outline of a PowerPoint presentation in this case here I'm asking it to create a customer page for a fictitious product called smart pet buddy and I'm asking it to use no more than seven slides and of course chat GPT is more than happy to oblige and it created the following outline slide one an introduction then the problem then the solution benefits for pet owners features and testimonials and finally call to action so once we have this that's when the real magic begins we ask Chachi PT to write the VBA code that creates the PowerPoint slides for this pitch I also asked it to add content that is humorous and somewhat Whimsical and to also not save the presentation and not close PowerPoint this is specific to my situation I'm running this on a Mac and for some reason I ran into a lot of issues when I used this default code that jet GPT generates which is saving the application and then closing the the actual application closing PowerPoint so I asked it don't do that I can always save that manually and here is the code that chat GPT provided nicely formatted VBA code Visual Basic code and you don't need to be a developer to really understand what's going on here all you will need to do is copy this code and use it in PowerPoint in the way that I show you and this will work now it may not work right out of the box like in this case here the first code that chatgpt provided to me it cost an error so all you need to do is let chap GPT know what the error is and where the error happened on what line and in its typical friendly manner Chachi PT will apologize correct the error and give you a second code in this case here this code works like a charm you will see that in just a moment so we are going to copy this code and then we are heading over to PowerPoint and in PowerPoint all you need to do is bring up the Visual Basic editor you can find that in the tools menu on the macros and then select Visual Basic editor or if you are on Windows simply hold down the ALT key together with f11 and the Visual Basic editor will appear now once you get to this screen all you need to do is right click on the project panel here and choose module insert module you can also do that by clicking on this little icon in the upper left corner if you hover over it you will see it says insert module once you have this window open all you need to do is paste your code into this window and then run this code either by clicking on this button here run sub user form or selected from your menu again run self user form once you click on that in the background it just now generated a PowerPoint presentation with the seven slides I asked it to do but it does look really that good yet and I promised you you will learn how to create beautiful slides in PowerPoint you have available a designer and this designer is also based on AI which means it will analyze the words on your slides and then suggest an appropriate design including sometimes pictures let's see what it does here oh yeah look we have lots of different designs to choose from including even something that has some animation to it but in this case here I'm gonna choose the first one I really like this kind of design so first slide is done click on the second slide and again the designer goes to work and let's be consistent choose the first one again and on the third slide again in this case here it gives me a cat and we rinse and repeat rinse and repeat Isn't that cool in just a few moments we created a slight presentation that not only has text on it and the structure that we wanted but it actually looks pretty good so I hope you're gonna give this a try and if you like this tip subscribe to my channel for more content like this I wish you a wonderful afternoon morning evening wherever you are in the world and we shall see each other next time have fun bye
Channel: Claudio Sennhauser
Views: 80,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PowerPoint, ChatGPT, VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, Presentation Skills, Quick Tip, PowerPoint Designer, AI-powered Presentations, AI, ChatGPT + VBA, PowerPoint VBA, PowerPoint + VBA, ChatGPT + PowerPoint
Id: JoedhPPi3O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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