How to Use ChatGPT for Beginners in 2023! (save 1-3 hours daily) ⌚

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as the world changes and Technology advances it is more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve and in today's digital age one of the most important skills you can have is the ability to communicate effectively with chat Bots enter chat GPT The Cutting Edge chatbot language model that is completely revolutionizing the way that we communicate with artificial intelligence with chat GPT you'll be able to hold intelligent conversations with chat Bots access a wealth of knowledge and information and even complete tasks faster and much more efficiently but here's the thing if you do not start learning Chachi BT now you will fall behind your competitors will be using it to their advantage and you will be left in the dust the choice is yours will you fall behind or will you embrace the future and become a master of chat GPT today it's called GPT which stands for generative pre-trained Transformer so I'll tell you what GPT is just so you know because you need to know to do that this is a big deal it's smarter than you and it's going to be a hell of a lot smarter than you in two years hello everyone my name is Drake Suraj and thank you for tuning in to this tutorial on how to use chat gbt in order to use Chad GPT to its maximum potential I believe there are five things that everyone needs to understand number one how chat jpt Works number two what can chat GPT do number three how to use jat GPT number four the best practices for using chatgpt and finally number five the limitations of chat GPT so we are going to dive into the first two how does Chad gbt work and what can it do so this can be very confusing but I'm going to break it down in the simplest way possible chatgpt is a special computer program that can talk to people just like humans it can hold conversations answer questions and even do tasks like humans can to make Chachi PT talk like a human the people who created it showed it a bunch of conversations that other people have had they showed it so many conversations that it learned what to say in certain situations and how humans actually talk so when somebody types in an input in chatgpt it uses what it has learned in those conversations in order to formulate a response so chat GPT is very good at having conversations and answering questions although it can only understand what it's been trained on so there might be some things that it doesn't know or that it doesn't understand but Chad gbt is a very cool tool that can help you learn things faster do things faster and it's like having a very smart friend that knows the answer to everything so now let's hop onto my computer and I'm going to show you how to use chat gbt and I'm going to give you a couple of examples so you can build off that and use it to its maximum potential with whatever you need in your life so here we are on the home page after you put in your information verify your phone number in your email you will arrive at chat and this is basically the home page I'm sure you've seen this before if you haven't right off the bat you'll notice that it gives you a few examples here that you can quickly hit and it will put it into your input box down here and this is the button to send that prompt off to get answered it lists a couple capabilities and some limitations which I will get into later but this is a very very basic setup for the power that it has so let's just type in our first example in order to do this all you have to do is type whatever you want so I'm just going to type in how to make a pizza hit enter and within seconds it will give me a recipe on how to make a pizza you'll see it generate live and this is something that isn't too mind-boggling you know you could go on Google and probably find a better recipe than the chatgpt recipe although I can't say that for myself because I haven't tried it yet I'm just saying it's easy to go on Google and quickly find a pizza recipe uh that's not really the point of chat GPT to give you pizza recipes in my opinion but this is just an example as you can see that's pretty awesome that it can list out the ingredients instructions and everything within a matter of a couple seconds so now let's do something a little bit more advanced I'm going to hit new chat in the upper left hand corner and one thing in my life that I felt was very time consuming and it took up a lot of time was writing graduation letters to all of those that came to my graduation party now if I had something like chat gbt back then I surely would have been using it and typed in something like write me a graduation thank you letter to someone do I appreciated coming to my graduation party and being a part of my life and I'm going to hit enter and what it's going to do is write out an entire thank you letter with very heartfelt words and a very heartfelt message and as you can see it just generated that entire graduation thank you letter that would have taken me probably 30 to 45 minutes to come up with something this beautiful and this in depth and it did it in a matter of about 30 seconds so I know what some probably think and I even think this a little bit myself is this is going to take that organic feel out of human connections and it's not that heartfelt when you have 80 letters to write and you are generally a busy person something like this might be a great idea not necessarily for graduation letters but for anything writing related that takes time this is a very very efficient way to get it done and it's a big Time Saver now let me show you something else very cool so let's say that I wanted to use chat GPT to write out all my graduation thank you letters but I didn't want to use the same message in all of them but what I could do is type in write me five variations of this letter and what chatgpt is going to do is write out five different variations that I can then cycle out and add in different names where I feel best fit and the awesome thing is this is all being done in less than a minute and there you go it only took about one minute to write five different variations of this letter and in total it probably took around two minutes to generate a beautiful letter with five different variations so as of right now you can probably see the power of this not just to be lazy and have a computer do all your work for you but to free up some time to do things such as your goals and your tasks that you need to get done on a day-to-day basis so next I'm going to show you the best practices for using chat GPT you know you kind of have the rundown on how you sign up and how you can type in basic props and how you can write different variations of those prompts but now we're going to talk about some best practices when actually getting in and learning more about Jazzy BT and how to use it to your advantage so you can leverage it in your work life and your personal life so the first way to be mindful of your practices when using chat GPT is to clearly Define the task you want it to run so I'm a web developer and if I type in something like write me job JavaScript for a slider that's pretty broad but if I give dimensions and I give functionalities of what I want that slider to do then the code that it generates is going to be a lot better for what I need so now what I've asked it to do is write me JavaScript code for a before and after slider It Is 1920 by 1080 pixels and this is pretty basic still but it is a little bit more descriptive rather than if I would have typed in write me JavaScript code for a slider I gave dimensions and I also wanted it to be a before and after slider so now when I send off the prompt as you can see it generated the code completely and they even have a little copy code button up here so you can easily implement it into your website down here is what I really enjoy it tells you what it's created and it's also telling you what you need to replace when you actually get this and implement it into whatever you want to implement it in so the possibilities are really endless when it comes to chat GPT and the thing that I like most about it is that when you're in your chat thread that the conversation stays relevant to your first message so you can start a bunch of new chat threads when you're in chat BT and you can keep asking questions or making comments or revising the current conversation that you're in and that's what in my opinion makes it so powerful is it's like you can have a whole conversation now let's jump into some of the very few limitations that chatgpt has so you aren't blindsided when you start typing in some inputs since this model is still fairly new it may occasionally generate wrong information my brother actually sent this pretty funny picture to me it um compares the amount of brain connections Chad gbt has and uh chat gbt4 will have to the brains of animals and uh humans I'll throw that up on the screen right now so this is where chat gbt3 currently is it's equivalent to the brain of a hedgehog and chat gpt4 will be equivalent to the eastern gray squirrel I don't know why I thought that was funny shout out to hot lipsyn for the chart I thought that was a very interesting data source the next limitation is it may produce harmful or biased content while it is a powerful model it still May generate irrelevant or not sensical information some of which could be harmful or even biased because once again it's been trained on a large amount of human conversations and if those conversations happen to be biased towards something then that is why Chad GPT would be biased in some situations and the last limitation is it has limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021 I'm sure once chat gpt4 comes out it will be a little bit more relevant and I'm excited to see how that is the next step is learning how to use chatgpt to make you money subscribe if you're new and like this video If you enjoyed it I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Wealth
Views: 68,204
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Keywords: chat gpt, chatgpt, how to use chatgpt, how to use chatgpt for beginners, beginner chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt tutorial, tutorial on chatgpt, chatbot gpt, chatgpt for beginners, chat gpt 3, chat gpt explained, open ai chat gpt, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt ai, chat gpt api, what is chatgpt, gpt 4, chatgpt 4, chat gpt 4, open ai, gpt4, chat gpt tutorial, chatgpt explained, chat gpt how to use, openai, chatgpt use cases
Id: tcDzVqpSIfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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