This Odd ChatGPT Skill Pays $335,000/year

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Soon this will be a major position. Build your portfolios ladies and gents. I'm doing quite well using it to refine salesfunnel copy for my clients.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/XMRjunkie 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2023 🗫︎ replies

A marketing firm wants to take a meeting with me this week. We'll see

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LoudTsu 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2023 🗫︎ replies

Can we ask chatgpt to make prompts for itself?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/povlov0987 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2023 🗫︎ replies
you are either critical or impressed large language models is a new type of intelligence the art of instructing them in a way that it delivers the best result it's a hybrid between programming instructing and teaching the secret to controlling Ai and V1 skill you need to learn is prompt engineering it's like programming but with Words which already pays insane amount of money between 250 and 335 k a year from now on your ability to control large language models will determine how competitive and valuable you are to a society you can collect prompts from everywhere else and I'm guilty of that but in the long run people who learn how to create prompts will be in a huge demand if you are not yet convinced and you think that you can cut Corners by creating 100 blog posts in one hour using tragedy you need to listen to these three warnings first and then after I will tell you where to start Google is already Shadow Banning AI generated content the whole new fight about search engines Google Microsoft is so fluid that we will be seeing so many new updates coming but basing your whole business on that present day environment is very very risky wanting to people and especially businesses and recruiters will be using AI detection tools I want to share with you an example from my own experience so this thing you are seeing child GPT business crash course it was going all over the place on Twitter and everyone was sharing and by the way no shade to this guy I just want to share my experience I started reading this and as somebody who worked in marketing and actually worked with implementing gdpr rules and all that jazz the first thing I saw was this paragraph and it made me a little bit suspicious about taking customer data and creating personalized content it just didn't sound legal I actually messaged the creator of this thing and I just wanted to ask about data collection and if it's IPI integration then I was like have you tested it and he was like no I'm not I have not tested I read it on a Blog and that raised even more suspicion on my side and what I did I went to one of AI detection tools and I pasted this text and it allows you only 1500 characters so let's remove a little bit okay so analyze 20 human generated content all right fine we go to open AIS add detector and it is likely I generated you really need to be careful with information you find online and especially in a such a new field when everyone is claiming to be an expert and they know more we know more because we use chargpt to generate that text and we don't even test it themselves once businesses start paying 42 US dollars per month for child GPT they will want a professional help that gives them Competitive Edge and not that all the same hacks that everyone is sharing and using I am learning prompt engineering myself right now and I'm going to share with you the five things that I'm doing as a beginner first learn is a really good stuff found it to be research backed and to the point and my personal strategy to process all this information is sharing what I'm learning on LinkedIn or Twitter this leads me to two join Discord communities and start talking with people who are in it or have been in it for a while this community is amazing and people really like to help each other don't be shy and be an active part of it I just wanted to disclose that when I was recording this video I was going through learning prompting content myself however I got involved on a Discord with the community and I uh funny enough I became a contributor on a GitHub so I'm learning GitHub right now keep an eye on because there is some interesting things cookie three go to the source best practices for prompt engineering with open-air IP join the community Forum which I bet you didn't know exists and join the Discord server of open AI for GitHub prompt engineering guide has so many links and resources I found it to be very great hub for all the tools and links that I'm seeing floating around Discord servers five read batch LGBT prompt book it's easy to understand resource with prompt examples and short explanations if you want to dive deeper into this subscribe to live which is quite pricey and I I have to yet to commit but before you do that you can preview what's inside by checking their archive which I found quite informative alright everything so so new even though it feels like maybe you are behind you're very very early don't get overwhelmed by jumping into every resource let's start by understanding the fundamentals and getting practicing and this is my personal approach first think about repetitive tasks that you do every day to define a problem and a goal three what are the constraints four how does the end result need to look like and remember goal and end result is not the same okay let's test this example by the way this prompt is going to be in description box below same as all the other resources first we have our repetitive task which is to respond to emails we have our goal and constraints and the bonus of let's think about this step by step and our answer is good as a minimum it's a source of inspiration and as from previous examples which I shared with AI detectors don't just copy and send it apply a little bit of your own judgment on top of it five be your own little researchers regarding prompting start paying attention to what works what doesn't and why six learn more Implement and repeat the process I promise you you will use prompts to create visuals text video apps websites software you name it it will be a default human machine interface till we get something better if you think this sounds like a science fiction let me tell you I recently uncovered why mid-turning was made and what is the bigger Vision behind all this technology here is a real science fiction that is happening right now
Channel: Goda Go
Views: 324,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prompt engineering, chat gpt prompt engineering, ai prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt engineering, chatgpt, chatGPT, chat GPT, learn prompt engineering, advanced prompt engineering, prompt engineering chatgpt, openAI, GPT3, prompt engineering tutorial, study prompt engineering, what is prompt engineering, ai, prompt, chatgpt prompt, bing, bing chatgpt, Google bard, discord, github, prompt examples
Id: k13v8jp8H5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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