How to use a password manager with 1Password

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[Music] do you have a lot of passwords that you need to keep organized and maybe have a really tough time keeping them all organized or one of those people that maybe uses one specific password and then you make a couple of tweaks maybe you add one number to the end or add a semicolon or something like that but it's still basically the same password then this is the video you're going to want to watch where we talk about a password manager a password manager is a program you can install they have web interfaces so you can go into your web browser and go to the site and log in to view all your passwords and you can install it on any device at least the ones i'm going to talk about in this video and the one specifically i'm going to talk about you can install it on any mobile device apple android doesn't matter if it's iphone or a samsung phone or an ipad you can install it on mac os devices you can install it on any windows device so any device that you might use you can install this on and it will help you when logging into all the different websites you use and within it you can also store a lot of other information that will really help keep yourself protected i don't want you to be one of those that gets you know accounts compromised you know some sort of password's been breached and they get into all your accounts for example my bank account and all my credit cards i have no clue what the login is because my password manager takes care of it for me and fills that information in so in this video i'm going to go into great detail and showing you how to use a password manager it can be a little intimidating at first with a little bit of a learning curve but hopefully this video will help alleviate some of that fear and just get you a little more comfortable with it because i want you to be as comfortable as possible in keeping your information protected i've worked with a lot of people who have had accounts compromised and i don't want anybody to ever be put in that position and a password manager will pretty much as long as you do it properly we'll just about ensure you have done everything that you can do to keep your account safe not much you can do on the other side the actual company that's maintaining your information but at least if you have a separate login for every single website if that site gets compromised they can't use that login to log in on all your other sites because you're not using the same password anywhere however before we dig in and get really into that nitty gritty of this please click on that subscribe button down below and hit that little bell button right over kind of just next to it there so you can stay up to date and be notified of any and all my new videos that i post and also please don't hesitate to leave a comment below this can be a really challenging topic and a lot of people get very nervous about the things and that we're going to cover in this video so if you do have any questions not sure about something or would like to see something else covered in this video i might be able to do some future videos in which i can go into those topics but please again hit that subscribe button below i do appreciate it and thank all my new subscribers so a password manager what a password manager does at its core is it manages your passwords just in one spot all the major browsers have it built in chrome has it using their own password manager firefox uses one safari uses apple's keychain is what they call it and it kind of works amongst everything you can use those i don't encourage it but it again password managers do cost a little bit of money so if you just don't have the funds available which i completely understand i would at least default to those they've become much much better but i prefer to have an in you know a separate entity handle those things there are a number of really good password managers out there i'm going to focus in on one of them in this video because i feel it is by far the best one but just to mention some of the other ones out there there's lastpass there's bitwarden which has a free tier and it's kind of a newcomer to the game and there is dashlane and one password all four of these will work on any of the major operating systems so you can use it on windows on mac on android on chrome os and on ios or ipad os all of them will work across the board so as long as you go with one of them you'll be in really good shape again you can also use some of the built-in ones that chrome firefox all those have not as good or as powerful as these actual password managers however it is better than nothing the one i'm gonna focus on and the one i feel is absolutely the best is one password you can go to it is the number one you'll notice kind of a theme especially with one password and lastpass lastpass kind of markets itself as the last password you have to remember one password you only have to remember one password because the point is these password managers will store and hold all your passwords and you set one master password to access this vault is what they call it so all your passwords are stored in what they call a vault so you just need one password to remember and you gotta make it a good one and i will offer some tips in this video on how to set a really really good password but as i mentioned in this video i'm gonna focus on one password up until actually a couple weeks ago i have been using lastpass it's a really good password manager but i feel and i also do the family plan so i share it out my wife uses it my sister my mother and a few other family members do use it so i actually made i was a little nervous on doing the switch from one password manager to another because the original one i set up i did it for them in person and this one i kind of had to walk them through it and it went so smooth but we switched to one password which is a lot more user friendly i feel it just i don't know something about it it just looks cleaner and i can't suggest one password enough again one password is not free and i'll talk about the cost in just a second but to me to be able to store all your accounts and information is priceless because i to me it's worth the little bit of cost to make sure all my accounts are protected i don't want anybody getting into my bank account credit card accounts amazon account making a lot of orders in my name to me it's just worth worth that price and sharing it out with my family so it's worth that price now in password managers you can store more than just passwords especially in all the major password managers from this point forth i'm only going to talk about one password i don't need to confuse everything by adding in all the other ones because in my opinion if you're going to sign up for a password manager it should be one password and this video is in no way sponsored by one password this is just my own personal usage over the years and i have used all the major ones and i found this one is just absolutely the best the most user friendly and just looks good but in a password manager you can manage more than just your passwords you can put your credit card information in there you can put your vehicles information in there you can scan in copies of your passports of your birth certificates any information that need that shouldn't be out there you can store in this and the one question that always comes up is is it safe it is completely safe because the companies do not store your password they cannot see it it is fully encrypted i'm not going to go too much into the details of how it works but if you lose your master password they cannot help you get into it they don't have your information i know a few years ago lastpass works exactly the same as one password lastpass had a breach somebody got into their systems and they said look we were breached but nobody could get anything because they can't see the passwords and if they can't see the passwords they can't access your accounts which means they can't get to your information because all of it is encrypted and it's encrypted locally by your device so there's just nothing they can get to one password works exactly the same it is highly highly encrypted the only way somebody's going to get into it even jumping through a couple of hoops they would still need your password and if you go check out one of my other videos i did on two-factor authentication using an app like authy you can even add a little extra layer of security where you need to put that six-digit code in order to get into your password manager okay so enough of talking about password managers i just cannot stress it enough now i want to jump into how they work this video is going to probably be a little on the longer side because i really want to take the time to show you how the password manager actually works because i have a family plan i was able to actually create a fake account underneath my family one so i can actually go in and show you how it works how passwords are handled and just all the steps with it because if i actually showed you my real one you would see my real logins and i don't want that to be visible now as i said i use this heavily i have easily over 300 passwords and i'm sure there's plenty of people that have similar or more or less it doesn't matter if you have 10 or 1000 passwords this will handle it all for you so let's jump over to my browser and we're going to open chrome i usually use or sorry i usually use firefox as my main browser i'm going to show you in chrome so i can again start fresh so if you go to you'll see it across the top here and under pricing they have a few different options so i don't know why they automatically link to team in business but we're going to click on personal and family so if you just want it for yourself you can pay as little as three dollars a month that's billed annually you can pay monthly and it's usually just a buck or some more if you pay monthly they're just trying to get you for the whole year which i i do understand and it shows everything that it works for and ah it does also work for linux i did not realize that the other thing is you can do it for families now up front you can include five people so if you pay five bucks a month you can have it for five different people in your family or you could go together with friends any of those things the families one is really really cool because you create vaults so like when you see me go in you're gonna see my what's called my personal vault and that's where all of my passwords are stored but i could create another vault called family or spouse and for example with me and my wife i actually have one called just you and me and that's the one that's shared between me and my wife and in that one i've got our bank login i've got our netflix account our disney plus account all the stuff that we need to share back and forth is in that so if she needs to see it she just it automatically just shows up for because it's shared with her and if i update or change the password or any of the login information once i save it to that it's automatically updated for her too so it's a great way to share login information between you and your spouse or different family members and that's what makes the families so powerful and you can create custom vaults that you share with different people in your family so it's five bucks a month i think if you do it per month it's 6.99 a month if i recall because that's what i do i just pay for it per month if you have more than five family members all they're going to do is just add on an extra dollar a month per person so if you have six people it would be 599 or s or sorry 7.99 per month or the 5.99 if you do the annual payment and just one dollar more for each person so you can add more than just five people so once you go ahead and sign in and take care of setting it all up and getting um set up with with uh one password you click on the sign in and i'm gonna go ahead and put my master password in this one is kind of short my true 1password account master password is quite a bit longer now let me take a moment to explain some tips and tricks on setting a good password it needs to be random the problem is is that's hard to remember so there's some tricks and one of my favorite tricks is take a song you like take the chorus of the song that you can sing in your head no problem anytime take the first letter of each part of that lyrics that you're singing to yourself and just use the letters as your as your password and then if it's uh like you can capitalize the first and fifth letter for example or just the first letter and then any of the vowels change them to numbers at the end add in a symbol maybe take part of an old phone number from when you were growing up as a little kid and include that or an old zip code or a little bit of both if you have a four or six digit number you like to use throw that in the mix too but if you start with a song as the basis that's going to be very very random and it's if you throw in the numbers and the letters there's no rhyme or reason to it it just does look like a bunch of gobbledygook until you go and type it in i tend to sing the song to myself as i put it in i do that with a couple of my passwords my apple account is one that i can remember but it's a lyric to a song my master password for one password is the same thing in my gmail account is another song because those are ones i often have to put in a little more frequently so i want those a little easier to remember and using the song lyrics just makes it a piece of cake so that's my tips for actually setting a good master password now once you get in this is kind of your main interface that you're going to see here and you'll see over here there's some shared accounts right there so i've got all the different parts of my family listed in there and then i've got my private vault and so you have some choices i can click on all vaults or just view my private fault so i'm going to do all vaults which is basically the same and it's going to show a whole interface here now they do have an app as i said for windows linux and mac if you download the app the layout is going to look just pretty much exactly what you see on the screen in front of you right now i'm not going to pull up and show mine because i'd have to log out of my account which is then all tied into my computer and all those things and it's just a little too much of a pain to do that but i promise the interface when you download the application your computer looks exactly like this and what you'll see across the top sorry about that you'll actually see i have an icon across my menu bar here and if i tap on that when i log in my master password it allows me to search my vault right there at the top of the screen so i can quickly copy a password and paste it and i'll show you for example i did put in one website that i do use right now called trumpet herald and you'll see if i hover over the password box it has my username it has my password shows you the strength and the website and then it shows the vault being private it shows you when it was last modified created now what i can do is i can hover over and hit copy i can hit reveal and it will actually show the password so if i copy it i can then paste it in anywhere i want you can star it so if you notice over here on the left hand side there's a place called favorites so if you have some passwords that you use all the time you can actually star them and they'll show up under your favorites then you have your categories i'll come back to the watchtower in just a second you have some categories here when i go to create a new item in my vault i'll click the plus button down here and you're going to see they offer you to store a login a secure note credit card identity password document api credentials which is more for tech people bank account information database stuff driver's license email accounts memberships outdoor license passport reward program server social security number software license and wireless router information so you can store all sorts of stuff in here and again as i said it is completely safe and protected you can trust this one hundred percent as long as you set a very good master password to get in as long as you do that you're golden and all this stuff is completely protected in my personal one i've got my social security number i've got my wife's social security number i've got all sorts of little notes because there might be some things that you want to make mental notes on or store documents that are you know maybe tax forms you could actually put your taxes in here from previous years and kind of do the paperless thing doing that your driver's license all that stuff you can store it and as you add more things it will show up under the categories here so if i click on the plus button and put in a credit card you'll see on the categories list credit card will show up okay so under the trumpet herald website you'll see all that information and it'll be stored as a login so let's say i want to share this login with somebody else in my family so you'll see this little share icon this is more common what you see on ios devices it's the little square with the up arrow right there if i tap on that you're going to see a few different options i can copy the link i can print it i can duplicate it so if you have for example i hate to admit this but i've got like 20 gmail accounts so i could quickly duplicate it to you know change the the names and the accounts and stuff if i wanted or you can move and copy it if i click on move and copy it's going to show a list of all the different vaults so if you create additional vaults you'll see them in the list here so let's say i want to share it and add it to the shared i just click on move and it will automatically move it to that vault and automatically share it with the family members that can see that vault so that is an easy way to move the items around if i want i can also click on the edit button make any changes to it if you have some notes on the item maybe they have sometimes you might know some websites have multiple login sites so for example there could be or maybe is another site that shares the same thing i can add multiple sites here you can also add tags so tags allow you to kind of help organize things so you'll see over here on the left it's called starter kit and they tag the welcome to 1password and the 1password account is tagged with that but you could set the tags to be music accounts so if you want to just see all your music related accounts it'll show all the tags that you marked as music so you can organize those any way you want it just gives you a little additional organization on that stuff but when you're done making all the changes you can rename it if you want let's say you don't want the space in there i'm just going to take the space out and i'm going to hit save and you'll notice the space is now gone and it's updated everything if i added any additional notes to it the notes would show up here so that's how your logins can be changed or edited and how you can share those with other things now how does the password manager actually work in your browser so what we want to do is we want to go to get the apps so what i did is i clicked on my name on the top right hand corner that's william's just my middle name i kind of use that as my when i create these type of test accounts i tend to use that i'm going to click get the apps and you're going to see right here they have all sorts of ways that you can get it and the really cool thing is they have a qr code so if i click show it'll pop up with a qr code and i can scan it with my phone and boom it would install it so i want to get one password for chrome so i'm going to tap on that if you use firefox or safari just go to your store you know your safari extension store or your firefox extension store and just search for one password and you can find it there or just google one password for firefox or one password for safari and it'll just walk you through where to go for those things so i'm going to click that and then i'm going to click add extension take just a second you're going to see it all pop up here since it already knows the account's kind of linked here so i'm going to pop in my master password that's the really nice thing is it just kind of knows your login especially if you're already logged in with your one password account it just knows which is what i really really really like so what we're going to do is i'm going to make sure i pin that so it shows so now you'll see there's a little icon here on the top right that's the little circle and it's got the little lock in the middle of it that is my one password extension and if i tap on it if i had a password for anything that's related to this website you would see it listed right here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to trumpet herald and what you're going to see is now if i click on the password manager you're going to actually see my login information right there and i can hover over it and i can put auto fill so if the login stuff was on the page which you'll see in just a moment that would automatically fill it in most i'd say about 99 of sites work right out of the box the password manager will fill in for me but if i come across a site that it doesn't what i'll usually do is look at my username i'll manually type it in i'll come up to my password i'll tap on copy and i'll just paste the password in because most the passwords that this is going to create for you they can be really long like 20 30 40 characters long and they are completely random and they're they alternate between symbols letters numbers all that stuff and you don't want to be sitting there manually typing it in it just just do the copy and paste it so let me go to the login like i'm going to log in here so now the password and username box are blank but if i tap on them you're going to see all of a sudden it shows up if i tap on it it auto fills it right in let's say that maybe doesn't happen when i click on it i'm going to show you the other way you can do it so they're nice and blank so i'm going to come up to the top right here and i'm going to click on the 1password box and i'm just going to click autofill and boom it fills it right in again as i said in some sites it doesn't work that way so let me show you the third way i know my password is a metzler so i'm going to come up here let's say it just isn't filling in and as i said 99 of the time it fills in but you know there's always going to be those sites that are just a little stingy i'm going to hit copy come down here and i'm going to hit paste and then i'm going to hit log in and boom i'm in that's how simple it is to log in on a website once you have that there so i'm going to log back out now how do you get your passwords into this that's the second part so i've shown you how it works to fill in your passwords make changes to it and anything like that so now how do you actually get your passwords into it so what we're going to do is i'm going to go back to my 1password vault and i'm going to delete the trumpet herald site from it so what i'm going to do first because it is a complex password i'm going to copy the password right now and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go down to edit so let's say there's a password you just don't need anymore i'm going to click move to trash so now i have deleted that item so now i'm going to go back to trumpet herald i'm going to click log in what you're going to see is that now it says there's no items to show for this site so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to log in i'm going to paste my password in and it's going to pop up with an option to save in one password if i tap that i can give it the name i can set what vault so if it's a shared login that you want to do you can set the shared vault if i tap on that i can put it in shared or private private means just you can see it so i'm going to call it the trumpet herald i'm going to click save and now you'll notice if i click on the lastpass sorry if i click on the one password login i've been using lastpass for over a year so every now and then i do slip out with that you'll see that the trumpet herald is now listed there that's all there is to adding a website to this it is so so simple like ridiculously simple all right so that shows you now how you add it all you do is just go to the site log in once you put your username and password in it's going to offer to just fill it in for or it's just going to offer to save it for you so now let me show you how to actually create a login so on a site you don't have any login none at all and you just want to create a brand new login so i'm going to tap on register yes i am so for my username i'm going to do a metzler 79 i'm not going to actually submit this you'll notice right away it started showing up with save and 1password for my email address i'm just going to use one of my countless now when i tap on password it's going to show up and say use suggested password so if i tap on that it's going to all of a sudden show up and say hey save we want to save this in one password so you can give it a title i can select what vault does it want to be in a shared vault or another vault i've created i'm going to keep it and say private and i'm going to hit save and now it has saved my username the email address i used and the password and then i can go through and continue filling in and when i hit submit it's already done and what you're going to notice if i click on the lastpass sorry if i click on the 1password login it's already there and ready to go again very very simple to create the login for the site so i'm going to reset that i'm going to jump back to my password vault you'll notice it's already there i don't want that anymore so i'm going to hit edit move to trash and now that item's in my trash so that is how you use a password to log in that is how you create one on a fresh site the other thing is if you go to a site that already has a password so for example let's say i went to trumpet herald and i just wanted to change my password so you go to the change the password section every site it's different but in the password box when you go to you sometimes you have to put in your old password and then for new password again it'll pop up with the suggestion you can say you suggested and one password automatically knows oh you already have a login for this site so do you want us to update that login with the new password you're setting and you just tell it yes please update that and it saves that new password that you just changed and created so that's all there is to using it on any browser doesn't matter if you're on firefox chrome safari brave you know all the countless browsers that are out there this is how it works very very simple and that's the nice thing again it can be a little intimidating at first you know there's a lot of stuff to it but at its most simple it's just saving and filling in passwords that's all there is to it the other piece to this is the vaults so as i said you can create a shared vault but sometimes you might want to create a work vault so say you've got passwords for work and you got your personal or you've got a maybe an organization you work for you can actually create a vault so what you're going to do is you're going to click on the back to the home so you click on the little logo on the top left and you'll see right here at the top it says new vault tap on that and we're going to call it work you can put a description if you want but i'm just going to hit create vault if you want to share a vault so if you want to add a couple people to it this is where you can actually share it with other people in your family or other people that have one password so i'm going to go back to my main and i'm going to click on all vaults and you'll see here at the top i can actually see all of my vaults so let's say i want to move this item into a different vault or the one i just created i click remember on that little share icon at the top here and i say move copy and then i can move it to my work vault now it shows up so if i just right now i'm viewing all the vaults so you can see everything all at once and that's the really nice thing but if i just want to see everything in my work vault tap on that there's the information right there what's really nice about this so for example i'll take myself i'm the technology director for our district so i've got a ton of logins i manage countless gmail accounts for all sorts of stuff whether it's our school email filter just various various school logins if the time came that i left the district or anything like that what i could do is i could come into my one password and i could export my vault i could actually export all the passwords and logins and what i can do is say i just want to export everything in my work vault export that to a file you can put it into a csv file which is just a it's just like an excel spreadsheet it just gives your username the password what website it works for and any information you've listed it puts it all in one file and you can hand that right to the next person so they have all the logins one of the things i do always suggest is once you get everything set up just go in and you can download a backup which i'll show a little in just a bit on how to do that just so you have that backup as a just in case keep it somewhere very safe but just so you have it but that's the really nice thing about work vaults or as i said if you work for an organization you can create all your passwords and stuff and save it to that vault for that organization if you're ever done you can export them all and hand them off to the next person keeps it really really nice and you can create as many vaults as you want that's the nice thing about it so you can be as hyper organized or as unorganized as you want to be i know a lot of people just keep everything in just one vault and that's just how it is which is perfectly fine now the last little thing here that i haven't talked much about is watchtower this is a really really cool feature what watchtower does is it watches over all of your accounts and everything you do and what it does is it looks for websites that you've been on or have passwords saved to that have been compromised and it will let you know here if i click on compromised websites if any sites have been compromised recently meaning the passwords have been exposed it's going to let you know here and probably a good suggestion is to go to that site right away and just change that password or delete the account if it's on a site you don't use anymore if you tend to reuse the password you'll see under reused passwords you'll see any passwords that are duplicated and you can go ahead and fix those if you have some passwords that aren't very good you can come in here and also make sure you find those sites that have those weak passwords and you can go to the sites change your password update it gone unsecured websites this one's a neat one if you notice a lot of websites that you go to have http or https often what you'll see is if you look across the url bar up here just to the left of the link you'll see there's a little lock icon that means the site is secure any information you're sending back and forth to the site is encrypted if that is unlocked and chrome really makes it obvious and a lot of the other browsers are starting to do that but you'll see either a it's unlocked you might even see a big red icon that's unlocked or it says unsecured or unsafe you want to be more careful if it's just a simple login there's no financial transactions happening maybe it's your local newspaper website that's perfectly fine but if you are paying for something and that is not https do not send your information and get in touch with a company and tell them to get their button gear so that they get that secure so it is safe so this will let you know what websites are unsecure and in my own when i moved all my stuff over i actually did learn of a site that was unsecure this does have two-factor authentication built in which i covered in my other two-factor authentication video it does have it built in i found it works relatively well i've had a few sites it doesn't work too well on some sites that have passwords that can expire i i think that's more of a older way of thinking if you remember years and years ago a lot of sites and especially windows would say every six months we need you to change your password that was deemed to be very unsafe because the more you change your password the weaker you're going to make it because it's harder to remember it's better to set one super strong and good password and just keep it unless a compromise happens then you obviously have to change it but as long as you set one really good password at the start you don't need to worry about it again so watch tower is really cool it's one area i would strongly suggest just keeping an eye on so that is one password in a nutshell there is a lot to it i would strongly suggest picking it up they do have a 14 day free trial give it a try it works super super well in the next few days i'll be putting up a follow-up video that will show you on mobile how this works it is just a little bit different and sometimes getting your passwords into it can be a little bit trickier at times sometimes but i will make a video that will show on the mobile devices how to use one password the last piece i want to show is just you can import and export passwords so if you click on your name on the top right hand corner you'll see the import option and right in here you can import from a number of the different apps out there so if you are coming from lastpass you can import from there one password i know it seems kind of weird because we're in one password but let's say you were part of a family plan and you want to move over to your own separate account you can export your one password vault then create a new account for just yourself and then import it so you'll have everything right back up and running and it makes it exactly how you had it last pass it can be a little all these imports work really well but you might have to spend a little time cleaning them up probably most people don't have as many passwords as i do so it took me a couple days to get everything cleaned up but once it's all set to go and clean it's super super nice to have and as i said dashlane is another one never heard of roboform keep pass x i'm kind of familiar with that you can import from chrome and they'll walk you through all the steps on how to do it and give you tips now i did mention briefly about exporting the only way you can export is from the actual app on your computer so as i mentioned earlier you'll click on your name get the apps you want to download it for your mac or your windows device get it downloaded and then within that program there's an export option where you can export everything and it gives you a few different options and it's up to you on how you want to do that but i would strongly suggest doing it and then saving that to somewhere whether it's an encrypted folder you've got or just somewhere really really safe that you don't need to worry about people getting to but it just gives you that extra security just in case something happens i really hope you found this video helpful and if you stuck it out with me to the end i really thank you and i hope you find this of value password managers are super super important and i cannot stress enough how much i really just cannot stress enough in getting and using one it's really i think one of the number one things you need to do if you use a computer if you have any questions or just need a little bit of extra help or just not sure about something don't hesitate to leave a comment below otherwise please please keep your account safe and protected do something whether it's just using the built-in or paying for something like one password otherwise this is adam on tech signing off
Channel: AdamOnTech
Views: 9,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Password, 1password, manager, security
Id: YociGHI5PUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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