Bitwarden Password Manager Beginners Guide

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this is a beginner's guide on how to set up and use the bit ward and password manager before we can create an account at bit warden we need to do the most important step first and create your master password the reason why your master password is so important is that it is used to encrypt all your data so we need to make it something really good a good master password is two things it's long and something you've never used before and will only use with bill warden the easiest way to do this is come up with a sentence that doesn't make any sense so get out a piece of paper or open up the notepad app like i've done here and write down your email and create a sentence that doesn't make any sense for my example i've used 12 gallons of horseshoe berries horseshoe berries are not a real thing and bear being 12 gallons of it also doesn't make any sense so it's a great master password this master password is long it's unique it's never been said before it's easy to type or write down which is especially important because you need to write down your master password and typing on uh small smartphone screens is a pain with normal passwords but this password is basically a sentence so it's easier to type in it's also easier to remember something like that just sticks to your head like glue it also has numbers and special characters the spaces in between the words are special characters neat huh so it's got numbers lowercase and special characters makes for a great password most importantly it's long and it's unique and i would only use it for my bitboarding account and bitworn account only make sure you come up with your own sentence that doesn't make any sense let me show you how if you need help come up with some random words to use in your master password one of the easiest things to do is go to bit warren's own website go to password generator you'll be taken to this page right here i'll have a link down below in the description then click on passphrase and these are words you can pick from just click the generate button to pick out different ones give you some ideas for from words you used or if you want you can go simply capitalize include number and cycle through a couple of these do you see something you like and you can use this as your master password if you wanted to you can edit it if you want to make it three words remove the spacing the dashes and all that and make it a little bit easier for you but whatever you do just make sure you write it down so in case you forget it you will always be able to get back into your password manager once you've picked a master password that you like go ahead and print it out or write it down and put it somewhere safe in your home if you have a safe fire approach safe that's perfect you have someone you trust give them a copy of it too let them store it in their password manager or in their safe in their home just make sure you write down your master password so if you forget it there is no resetting your master password you can change your master password later but if you forget it there is no resetting it so it's very very important you write down your master password i cannot stress that enough we're only human we all make mistakes we forget things we forget we why we walked into that room and where we put our keys so please write down your master password and keep it somewhere safe that's the most important thing you'll learn from this whole tutorial to create an account what you want to do is go to the top right and press the get started button this will allow us to create our account here you want to fill this information out so fill out your email address your name and this is your master password area i'm going to copy and paste mine you can do the same or type it in you can view it make sure it's right but warren says it's strong that's what we want to see they want you to retype it so you can type it there for the master password hit this is optional you know you don't want to put anything there but one thing i like to do is look and save because that's where my master password is going to be it's going to be written down and i'm putting it in my save locked away and i agree to the terms and then press the submit button and chrome asks you to save the password press never we're going to fix that with chrome because we don't need them remembering our password anymore and just take your master password type it in there press the login button and promask again press never and congratulations you create your bit warning account naturally google chrome the web browser will offer to save your passwords for you but since we're using a bit word and password manager we don't want the two systems to get confused with each other so the best thing to do is tell google chrome to not save our passwords and not fill our passwords because the two fighting each other will just be a mess so to turn that off go to your google chrome web browser and click on your current user it's usually next to the three buttons here click on that go down here to the key looking icon that's your passwords select that and uncheck that box and uncheck that box if you have any password saved in google chrome be here i'll link down in the description box below if you want to export your passwords in google chrome and import them into bit warden i highly suggest you do that there will be a link down in the description below and also click on your user icon there and you got three more i got two more of these buttons here so click on the payment one and deselect those for your credit card and also there's one more for location and this one for some reason they save your email address here so remove that go down to up here to download click that list your download page you can pick up the windows app the mac os app and the linux app but what we're focusing on right now is the web browser downloads and we're using google chrome click on whatever web browser you use so select google chrome it'll take us to the chrome web store and click add to chrome this will add the extension to our web browser press the add extension and the extension is added bit warning shows you introductory videos well worth it to watch but to get to the extension google chrome sometimes hides it behind this right here the extension just click that and click the pen button that will pin it so it's easy to see exile that clicking on it will show you a bit warren we need to log in you enter your email address here your master password here and press the login button to log in once you've entered your master password there's a little i button so you can see if you typed it in right you can also get the password hit here if you need it once you've entered your email address and master password press the login button here and we'll log in congratulations you installed the extension now we can get to the real fun stuff before we start adding passwords and such to a bit worn involved one thing i like to do beforehand is create an identity so you click on the add login button there or press this plus button there too that will work too and the type we're going to do identity and for the name we'll just do our actual name and title will be wherever your title is and just fill this information out as much as you want you don't have to put your social security number in there you don't have to do that you can put your email in there i highly recommend that this identity basically what it means it's going to make your life a lot easier for filling out forms like when you create an account this will fill out your email or when you're buying something online it will fill your address and once you're done press the save button at the top right that will save it in there so there's your identity this will make filling out forms and checkout and signing up for new accounts a whole lot easier all right now i'm going to show you guys how to create an account and add it to bit warden naturally people will go ahead and start filling out their first name last name email and whatever password you don't want to do that right off the bat with bit warden what you want to do is click on the bit warning extension icon if it's locked go ahead and lock it by entering your master password but since ours is unlocked we can go ahead and do our thing uh it says there are no logins available to autofill for this current browser tab because we don't have any login saved for this certain current page which is starbucks so we can press the add login button here or press the plus button there and it's going to be a type as a login the name you can name it whatever you want to just grab the url that'll be fine for our needs uh the username will be whatever they require or sometimes it's the email sometimes it's just a username but for starbucks down here they say email address so we'll go ahead and enter our email address then the password field here you could just enter whatever password you want but since you're using a password manager you want to press the generate button here this is rotating arrows so click the generate button this will show your password generator and you can generate whatever password you want and cycle through different versions you can copy the password you can see the password history your options you have password or passphrase passphrase or just words the reason why you would go with the past phrase of a past word is a past phrase is easier to type in so that's why we use a passphrase for our master password because we'll have to type in eventually maybe something like uh netflix they still make it hard for you during your password so you'd be easier to enter a a couple words and it is to enter something gibberish like that so passphrase you only use it for things you have to mainly type in otherwise go with a password you can choose a length that you want go to 128 i recommend staying at at least 12 or greater over 20 you'll be fine too but most websites have a limit so i usually tell people 12 13 14 15 16 is the right spot you can some websites make you have lower case and uppercase and all that so you can check that off if you want uppercase or lowercase and numbers and special characters you can also set the minimum numbers minimum special and avoid ambiguous characters that means do not have o's and zeros in the password because they look the same and same with l's and ones they look the same so avoid having those characters and password just in case you ever have to actually mainly type the password in and of course you can suck it through find the one you want i think that will be just fine for us so we'll press the select button right here to select it and the password has been saved you can view it with the eye this little check box right here is for checking to see if that password has been any breaches so you click that securely checks to see if the password has been any breaches this one has not so that's a really good password to use the url it since we're already on the starbucks signup page it pulled the url right there for us if you wanted to autofill the password you gotta make sure there's a url there just have the or wherever the website's name right there uh you can put in a folder you can put notes here notes are for like security questions so like uh high school you went to pudding for security questions you can store it there and custom field is a little bit more advanced i have a video in the description down below how to use that uh it's more advanced but makes your life a lot easier but once we have everything we need here password is good it's got the email address in there that looks good for me we press the save button at the top then it's saved into our vault now here's the cool part you press the name itself to have it autofill the email address and password on the page you can see it filled in our email address and it filled in our password and here's a great thing too starbucks is saying hey uh uh we uh you need to have a special character there buddy so what we can do is go back up to the password manager select the bit warning icon and select the view button it's next to the copy username and copy password but we want to press the view button to view the item and we need to make a change to it because they didn't like our password so we'll press the edit button and we can see uh we need a special character in there that's what they want so i go back to the generator button it says overwrite password are you sure you want to overwrite the current password yes that's okay we actually can get the old password if we need it i'll show you how to do that and we need a special character so we'll just check that box there let's see it looks like uh it looks like a good one right there so we'll press select and we'll save that go to close and press the actual name start box here at the login area here and we'll fill in and it likes our special character go if you need to view the previous password go to the view button go down to the bottom there's password history it's kind of tucked away just press the number and it'll show your previous password there there's a copy button right there so you can copy it to your clipboard in case you need to go back there also another thing too since we are creating an identity we want to fill the name out and last name and all that just press your id there it will fill it in for you everything's filled in and you can check all these things off and you can create your account now i'm going to show you guys how to log into an account that's already inside bit warden when you go to the login page of website you want to log into a bit more when it's open and unlocked you can click it if it's locked into your master password if it's not locked there will be a icon here it will have a number next to how many items are inside your vault that are associated to that website and when you click it it'll show you what it has this is if you click the name starbucks it will actually fill in the password so you can sign in there's also keyboard shortcuts too ctrl shift l on windows will autofill it command shift l on a mac we'll fill it in chrome there's also another option inside settings click on the warning extension icon go to the bottom right for settings go down to options and right here first one says enable autofill on page load select that and go back and then when you reload the page it'll automatically fill in the password and username so then all you gotta do is press the sign in button then you're signed in changing a password is very similar to adding a new account to bill warden to change the password go to the website you want to change it on and look for the settings page allow you to change the password for starbucks is through here press the add button here on starbucks since i have it to automatically fill in the password on page load then automatically fill it in the password for me the current password but we're going to pretend it didn't do that for us so to get the current password click on the billboard extension icon there are several ways to do this you can view the item or you can copy the password right there but once you view the item you can see the password there press the copy button next to the i that will copy the password to your clipboard i'll tell you the password has been copied then go to the current password fill right click and paste now we need to change the password to a new one go back to bitworn extension icon click it then go to view the item then go to edit and then at the password area here click on the rotating arrows to generate a new password it says overwrite password that's okay we can always get the old password back so press yes and generate the password that it likes that looks fine for me i want to press the select button then press the save button to save it then press the copy button next to the password section next to the eye it's been copied the clipboard go to the new password section and paste it in and like that password and save password you've changed the password one thing i like to do before i leave is make sure everything's okay and all the settings change properly i like to sign out have it fill the password in sign in make sure the new password works and the new password works just fine that's how you change a password inside of bitwarden if your bitwardenvault is unlocked and you log into a website that it doesn't have inside its vault it will actually ask you if you want to save that password inside your vault so i'm going to do that now here at reddit so i'm going to log in and at the very top you'll see bit warning asking you do you want us to remember that password for you as you see you should bit water remember this password for you pressing the yes save now button will save it to your vault so press that now you click on the extension icon itself you can see it's been saved you can view the item there's everything that's been saved about it along with the url and the password all right i'm going to show you guys around the bit warren extension you click the icon you'll see the general purpose tab this tab reflects whatever's on the current tab you're in on your web browser since i'm in the bit warden website in the url that's what pulls up here it will only show you what's related to that page in your tab section here you can press the view button to view the items in your vault for that particular item as your copy button this is your check to see if there's been any data breaches it does it securely you can view the password with the i there's your copy button there this is your website url if you click that that will open a new tab and go to that page or you can copy the url there you have your autofill autofill and save you can clone the item you can also delete the item the close button at the top left this button right here at the top left allows you to pop out the window so you can have a little dedicated window so you have to keep filling with the extension there you can close it open back up you can also search your vault for whatever is in your vault it'll show up if you click it it'll open the item so you can do the exact same thing and close it there you can open the url there copy the username with the person icon and the key is a copy the password the x button clears it out right next to the tab will be the vault my vault you can see everything that's inside your vaults you have your types you have a login that's for you all your passwords and such you haven't put your credit cards in there so if you have a credit card you can add it there it makes a little bit quicker for checkout like we did with the identity you know accidentally fat finger your credit card number uh a little bit easier for everybody and the identity we already created it's your actual clicking it will show the identity you created makes filling out forms and check out a lot easier and secure notes you can put whatever you want there it's just a place to dump notes like a maybe like a like a family recipe or something you want to save in there you can name it put the note there press the save button at the top right to save it clicking it will show it back up you can edit right there or a closed note so again like a family recipe driver license number social security number of you or your spouse or your kids just all can be put in there and remember it's encrypted it's encrypted with your master password alright and you can click on the login to view all your logins this is all the ones we created in this short tutorial clicking on one will show you the item where you can edit it and such next to my vault will be the generator you can generate a new password you can copy the password you have your options for a password or passphrase like i said the passphrase is for times you have to mainly enter the password it's easy to do you can choose different how many words you want you can have a separator you can capitalize it you can have a number wherever you want or just have our other password and choose a length that you want uppercase lowercase numbers you can all check them on off whatever you like just remember to do at least 12 characters of random password uh avoid going below 12. uh minimum numbers you can keep it up wherever you want normal special whatever you want one and one and be fine and i like to keep avoiding makeovers characters on that avoids letters like uh o and zero because they look the same it's kind of confusing if you ever have to mainly type in the password so avoid like zeros and only use o and avoid the ones and only do l's next the generator will be your settings you have your folders you can add a folder here name the floor where you want it makes a little bit easier to keep things organized inside the items you can sign the folders you have a sync sometimes you may have to mainly sync your vault make sure it's up to date it does it automatically but sometimes you can just force a sync if for my reason misses it then you have security and vault timeout this is when your vault locks so you can have it lock immediately when you close the extension one minute four hours on system lock on browser restart so when you close this browser your vault locks or you can set it to never depending on your threat level you can pick whatever you want there is a shortcut if you want to you can do uh unlock with pen you can enter whatever pin you want and right here this is a lock with massive password on browser restart so even if you have the pin enabled and you close the browser it'll go back to using the master password to unlock it but if you uncheck it your pin can unlock it even though the browser was closed to allow you back in the thing about the pin though the pin is not a replacement for your master password your pin does encrypt your data but the pen never leaves your device so you still need your master password the pin once again the pin is not a replacement for your master password it's merely a convenience factor if you enter your pin wrong five times it defaults back to the master password so you still need to know your master password you can also access your vault through the web vault to get to the web val you just go to at the top right there's a login button login so anywhere there's a web connection a web browser you can get to your vault webvol pretty much works very similar to how the extension works you have your items you can search a vault here you see your favorites anything that's in the trash your different types like logins the credit cards identities or go back to all items or your folder is down here you can create a new folder there you name the folder wherever you want now you have a folder if you want to put something inside the folder just go to the item that you want to put in the folder let's say i do reddit click on the reddit name and at the top here you got option for a folder click that select the folder you want press save then when you click on the folder over here you can see it's in there clicking on the item will bring up the item you can see the name the folder the username you copy it right there you can see the password you can also generate a new one you also check and see if it's any breaches this one's not tells you on the side right here totp code is for premium users it's a two factor code it's basically google authenticator for authy if you've ever used that before if you have the premium it will generate your six digit codes here change every 30 seconds you can copy and paste it it has more security but again it's a premium feature as of right now this video premium uh is ten dollars a year well it's well well worth the price uh or you get a family account of six people for forty dollars a year uh right now at the current price you have the uri so you have your reddit uh url right there you know you can uh everything about bitworn you can add another url so maybe reddit went by different name right at and they have two urls so you can put them in both in there so that both will both the password will fill in for both websites either notes there if you want to put notes or secure questions and when you're done with it you can press the save button or there's our favorite button there or we can put in the trash you can save it like that if you put something in the trash by clicking that it'll move it to the trash area right here and if you want to permanently delete it there's your option there but it will stay in your trash but uh forever until you actually delete it at the top you have your my vault this will pull up everything that's in your vault right there along with the gear item for more options you can add the item in your web vault through here the type and everything you need to fill it right there the generate button so you generate a password this generates a random standard password for you next to my vault will be tools your password generator you can import your data here you just select the whatever password manager you're using beforehand these are your premium features here but you get data breach for free where you can check to see if your emails any data breaches this is what's not so that's good uses have next to tools you have settings and your my account you can change your name your password hit there you can change your email here this is where you can change your master password you need to know the current master password once again you cannot reset your master password but you can change the master password because you know the current password that allows you to change it to a new one because your password password is used to encrypt your data below that it's also rotating my encryption keys i would not select that unless you think your vault's been compromised because it's pointless otherwise encryption keys this is more advanced area i'll just leave it like it is the default settings that bit worn selects are very very good uh this kdf algorithm is very good very it's actually the standard 100 000 standard right now i will leave it alone leave all the stuff rest alone unless you really need to delete your account but i'll leave that stuff alone you have your options for locking your web vault and the options to log out completely language and disable website icons that is just the uh these guys are here the pictures that show up as your website icons organizations you get one free uh you to another person that's it you get for free so if you and your spouse you get that for free and that's free forever or you can do a family account where it's basically 40 a a year or three dollars thirty three three thirty three thirty three cents a day a month at six users that includes you so that's you plus five other users and makes uh sharing passwords uh teams if you have a team or enterprise this is this is where you go premium which is 10 bucks a year right now in domain rules so if you have equivalent domains like ameritrade and td ameritrade or the sam you can add them here if you want to but that's how permanent you use the uh the web vault so i'm showing you how to use bit warning through the extension and the web vault there's another way to use bit worn you go to the download page you can download the actual application for your operating system just click on the one you need it'll start downloading it and we're going to install and click finish to run the application and just like the extension and web bot we got to enter our email and master password once you enter your email master password press the login button to log in and there's your vault it's pretty much everything you see in the extension in the web vault has all the same features you can copy check to see if it's any breaches see the password copy the password see the website go to the website click that it'll actually open in the default browser contact you there but but the application itself the board application you you don't need it to run bitboarding it's just something to help you out maybe some people like uh using it because they like to use uh copy and paste into the application so if you're using application on your operating system you need to get a password real quick you don't want to open the extension or log into web vault you can use the actual application itself natively and do that some people like it because it's better to yeah it's easier to manage your accounts just to keep it open in the background there's your edit button there you can add options there cancel delete copy or actually i'm sorry clone the actual item you have your four zero you can manage your faults some people like to use application but you don't need it to actually fully use bit more and it's just something else another tool to use with your account
Channel: Password Bits
Views: 129,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 30QqIeb1Pu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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