10 Best features of 1Password

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hello my name is paul miners and welcome to another one of my productivity training videos in this video i want to talk about my personal 10 favorite features about one password one password is a password manager i've been using for about five six years now i would say uh not just for passwords but for all sorts of private information which i will be talking about and today i wanted to highlight just 10 of my favorite features that i think make this a really good app to use on your computer and on your phone now if you do want to learn more about how i use tools like this to be more productive and more organized then check out the link for my personal productivity toolkit linked below where you can learn how to create a system for being more efficient and more organized in your life or in your work and whatever it is that you do so the first thing i really like about one password is that it's actually not just for passwords i mean that is its primary use is it's where i can store my login details for all of the different accounts that i use in my personal life and in my business as well but it's i think of it as more than just a password manager i think of it as basically a digital safe so i can use it to store things like credit card information bank account details i can store notes if i go down the categories here i can put documents in here drivers licenses passports social security numbers even software licenses and things so it's basically my digital safe for all of the important information that i might need and i would say from what i've seen with one password users typically people start off using it purely for uh the login information that they need to store which is great but i would definitely recommend spending some time going through these categories and just doing a bit of a self-audit of your life and all of your information and thinking about well yeah do i have any software licenses i need to put in here what about you know login information for different wireless routers can i store that in here let's get things like my passport details in here and this is a really worthwhile exercise to do because you never know when you might need access to some of this information i've definitely been filling out forms and i need to reference my passport number and so i can just pull out my phone and i have all of that important information ready to go it also means i can centralize all of the sensitive information in one place i don't have to use dropbox or google drive or notes or all these different apps for collecting and storing information some of which might be connected to third parties as well and you never know like if you've got dropbox connected to a third party do they maybe have access to some of these important documents and information about your life well if you store it in one password it's all encrypted uh people you know nobody can get access to this i don't have this connected to third-party tools and so everything is really secure the other feature i really like about one password is that it can suggest really strong unique passwords when you are creating a new account on a certain website so for example here i am on zapier i'm creating an account for the first time now if i actually do already have an account one password will suggest passwords that i might want to use to log in which is great or if i'm creating a brand new account you can see here it's actually suggesting a really long kind of cryptic password for me it's kind of a gibberish string of letters and numbers and different special characters and so i can just use that really strong password i don't have to remember it because it's stored in my one password and then the next time i come to this site to log in it's remembered that and i've got a brand new unique password for every single website that i'm signed up to and so this means that if one website gets compromised and the login information of this service gets leaked online then it's only that one password there that is compromised i only need to change that one login i don't have to go changing logins for my email and my bank and that is the risk that you run if you share and use the same password on a bunch of different services that you use so that's one of the key benefits i really get out of this tool is having that extra security of be having really strong unique passwords for every service that i'm signed up for another feature that i really like is that it can actually store one-time passwords for you as well so these are the usually six digit numbers that you have to input as well as your password and some services can text that to you but that's actually not the most secure way of sending that number to you because that is um if your sim card in your phone gets sim-swapped by a hacker where they get access to your phone number they can actually access and get those six-digit codes sent to them instead now having that stored in one password is more secure but also it's just quicker so here i am i'm logging into zapier i can choose the login details and one password is automatically going to fill in my one-time password for me as well so here we go it's filled in this number 544 690 that number resets it changes every 30 seconds and so i can just click click confirm and i can now log in i don't have to sit here waiting for an sms message to come through and actually i just demonstrated my fourth favorite feature of one password which is that it's very quick to sign in to different services we've all been there before when you know i definitely used to years ago have one password that i reused on a number of different websites or i had a couple of passwords that were sort of close variations of one another with a capital letter or a number at the end that i reused on a bunch of services sometimes i'd forget i'd have to reset my password it takes a lot of time just remembering which password that you've used i actually find regardless of all the security benefits that you get with one password it actually just makes logging into different services a lot quicker like i said i can just click the password and log in i don't have to go typing it out i don't have to remember which one that i've used i don't have to reset my password i haven't actually gone through a password reset in a long time purely for this reason and because i store a lot of my client passwords in one password as well i don't have to have them stored in some extra note or document somewhere i can keep all of those client passwords in my account as well my fifth favorite feature is that one password has been really well designed for the mac and ios platforms and it really takes advantage of a lot of different security features that come with apple devices so i can either type in my master password here to unlock my account or if i want to i could unlock with my fingerprint and so i can use the touch id on my computer to unlock the password or if i lock again recently one password updated their service to work with the apple watch so i can unlock and now my watch is asking me to confirm i can double click to confirm and it's going to unlock my account for me this also works really well in the browser as well so here i am at a credentials field i need to unlock one password it asks me to confirm on my watch i can double click and now one password is open and ready to go because my watch has already been authenticated by me so i can use my watch i can use touch id and if i'm on the phone it can i can even use face id to really quickly log in and so not only again is it making one password really secure it's using the biosecurity features of apple's devices but also again like my previous point makes it very quick to log in as well another feature that i really like in one password is the watchtower watchtower is kind of this uh one password's ability to warn you about any websites that you may have accounts for that have been compromised maybe where there was a hack or a data breach and the login information for that service is now leaked online um one password can actually notify you of data breaches like that so you can then go and reset those passwords so there we go compromise websites it can also tell you if you have vulnerable passwords if you've reused passwords in certain spaces and actually i've got a lot of client accounts in here so um hence why i've got some duplicate passwords here some of my clients do not follow good password etiquette uh if you have weak passwords that are too short too simple it will highlight those if you are logging into an unsecured website or if you have not yet enabled two-factor authentication for a website it can highlight all of these things for you and actually it's even got a section for um any accounts or services that you have that are expiring things like credit cards or passports that are expiring soon it can even warn you about those so the watchtower is kind of like the one password assistant that just warns you about potential breaches or how you could be more secure with your login details the seventh feature i really like is that you can set up different vaults so i've got vaults for all of my personal passwords uh where i store my client passwords passwords for my business a shared vault with my wife and my assistant as well so it really makes sharing passwords with the people in my life uh very easy or i'm just organizing passwords into different categories and so i can log into my one password account online i can control exactly who has access to these different vaults if i need to collaborate and share those passwords with my colleagues or specific people the eighth feature that i really like is the ability to actually recover my account as well because i have a one password for families account i can share access with my wife and share passwords between the two of us and it's really nice knowing that if i lose access to my account even if i uh forget my password my wife can actually log into our shared one password account and she could actually recover my account for me because that's always been a concern with a service like this is you know it really is a vault and if you lose the key if you forget your password or if you lose access everything important to me all my passwords lots of important information is now actually gone and one password cannot recover that for you the service cannot recover it that's part of their security uh but i have my wife who is a a user in my account and she could actually begin that recovery process for me and so it's really nice knowing there's kind of like this i want to use the word like backdoor she can kind of get me back in if i were to lose access for some reason another feature that i really like is just how well it works across all your devices that's kind of something you would expect in this day and age is that this syncs with you know my mac and my phone really well but i really don't want to understate that the sync is incredibly fast i can put a password in on my mac and immediately it becomes available on my phone i don't have to sit there and pull to refresh and wait for two minutes and so if i've set up a one-time password on my phone i now need that accessible on my mac that sync is very fast and so i've just been super impressed by that and um really don't want to understate how how good the sync is across different devices and the final feature i want to call out is just how secure one password really is uh firstly not only do i need my one password to get in you actually need i think it's a 24 digit secret key as well so even if i told you my one password now you would not be able to log in on a brand new device without my secret key so it has multiple layers of security uh it can also protect you against phishing because it will recognize the websites that you've logged into previously and so if i were to accidentally click on a phishing link where a hacker is asking me to input my password one password is not gonna suggest that password it's actually gonna warn me about that website i can even secure my one password with a hardware key if i want so if i want to sign into one password on a brand new device i would i could choose to authenticate with a hardware key just giving myself an extra layer of security and one password never saves your passwords to a clipboard so i do use a clipboard manager to copy bits of text around but one password will not allow passwords and usernames and things to be stored in a clipboard manager so as i'm using other productivity tools um you know there's no way for them to accidentally store passwords where they could could potentially um you know become vulnerable and so there you have it those are the 10 my 10 favorite features when it comes to one password like i said i've been using this tool for about six years now and uh i highly recommend it if you're not using a password manager at the moment i highly recommend having a look at one password for securing not just your passwords but everything to do with your your personal or your professional life it really is nice knowing that i can go out there into the online world uh knowing that i have one password watching my back and i am protected if you have any questions or comments or feedback please feel free to leave me a comment below thank you very much for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Paul Minors
Views: 34,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1password, password management, password manager, virtual vault, productivity tool, entrepreneur, 1password demo, 1password training
Id: _gkLElDiFnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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