How to get started with 1Password

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hello my name is paul miners and welcome back to another one of my productivity training videos in this video i'm going to be talking about how to get started with one password now one password is a tool that i've mentioned many times on this youtube channel in my blog and on my podcast it's the tool that i use to secure all of my login information that i use to log into the various internet accounts that i have i actually have another video on my channel where i talk about all the different ways that i use one password because it's not just for login details i actually use it for things like storing credit cards for just secure notes and information that i would like to keep private you can also use it for things like software licenses social security numbers basically any type of sensitive information that you want to keep secure now before we get into the actual tutorial i want to talk a little bit about why a tool like one password is so important to use i mean firstly i think it just actually makes logging into your different accounts much quicker and easier than simply typing out your passwords as you'll see later on i can just click a button and logging in is very quick so i actually find it it actually helps me log into accounts faster but much more than that it helps me to be a lot more secure with how i go about my online life and so some of the common sort of mistakes that people make with one passwords and maybe this is you is that a lot of people use the same or a really similar password for logging into all their different accounts and so what this means is if a company gets compromised like in the past we've seen companies like dropbox and linkedin get hacked where lots of user information is suddenly available publicly or on the dark web what malicious people do is they then get these sets of credentials and they try those credentials on a number of different services like gmail or different banking services and things and if you're reusing passwords that password that was leaked from linkedin for example may then get be the keys to your other accounts and people can get into your email and access all sorts of private information from there so using the same or similar passwords for all your accounts is a big no-no what you really want to do is have a unique password for every service that you use and with that is lies a bit of a challenge because how do you possibly remember if you've got different passwords for every account how would you possibly remember them well that's where one password comes in so every time i register for a new service i create a strong unique password using one password and it's usually like a 21 digit string of numbers and letters and special characters so i don't even know the passwords for most of my internet accounts and the services that i use they're all stored in one password and as you'll see later when i log in all i need to do is authenticate or unlock my one password account with the one password that i do need to remember which is the password to unlock my account and once i'm into one password the safari extension that i use can then automatically fill in the credentials on the account that i'm logging into so needless to say i highly recommend everyone use a tool like one password or something similar in order to be a lot more secure and safe as you go about your online business so let's look at how to get started with one password i'm going to just set up a brand new account here and talk through all the various steps so i'm going to register with my name and email now to authenticate my address i'm just going to paste in the six digit code that one password sent to me just so that i can confirm that i have access to this account now what i'm going to do is i'm going to set my master password this is the literally the one password that i need to remember this is the password that i'm going to use to unlock my one password vault so it really is the only one that i need to remember i'm going to make sure that this is a password i've never used in the past on a previous account i'm going to make sure this is completely unique and i'm using it for the first time now at this point i can choose if i want to to put in my credit card details to pay for my 1password account um i'm just doing a trial at the moment so i am just going to create the account and add my card later but what i would just briefly say on pricing is that i find one password very affordable for as you can see here three dollars a month you know about the cut the cost of a cup of coffee i can secure my digital life so i i kind of consider this like you know if you're doing things online and you want to be safe this to me is just a no-brainer in terms of cost three dollars i think is actually a bargain for such a useful powerful and well-designed tool i already have an account so i'm just gonna for the purpose of this demo add my card later now the next thing i need to do is to save my emergency kit what my emergency kit is is it is a record of my 1password password that i've created so i'm going to download this pdf and if i open this now let's have a look at what this emergency kit looks like so on here it's got my email address the email that i've used to create my account i'm going to write in here the one password that i use to unlock my account and you can see here there is this 24 digit secret key now what this is is this is a special key that you need to provide when logging into one password from a new device so what this means is even if i gave you my one password now like my email and my actual one password you still wouldn't be able to log into my account without this secret key and so it's basically just another level of security uh that you have on your account so that any anytime you're logging in on a new device you have to provide this extra layer of authentication and so once i've written down my one password in here i need to print this out and store it somewhere safe offline what a lot of people do is they put this in some kind of cloud storage like dropbox or google drive or icloud drive something like that but you you don't want to lose access to this document because if you lose access to your one password account or your computer you don't want to be trying to get into your dropbox account and ironically maybe you can't even log in because the login details are in one password so you don't want to be locking this document away in some online account which you can't access so my advice is print out a couple of copies of these and give them to trusted family members or friends so i've given copies of mine to various family members they have them at their homes and so if they ever need if i ever need to i can actually get access to my one person account uh via them and so if anything happens to my house and it burns down they actually have a copy of my my one password login details now i've actually shared only the secret key so again they actually don't even have my one password they can't log in but they've got the secret key i've got the one password in my head and so with those two things combined my account is completely safe now once you've created your one password account i would recommend following a couple of these recommended steps in here firstly download the 1password apps on the different devices that you use so here on the mac i would just go to the mac app store and i would download one password there's also download links here for windows and linux i've also downloaded it on my iphone and ipad as well so whatever device i'm logging in on i've got the one password app ready to go and one password makes it really quick and easy to log into a second device so what i can do is once i've got the one password app on my phone i can follow the instructions on the screen here and i can click here to show a qr code which i can scan with the camera on my phone and that's going to tell the phone and share the password the email address and the secret key so that i don't have to type those things out that long list of numbers and digits and things all i'll need to do is put in my one password and then logging into the second device is really quick and easy the next thing i would do is install the one password browser extension for safari or for google chrome so you can see there's the one password for safari link in here um i can i can download this and install it into my browser so you can see i actually already have it up here and this gives me a really quick and easy way to access my passwords and login details while i'm browsing the web which as i will show you shortly makes it really quick and easy to log into my accounts so once i've got one password set up and installed on my different devices now we can actually start to create some vaults and log and store login details in my account so you can see here i've you start with a default vault called personal now a vault is basically think of it as like a folder really for a collection of login details credit cards any of the information in that vault is secure and can only be seen by other members of that vault so what this means is if you have like a work or a family account like i do you can have a number of vaults and you can share them with different individuals and people so let's say i have my own personal vault maybe i use this to store information like my own login details for my email my internet banking my you know twitter account whatever it might be i could then have a shared family evolved which is where i share login details for my wife or kids to access so for things like the netflix password or maybe the login details for our um power and gas company any of those details that i want to share with other members of my family i can put into that shared vault as you're getting set up with one password i would also recommend taking a look at some of the settings in the smartphone app and on the desktop app as well so here i am i'm on the mac application i'm just going to go to my preferences here and i'll just highlight some of the key preferences that i think are worth paying attention to so firstly starting on this general tab um yeah in the menu bar you can see i've added the one password mini so this lets me easily access my passwords from anywhere in my system and there are some really handy shortcuts that you can use to lock show one password or fill in password information so it's worth kind of remembering those shortcuts because it makes logging in really quick and easy so the shortcut to uh pull up the one password mini and find login details is option command and it's backslash on the mac and so you can see i've brought up the mini here and then i can search for any of my login details like google and you can see it's got my email my password is hidden and actually it's got a one-time two-factor authentication password down here as well and so i can just find any login details any secure nodes credit card information from anywhere on the mac without even opening the one password app i can just use the one password mini widget here and so the next page in the settings you can control what you actually get to see in the one password mini and the page that it lands on on the security tab if you are on a mac and your mac supports it i would recommend turning on and using touch id and if you have the apple watch you can even use the apple watch to unlock your one password account so the way that works let's uh quickly lock my one password now rather than typing in my one password i can click this little icon here and you can see i can now go and use my fingerprint to unlock with my mac or my apple watch is actually asking me to double click to unlock which i can then do so uh yeah being a mac user it makes using one password really kind of satisfying to use because i don't even have to type my one password most of the time i can use my touch id or use my watch to unlock the mac which is to unlock the account which is really really handy um you can also check your auto lock settings here so i've set one password to lock when i go to sli when the mac goes to sleep or if the computer is idle for a period of time so again just reviewing these settings is a good idea you can on your accounts page actually be part of multiple accounts so i'm just part of my miners family account here but if let's say i was added to a work account like another business they could invite me to their one password account and i could manage access to all the various accounts here on this screen on the watchtower tab this is a really handy feature within one password you can set up uh different notifications that one password can send you for things like checking different websites that have been compromised so what one password does is it goes out to various services online um like to see if any of your login details are publicly available and if they are you can then obviously change those passwords it's also going to alert you if you need to set up two-factor authentication on any websites that support it and then there are a number of other checks and things here like it can alert you about vulnerable passwords that are weak or have been around you know need to be kind of reset because you've had it for too long so this this watchtower page is all about prompting you uh in terms of giving you tips for how to be more secure on the vault screen you can show you can show and hide different vaults in the app i mean i've um i'm just showing all of them and i've set my default vault you can play with the browser extension settings here um nothing really that i want to point out here and there's some notification settings that you can play with as well so go through the um the smartphone app go through the desktop app just make yourself familiar with those settings and um you know customize one password to your liking so let's now look at how to save login details to your 1password account and i'm going to start by showing you the process of registering for a website or online service and how we can use that to generate a strong unique password and save it at the same time so here i am i'm signing up to this online store and i'm going to put in all of my information my email address and then when i get to the password field one password is smart enough to recognize that i don't have a credentials for this website yet and it's suggesting here a strong unique password that i can use so i'm going to fill that in i'll just quickly put in just a random birthday here and let's create the account and you can see one password is now prompting me to save these credentials to my one password account so from here i can choose which vault do i want to add this to so maybe just my personal vault i can give it a name and i can even add tags if i like if i'm using a tagging system i've got a shopping tag so i can then save that login to my one password account now let's say i already have an account and i want to update my password maybe as part of setting up one password you're going to go back through some of your old accounts and you're going to change them from that one you that password you've been reusing a lot and you're going to set up a strong unique password well the first thing you can do is so in your account page that whatever account it is you're changing i've navigated here to the section of my account where i can change my password um i actually already have these credentials in one password but for the purpose of this demo i'm just going to fill in my current password and then i'm going to change to this suggested password and it's going to put that into the new uh the new fields and then i can click save and you can see what one password is now asking me here is do i want to create a new login item which in this case i don't i want to update my existing and so you can see here i can update my existing login details with the new password that i just generated so that's something you'll want to do if you are going to go back and change a lot of your old passwords simply log into each of your accounts that you're wanting to change and go through those steps to have one password suggest a new strong unique password for you and then from there logging into your accounts is very quick and easy like i said at the start one password actually i think helps me to save time and so i can just click in the login field here and because i haven't unlocked one password yet i can click here to unlock i can authenticate with touch id on my mac or using my apple watch if i'm an apple user and now it's suggesting here the mighty ape credentials and i can then just click login so just with a couple of tabs i can log in i don't even know what my password is for this account and i can log in very quickly without having to type anything now just to explain a little bit in terms of how that works if you're interested is what one password does is it looks at the domain that you're on in order to suggest which credentials to use so when i was back on this login screen let's go back quickly and log in again because i'm on the mighty ape dot co dot nz domain you see here this domain this website is stored here in my one password credentials so when i when i saved that password previously like you saw me do it actually stored the website address in that process and so when i go back to that website it basically looks at the domain and goes all right you're on my so here is the password for that website and so you can sometimes um gets a bit technical here but sometimes services will use different sub domains and things for login pages and so it might be different to the main website url but you can check all of those settings and add if i edit this i can add extra websites in here if i need to so that i get my password suggested at the right time the final thing i wanted to show you in this video is how to set up a one-time password this is basically an extra layer of security that you can enable and you've probably come across this before when you see different services text you a code or they ask you to set up two-factor authentication with some kind of authenticator app which one password is and so you can see here i've actually in my watchtower section of my sidebar i'm showing all the different services here that offer two-factor authentication which i don't currently have set up so here's a service thrive card that i have an account for i've logged into my thrive cart account i'm here on the settings page and i can see down the bottom here they've given me an option to set up two-factor authentication and the way most of these services works is they provide you with a qr code like this now what i'm going to do is go to the one password app on my iphone i'm going to log in using face id and then let's go to thrive cart now if i edit the login details for this account i have an option here to add a one-time password and i'm going to click the little qr code icon it's going to launch the camera there you go you can probably see me i'm going to point this at my screen and i've now scanned that qr code and i'm just going to click done and so now if i go back to my uh 1password account you can see the one the one-time password this six-digit code has now appeared in my login details and this is a one-time code that regenerates every 30 seconds now that i've set that up um actually the final thing i need to do is copy this code into this field and that basically confirms and tells thrivecart in this case that i've set up and i've enabled um two-factor authentication so let's now log out and let's see that in action when i'm logging in for the first time so let's sign in and you can see here it's suggesting thrivecart and i'm going to go ahead and sign in and it's automatically filled in my one-time password one password did that for me so you really see here what i was saying before about it makes logging in so quick and easy i'm not sitting here having to wait for a text message one password just fills that in really quickly for me and so that is a look at how to get set up with one password i've helped a number of friends and family members to set this up before my advice to people who are getting started with the first time is once you've created your account just slowly start going through your main internet accounts and the services that you use and go back and update passwords if you have reused the same or a similar password in the past go back and set up unique thing and unique passwords for all of those accounts so i would start with things like your email address your internet banking things like your google dropbox icloud accounts all those big accounts that our digital lives live on start with those and then you can slowly as you log into different accounts just take an extra step to change your password and very quickly you can start to secure and really improve the security of your your online digital life if you have any questions please feel free to leave me a comment below thank you very much for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Paul Minors
Views: 5,567
Rating: 4.8245616 out of 5
Keywords: 1password, password manager, 1password tutorial, 1password review, best password manager, password security, password managers, 1password vs lastpass, is 1password worth it, how to, password generator, password management software, lastpass vs 1password, what is the best password manager, password management, free password manager, best password manager for iphone, 1password app store, import 1password data, paul minors, productivity training, productivity tools
Id: 8UQnkKUgdHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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