How to undo a glued PVC fitting

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I'm gonna do a video today on how to save a pipe length in a joint that's already glued what that means is if you had like a piece of pipe glued into like this elbow for instance and it's glued and for some reason you messed up you don't have enough parts you can actually remove this elbow from this piece of pipe once it's glued so that you don't have to redo the work on down here or add a coupler this is the perfect example right here right there I have this linky fitting right here it's dripping water you see on my hand but there's nowhere to unthread it and then rethread it so that it's it's sealed properly so my best option right here is is to try to save this length of pipe unless I want to come all the way down here and add a coupler and redo all these pieces of pipe fitting so I'm gonna show you today how to save a pipe link it's really only something I use when I'm in a bind if I have if I'm at a facility and you know you're doing a job and you run out of parts and you glued apart in the wrong spot you got to get it off to finish the job and get the customers facility up and running in time sometimes a it's late at night and you can't go to the store and buy more parts so you get in trouble so first thing you gotta do is bleed off the pressure all right once you get the pressure blood off then start cutting what I'm gonna do right here is I'm gonna try to cut exactly where the end of the pipe ends into the fitting and it should end somewhere right around in here you can come down here as far as where the threats start to start cutting as well so I'm gonna start cutting about right there [Music] all right so the next cut you need to do is you need to cut in this direction I need you to cut all the way right down to the pipe but you don't want to cut into the pipe so you got to be careful then you're gonna have to make a few of these cuts all right I cut my channels into the - II just took my saw blade and made a channel nice and deep right down to the pipe and I did it in two locations right there and when I cut this off I didn't cut it to the right right to the edge of the pipe so I also made a little channel on right there and right there to help get this little chunk off when I start to I'm using chisel to chisel it off now you need to do is take your chisel and a hammer put the chisel right here and you need chisel off this piece right here and then once that's gone you just start working your way around see you there go I took off a nice section right there they're still gonna be little shards though we'll clean those up once we get the majority of it off this one isn't as easy because I'm doing it while it's in place but if you ever get one you can just take completely out for work on a workbench it's much easier let's get in there mostly you'll probably left with little pieces like this that you can just shave off once you get the big chunks off the chisel once you're done pretty much left with the original pipe diameter so you're gonna want to get off all the little boogers and sometimes if you have it available just use a little bit sandpaper smooth it all out get all the jagged stuff off all right now that I'm done cleaning this piece of pipe up getting it back to its original length in diameter I did go a little bit too deep on my chisels you want to avoid that but we'll try to make up with it for it when we glue the joint we'll use a lot of good I just gotta remove this nipple then we put the new nipple in put it in nice and tight and once we get that in good then we can reglue this fitting are you just gonna want to try to clean up your fitting a little bit get out any little you know pieces of hard water buildup or all the teflon tape then you seal it with plumbers reviews try to get that out then with when you're gonna screw plastic into metal like this I'll generally do about five to six wraps around the nipple with the thread tape if you're screwing metal into plastic it's a different story you can't use as many wraps cuz you'll split the plastic fitting you come over here and just screw it in try to get it nice and tight definitely use a wrench to come down alright now that I got that fitting in just need to prime both pieces up really well especially the one that we just cut out got to clean that one up and good so that the glue can hopefully seal nice and in another video talked about using you know clear glue clear primer this right here this is clear primer but I'm gonna use gray glue on this project because I'm gonna paint it when it's all done and from what I've been taught the paint is gonna help protect the the glue joints from the Sun and when we glue this joint we're actually gonna use a lot of glue put a towel down below because we need to make sure that there's a lot of glue in there cuz this has already been glued and taken off so you don't want to mess around with it you're gonna want to see that nice bead and glue all the way around the joint once you're done glue so that you know that you get the whole piece glued nicely so we'll let that set up and dry um but now it's done and little thing I'm gonna do now is paint it so that it it matches she's painted the whole valve assembly so it matches the house more doesn't stand out one other good thing to do on any joint that may leak like that any threaded fitting is to put a union this is a union right here looks like these vowels a lot of people will just glue them in both places the in and out I like to put unions so that if a valve goes bad all I have to do is unscrew two unions under the electric pole and then you can replace the valve in a few minutes instead of cutting and gluing and adding couplers and it's a lot of extra work unions are awesome in fact I'm probably gonna add one here so in the future if this ever leaks again then I can undo the Union here and I can spin this joint out then I can rework it if necessary as many times that I need to until I can get it to stop leaking
Channel: PVC Tips and Tricks
Views: 1,389,116
Rating: 3.9038792 out of 5
Id: j84ud2vBPhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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