PVC vs HEATGUN –Take Apart Pipes the Easy Way

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well you ever found yourself in a pickle like I am where you got to remove one piece of AVC that's in the middle of a whole bunch of other pipes but you don't want to take apart everything else just as one pipe here well how do you gonna do that without messing up the whole shootin match prepare for magic Elda Mills cameras on the fritz but he's ear coaching me and he helped me attach his GoPro to my forehead real good all right let's do the video de Mille the first thing we want to do is make sure the flow of water is turned off and working on my neighbor Margie's pool today your particular circumstance might be different and I'm going to make sure the valves are turned off so water doesn't go shooting all over the place make a mess a little little air out of this valve here just release a pressure and I mean some water's gonna come shoot now cuz I'm gonna hack on this pipe I borrowed this hacksaw from Helens bedside table when she was sleeping she's never gonna miss it I'm gonna pull this plug out here it's gonna help me get a grip on things once I start applying heat you'll see in a minute coming into action the heat gun if you don't have one there's a link in the description below I think this baby is once he got like 1500 watts probably puts out like about you know two million degrees or something get a user to heat up the joints of the PVC soften up that pipe that I want to yank out of there grab ahold of her with some pliers are channellocks and she'll come right out I'm sure we'd all rather the anchor stiff pipe golden brown like roasting marshmallows which when we was kids sometimes when we couldn't afford marshmallows we used to eat PVC but don't you do that dangerous not good for you as usual I'm wearing six pair of gloves to set a good safety example per the legal department I always want to make sure we got all the bases covered and I'm Erin 14 pair of safety goggles and some flesh-colored Kevlar and in case you're wondering it's one of my favorite things to do because who doesn't like breathing in toxic fumes folks up I'm kidding I'm wearing a full body suit and a government-approved respirator now I got to get at that pipe better I'm gonna cut this off here which could lead to an error cascade but hey it's worth it if you know what I'm saying to make these here videos one of these videos has had a like nearly 37 views you can just imagine the kind of money that translates into it was so much easier when you remove the obstructions and get yourself into a comfortable position which is pretty much impossible to do and so yeah get in there and you work at it there you go after several minutes of therapeutic in invigorating fun she comes out like a piece of play-doh folks I really mucked this up and really - this pipe here and you've probably seen the mistakes that I made let me show you how to do it the right way I'm sure Margie won't mind that I hacked up this other pipe it's all in the spirit of educating you how to do things I got the heat gun set on high I'm gonna check it out with your pliers see if it's starting to get some I cracked it there but it's not soft enough yet but I'll tell you what I do recommend working this thing from the top down and you'll see what I'm talking about you want to keep your heat to the inside of the pipe you're trying to remove and heat it up real good and give it a test to see if it's soft enough [Music] my half-brother Melvin's actually done this on a gas pipe once God rest his soul Melvin wasn't too smart it really does put off a lot of fumes so you want to take the necessary precautions I've seen a giant marshmallow rabbit dance by here on ruski laughing it eventually gets soft as rubber and you notice on this one I worked at it away from the outside perimeter of the pipe that I care about and finally without any gouges to the pipe you care about she's out it's really not that hard I hope that helps you out hope you learned from my mistakes this is murder himself saying keep it simple and I'll see you next time mother's service secrets is an artificial recreation of a natural goocher self show that ever existed sure do hope you like and subscribe
Channel: Merv's Service Secrets
Views: 63,899
Rating: 4.5218658 out of 5
Keywords: Remove glued pvc pipe, best method, stuck pvc, how to, how-to remove pvc, heatgun, heat gun, melting pvc, do it yourself, plumbing, pipes, stuck pipes, pvc fittings, pvc cement, easy way to separate pvc, plumbing tricks, pool filter, pvc pool pipes, taking apart pool pipes, taking apart pvc, installing pool pump, chemical reaction, dangerous fumes, heating pipes, melting pipes, explosion, flames, fire, heatgun vs egg, winter air, summer pool repair, summer air, hot air
Id: 9LU9OiPLKmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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