How To Get Rid Of An Annoying Neighbor With A Crayon

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hey guys welcome to another quick video from homesteading off-the-grid I'm sitting here this morning to having my coffee enjoy my beautiful view and I'll share it with you here real quick love to drink coffee up here in the morning we call this our campsite as you can see it's just the top section or middle section of the of our top field that we keep mowed down and keep a table and chairs put a tent up here when we want to camp have a fire pit there Thanks stare out across my vast estate as I refer to it it's really just it's the homestead it's not about to stay but it is to me so I just want to make a video that's a little different than what we usually make it's a video about how I got rid of a very annoying neighbor with the crayon and the reason I'm making this video is because I got a comment yesterday on a video we made about repelling house flies Chris W hello Chris W give you a shout out here he said do you have anything for annoying neighbors glass shared this briefly a little bit of the story with him and I just thought I'd share it with you folks real quick in case you're going through the similar thing it's kind of funny wasn't funny at the time we put up with an annoying neighbor for about the first year and a half that we were living on the homestead here the quick version of the story is that we bought the property from this guy's very distant relative and we live out in the country where a lot of folks and I mean no disrespect by this but a lot of folks are distantly related to each other and it was very distant but you know enough to where the bloodline was still kind of tied together somewhere but for years this guy had all this land you see it was his hay field is his third or fourth aunt or whatever used to rent the house out and he he would cut the hay and his parents live around here and they let him keep towels on their place and so he got all this free hay many of the neighbors just let him take their hay and that's really cool that's win-win right like the barter system they get free lawn care he gets free hay when my family and I bought this six acre tract out here in the country we bought it for us to use for our purposes I'd spent many years overseas almost eight years in foreign countries Iraq southern Philippines Mindanao and a lot of times I didn't think I was going to make it home I did make it home and I've very blessed to have made it home having gone through some of the stuff I went through which is I mean we're just I'm going to talk about it I mean there were times I just didn't think I was going to live to see the next day let alone make it back to United States but I did it was fortunate enough to be able to buy this beautiful piece of land and now live at peace there is no wars around me there's no famine I've got my beautiful bride our beautiful son and I'm living happily ever after well so we bought the place guy comes along hey I've been getting a hay for a thousand years I want to keep getting it and it was all waste tied to Tom I said okay you can get it the rest of this year we bought the farm in September I think there was only like one cut left I said but we're going to use the land for our purposes going forward that's why we bought it I mean if I didn't want to have all this land I would've bought a house in town I'll not have to worry about it but go ahead and get it you know this last time I appreciate you taking it off for so I don't have to have a bush hog well the guy didn't like that he let me know that he had been getting this hay for a thousand years and he was going to get it for another thousand years and by god the house is mine but the hay was his and it looks like a bully right this guy's like maybe 60 big guy mostly I mean obese he's not like you know muscular or anything and I just I mean I was offended as you might be I mean number one it's mine I bought it and my name is on the deed number two I didn't go where I went and do what I did so people like that could have the freedom to to act that way to somebody who just bought a piece of property especially somebody who had done what I done went where I had gone and did what I did but basically I come back to my country after years of just uh you know being over in those places and some guy that lives down the roads telling me he's going to take you know I can't use my land I just bought for the purposes I want whatever I'm getting derailed here so I even he went as far as to say you can even put up a gate and that won't keep me out well I did put up a gate and I put up some posted no trespassing signs because I wanted to take not necessarily the path of least resistance but the path that would result in less conflict I'm finished with conflict folks fought in a war and I've been in places that you know on paper it's supposedly not a war but things are going on that people especially in the West have no clue about in which we can't even talk about I mean some of us so but so I'm just finished with conflict I don't untie ting I don't want to fight anymore I want to grow my green beans and corn and have my chickens and watch my son playing the field and stare my beautiful bride the most beautiful woman I've ever been blessed with spending time with so I put up the gay put up the posted time this guy has his tractor he goes around cutting all the hay so we even started planting our tree lines which we wanted to do anyway to build privacy screens around the road frontage and all this well it didn't work I mean we never really shut the gate at first and if he saw salad come in he'd give me lectures like that fall the lecture would be about how I better not be hunting deer on my property better not be shooting no deer out here folks I'm within my rights to kill deer on my property as you know and if it's hunting season in the state of Virginia I don't even need a license as long as it's in hunting season then if I kill the deer I turn it in and I could get a damage permit in which I've been putting off and I need to do but I could kill unlimite unlimited ear out here there's so many but the point is here he is again telling me what I can and can't do in my property so we started actually shutting the gate and or he would wait on us when our kid would get off the school bus because his parents live across the road it was so creepy the school bus would pull in the bus would stop you know it's right on his parents driveways on the opposite side of ours so there's nobody there we're waiting on the bus bus stops kid gets off bus pulls out and there he is in his car with a lecture I mean guys this guy was the epitome of an annoying neighbor and the whole time the big offense to me is who is this guy I mean I'm an former airborne infantry man who went into really nasty places and did things that would give this guy nightmares and he's getting in my face talking to me like this it was a challenge because I have some anger issues there repressed but I mean a lot of you folks out there veterans and you've served and you've been in war and you know we're probably the last people to behave like this with but this guy was so just I mean I don't want to insult him he was being very inappropriate so it came to a head when we found a dog okay we were out for what we call a joyride we like to take joy rides out in the country especially in the fall when the leaves change colors my wife's from the Philippines my son was born in the Philippines they had never seen a deciduous forest until we got here everything was tropical and they were just so amazed when they saw these beautiful green trees become beautiful yellow red purple orange trees and so in the fall we go around we do these things we found a dog we found a little puppy out on this this old country road and it was like a little blue tick and it was maybe three months old no we weren't going to leave it so we brought it home and we never really had any intentions of keeping it long-term but we wanted to find a good home for it now we didn't advertise it on Craigslist as a found dog because in our area there are a lot of bear hunters you can see him running up and down the road they have their kennels and I just had the feeling that if I put out there hey we'd found this little blue tick puppy somebody would take that as look free blue tick another free you know free bear dog and they might come by and say oh yeah that's ours we lost it No I wanted to do what was best for this dog so we kept it for almost two months and we fed it we nurtured it back to health before we time came around that we were we finally put an ad on Craigslist talking about it how we found it we wanted to find it a good home and just to fast forward we founded a wonderful home a lady came and got it who wanted a dog for 12 year old son and they keep the dog inside they have a nice home so it's an inside and outside dog but it's going to be inside when it's cold in the winter it's going to be inside when it's hot in the summer so it's going to be treated very humanely which is something that's important to us and you know when you do the kind of things I did a lot of veterans will understand this you learned to respect life more when you I think no disrespect to people who haven't served but a lot of folks take so many things about life for granted but when you're in a situation where you could lose yours at any given moment on any given day and those around you are it just makes you view all life differently that's well whatever I got sidetracked again so that dog meant something to me you've probably seen some of our videos I say fish when they flood out of our pond yesterday I found some skincare I made sure to very gingerly put them back in their nest I mean it's just it's different I might not have done those things 10 years ago before I was in those places doing those things but it just all means something more to me now so anyway back to this guy while we had this dog we didn't keep it tied up we didn't keep it pinned up and it never left our property it went wherever we went and when we would leave to go somewhere it would sit on the porch and wait for us until we got back well we came home one day couple weeks after we got the dog and the dog was shut up in our garage we have an external detached garage of course its external but a detached garage dog was shut up so we have some wonderful neighbors and the only neighbors you can see from our house and that's even only when the leaves are off in the winter and I asked this guy did you shut our dog up was he on your property he said no not at all so we see the other neighbor again the annoying neighbor will call him mr. Jay just for purposes and his name doesn't start with the Jay so I don't want to embarrass this guy people I know around here watch our videos and I don't wanna embarrass this guy but so we're down at the bus stop the next day there's his parents driveway on the other side bus pulls in kids gets kid gets off our son gets off bus pulls away and there's mr. J lecture Tom now he's lecturing us about our dog leash laws which he was right their leash laws in our county and we're technically supposed to keep the dog tied up or something just lecture lecture lecture you know something else he used to do I'll tell you this real quick to down where we have our tree line I weed the ditch line on the state's right away with the road to keep it I mean I want it to look presentable I have a I'm very proud of our property and I when people drive by I want it to look good right well if I would go for maybe a week or so without weed eating it once it got tall enough to where it should be but I just hadn't gotten around to it he would take his bush hog and go down the road and push it down in our ditch line and just scour the earth all the way down it's like 300 yards and dig this trench into the land and then of course the next lecture would be that's the state's right away you can't do nothing about that because you don't ruin that I mean that's how big of a jerk this guy was being so anyway bus pulls away there he is he's lecturing us about the dog now by this time we had already put on our ad on Craigslist to get rid of the dog and the woman was coming so I told my wife I said honey I know how to get rid of this guy once and for all and this is about a year ago and this worked we've not had to deal with this guy for almost a year now she said how and I said you know the biggest fear among all human beings is the fear of the unknown she's like what do you mean and then I kind of you know I used the example like when I was in Iraq when I was in the Philippines you knew you could be killed on any given day you just knew it was a reality that wasn't the biggest fear the biggest fear was not knowing when that might be I mean you know the silence the calm became eerie because ok what's going on here whoo man I'm not supposed to talk about this stuff sorry I keep derailing in the wrong direction how the coffee so anyway here's what I did with my crayon and a piece of paper the woman came to get the dog she got the dog and I told my wife we're not going to tell this guy we got rid of the dog because what he would do you know the dog was shut up in the garage this went on for a couple of weeks we'd Lee would go somewhere we'd come home the dog was shut up in a garage we knew who was coming on the property shut the dog up in a garage and I had a feeling for some time that this guy every time we were gone he'd come on our property and just snoop around to see what we were doing we've been raising rabbits chickens we've had Gardens I think he's just walking around seeing what we're up to I don't think he ever stole anything I don't think he ever damaged anything I think he was just being nosy and he felt entitled and I cannot stand people with a sense of entitlement I worked for everything I have you should work for everything you have I mean that's just the personal belief of mine I'm not trying to sell me and that's just how I feel so anyway what I did is I took my paper I took my crayon and I wrote a big note it said smile mr. J you're on CCTV again and we didn't have any closed caption cameras on our property at all nowhere so I taped this sign on the garage door where he always came and put the dog and so this was the day after we got rid of the dog so we left and we saw his car up at his mother's house and only this guy's big winner 'right bragged to us when we first met him about how he duped the state into believing he got hurt on the job so he's been able to just get a disability check for the last 20 years and not have to work and you know gets freaked out spaced from his parents free hay from the neighbors I mean just take and take advantage take advantage take advantage entitlement entitlement entitlement and it's terrible I said it wasn't gonna insult the guy I guess I just did so we go into town and we come back and we never this guy we've seen him of course because he lives four miles up the road yeah he's four miles away and this is how you know much how crazy it is he was getting into our business but since that day he hasn't looked at us it's been a year and my wife laughs and we'll see him go by and we laugh we know he saw the sign and she kind of I mean she's from a culture that's a little bit different than ours I mean they're they'll tell you hey well first of all people don't go on other people's lands unless they're invited because they'll know they'll get shot or machete and if they do they typically don't get a warning you know it's not like in our culture where I mean maybe a hundred years ago that was the case but now I mean it's different so she asked me why did that work so good and I told her and this is honestly believe this I mean who knows what he's been doing up here and it might have might have been as something as simple and as innocent as you know maybe he pulls up in our driveway he's looking around and maybe he's got to take a leak and maybe he's just relieving himself right in the middle of our driveway or on the side of one of our trees or something something as simple as that that he thinks we actually might have on tape that he's so embarrassed by or maybe it's just him knowing he's not so he knows he's not supposed to do this so it's just a simple fact of knowing that we know that what he's been doing and he got caught he got busted and then of course it's a compounded fear of we now have evidence and what if we take this to somebody and say hey do something about this guy so that's kind of the long version this was supposed to be the short version but that was that's the full story of our experience with a very annoying neighbor that we dealt with for a year and a half I didn't want to have a legal battle with somebody for miles up the road from me I didn't want everybody out here in our part of the county though that's the guy who's such a jerk if you say hi he's going to go get a restraining order or no trespass order from the County deputy sheriff's or whatever now I wanted to take the path that had the lest the least amount of conflict involved because I'm finished with conflict I've been in conflict in the Middle East Southeast Asia I don't want to be in conflict out here on my homestead okay so sometimes with just a crayon and a piece of paper you can take care of an annoying neighbor and get rid of them once and for all like we did ours so apologize for any parts of this story that sounded negative I'm a positive guy I love people I love talking to people all kinds of people but you know I respect you I expect you to respect me also just if you cross the line I'll pull out my crayon so if you enjoyed this video please subscribe to our channel homesteading off-the-grid and we'll see you next time now give you a parting shot of this breaking up over the tops of the trees here on a homestead
Channel: Homesteading Off The Grid
Views: 5,068,006
Rating: 4.081512 out of 5
Keywords: annoy, annoying, neighbor, jerk, mean, bother, pest, pester, deal, care, rid, crayon, sing, trespass, trespassing
Id: IgpS1KgcIaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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