How to Bring NI-CAD Drill Batteries Back to Life & Make Them Charge Again - Ryobi

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a focused on your free will prepper I'm going to do a video here on getting some of these NiCad batteries back to life I just lost some footage so I'm going to kind of put some parts and pieces in there I had one of the four batteries they just couldn't get back bad cell that is go ahead and talk fit but you know if you go searching in certain places where people may throw batteries and a band to recycle them you may come across some for your particular drill now let me tell you this procedure owns only going to work on NiCad batteries and some guy can may have some special microprocessor controlled stuff in them or whatever these really ones do not so do this at your own risk it's dangerous but usually it will fix them so most people think that they get a memory effect on their NiCad batteries and that's not what happens knifehead batteries are actually amazingly they have amazing longevity like they never really go bad chemical reaction never goes away there's Nikon fighters have been running on satellites in space for 4050 years and they're still perfectly good batteries so what the memory effect is is a phenomenon that we discovered in an early days of putting satellites in space with NiCad batteries and that is on a NiCad battery if you charge it exactly the same amount and and discharge it exactly the same amount continuously in a repeated cycle that eventually it will memorize those levels and it won't just charge past that amount and it will charge more than that amount that's the memory effect and we discovered that on satellites where they're circling the Earth and snow till to the axis to take to effect up there it's in an orbit and it has the exact amount of solar power to charge every day an exact amount of discharge so they had to start making it so these batteries which just run five minutes longer before they charged every once in a while they have to just switch it up a little and then they won't get that memorize that but that's not what happens to you on your drill battery what you usually first start noticing is I take this thing off the charger it doesn't hold a charge very long and then you say oh you know what if I just leave it sitting here for a few days it dead when I come back it doesn't hold the charge and then before long you drop it in your charger in your charger starts giving you the flashing red light or whatever says it's a bad battery so on your battery you have an anode and a cathode and the electrons flow between those and when you charge them up it puts the electrons back on one side and then it flows to the other side right and when you use your tool and then take the electrons off of that side and flip them back on the other side when you charge and you know there are two plates in a fully cadmium separated by a small insulator wrapped around on a big circle inside that battery mixing nickel cadmium cells and so what happens is you get little whiskers that grow around the edges of this plate all right and this little tiny filaments almost microscopic and a few of them don't hurt you get a few more a few more and then pretty soon it's starting to create a short-circuit within itself not a big one that's still pretty high resistance that's when you notice your battery doesn't last as long it gets a little worse and you notice your battery goes dead on its own after it sits for a while when it gets really bad your charger says there is a short in this battery this battery is requiring too many amps to charge and shutting down so what we can do is give those batteries a huge surge of current oh all at once and those little whisker filaments right there will just go poop and the adult just explode and go away they'll melt down essentially and then your anode and your cathode is separated again your battery's like new all over again and it was important you know cadmium is highly toxic to human life so when they have to dispose of these things it's just a mess so if you can make your batteries last long as possible that's great send some from the landfill even better but I'll show you this and the I don't know how much footage I got the one battery that I was going to I put in the charger to say it doesn't charge then I went to go ahead and do the process and that was the bad one that wouldn't the process but work on the other 3/8 all worked on unfortunately I did too before the video and then when I grabbed the fourth one I didn't shows you first that it didn't charge on video but you're just going to have to trust me no none of these four charged they've been sitting in my shed since last year they wouldn't charge for how he knows how long before that and so you know I just had him there was meaning to do this procedure for a while and so you know now I've got myself a couple working lithium batteries I have a video on that one lithium battery that I just put out and three working good night at exactly so you know these all work five lesbian off of there these have been sitting for a few hours now they also have a good full charge and these were batteries that people were going to go away so this helps makes the money these battery packs are not cheap and naik ads will outlive a lithium and except for that whisker problem now the way you avoid that from happening is never store your battery topped off never keep them on the charger when that charges that it's maximum is when the whiskers really start to try to grow because we're trying to take more current and they can't into those little whisker filaments grow in there to bridge that gap so when I take these off of charger I run a little while let them run down a little bit you know take take a few percentage off of them and then let them set and you'll be a whole lot that are often your batteries last a whole lot longer in fact a lot of people start having batteries that don't hold a charge so then they just leave them on the charger that actually makes the problem get a whole lot worse a whole lot faster so enjoy the video I've gone for six minutes here for an intro but I wanted to do this because there's a couple spots where I thought I was recording it wasn't and just turned into a nightmare but I'm going to show you at least the process that I did and you take it from there it's risky it's not exactly what I consider safe wear safety equipment Jesus at your own peril to the stern wrist make your own decision you may say hey you know I'd rather just buy a new battery and I'll send that old one too frugal prepper and he can use it that's fine with me I will see y'all later enjoy a video but most people do is they leave their batteries on the charger and they grow whiskers so I've gotten two of these batteries charging over here now we're working so I'm just going to tell you what I do is dangerous I don't recommend that you do it yourself that it will blow those whiskers out in between the end of the capita or it'll blow up in your face how does it happen to me yet I got this battery I'll show you here here's the charger make sure you can see this okay so I'm going to put this battery think this is a little conversion is this blinking red won't take a charge like this is the one yes it already had charger so I'll be crazy we're going to take a kick our welder on low it's a little 110 volt welder we're going to tap this side with the negative cable here and then we're just going to coming here just like that for the welder off and we'll clean off this little burn marks drop it in here we'll make the wire out of it then tap her one more time four times so throw water off yeah trees are good and clean but when I may have to do is put a little Volt is in this battery assuming everything is not much sometimes you got to get them up to 20 volt 20 12 volts before those turns so go ahead and take my wire here is the eighth the adapter puts up about 30 volts put that they've got the knot tied on the positive side then boom little charger so you gotta blow this [Music] I only my meters dying that's okay that 19.5 here now one might not be favorable so let's try this keep my welder on low take my brown clamp from my Weller for the negative side of this guy like so here we go nice big third figure off right clean off the terminal here with the wire brush here she goes you charge it you see that they're blinking green so that one's going to be good this one I can't get to take a charge I took three of them working so what I'm going to do is hit that one more time will give a rare shot and this out and they get it over here well weld it on the wall turn off the terminals so that one just don't have that one I'm just not going to get back but out of three bad batteries they I was able to get three of them to come back so I might hit this one a couple more times put it through some manual charge charging with this guy see if I can't get it to come back the dad will kind of show you leak a little trick sometimes to give a little life out in your extra length on your batteries the highest surge of current coming through from the loader will blow those whiskers off now sometimes the anode and the cathode is too bad we're more than likely what happened on this one isn't cells on a nacelle reversal from being come run completely completely flat and eject could take us apart in our place to sell enough I'll worry about that I'll go get some more out of the trashcan or the battery recycling then and fix them up and have to have some more of it right now I got my lithium battery fixed it's taken a full charge in another lithium here taking a full charge and three high concentrate so I'm a happy guy but maybe that trick will help you all just be careful post wear some safety glasses and stuff when you do this I'm not recommending that you do this but if you if you did do it at your own risk
Channel: FrugalPrepper's Garage & Garden
Views: 1,535,518
Rating: 3.9401803 out of 5
Keywords: nicad, drill, saw, battery, nickel, cadnium, pack, bater, batery, cad, ryobi, craftsman, dewalt, bosch, hitichi, one, oneplus, plus, one+, whiskers, cryslals, sulphate, annode, cathode, welder, baterry, 18, volt, volts, voltage, charge, charger, chargine, charging, shock, excite, arc, save, money, revive
Id: MUfxuOv0ZKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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