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what's up everybody my name is Vince welcome to the channel and today we're gonna show you a very versatile tool that a lot of people don't know about like 99% of people don't know about and I could tell you when I'm hiring apprentices a lot of them that are there to do bulwark labor work they don't necessarily know how to read a tape measure all the time now if I was going to hire a direct apprentice I would want them to be able to read a tape measure but here's the deal I have contractors and professionals that been in the field for years and years and years and when they're like yo do we have a tool to solve this what do you have what do we have I always give them this answer over and over and over again and I'm shocked that they don't use this tool more often if you're remodeling if you're a contractor you ain't using this tool I can tell you you're missing out on a lot of benefits of getting the job done quicker with this tool I'm going to share it with you it's coming right up here's the deal everybody it's this tool right here and I know what you're gonna say you're gonna be saying yourself out to five and one the question is do you know the five features of this five and one I'm throwing a little curveball at everybody because this isn't a five and one you're wrong already it's not a five and one this is a ten in one this has ten functions and features and quite frankly so many people so many people on the job fail to put this one in their tool belt their tool pouch and I don't understand it it has so many awesome time-saving features built into it I don't know why everybody don't know about it and why they don't use it it's befuddling to me now I know what you say Vince what are the five features why is it so useful how do I use it can I incorporate this into my remodeling game my contracting game my DIY game my home-improvement game how do i improve is there something else I've had use it for should I should I smear all make up all the ladies and some of the men out there could I can I shave with it can i smear pate oh my tongue with it can i pierce my ears maybe those are some other features I'll have to be the same can i pierce my ears today we're going to show you the ten features maybe even some bonus features of this tool let's start out with some of the most obvious and this is the deal a lot of contractors carpenters I asked them do you have a 5 in 1 a 10 in 1 in 8 & 1 whatever and they're like no that's a painter's tool this isn't just a painters tool this is it a lot of people have that misconception because quite frankly you can probably find some of the best 5 in 1 8 and 1 10 in 1 at the paint store at like a Sherwin Williams that's where they seem to sell them I will say this even at the Home Improvement big boxes a lot of times you're not going to find you don't find this in the tool Corral hardware section a lot of times they reserve this tool for the paint department I find that odd because it has so many uses not just for painters let's get to them number one you can use you can use this end here this end here sit you're looking we can use that end to pop open a paint can pretty amazing right look at that look at that okay we circle the can and I know what you're saying yourself well that's there you go it's a paint tool it's not a carpentry tool hold your horses we're gonna get to some of the other features in a minute but yes you can open the paint can and the best part is it's so versatile that you can open this one gallon can and you could even open this quart size of paint so basically that's almost like two functions in itself because you have two size paint cans open look at that boom one two we got eight more minimum look at that or it could be one you know pink can you open a paint can now I know what you're saying to yourself hey Vince you got those paint cans open what do I do now to close them well what you can do is flip your eight and one ten and one five and one around if it has and it should most of them do built in this hammer end to the five and one and all you got to do boom boom baby no those paint cans are closed and the closed up good we ain't could've have no paint drying out on our watch look at that oh man oh man unreal whoa I gotta tell you I gotta tell you I love with tools save me money unreal now look at that they're all closed up and they're ready for the next job or maybe touch-ups but because we used the back end we didn't have to go grab a hammer we have it all built in this one tool we close it with the back end we don't have to worry about these not being sealed up properly and the cans drying out the contents the expensive paint the expensive paint sometimes downs of paint could be $80 I mean why not spend the extra money on a quality five and one eighth and one ten and one to make sure those cans are closed up how do you close your paint cans and what do you do maybe you don't close your paint cans maybe you leave them open maybe money grows on trees for you and you let the contents just dry out I don't know moving on I want to I want to talk about the quickest easiest one here the problem is is that I just don't have a bottle no boy no brewskis cuz I don't drink on the job but it does have look at that all bottle opener built in quite frankly like could you use it - no you cannot use it to open the can you cannot use it to open it but you could use it to open a coca-cola on the job but not a beer bottle here's one you might not know about you might be saying yourself why does it have this little half circle half moon crescent moon why does it have this caught out okay for all of you not in the know you can use this to clean off your roller cover when it's full of paint you can scrape off that roller cover back into your gallon five-gallon pail okay get all that residual paint left in that roller cover which saves you money on paint before you wash out your roller cover awesome while we're still on the subject of paint a lot of times if you're going to be painting you might have to mask off some areas okay a great feature of this five and one eighth and one eleven and one whatever you want to call it is if you had to make sure you had really sharp lines okay all you would do is put your tape down okay and then you would use your five in one to position the other end so you get it precisely where you need it and then oh look at that perfectly masked off so you could use it as a straight edge for putting down your masking tape awesome another feature built into your five and one eight and one ten and one is this right here a nail puller if you needed to remove and now you didn't want to grab a hammer all you'd have to do is boom you could use that as a nail puller look at that built right in for you to just yank that nail another great feature of this ten and one five and one eighth and one whatever it is remember we showed you earlier that you can close your paint cans with this tool well if you look you can see see the texture you know what else you could do with this and it's been done plenty of times with this tool if you need to set some nails let's just say drywall nails prepping whatever if you needed to set some nails you can do it now obviously this is a little much okay you would want to pull out a hammer for this but if you had some nails that needed to be just a little bit more you could use the back end of your ten and one for that awesome awesome feature this tenon one actually has a feature that some other five and ones don't have they haven't included and I feel like this is one of them on the fly type things like you don't want to run back out to the truck you have this built-in slot it and Phillips attachment here now the good thing is is that you could if you needed more leverage you could just insert it back into your handle you could spin spin your screws wrap your fingers around it okay this is a Torx head this is Phillips this is just for demonstration purposes only now I will say this if you needed a slotted you could also insert the slotted in that direction and spin your screws so you're talking what are we up to here let's think about it we got one two three four five six seven eight we're already up to eight we haven't even scratched the surface yet of what else this tool can do another awesome use for this tool whether it would be here on the floor which we're going to use as an example or in plaster drywall masonry if you had cracks that needed to be chased before making repairs you can use this end here this end here to chase those cracks get in here and clean out any debris like I said whether it would be here on the concrete to prep if you're gonna fill this with epoxy or if you were clearing out a crack in in plaster or drywall that end there is perfect to get the chore done I mean look at this you want to make sure whether it is in the concrete in plaster in drywall masonry you always want to make sure you have a clean crack to fill another use for this tool while we're on the subject of cleaning would be as a scraper we could use this flat edge here just scrape scrape up this adhesive here right we could use it to scrape up VCT tile carpet tile ceramic tile this is a great scraping tool and another good feature is it has this nice rubberized arrow economic handle this way as you're scraping the tools less likely to leave your hand and less likely to Jack your hands up and create unbelievable calluses and blisters another use for the 5 and 1/8 + 1 pen in one you can use this for small patching small patchwork now you can use it to fill nail holes things of that nature small patches I wouldn't go trying to tape drywall seams with this but in a pinch to fill little holes this could work perfectly for you and finally another great use for the 5 and 1/4 the carpenter would be to use this to remove moldings whether you're removing the entire molding maybe you needed to replace just the cap maybe you're just replacing the shoe or 1/4 around in this tool because it's why of its wide head okay and leverage makes for a good molding removal tool and I feel like having multiple uses from one single hand tool that can help you make more money efficiently smash the like button also let us know down in the comment section below what do you use your multi-tool for if you've even heard of this tool before what do you use it for let us know down in the comments section below with that I want to say I appreciate every single one of your being here thanks a lot everybody we hope this video was helpful we'll see you all on the next one videos over but I know you want more so this is how you're going to get it first thing you need to do is pretend you're this guy and you're here at the birthplace of freedom now ring that Bell like it's 1776 and let all notifications drones you're not subscribed yet watch this video here here maybe over here see you later [Music]
Channel: VCG Construction
Views: 457,858
Rating: 3.0788355 out of 5
Id: bKiulQCiHw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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