How To Treat Your Partner | Kingsley Okonkwo

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whether you are single or not this one we help you I've summarized with all the alphabets A to Z different things you need to know about pleasing your spouse many people don't understand what the word love means I think love is a feeling love is actually doing it's not a feelings that doing so what it means is that when you go through this book you will learn from everybody knows ABCD I be in Paris give us a for Apple B for what ball so that's how this one is only that now the the thinks that the a represents are things should do to your spouse and they are different what I wrote for the men is different from for women and there are boots here let me let's take an example let me somebody's name in front passage a hobby that's s hobby so let's use s let's see what essays beautiful s for women what I told you in s is number I wrote the book I wrote three women she wrote to the men telling the men what they should to maintain the woman what did she do to man she B that's correct that's cool avi huh so that is not see a man with eating on demand no a man with teach women how to treat a man a woman with teach men how to treat a woman does it make sense so for s here may I - the women s here stands for sex men I'm talking about married people now let this sex be available as a 20 on time every time men's sexual appetite is generally higher than that of a woman when a man and woman comes together especially in a marriage you know I'm not talking about people are just dissing on sleeping around no I'm talking about marriage in this case now a man sees intimacy as sex that's how a man sees intimacy so it's very important that there should be enough sexual expression so as a woman if you are married please don't ever turn your husband if won't permit let me say this even if you are not in talking terms you shouldn't be but let's just imagine they are not talking please still at the sex believe oh yeah after I says can go back to burning him meliss is no good or sometime just give it an example okay I'm saying if you are married please be in you know let because they put a get mother never know what they are getting to they think they're getting to just plain when you enter married you are you are like signing yourself to serve another human being for the rest of your life it is livery only that it is not slavery by force it is livery by choice why this is a kind of slavery you are bound to that person I get what I'm saying if somebody gets what I'm saying it's not a negative kind of little but it's like you are you are bound to a human being forever for the s for the women what I watch my wife taught the men he said men women need security S stands for security women need security a woman generally is meant to be protected women need security what does this mean security in every aspect for instance financial security women that I may know based asked me first off is it is it that women don't marry Poprad us again he's the only rich brothers women marry yes Katya yes it's not because women are generally money conscious but they want security nobody wants to live a safe life and come an entire on safe life or dangerous life nobody wants to do that so guys it's honest I'm not saying you must always be rich mom saying she needs to know that you are not going to you know and destroy her life you're not gonna take her to to a level of life that should not be able to survive in you must at least have promise you must have the potential you know at least convince her that things will get better we may need security I guess what I'm saying and you will show it in how you are living your life if you a single guy now and you're always broke before the end of the month you're always going you are showing signs that where we marry things I don't get was women insecurity financially then a secret even from in-laws you cannot say you wanna marry a woman and you are somebody we have bills on your family I you keep quiet they're people that that tell me all the time that passed away my mother my wife are having issues I don't know who to support you don't understand you must protect your wife you are in a covenant with your wife I understand what I'm saying you cannot be neutral we men need security my wife noticed funny story here of a guy damn robust came to the house I said your money or your life she said take my wife take my wife she thought loss your money or your wife they say she take my wife praise God we may need protection they need protection they need to know that they security let me somebody assist him here who is in front here game buta please what's your name you look very nice Victor via B V for the women I told him that a man needs a virtuous woman virtuous woman for the Bible took a whole chapter to describe a virtuous woman praise God listen to me ladies this will help you quickly listen to me very carefully a an a hard-working woman is always more attractive than a lazy woman nobody wants to marry liability if virtuous woman is Amanda is high in both moral and mental capabilities the Bob said if virtuous woman is a crown to a husband's head she's in dust rose she's versatile when she comes into your life she's not just US government that they only know about her ordeal about Nils no no this one knows about business this one knows about different things about raising children this one knows about about education muslimah many areas she has developed herself a virtuous woman is always attractive in fact you know the idea Buddha I think you know the woman I see I can married a man that doesn't have money Shirley says I found my room under does he have money I don't know Mary liability not I'm looking for her money if I want somebody that's also financially responsible praise God these proverbs 31 woman she had she was running businesses she wasn't dependent on the husband's money if virtuous woman is high in both moral and mental capacities she smarts and she has high moral standards hallelujah yes a way you cannot dress because how you dress is how you are addressed there's a way you dress the kind of men you will attract I'm not your kind of men you want to attract forget what is raining what is the raining style you must know where what is raining where what is good what is descent if you keep wearing things that expose your body you attract men that are attracted to your body and guess what you will do they always see other women that I find that I dress in a way that a man has to know you for you not just that he has seen you from far he's only thinking of lost he can't even make a good sentence got my guy addressed he's confused just see a virtuous woman for the man DV is that women like a man of vision if you see as a man leadership is by force for you because even if you don't lead in church you don't lead in the office you don't live in your home bye-bye by default God has said the man should be the head at least in the home so leadership is compulsory and the key to leadership is vision what makes a leader for the first qualities of a leader is vision the fact that he can see what other people can see the Bible talks about the sons of a seka that they knew what Israel ought to do and what happened next he said everybody was at their command everybody followed them imagine if 10 of us are driving somewhere and I really want to lose the way what happens automatically nobody follows me that I refer to shouts they may not like my dress somebody follow me you like my English but they'll follow me I think I'm saying vision is what makes you a leader we men like a man that knows where he's going you might not be there yet to polish we must know where you're going I guess what I'm saying I've seen some very poor hungry looking men marry very fine girl and I say what did he see is not what he saw is what is no no what she saw is what she had I've seen those made advances but they cannot their vision they know where they are doing the division is strong in their hearts be a man of vision not just for yourself but for that family you must have a vision for where that family is going I hear somebody men like a woman of vision let me do one more yours in him I like you you really start powerfully was in him I came so I can stands for I I mean let's see what I say wait I am in a father's afterwards don't laugh Oh after H ABCD I yes I for women I told em men need intelligence I may need men need a woman that will stimulate him mentally it's not every time she talked about plate and food sometimes he wants a woman that can also carry on an intelligent conversation you know a woman that is only about looks that they can talk about they cannot they cannot go to the place and carry out a normal conversation about politics about sports about so you know you need to develop yourself mentally the Bible says in the in the message translation I want them the in our church all together put scripture DJ so I want the DJ to prepare we're mixing scriptures now Proverbs 11:22 DJ put it on the screen proverbs 1122 guys it man likes a woman I can stimulates him mentally you see these are the things that that makes two people live together but there are no more enjoying each other because they don't know the things to continue to do love can grow and love can die that's all people are your friends the families could be are your friends now I guess what I'm saying so just because we are we are in love he needs to be serviced there are things to continue to do that will make it to keep working ok thank you he says as a duel of gold in a shrine snap snout so is a fair or beautiful woman which is without words now please be careful translation for me you will see your cities did you do our message translation I like where they put it in message translation men need intelligence in a woman to make you stand out amongst order women it shouldn't just be your looks that makes a man give you attention your your mind should be so sharp that men like to talk with you hallelujah did you yes it says like a gold I want everybody to see though like a gold ring in a pig snout say so is a beautiful face on an empty head did you see that somebody thank you did you see this guy's he say I say go drink in a pig's snout that's how it is when you see a beautiful face on what an empty head this is guys so when she your beauty can attract him where's your sense that we keep him your ship can bring him boys your shop nests that we keep him so many just spend millions and millions and millions when I had a modest ass on head this is Brazilian I say better by the blunt good uses especially the head that's costing hundred and two hundred thousand I cannot speak Blasi no you have to add something to her money a beautiful face on an empty head men like a woman that was Tim a man likes to be able to take you out and the way you talk his friends will be impressed the first time I've I tripped for my wife or like we say in in in language I fell in love my wife I didn't see her it was duck they were unaware our mates were having a meeting and was that cuckoo does yeah but I was hear what she was saying I said I must come back [Laughter] so he likes him to take you out and when you talk when you carry out the conversation where they are people he'll be impressed know something about everything he must not know everything about something but know something about what everything so they say Oh does it miss this mess okay yeah that's mrs. baines's when they say system photos even gonna say pastel what does it mean and these know some basics ask your wife I mean I be actually your husband or your fiance you're driving rude they say that guy said what all kinds that just know some little knowledge no football no what offside is know what goal is no no the referees they accidentally I watch on TV reacts the lady that who officiates a basketball or handball who officiates and they give a option it's a number one referee number two umpire number three watch dog watch dog number one option referee zero number two on piyah number three watch dog that lady on national TV she says watch dog now officiate handball Abby watch dog referee umpire watch dog police dog men like a woman that can stimulate him mentally know who know what a PC is know what PDP is know have an idea what happen when you vote what ballot boggle have an idea men like intelligence for the women what is what I taught them in women like intimacy intimacy what is intimacy is talking about feeling emotionally connected to a person intimacy women like intimacy for men love is very physical but for women love is very emotional so because naturally for men men are not emotional so you need to learn how to be emotionally connected to your spouse sometimes a woman just to sit down and be looking at um be smiling if man does you understand what all but women like that you know - ah whatever you guys have yes women like it you have feeling emotionally connected women like intimacy for women sex itself is not just the intimacy it's what happens before and after the sex that is intimacy women most time to just use sex as a platform to gain intimacy sex for Muslim men is not the end points but for men just to have sex stand up and going no feel emotionally connected all right ha-have has conversations that is about about our life our future together she doesn't want to just be sleeping in the house with a stranger you just rush to walk a rush back and go and sleep and what needs no sometimes switch of the TV and just ask her how she's doing what's happening just focus on her women like intimacy all right I'll do one more than I'll move to something else let me see who is my friend this and this front side if your name will have a good alphabet herbs now if he's difficult when I don't do it yeah shake moved on s what's your name I hope not a before ya fash you say Natalia fashion should we take let me see anyone dies interest in our tickets okay F F me like friendship women into understand that a man wants you to be his friend if I do when the Bible puts it in the book of Titus or timid I think Titus he said let the older women teach the younger woman how to love their husbands the word love days how to be friends with their husbands let the older women that I experienced now teach the younger woman how to be friends with their husband many women sometimes think is their job to to steal the fun from their husband I've actually heard of a woman that broke her husband the ativy at home because the amount watches football so much that's not your job your job is to join him to watch you to know his club if he has a club B suppose you do too - bye Jesse just what I'm saying put my damn oh one behind i watch with him III I went with my wife because my club I support him premiership little bit i watch for the club I went for my ship is mass City I went from Lagos to Guam watch your life match in Manchester City with my wife she sat with me two pictures with what support in our club that's how to money be your friend don't say why are we good to watch much we're so sorry she she wore her own Jessie we bought when they were taking pictures watching the match and shouting as we're scoring that be your husband's friend if he likes to play playstation be buying it for him don't be say you always is not playing him sit down with him find out okay whoa how we clean the game where are we going who are you gonna find out don't know don't your job is not to remove him from the things he enjoys your choice your job is to enjoy with him the things he enjoys find some men like mechanic it's like every day is in mechanic follow him do you understand yeah me like that so it was like a mechanic every Saturday we have got to play honey so next Saturday back picnic baskets put a sandwich and some tissue actually we are you gonna use every wave I hear agree we are go to mechanic together well hang out with him enjoyed it thick I mean be be interested in the things he's interested hallelujah my wife is one that tells me they've started the match where we are winning they have scored us chief now she doesn't have to watch the whole match but she sneaks in watch it bit support a bit I'm going to something else but she shows interest and the things I enjoy her job is not to spoil the fun do you understand I get any somebody you looking for what to buying for christmas and new year but they you must know what he enjoys praise God my first motorcycle were my wife that bought it for me bobak you know my job is not to stop me from having fun ha job is to be involved in it so men like friendship they want a woman that is their friend hallelujah okay that's what men that have a big-screen TV in their house they'll still watch much in viewing center why because the wife at home doesn't know anyone doesn't know who's coming who is going free was offside so he want to come watch where people can talk to him okay so try and be a friend to your husband be friend on don't be a killjoy don't be somebody that yeah I witness Toby him not know enjoyed the things he enjoys for women he had F we said women like foreplay women like foreplay what does this mean women like all the processes leading to the main thing now by foreplay we don't I don't just mean sexually foreplay simply the things you do before the main thing women like the process that's what I'm trying to say here it's it is this also includes insects but not limited to sex women like foreplay if a woman is going to have a child all the process of when will get pregnant when we go front anatta when we go baby shopping all that process is part of the enjoyment but for a man doesn't know we're pregnant let's just have a chat now and be going no no be participate in the whole process once in a while take care yourself to dance in utter once in a while follow half for the baby shopping we men enjoy the whole process of life men always like to go to the main points women like foreplay even if you are married to I don't talk about sex so much I believe you're married women like foreplay like they said if you are plan to have sex with your wife in the night before please start from the morning how you talk to her how you treat her hallelujah if somebody gets what I'm saying there's a man the hardware a with his wife the wife said this man you have even tomorrow your husband was what you call me this man you don't have respect me this man so I'm not talking to you this is not square and doesn't the money then by night you were it was trying to torture then you I've seen who is that fool is I'm the one [Applause] [Music] hi I believe you enjoyed watching today's episode of love within a marriage I want to let you know that every relationship is built on love and the Bible says God is love so without an active and living relationship with God you cannot love the way God wants you to know if you for watching this program today and you are not born again you don't have an active relationship with Jesus Christ I like to pray with you right now wherever you are can you just say this prayer after me say Lord Jesus come into my heart I accept you today as my Lord and Savior forgive me my sin wash me with your blood I have received the grace to serve you all the days of my life thank you Father if I am born again in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen if you print us proud me you are now a born-again Christian look for a good bible-believing Church around you and let us know about your experience with God write us send us our details on the screen I would like to hear from you god bless you [Music]
Channel: Kingsley Okonkwo
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Keywords: David’s Christian centre, Pastor kingsley Okonkwo, Looking for Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo Message, pastor kingsley okonkwo mp3 messages, pastor mildred okonkwo, pastor kingsley okonkwo youtube, pastor kingsley Okonkwo Spiritual growth Message, pastor kingsley Okonkwo video message, Pastor k, Ldmwithpk
Id: 7S2y6KoSniU
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Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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