How to tell if your watermelon is ripe in 5 seconds

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hey guys today's video is about how to tell if your watermelon is ripe so when i first planted my garden watermelon and tomatoes were like the first two things i wanted to plant just because you know watermelon's almost synonymous with uh with having a garden so and we're we're in a hot climate so it's it's a perfect fit for us so i planted watermelon and i'd come out here and try to figure out if they're if they're ripe or not and so you go online and and there's all this different advice they're like okay well thump it and depending on the noise it makes if it's a clink it's not ready if it's a thud it's ready and so i'm flicking them and and trying to tell if they're ripe and i can't tell if it was a clink or a thud and so i had no idea you know and then other people say well sniff them sniff the watermelon you can tell if it's a watermelon that kind of smells like watermelon sniff it's kind of scratch and sniff it and i'm trying all these different things you know and some of them say pick it up and look at the underside and if it's yellow there's a yellow spot then it's ready so i'm picking those up and i just can't figure it out and so i'm in a house where i'm i'm kind of surrounded by two stories and so i'm out here in my garden and i can't be scratching and sniffing my watermelon and thumping it and picking it up and you know looking under it you know trying to see what's going on and get my head down to the ground so this is how this is the best way to figure it out without your neighbors thinking that you're crazy so it's really simple so you have the garden vine here this is a vine coming in from the plant and it's going this way and it continues on and here's where the watermelon is connected to the vine and on the opposite side there's always this tendril right here and this tendril this is how you tell if it's ripe so this one is green so it's not ripe yet as they ripen up that tendril will turn brown so let me show you another one so we've got another one here and i'm looking at it and this is where it connects to the vine and this is the tendril on the opposite side you can see this one is brown so this is the way they they turn brown they die from this end all the way back but you can see still just a little bit of green there so this one is not quite ready might need another day or two here's another one if you look at the tendril right here let's see just a little bit of green this one's getting really close there's another one over here how does this one look look at that one this is the tendril here's where it's connected and then the tendril right here is green this one here if you look this one this is a tendril that one's completely dead so this is a ripe watermelon right here that's how you tell it's as simple as that just come out and check the tendril when it gets to this stage you know you're getting close you just need to come out and check it every couple days and you'll be ready to eat watermelon and there it is guys i'm gonna go ahead and harvest that one back there and i'll cut it open and i'll show you what it looks like on the inside okay here we are inside oh it's still kind of warm so totally split open it's also a good sign so there it is look at that that thing is looking pretty good nice and juicy so there you have it that's how you tell if your watermelon are right thanks for watching
Channel: Dirty Gnomes Gardens
Views: 412,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GrhCiY2MgQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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