WATERMELON HARVEST!! - When Are They Ready?

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[Music] hey there farm and garden friends it  is time to harvest some watermelons from the   melon tunnel and as promised i'm going to take  you along but how do we know it's the perfect   time to harvest them there's a couple things i  look for and i'm going to show you right now all   right so it's actually really easy to know when  your watermelons are ready there's just a couple   things i look for now the first thing we're going  to look at are these green tendrils right here   okay you look for the little curlicues  coming out at the top of the stem   it's called the tendril and if they are green  like this it is not ready yet not even close now if we take a look at this one here you can  see this first tendril coming off here it's   just starting to turn brown so this one's a little  closer than that one but still got a ways to go   if we come up here the tendril  coming off this melon here   is right here this curlicue and it is completely  dead so that's a real good indication that this   one is edible and we're going to harvest this  one cut into it compare it to another one   so you can see what it looks like at the different  stages here and i think we're going to try some   one other thing i'll look for is if  it sounds hollow when you knock on it that one sounds pretty hollow that one's  getting there so this one's not far behind   if you come over here and look at this one  [Music] this one is completely green still [Music]   so this one's got a little further to go  [Music] it doesn't sound nearly as hollow either   now the last thing that we will look  for and i'll show you on this one   and we'll cut into this one as well as you look  at the stem now this stem is broken off because   stem has completely died now all right so we're  gonna harvest a couple of these buggers real quick all right so this is the one that  had the completely dead tendril okay the stem is still green  tendrils completely browned up all right i harvested the one that's got  the stem completely dead now these are two   different varieties but you'll still be able  to tell a pretty good difference i believe and then we're going to sacrifice this  dude here one with all green tendrils and we'll cut into that one that's the tendril  looks like for that let's cut into these all right so the first one we're gonna  cut into if i don't lose this sugar baby   is the one with all green tendril okay doesn't really sound nearly as hollow as that so  if i keep these buggers from rolling off my table   we'll cut into them so let's see  what this one looks like first let's get in there but it's still  pretty pretty light pink not quite there [Music] okay now we're gonna go with the one  that had completely dried up tendril nice round should be pretty delicious we'll see oh yeah look at that that looks a  lot better so you can compare the two big difference [Music] all right now for the sugar baby and you can see the stem is completely dried up if you really like them ripe that's  where it it's at with a dried stem   now you can see it's quite a bit darker i really  like them right here this is delicious as well   it's different variety so it's going  to be a little bit darker anyhow but we'll give them a try give you an honest honest  review of the differences get these burgers cut up this one  actually is making my mouth water this one not so much all right so the first one [Music] not bad edible   but has a ways to go for sure the second one  here with the dried up tendril green stem i could eat this all day [Music] that is perfect [Music] and then this is the sugar baby  with the dried up stem completely still very good pretty good but i gotta say it gets  just a little bit softer at that point   and i am a huge fan right here so when that  tendril is dried up even if the stem is not   dried up that's what you're looking for  in my opinion for the perfect watermelon again just my opinion this is delicious  wish you could taste it [Music]   look for the dried up tendrils and you'll  know your watermelons are just about perfect   and if you didn't notice our melon tunnel also  works fantastic for winter squash i had one of   my vines creep over and i thought i'd let them  grow up over here as well so not only is it not   only are we growing watermelons like crazy we've  harvested quite a few off we harvested all of our   honeydew and cantaloupe on that side and once we  were done with that we thought we might as well   let the winter squash grow up so we'll also be  harvesting squash from the melon tunnel as well   all right so it's really that simple i  know when i first started growing veggies   and melons that was one of the first things i  had to figure out was when was the right time   to harvest so with melons and squash just take  a look at the tendrils if that's all dried up   odds are it's the right time to get them harvested   so i hope you guys enjoyed this video go out and  enjoy some watermelon we'll see on the next one
Channel: Simplistic Farms
Views: 60,900
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Keywords: watermelon harvest, growing watermelons, growing melon in a tunnel, growing melons from seed, growing watermelon in the market garden, trellis ideas for vegetable garden, trellising vegetables, trellising veggies, watermelon harvest - this is the perfect time to pick, watermelon harvest!! - when are they ready?, Maximizing space in the Market Garden, Simplistic Farms, Simple Ain't Easy, Koadi Pritchard, Small Scale Farming, Market Garden Farm, Melons, Growing your own food
Id: 9cHy9wk845k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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