Watch Succulents Sprout from Leaves! Easy Dry Propagation for Beginners

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel uh a quick gardening video today I have a small collection of succulents and and and cacti and I want to show you a very simple method of propagating these plants they're the type that you you often buy in um in the shops in little fancy pots um and they're quite expensive 89 or 10 of plant and they are so easy to uh to to to propagate some of these uh have grown from seed but most of them have grown using the method I'm going to show you today a lot of them would survive in the greenhouse over the winter but some of them wouldn't so I have a tendency to bring them in each year and they're all over the house um but I'll I'll I'll go through the method that I've used in the past um and it's worked for me you can also buy the leaves um you could buy a packet of leaves people on the internet sell them um here's some that I've actually found on the greenhouse floor so you'll send off on the internet and somebody will send you a pack of leaves for quite reasonable price um we don't plant them I'll show you how to do it there's there's different methods some people it's called dry propagation you're picking a nice juicy leaf off the plant say something like this we will twist them off you end up with a leaf like this and then you leave them in a tray or in a sauca and there's enough water and nutrients in the leaf to send out a a new plant they call them pups and as I said these were on the greenhous floor um and then we'll just later on I'll show you we'll plant this and you end up with a new plant so you can either send off on on one of the online stores uh or if you've got these yourself you can propagate them yourself it is so so easy so let's make a start make a start with this this one so you get the plant and as I say well there's two ways you can do it you can either twist as easy as that and then we leave this as it is and then eventually the end will call us seeds will uh leaves will come sorry the the end will callous Roots will come out and eventually little ver of of this plant the the other way to do it we get the scissors would be to with a clean pair of scissors just cut off a an entire an entire stem like this and then you could just twist you're probably wanting the the bigger fresher leaves um but soon as I've cut this off we might as well use them all now and don't throw that away we we'll leave that as well so there you are they're all new plants now the best time to do this is in the growing season in the spring and and in the summer um but I find this time of the year a little bit um so there you go it's a little bit of a baron time isn't it for for for for gardening so I I usually send off a couple of packets of leaves in January and I do this or plant them up if they're a little bit more of an advant um Advanced stage um and it just gives me a little bit of gardening fun at this time of the year so I'm going to go around the house cuz I've got some gants everywhere and uh I'll collect some leaves and and then I'll get back to you in five or 10 minutes show you what I've got so this is what I've collected so far this is what we just did this is what we just did we'll get some more so twist and pull twist and pull to try and not damage the end CU then you need to try and get a a clean pull when you pull it off um but if they are plants you could do this any time of the year you find them on the floor you find them falling off and if you've got friends who have got them share the love I think that'll do for today so one of the methods for dry propagation that is it don't want to be in direct sunlight too much sunlight cuz it'll it'll dry it out um and The Roots as they come out will will will uh start to burn um that's it the way I've done it in the past then then you come back in six weeks you get your plants with the little pups on and you you plant them up but the way I like to do it is just lay them on some dry soil and uh save myself some work um as they start to grow you can just encourage them then towards the soil and then in a couple of months time you've actually got plants that you can transplant so we'll we'll move outside so a nice gritty compost that's certain that's dry remember they don't need any any moisture really because they should have all the moisture that they need in the soil probably not going to water them until they start until they start growing there you go and then told you it was easy for so there you go guys dry propagation of of succulents with leaves donated by your friends or from plants that you may have in the house already and you like so much you want to grow some more or you like me and it's probably the most exciting par out then for me is actually growing things often when I've grown them I'm ready to give them away and move on and grow something else it's a real thrill you can pull a leaf off a plant and in two or three months time you'll have a brand new plant I will come back to this um you're going to find a nice dry not too hot not too cold not too much sunlight a nice spot for it in the past I've put them in the greenhouse and by July they've they've been growing but I might try this one find a cool spot in the house and as say in 6 weeks or so we come back to you with another video and let you see how they're going and don't forget if you find any leaves on the floor in the meantime just pop them in your tray but uh thanks for watching if you have enjoyed the video hit the like button if you enjoy the gardening content or any of the other content then do consider subscribing but until the next time I'll say cheerio
Channel: garewalks
Views: 132
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Id: iOaGdyK0npA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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