How to Tell When Your Watermelon is Ripe!

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when I was a little girl in my father's garden it was one of the biggest mysteries when do we harvest melons and it's incredibly complex there's absolutely no guarantee but here are the two things that you can look for that will give you a really good shot at harvesting of ripe melon and its peak in its prime so number one that is not as good as number two take a look at the vines around it and you'll see there's the wonderful leaves there are these lovely little tendrils that will be associated right the opposite of where you have the umbilical cord to your watermelon and if that is still bright green likely this melon is not totally ripe yet if it's starting to dry down it is starting to ripen so that is a great indicator but my favorite indicator it's simply the pink tank Punk and here's what I mean listen closely there will be this gradation of sound from lowest to highest and when watermelon is ripe it has a lower pitch than if it's unripe the key to this is having a lot to tap on that way you have a reference point so here without further ado let me demonstrate so listen again this is the lowest so this is the pink this would be the peg and this would be the tank punk pink pink punk so I like to have at least four or five melons to have a sense of where that ratio that reference point is the more you have the more diversity and sound you'll get the more you'll see look this is definitely the lowest and you can't go too low if you go too low then the watermelon is overripe it starts to open up in the center and get those holes and the beautiful crisp flesh starts to melt a little bit so you can wait too long for a sure but yeah just start opening opening them up as well and I'm excited to share with you open these up this is our August ambrosia watermelon by the way and oh my gosh another key is that when it opens up when you put a knife into it it will just split open like that zero resistance so here we have a lovely August ambrosia and you can see it's a pearlescent pink melon so if it's the flesh color that is the one that you're after it's a good good sign because they're very pale before they're fully ripe so I'm going to give it a try I wish you were here with me then that is a fantastic watermelon so I'll open up this one now which had the pink pink hunk the one on the opposite end of the spectrum and look at that I put my knife in and it's just eight I still have to work to open it up it's really like not instantly falling it's still resisting the knife quite a bit still a nice color I'm actually surprised for how long I'll add it pink pink rather here we go [Music] yeah that's a decent melon way better than anything at a grocery store but not the sweetness not the richness of this so yeah pink pink Punk be sure to have at least four or five fruits the more the merrier and I'm so excited for you to go out to your watermelon and even you can even do this at a grocery store so there you have it friends nothing is a silver bullet to guarantee you have a spectacular melon but between these two signs and especially this pink tank song you're well on your way
Channel: Fruition Seeds
Views: 19,393
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Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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