How to pick a sweet and juicy cantaloupe melon | 5 things to look for | How to cut cantaloupe

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hey guys welcome to another video here on food chain TV so you're at the grocery store and you want to choose the perfect most juicy delicious cantaloupe but you're not sure how to do it well I'm gonna share the five steps or the five things that you need to look for to choose that perfect sweet cantaloupe stay tuned now before we get started I just want to point out that these ones here are actually called Eastern cantaloupe okay and they're also called musk melon and they're different from the other ones that we normally get during the year from the West Coast those are called Western melons and they're the really round really pretty looking ones okay but these are different these are the Eastern cantaloupes So today we're talking about the eastern cantaloupe so the first thing that you want to look for is the color now they should be beige some of them can be a little brown now they should not be green and they shouldn't have any black or green mold on them that's for sure so keep in mind that Eastern cantaloupes are ugly and Western cantaloupes are pretty so these ones they don't have to look like little supermodels the second thing that you're going to look for is the netting okay all that rough stuff on the outside of the melon skin that's called netting and when you rub it it should feel pretty rough okay if it's smooth that means the melon is it's still not ripe enough a ripe melon will have a pretty rough netting so uh you know just sit there and just rub the melons and if people look at you you just you just keep on rubbing your melons okay the third thing that you're looking for after you're finished rubbing your melons is the stem now the stem should be indented it should go into the cantaloupe somewhat so you should be able to you know stick your finger in it and you're looking for that little indentation that's another sign of a nice ripe melon the fourth thing that you're looking for is the weight of the cantaloupe you should choose a cantaloupe that seems almost a little too heavy for its size so you know you just pick them up and feel them a lightweight cantaloupe is either still green or it's too old and dried out so you want heavy okay heavier is better so the fifth thing I'm going to tell you is actually the most important indicator of a juicy sweet ripe melon and that is how it smells a musk melon or an Eastern cantaloupe you can smell that thing across the room I mean just pick it up smell it it has so much Aroma that it will almost tell you like you can almost smell what it's going to taste like okay so if you do nothing else at least smell it in the next part of this video we're going to go to the kitchen and I'm going to cut a couple of these open taste them for you guys and then I'll show you how to cut them okay so we're in the kitchen and we have these two Eastern cantaloupes that I rescued I brought these little guys home uh and now we're gonna dig into them and see what they're like so I got two of them okay they both have the same characteristics except for a couple of things okay this one here has got a little bit of uh brown spots as you can see this one here is cleaner looking um however this guy here smells amazing I could smell this guy clear across the store so I had to bring him home this one smells pretty good don't get me wrong but this one here very very aromatic okay so again both very heavy both rough both have that little indentation right here okay both have very nice coloring but this guy smells so good all right so let's start with him and we'll give him a taste test and then I'll show you how to cut them all right wow if we had smell-o-vision you guys would be very pleased right now okay so let's um oh man look at this so I'm gonna dig into this so right away I noticed this is very juicy it smells amazing okay and let's take a taste wow okay very juicy very sweet nice and soft this is one good melon all right so before we get into how to cut this and clean it up and everything let's cut open the other melon it looks a little it looks a little neater and it smells good but it doesn't smell great like the other one here all right so we're just gonna here's the top by the way so from this angle you can see it better okay we can cut it this way straight down [Music] okay so this one looks a little neater but let's dig into it okay it's nice and soft it is juicy let's take a little tip a little taste here wow I'm surprised this guy tastes great but this proves my point if you follow my five guidelines you will get a really nice melon now how to cut a nice melon first we're just going to get a spoon and just scoop out the seeds just like that nice and easy and by the way those of you who are into gardening like me here you go free seeds these will actually probably grow into a nice melon if you plant them okay so I'm going to take a bowl here and just empty out these seeds all right now we're going to cut these I into wedges like this and then you take a nice sharp knife I use my chef knife for everything okay take the Rind off and now you're left with a nice little wedge of cantaloupe and you just cut them just like that and while you're cutting it you can also eat them so juicy all right guys thank you very much for watching this video please do not forget to hit that subscribe button give this video a thumbs up and let me know if you have any question down in the comments the more subscriptions the more thumbs up that I get from you guys the more I'm able to spend time making these kinds of videos just for you so thank you very much for your support and I will see you in the next video happy cantaloupeing [Music] thank you
Channel: Food Chain TV
Views: 309,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cantaloupe
Id: VaTatJK3a44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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