How to teach online with Zoom: Complete Introduction #teachonline #zoom

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hi this is Russell Stella from teacher training videos calm I've had loads of people asking me about zoom and loads of people asking me Russell and having problems with this I'm having problems with that so I've created a introduction to zoom but where I try to show you the typical things that go wrong now I've been watching some of the videos on YouTube channels and some of them are X and they really do a good job of explaining zoom but they don't tell you some of the obvious things that you won't realize and this someone explains it to you for example when you open up the chat window and begin to chat that doesn't mean to say that the chat window is opened on the student screen they would have to click on chat as well to open up their chat to chat with you now other systems don't work like that in other words if you change something the students also see it but not zoom so that is a problem sometimes however there are other things about zoom that are really good the screenshare functioning zoom is excellent so what I'm gonna do in these videos is take you through the basics get you started up share your link get the students logged in get you to understand the basic layout and then I'm gonna go into detail on some of the important things that is screen sharing that is video sharing that is the way that the layout and the chat works etc how you can control the audio there's a couple of really important things and to do this I'm actually going to do a few of the parts with someone else as well on the screen so we can actually kind of see a double interaction this videos take me ages I really hope it's gonna help you if it does please like it please share it with other teachers I'm sorry that it's a bit long please any questions leave them in the comment section and if you really like it then come and join me on my youtube channel let's get started now you will need to create an account in zoom your students don't need an account you will simply send them a link and they will be able to join your webinar one thing is I'm just gonna if you click over and have a quick look at the pricing just to make it clear from what I understand and it does seem that occasionally they change these things but currently if you're working in a one-to-one situation then you are not limited you can actually just practice for as long as you like and I've been practicing with this for hours and hours in the free version - to really understand how it works if you're working with bigger groups of between three and eight students you are limited to only 45 minutes but the free plan can be a good way to start because you can at least practice and make sure that you know how to work with zoom so that so I've got an account so I'm just going to jump over to my account so we can actually start now to create straightaway our first actual zoom and to do that all I need to do when you click on my account is click on schedule a meeting that's the easiest way to do it schedule a meeting and we're going to create a meeting and get someone in the class quickly so I'm just gonna write in a quick meeting with Keith okay so as I said I'm gonna meet up with a friend of mine in a minute and go through a lesson with him so that we've got both the teacher view and the student view I don't need to put anything else the only thing I need to do is choose the date choose the time which you can do that from here decide how long it's going to be so for example whether you're going to do it for one or two hours make sure that you've got the right time zone for you and a couple of little tips now to really help you with this if you come down here my tip to you is set it so host that's the person that's actually setting up the zoom is on video but that the participants aren't if you've got ten fifteen to twenty students in the class and they've all got their webcams on this is really gonna slow down the quality of the zoom so my tip to you is not to do that you can turn on they're all the aren't there videos at a later stage anyway so I always start with the videos off here you want both I very much doubt if any of your students are gonna telephone in but that would mean that actually they can use both telephone and computer for the audio come down to the bottom here a couple of other things to keep in mind this can be useful as well mute participants on entry why well because if you've got twenty students all coming in and they are all chatting then that's gonna create a lot of noise you really can only have one person talking at a time when you're working with a kind of webinar online classroom so my tip for you would be to choose that and then to click on save now once you've clicked on save there's a couple of really useful things first of all here is the link to the actual webinar and you just simply send that to your students but one thing that zoomed us is really helpful is they create this really simple invitation and I can literally copy the top part of that invitation because I know that my friend is going to connect on the link and just copy that and email it or paste it into a website or wherever you want people know that they click on that button and they can join your webinar so I've just sent an invitation to my friend I've just emailed him that invitation so I know that any minute now he's gonna click and join so let's start the meeting and to start the meeting we click here just click on start meeting now zoom does require a little plugin and so you do need to download the plugin onto your computer once you've got it you should see this button here which is going to open up zoom if you haven't got the plugin you will need to download it for the first time download and run the plugin once you've got a new computer you've got it but forever hopefully and therefore you'll just simply be able to start your zooms by clicking here so I'm going to do that and it's gonna bring me into a little window where it's going to ask me first of all to check my sound first of all click on this button and test that your sound is working so you can do this by just do you hear a ringtone okay and the second one you can say yes and then the second one if I'm going to change that and use this one here so that's yeah that's okay and then I'm going to say beside hello hello hello hello hello hello and yes it's working so I'm going to click on yes so now I'm ready now okay and this is the important thing once you've said yes to those you then need to click on this button join with computer audio this will come up on the screen join make sure you click on that because it's that that actually activates both your audio for hearing and for the speaking so click on that button and you should be started okay and hopefully come into the room okay we're on zoom now and I'm sorry that if you've got a ginormous face of me presenting to you and if I can turn that after what you can see and the important thing is when you roll your cursor over you'll see that the controls the most of the controls are at the bottom and I'm going to point out a couple of really important things first of all you can want to open up the chat window click on this button and that's going to open up the chat to the right hand side obviously that's going to be one of the quick ways that you can communicate with your students so I'm just going to click on that button now and you can see now it's opened up the chat window here on the right hand side so you can close that if you click on it again it's going to close but open it up and you can say hello and anyone that's joining your room will be able to see that so that's the first thing now the second thing is you have actually got control of your video just for a minute I'm gonna turn the video off if I come over here to the right hand side then if I click here you'll notice that I can click on stop video but I can also restart the video at any time okay by clicking here now let's go through some of the most important settings now another button that people get confused about is this button here again rolling down make sure that you click here because it's going to show you when participants join the room at the moment it's just me in the room and we'll be talking about that in a minute but in a minute you'll see that other people can join the room and that's where I'll see that they join remember you've sent an invitation out and all your student should be able to join the room and as long as you've got that button turned on you will see all of the people as they join and here is where your chat will be okay let's say that you've sent out your invitations but you've forgot to sent an invitation to someone and you've already got your room open is there any way you can quickly get the link to them well actually yes if you come up to the here on the left and click here you can actually see the invitation URL and you can even copy that so you can be in the middle of a presentation and quickly jump out open up your email and send the invitation to someone if you need to now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna log in on another account in another browser I'm gonna log in to my own zoom so I'm gonna open up another browser and log in using that link so that then we can start to see what the students see okay so I'm now logged in as a student and I want to see you to realize something if you look here first of all obviously the teacher hasn't turned on the video so we can't see the teacher but also the chatroom is not available and this is one of the mistakes that a lot of teachers make and it is one of the problems with zoom in other words if you as a teacher open your chat window that does not mean that the chat window is open to the students the students would still need to click here to open up the chat window to sue to make sure that the chat window is available to them so they need to do that and the same with the participants window okay so now they can see themselves and they can see their teacher this is a problem with zoom as I said it's not necessarily my tool of choice because there are certain things about it that I don't like one of them is that that you haven't got enough control over certain features you might do something as the teacher and think your students can see it and they can't so you need to explain to them that they need to click on both the participants window and the chat window as well to make sure that they can communicate with the students now in this case now we've got both of the windows open they can see themselves I've called me and the student is called Tom and they can see the teacher here and they can also chat by just clicking here at the bottom and saying hello everyone and that is sent to everybody in the room sorry I spelled everyone okay so really really important points and when I've been doing some training this week I've been doing quite a lot of individual training once I'd learned to use this technology that was coming up as a problem however there are some really good features in zoom in terms of teaching and we're going to focus on those in a minute okay so now we're going to start to go into the part where we're gonna do some live sessions with teachers so that you can kind of see what both the student can see and what the teacher can do and we're gonna start with me being the participant and my friend Keith being the presenter we're going to talk about the audio first because you can't have all your students speaking you've got to think about what you're going to do to deal with that problem you can get the students to raise your hand their hands and you can turn their audio on and I'm going to take you through that and highlight how we can deal with it so when you're working with the audio you'll see the list of your students here and the first thing is you can mute them all if you haven't muted them before they come into the room you can mute them all here and then you can just roll over a participant and you can either turn on or off their audio so that way you can say to a student when you want them to speak so they you could they can either do that in a chat window or they can raise their hand and by doing that they are able then you're you're able to say right okay I'm going to turn on the audio and you can now speak because you can't have all the students speaking at the same time let's actually see Keith doing that with me certain you want from here or I can turn you off right you wanna try that turn off your audio yet it's already turned off your audio I could do that right so that that's interesting for me to know this NC now I don't hear you but unless we turn you on again here yet then you go back again brilliant okay so that's that's really really interesting that that facility so there's seven so we talked a little bit about the things on the left hand side now there's a couple more can you turn at the moment you can see me on the webcam do you have the control to get rid of my ugly face yeah okay yeah I can you better get think of a sec with the video what got up here is that I can if you boy and I can put your hand down yeah I can't silence you into the video menu I can stop you look yeah then you just as a name so if you put in funny faces I'll turn you off if you're putting me off and then let's just see if we can turn the video back on again yeah I'm just done look before there we go okay then I need to click on that so that's really interesting Keith when you stopped me right and then I need you to and then you set me up to start again I had to click on start video to actually start that process yeah and I garrison obviously I'm running the Spanish system ok keen to come to one of the most important things now and that's the ability to screen share and the way that screen share works and this is really if you're a teacher this is perhaps the most important thing I'll give you a couple of examples why first of all if you want to play a video to your students you can open up the video onto your computer screen screen share Froome and then you need to click on one button to make sure that the students can also hear it and then you can play the video you can watch the video and they also see in the video and once you finish you just stop the screen show and it comes back to normal so if you want them perhaps to listen to a video and then to discuss questions the good thing about the screen share is is one of the good things in zoom you've got control so when you pause it it's pause for them as well not all screen sharing tools work like that now when you do screen share it doesn't just have to be a video I could screen share for example an exercise so I can open up an exercise onto the screen on my computer screen share it so the students can see it and then actually I can even mark that exercise I can underline things on that exercise so to screen share I won't obviously play my video while I'm doing this just to make it absolutely clear you come down to this button here click on screen share and what you need to do is you need to choose which of the windows you want to screen share so I'm going to screen share this tab because I want to play this video but make sure that you click on this button here okay because if you click on that button it will make sure that the audio plays for your students then click on the share button the video will open you will now share in the screen and you can click on the video samba language helping slave interventions and your presidented when you stop it stops for them as well you've got control this is actually one of the really good features about working with zoom and then when you've finished you click on stop and now you're back out of screen share that's the way screen share works but I want to just take you through a few more things let's talk about some other ways that you can use screen share okay so let's look at another option this could be with a document it could be with a picture again I'm just trying to make the point that you can screen share anything so I'm gonna screen share a PowerPoint slide and I'm going to click on share and open that onto the screen the students will be able to see this now but if I come up to the top here and click over on a note I can even choose to be able to draw on that screen so I can mark things as I'm talking about them and that can be quite useful okay now a little tip if you're on this screen for example and then you click on here and you want to move to the next screen so let's say I moved back to this one you'll notice that the drawing still on the screen so while you're on that screen make sure you come over to clear click on clear all drawings and then move to your next screen and then of course the drawings will be click out of the way I hope that videos was useful please come to teacher 20 videos com lots of more free videos and I've done a special section for teaching online and then there's lots of technologies along here that you can look at if you want to sign up and follow my newsletter that'd be a good idea you keep up with all the latest blog post and the webinars and the online courses and all the videos I put up and you could also follow me on YouTube and I've got quite a lot of subscribers on my youtube channel now around about 13,000 that's getting quite popular and you can also contact me from this white from this website if you just scroll down to the bottom if you want to ask me about online courses or online training I'm doing courses with individuals and with groups and hope that was useful and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 539,360
Rating: 4.9215207 out of 5
Keywords: Online lessons with Zoom, Teach on line with Zoom, How Zoom works for online lessons, How to teach online with Zoom, Online teaching, Online classes, how does Zoom work, Zoom 101, Understanding screen sharing in Zoom, Zoom webinar too, teaching online classes, how to teach live lesssons online, online english classes, Screen share in Zoom, online school, online classes, teaching online with zoom, teaching online courses, teaching online tips, teaching online english
Id: lvndgRlOH1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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