How to teach with Google Docs-3 ideas. #googledocs #googledoscforteachers

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how can we use google docs in our own  teaching and learning in this video I'm   going to show you three concrete examples that  you could do either online or in the classroom   really hope you like the video these are lovely  practical ideas if you do like the video please   like it please share it with other teachers  and I'd love to know of the three ideas which   one you like the best let's get started so  let's go over to my google docs and what I'm   going to do is I'm going to quickly explain the  first example to you and then show you exactly   how i did it so this was an actual class in zoom  so this was an online session but this would work   perfectly for homework or even in class as well  what i did was i put the students into groups and   i gave them a question which was they were teacher  trainers so i gave them a question to discuss   and then one person in the group wrote the answer  so each group had a group leader so you can see   that this group was for example was in room one  and then we got another one down here room two etc   now the key thing here is that i set up these  little boxes before i even shared the google   docs so that each group knew exactly where  to write so let me show you how i did that   and then let me show you how i shared the link  the important thing to do is to share the link   if you're teaching in an online situation  to share the link in the chat window the   students click on the link they've got the link  ready they've got the google doc open and then   get them to go into breakout rooms and to screen  share but let me quickly show you how i did this   so let me go back and create a new dock so  i click on new come to docs just click on   new document you just need a blank document the  best thing to do whenever you work with google   docs first thing is give it a name so name your  document just so that you can find it okay and   then what I tend to do is write the question that  I want the students to discuss here at the top so   I've written my question here at the top what do  you think of the flipped classroom as a teaching   method and I'm going to have four groups so what  I next do is I click on insert table and then I   can actually create five groups or five columns  like this I'm going to put here name of group   so then we can have group one group two et  cetera so group one will write here group   two we'll write here group three we'll write here  and group four will right here and then i normally   just move that over and then this is the space  for them to write their ideas now what i often   do as well is that i make it bigger so it  just gives the students plenty of space   to actually write their ideas in okay and also  let's hopefully encourage them to write a little   bit more so this is the way i set the google  doc up now what i do is i share that google doc   now it's really important when you share the doc  to click over here and you need to make sure that   you set it so that everyone can access it so  click here and change the setting to can edit   and then make sure that you click on copy link now  share that link if you was in the class you would   share the put the students into groups share the  link with them group one obviously will right   here group two will right here group three right  here etc if the students are working in zoom or   Microsoft teams and you put them into breakout  rooms then share the link before they go into   the breakout rooms tell them to click on the link  so that they've got it open on their computers and   then when they get into breakout rooms only one  person will need to screen share the document   and then they can all see it on the screen and  work with it so we're on zoom now I would just   paste that link in and click on enter so that the  students could then click on that link before the   actual breakout room start and then obviously I  would create my breakout rooms and that will mean   that when they get into breakout rooms one of  the students can screen share the document onto   the screen so that all of them can see it and then  of course they can start writing it and I normally   say to the person who screen shares the document  that it's their responsibility to do the writing   now when you finish the activity what you  can do is come back to the share button   and you can close it you can stop it so you  can click on change and just simply set that   to can only view and that will actually mean  now that the students can't write anymore and   then you can bring them back into the main room  open up the doc onto the screen and obviously   discuss what they've written and that's exactly  what I did in the example that I showed you   okay so that idea of creating the boxes is really  good because it kind of tells the groups where   they've got a right but now what I'm going to show  you is a really interesting trick that you can do   with google docs by simply changing from can  edit to can comment and a lot of teachers   don't realize the options that this kind of opens  up so I'm going to take you through a couple of   ideas now just a super quick 20 seconds break if  you like what you're seeing please come over to loads more free videos  there's a special section here on google and   if you sign up to the newsletter at the moment  I'm also giving away a 12-part training course   on how to use technology in teaching  and learning and there are no tricks   every three or four days I send you a video so  great to sign up to the newsletter you get updated   also with all the latest videos the blog posts the  online courses and the webinars I run right let's   get back to the video so if we look on the screen  now you can see that people have added comments   okay and there's a really clever way of doing  this so in other words when you've got a document   either students have written on or perhaps a  document that you simply want to present to   your students and then you want them to comment  on it you don't want them to actually write on   the screen but you want to add comments on the  side like we can see here perhaps questions etc   okay I'm going to just show you how you can  do this so this can be really interesting   the teaching situation you present a document to  the students or even it could be a document that   they've actually been working on and then  they can comment on each other's great for   peer feedback yeah so you present a piece of work  and then students can comment on it or perhaps   if it's a language teacher teaching situation  they can focus on grammar mistakes etcetera so   i'm just going to take you through how this  can be done let's say afterwards I now want   group one to comment on group twos and group  two to comment on group one and group three to   comment on group four etc and group four to  comment on group 3 which I could easily do   all I need to do is to come over to the share  button and set it so I need to change it again   but this time I'm going to change it to comment  ok now the students can comment on each other   now I'm going to click on done and just show  you a lovely technique so let's say that I'm   now in group two and I've read this and I want  to comment on this particular part here what   I'll do is I can select that and then I can  click here and add a comment and I can say yes   this is a good point okay and I can add that  comment onto the screen then perhaps another one   we're discussing more things and we think here we  want to add another comment and again we can click   here so this again would be group two looking  at group one's work etc here yeah I can comment   again so I often do this where I get the  students to comment on a piece of work   that uh perhaps it might even be a piece of work  where there's spelling mistakes or where there's   grammar mistakes for great for language work  but also great for example for questions where   you say okay I want you to read this article and  think of questions to ask so it doesn't have to be   necessarily a google doc that's been produced  by the students it could be simply a story   that you put on the screen on the google doc or an  interview and then the students can simply comment   and again once you've finished the activity you  can click on the share button and turn that off   when it's time just click on change set it back  to edit and now no more additional comments can be   added so this technique of selecting and then  clicking on the plus button is a great way of   making of getting the students to add comments  to the side of the screen the other nice thing   is that afterwards you can review the comments  and then you can actually just resolve them by   clicking on them for the last one I'm going to  show you a kind of technique that I use a lot to   get students to generate questions and again great  for language learning but it could really be for   any area of the curriculum and the idea is I'm  going to use the comments idea but I'm going to   do it in a slightly different way so let me just  take you through this now so what I'm going to   do this time is I'm going to grab this here and  it's text about me I'm just doing it because it's   going to save me time I'm going to copy that text  I'm going to come over and I'm going to create a   new document so I'm going to come over to docs  I'm going to paste that document in so we've got   the information there now what I'm going to do is  as well I'm going to make this slightly bigger so   that it just makes nice space out onto the screen  so we're going to increase the size of the font   okay just to make it a little bit bigger like  that now what I can do is this one I'm going   to get students to read this document so this  would be a great activity for homework but it   could be done in class get the students to read  the document and then to think of questions to ask   okay so for example let's say that I first start  by clicking on the share button sorry clicking on   make sure that you always give the document a  title so I'm going to call this one interview   very important make sure you do that because  that means that you can always find the document   then you're going to click on the share  button and you're going to make sure that you   set it to anyone can comment again so we're coming  back to that comment one now the students can come   on again working in groups or working on their  own it could be for homework and they've got   to think of questions to relate when they've read  this a good way of kind of really getting them to   think about the document in terms of reading and  say for example here i don't know as let's let's   say for example this one here i'm going to click  that and click on the plus button to say what sorry what did you win an award for   okay so you basically getting the  students to work with the document   and to think of questions to ask this works really  well if it's a story or if it's a context where   there's lots of opportunities to ask questions  so for example question here might be how long Sorry I keep making mistakes did you work at  Warwick okay Uni so you can really kind of   get the students to really interact with a text  and this time what they're doing is they're just   thinking of questions to ask can work nice in the  situation if you for example get the students to   write a little bio about themselves and then  share that with another group of students or   another individual and get the students to ask  questions again once you finish with that you   can click on the share button and then come  back down change that and then turn that to   view and now nobody can actually comment on the  document nice little twist on the comments idea   that I really have made use of in the past  particularly in language learning contexts   okay really hope that video was useful please  come over to as I said   please make use of the special section on google  loads of great ideas around using different google   tools if you want to keep up with my work  the best thing to do is to sign up to the   newsletter that way you get updated with all the  blog posts the webinars the online courses and of   course all the latest videos you can of course  subscribe to my YouTube channel I think there's   something like 65 000 subscribers now and if you  were thinking of getting me to do a presentation   for your organization you can contact me from the  website and on the screen now I'm going to leave   some other videos on using google tools that you  might find interesting and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 1,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Docs, Google Docs in Teaching, How to teach, Teaching ideas with Google Docs, online classes, google docs for teachers, google docs in education, online classes be like, google docs online tutorial, google docs training, google docs tutorial 2020, google docs tips and tricks, google dcs training, online classes gone wrong, google docs for beginners, teach online classes from home, how to use google docs, google docs online training, video tutorial, online school
Id: xaAmZxtjF08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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