How to Teach Online with Zoom | Online Teaching Hacks | Teach English Online| Online Teaching Tips

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how to teach online with zoom hi i'm eric from attitude and today i'm going to show you exactly how you can teach online with zoom i'm going to give you practical tips i'm going to show you lesson structure and i'll also share some activities that you can use with your students in class i'm going to be talking about zoom but i believe this is useful across different platforms if you don't know how to use zoom i've actually made a udemy course that i'll put in the description below i want to dedicate this video for dawn he was watching one of my previous videos and he said eric you really didn't get to the practical side and i totally agreed so i decided to make this video i hope it will help a lot of you out there busy with your online teaching i will also be focusing on teaching english online since i'm an ESL teacher here in south korea okay let's jump into it so as you can see this is zoom i'm going to share my PPT with you teaching with zoom by ear equation here we have what you will learn in this let me put myself over here i'm going to be teaching you practical online teaching skills i'm going to show you my lesson structure because structure is very important as teachers we know that we need routines in our classrooms for students to get used to and also for to make it easier for ourselves i'm going to be focusing on a 60 minute class most of you know that zoom has a 40 minute time limit for if you're on the free program but even with that I usually restart the class with my students and they know how to do that I'm also going to be sharing some activities and games that you can use in your class okay yeah guys if you have any questions you can put them down below if you enjoy this video if you find something very useful please like and subscribe to this channel the content that I'll be talking about I'll just move this a little bit for you so you can see well I'm to be talking about lesson structure inviting students for the class warm-ups that you can do pickers the lecture itself activities and some extra games before you start your class let me explain that in online teaching we use a flipped classroom model what is the flipped classroom model I know a lot of you don't like this but that's when you give students homework to prepare before class for online teaching this is very important because actually when they come to the class online because things are slower you should use your time effectively for practice and instruction you can give them vocabulary phrases things to learn before they get to class it will be a lot more convenient in class so a flipped classroom is essential for success in online teaching give them all the content that they need before they come to class so that they can use class to practice what do I do I send my students a video I send them five to ten minute video showing them the book going over some of the grammar some of the vocabulary that's important I explain some things and I also give them something that they have to prepare maybe a photo or I might send him some questions so that when they come to the class they are ready to work I'll focus on some of the grammars and phrases important vocabulary and I give them homework exactly like I said they should know what to prepare the video shouldn't be too long just five to ten minutes quickly explaining showing them the work the lesson structure now my usual lesson structure you can say it's 20 minutes for warm-up 20 minutes for the lecture where you actually explain things in class and then 20 minutes for a practice activity but actually you can break it down like this first you will check attendance and greet the students second is the warm-up where they can practice talking and get ready for the lesson then we have a picker a picker is a fun game that the students can play to get them excited about class they we have the lecture that's where you explain and talk about the contents in the book practice activity this is very important this is where they actually go and practice the work that you've explained in the lecture part of it and then finally we have feedback feedback is important because we check the students understanding and we can also help them when they make mistakes and other students can learn from that too let's look at inviting students this is very important I actually get all my students on a messenger app in South Korea 99% of the students are on Kakao and I know that when I send them a message within five minutes all those students will read it and see that's the problem with only using email or alum s it means that you never know how long it will take for the students to get it so when I send them that homework video every week before class starts or when I tell them that class is starting I send them a message in a group chat for their classes and it can be on whatsapp Kakao Line whatever your students are using you want to schedule your meeting you want to schedule your meeting I'll quickly show you here in zoom you can go to zoom you say schedule and you can actually schedule your meeting here when it is you can make it a recurring meeting every week don't use your personal ID it just generates automatically if it's for your students and you know you're only sending it to them you don't need a password but if you want the extra protect protection that's fine video host on participants on or off that doesn't matter you can use Google Calendar and you've got some advanced options to a waiting room what that means is students have to wait until you allow them to join and you can mute them when they get in in case they are loud automatically record the meeting that up to you and you can put it in the time and recurring meeting and the time zone I found that my students have no problem signing up and joining you can also add them on zoom' itself which makes it easier but it's all good one hour before class I send them a reminder I say guys remember class starting in an hour also remember what you have to prepare okay this is very important so that they know class is starting I think it's great that students in these times where they can just do what they need to we have a fixed time for our classes so they've got some kind of schedule to work around once I start the class they can actually join because it's a recurring meeting but I also send them the invitation so they click and they are redirected and we can start class one of the most asked questions I get is Eric video on or video off and I'm going to tell you video off for large classes and video on for the teacher many of you might say Eric this is counterintuitive we need to see our students to see what they're saying what they're thinking how they're responding if they're paying attention but based on practice I found that video off gets a much better response from my students see if you have large classes anything more than 10 students video is distracting it doesn't make sense looking at so many students at the same time if you have smaller classes it's fine but for larger classes it's very difficult to focus on all these different students it's unnecessary also the students are more comfortable they're more relaxed because they don't have to worry about their appearance they don't have to worry about people taking pictures of them so I say that video should be off for the students but for the teacher it's great that they can see you they can you can build a relationship with them they can see how how you speak how you make eye contact so for a teacher the video should be on so that they can actually see you and focus on you they don't need to focus on other people but make sure to train your students to be responsive I've worn my students I tell them guys video can be off but when I ask you a question I expect an immediate response and most of them understand it when I ask questions in my class they get back to me quickly and that's also because I ask a lot of questions in my class so they've got to pay attention let me say it again for classes I think it's way better to keep video off attendance so once you send them the invitation they will start popping into the chat and I ask them questions once they come in hi how are you doing how was your week what did you do last night what time did you wake up this morning did you have lunch just ask them questions also if something is wrong make a note of it and move on I think sometimes when students have technical problems teachers focus on that one student but I think make a note tell them to fix it continue with a lesson you don't have time to waste on students that have problems with their technical side and number three ask them questions I told you once they get in there start asking them questions ask them follow-up questions why do we do that three reasons number one you build relationships with them this is super important you know as a teacher you're supposed to close relationships work on that report even when you do it online it's possible to do it I mean it's just a conversation it shows that you're interested in them number two you check their audio you can tell them please raise your audio or there's something wrong fix it for me number three it prepares them mentally to answer questions once they come into the classroom you're asking them questions and they starting to understand that oh I have to ask the answer the teacher also it puts you in a leadership position by asking them questions it shows them that you are the leader in the class and they have to follow you this is important in a real life class but it's also useful for online warm-ups this is really fun every week I asked my students to prepare something for class it should be something personal because you know they want to share their lives learning is social and especially now that they are separated you want them to show that their lives are important and they love sharing interesting things about themselves with all the students I asked them to prepare photos just like Instagram I say okay everyone share a photo from this week and then talk about it or the topic for this week is my favorite so sheriff photo of your favorite food your favorite place your favorite parents whatever it might be hobbies let's share something about a trip for example last week our topic was the past tense and we had to talk about trips so I said okay guys please bring a photo of a trip that you went on either in Korea or it could be to another country they can also share things they do with their friends this is very important what I do is I put the students into groups and they have to share the photo and explain it in English and their partners in the group have to ask them extra follow-up questions for younger students they can do something like show-and-tell you can tell them please bring your favorite toy or bring a fruit talk about it what is the color what does it taste like why do you like it you know another great thing a game that you can play is scavenger hunt when the students open up tell them okay everybody find something that's red and you'll see them run around and grab something let's find something starting with the letter A I've actually done a video about it you can see it in the link below also you can send them a list of questions that they have to prepare for class not a long list maybe let's say three to five questions and they can ask each other in groups or you can put them with a partner how do you do that by the way let me quickly just stop sharing here so how do you put them into groups you actually go here and you can choose how many groups it will show you how many participants and you can manually put them in there too you can also move them around while you're doing that okay let's go back to share screen very important give them the speech I do this every single week I give them the speech what is the speech everyone this classroom is for practicing English when you are outside you can use Korean with your friends with your parents with everything but in this classroom it is your opportunity to practice English don't waste your chance I want you to practice asking questions using words explaining yourself in English does everybody understand and this is very important I do this every week to make them understand how great and opportunity it is for them to practice their language skills I also tell them not to be shy in my classroom I don't tolerate any shy students they have to actually be talking all the time to improve their English speaking skills and you know this is why I don't like only sending videos because right now many teachers are doing online teaching by sending videos by sending questionnaires by asking the students to send assignments back because that is not actually communication that is only one way teaching and that's not very effective especially if you tell me you're doing a speaking or conversation class without any speaking or conversation this is what it's for is actually communicating with someone it's something that really bugs me that teachers think that they can teach just by sending videos and call it a speaking class or conversation class let's continue next a picker game so after they warm up I ask the students to come back to class I will give them one minute and then I in the breakout rooms once they in the main room there are too many students to give feedback so I ask only a few of them to do that and we choose by playing a game it's a fun game to get them excited about class it also helps them to learn the platform look you can send the students a boring video explaining everything you can do in zoom they're not gonna watch it instead play a fun game for them to figure out and they love doing this for example when you're first starting class tell them please send me a thumbs up the first if you've got 12 students tell them the first nine people to send me a thumbs up don't have to share with the class so if they go to reactions they figured out and they send a thumbs-up or it's funny sometimes someone it gives me a thumbs up I'm like no no no no on zoom and then they start figuring it out and they get very excited another one you can do is send me a message especially if they're new to the platform tell them okay the first nine students to send me their names they don't have to and they start sending you their names or if you only have a small class you can if you have six students you can say okay so you don't say give me the order what number do you want to present in and they will send you one two three four five six another one you can do is you open up the whiteboard and this is really fun let me show you you say screen you go to whiteboard you share and you say okay everyone quickly write your name for me for example this is my name the first nine students don't have to do it you can also tell them they have to do it in text they can do it in different colors if they are in groups you can tell them to put you can make a circle like this you say okay let me do it like this you can say okay I've got three circles the first three teams to write their names in those circles don't have to do it you can tell them to use stamps you can tell them to put their names in places there are so many fun things that you can do you can even ask them to draw pictures to do that I also teach them about saving and doing it like that okay so that's really fun another fun one you can do is saying yes I used this one recently it was so much fun so I tell my students guys so the first nine students to actually tell me yes don't have to do it and it's so much fun you think it's easy but they're playing with it they trying to figure it out they send me messages they try and share the screen and eventually someone will say yes and you say oh this person got it right and seung-yoo they frantically searching because they know it's a platform and that way they learning about zoom it's super fun and I suggest that you use it in your class ok let's go back to this share that's a picker these pickers are great for getting the students involved in class first we started with the warm-up now it's the lecture part this is your actual part where you're going to be teaching what you can do is you can share a book now usually there should be an online book that you're going to use or you might use a PPT some form of or if you have the book maybe you can just show the book to the screen and you can work through it but most English teachers should have an online resource to use whether it be a website or PowerPoint I'm going to show you a PowerPoint that I use this is a PowerPoint of the class and I can actually go through this what you want to do is you want to get the students involved so you can say ok well this is all about expressing how we feel Jimmy Sarah quickly read can you read this for me can you read this for me can you read this this and then you can actually see the students you'll see up here where my face is you'll see a list of the students and you go through it and you ask the students to actually read this for you you can ask them questions you can say oh ok silly it's a it's a nicer way of saying stupid and we're going to be talking about boring versus bored and you can explain that to them then you can let them read this you can explain it I will ask him for example all this job is frustrating what is frustrating in Korean you know and they will guess and they will say it and that way some of the students that might not have known will know now yeah you just go through the vocabulary make sure they read it your and then you've actually you've got some listening game sometimes you can do and you can play it when you ask the students what they think what is the answer you go through these activities with them and what I also like doing is going through the grammar I let them read it I explained it to them and they also had to do this for homework so it's very important and I think they like this too because I go through the homework I gave them and they have to read it that way they feel that you know the books they bought are actually really good so that's the lecture remember ask questions let the students read and practice to check their understanding so at the end you want to ask them questions and make sure they all understand after you've done your lecture pot you can actually ask the students to do some practice activity so for example in this one there's some dialogue here and I will ask the students I want you to use this dialogue to create your own story with a partner so I will say with a partner you can look at this dialogue but I want you to put in some new vocabulary and you can change it a little bit to suit you and here are some examples of what you can substitute in there you're going to put them into activities this is the third and final part you can put them with a partner you can put them in groups it should be some kind of conversation that they're having because remember this is to practice their speaking skills so they have to you can do some problem-based learning where you give them a problem and you say they have to solve it you can give them scenarios they can substitute in the book and what you want to do is you want to check in with the students while they're doing it so what I choose to do so you'll see that if you open up breakout rooms you'll see a list of all the rooms that you can leave and join what I do is I stop my video and then I go to each room and I sit there and I can give them some guidance and I can ask them extra questions they can practice with me and then I'll go to the next room for an extra the next room and right before we finish I will send them a message saying one minute minute left and then I go and ice close the breakout rooms and they come back they do the activity they practice now they come back to their main area and each group has to give feedback I ask each group to do a conversation that they've practiced if there are too many students you can pick some groups to give feedback also remember to correct them and to help them see learning is social by actually having these online classes they are learning from each other and that's the problem that I have with only sending videos to students and only getting assignments from one student is when they make a mistake the other students don't see so they can't learn from it but if students make a mistake with their grammar or with their pronunciation I can help them and the other students actually learn from that too and that's very important then at the end of class review what they've learnt you can say ok everyone today we learnt about board versus boring it's very important for you to learn this remember that and that's to show them that it's important and they can actually think oh yeah we learned that today ok very important to review what they've learned then say thank you for their time say guys thank you so much I appreciate it I know that you could be out and it's really difficult doing this online thing but I appreciate it that you come to this classroom and that you're working hard because I can see your improvement and you say good bye bye bye everyone oh and at the end once class is finished the minutes after that I send them another message in the messenger saying thank you everyone for coming to class I appreciate it you know because honestly I like my students to think that I value their time and their commitment to the course let's look at some games actually I've been making quite a few videos on games that you can use you can use riddles for example I've got a video on riddles that you can use and templates I'll put it down below 60 riddles you can give them 5 and tell them in groups to figure it out scavenger hunts I talked her about before asked them to look for things in their rooms PowerPoint bomb games you can do this you put them into groups and you we share a PPT game with them I did another video about that you can look at that explain the word I did another video on that you give them a list of words and they have to explain that to a partner it's very good for them to explain things in English and then the great thing is that students can actually put off their videos and they can send you messages so you can play something like mafia where you send a message to someone and say okay you're the mafia you can kill someone and then everybody wakes up and they have to pick someone who it was so you can actually do mafia with them very simply and I'm also going to do a video on one night werewolf it's actually one of the best games that I've ever played with my students it takes them some time for them to get used to it but I'll make another video about that in their future this is almost at the end of the presentation so I just want to remind you that online teaching is real and it's here to stay look we're going to go back to classes real life classes will restart but online teaching will now for always be a part of our lives in some way or form because we can see that it works if done right and remember this is a very new thing for all teachers we are the first generation to actually get into online teaching so we have to share our ideas with each other and that's why I'm making this presentation to share some of my ideas and to talk about it and if you've made it up to here I want to say thank you to you because it shows that you are dedicated and you made it almost until the end yeah so I appreciate it yeah we have to share our ideas with our colleagues that is the best way to form a foundation for online teaching if you've got any problems put them in the comments below I want to know what problems you're experiencing with your online teaching also if you have some techniques that I haven't thought of please put them in the comments below I really want to learn listen I'm just one random teacher sharing ideas but I know they are so many qualified teachers out there with Fantana sic ideas that i just want to steal i've got a zoom playlist that you can check out it's all about online teaching and using zoom I've also got a course on udemy for if you're new to zoom and you want to learn how to use it you can check that out down below thank you so much for watching until the end I'm Eric and I will see you next time bye bye
Channel: Etacude English Teachers
Views: 35,390
Rating: 4.9721837 out of 5
Keywords: how to teach online with zoom, teaching with zoom tutorial, how to teach english online with zoom, zoom online teaching hacks, how to teach online, how to teach with zoom, teaching online with zoom, teaching on zoom, zoom online teaching, how to teach english online, zoom teaching online, how to teach online english classes, online teaching tips for teachers, teach english online and travel, teaching english online, teach english online, teaching tips for online esl teachers
Id: kBrTtSEP8go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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