Zoom-Make the lessons more student-centered-Practical Ideas #zoom #teachonline

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hi this is Russell Stannah from teacher training videos calm I've been watching lots of lessons recently of teachers and doing lots of teacher training and I did a big teacher training session a couple of days ago with a group from South America and everyone is complaining about how do you make a webinar or a live session especially with zoom or with other technologies how do you make it less teacher focused more student-centered so what I'm going to do today is focus on two brilliant tools and these two tools that you'll be able to use many many times not just for one activity but for loads of different activities two tools that we can use to make our lessons more student-centered and I'm gonna talk about a few techniques that you can use as well so this is a super super practical session on ideas that you could use for your zoom classes or the other webinar tools that you might be using as always please if you like the video please like it please share it with other teachers I think at the moment it's really important that we share ideas please leave any comments below I'll do my best to keep up I'm getting very many comments at the moment and finally if you like what you see please come and join me on my youtube channel I think we're up to something like 20,000 subscribers now and sign up to the newsletter on my website you'll be updating with all the videos that I upload with all the webinars I run with all the short courses I run the online courses etc okay let's get started really hope this video is useful to you [Music] so what we're going to concentrate on is techniques that get the students to go off and do an activity so takes the pressure off you for a couple of minutes then bring that activity back into the class and see what the students have done and then you can either use that for something or you could get them to do the students to do the same type of activity but in breakout rooms and I use this method all the time when I'm working with these types of tools so I'm gonna start with the first one I'm gonna use a great tool called padlet and you'll see that padlet is brilliant for brainstorming brilliant for project work brilliant for getting students to write on the screen and share ideas and then you can see what they've written and it's a very good tool because you can use it with young learners you're able to control it as well so let me show you an example with padlet now the idea of padlet is that it's like an electronic cork board so you can create the cork board share the link in the chat students click on it and they can write on the cork board it might be a simple question like what did you do at the weekend or name three things you do to keep healthy or name your favorite artist or give an opinion on something depending obviously on the level of the students I'm gonna minimize my screen and just quickly show you paddle a paddle it's here and you literally just click on make a padlet you create it and then you share the link and then the students right now I did an activity yesterday where I simply got my students in fact it was teachers I was doing teacher training to write their name and one person that I admired in history now we could then immediately come back into zoom open it up and see all their answers and then maybe we do an activity like well which person is the most popular or I then put them into breakout rooms and say now talk about the person that you wrote in the padlet and maybe mint you tell till three pieces of information about them depending obviously on the level of the students but this cork board idea is really really easy so I simply shared the padlet link and I'll show you in a minute how to make a padlet the students clicked on the link so I've got some time off the students are writing their ideas on the screen and I can actually in the background minimize the screen and look at what they're doing because he comes up live when I'm ready I can come back into the zoom open up the screen share open up the padlet click on share and share it on the screen with everyone and so one of the things for example was that we found that the most popular person was Jesus Christ in this particular activity so most of quite a few people had written that and then I could do something with this I could get my students now to go off into groups remember they've got a copy of this padlet because they've opened it up and then they could name the person that they had written and then perhaps give three pieces of information so I'm moving from a group activity where a bit of pressure has been taken off me to maybe putting them into breakout rooms where they can then work with this information this would work really well for example if you had things like name three things that you did at the weekend and then you may go off into your groups and perhaps add one more piece of information or the students ask you questions about what you did at the weekend there's lots of things you can do with these activities but the great thing about padlet is it takes the pressure of you I'm going to quickly show you how to make a padlet now you can create a padlet in about two seconds it really is that simple I'm just gonna minimize my screen and I'm going to show you some I'm logged in the teacher needs an account the students don't need a padlet account I'm just gonna click on make up at it so I click here and then I get all these choices now it's really worth spending a bit of time on these choices because the great thing about padlet is that you can use it in so many different classes for example you can have a map and then students can write things on the map so they could for example place places that they visited or places that they want to visit you can do a timeline this can be brilliant in a breakout room each student creates a timeline and then talks about perhaps a few events in their life or they typical day or the history of somebody you can use it also for back-channeling and that is where you're looking for opinions or a discussion on something you can of course use the chat room in zoom but bat-channel is also a possibility the one I use yesterday was wall I simply clicked on wall and all I need to do just move this out the way is simply write a question in here or a title and I'm going to put the question name three things you did yesterday right so basically I'm doing this is very simple close activity to get the students writing perhaps in a language practice English or French or whatever and I can just obviously put again here this the same thing in the description name three things you did yesterday that is all I do now there is a really useful tip if you come down here if you're working with students that you're worried that they might write something inappropriate you can click on this button and then it will first of all allow you to moderate them to moderate them is really easy you'll come on the screen you'll see them all over this and you just say approve approve approve and then they will appear but if you need to do that you can do now I'm not going to do that I'm gonna simply click on next everything's ready start posting I share this link with my students copy and I would come into zoom and share the link the students click on it now they would they would see this screen and they double click and they can just write their name at the top and then they've got to name three things that they did at the weekend so you can see now that I've written Russell I worked I went for a walk and I watched a film now another student might come on OK and double-click on the screen and then their idea will come up so tom is gonna write their idea now as I've said you have got the option here of uploading a picture you know linking to something from the internet etc but it's a brilliant brainstorming activity but what you need to think about is what you're gonna do with this afterwards is there something you could do that they could then move into the breakout rooms because there's something very special when they click on the link they now have padlet open so when they screen share in their breakout rooms the padlet will be there so they could easy open up their padlet everyone in in their breakout room would see the padlet and then they could talk about whatever they wrote so if they were talking about someone that they admired in history they could perhaps give three pieces of information about that person these types of activities padlet is a great tool the reason I chose padlet is the first one is that it can be used for so many different types of activities because students can share pictures they can share links they can share videos but think of activities where once the padlet has been created you can then put the students into breakout rooms and use their palettes of course another possibility is that the students work in groups and they create a padlet and do a brainstorm perhaps it's to give opinions on something it could be something as simple as think of all the words connected with the kitchen if you were working in a low level group etc so you know padlet is a great tool it's very flexible it can be used in lots of ways and it's so simple to use you literally create the padlet share the link students click will open another window they start writing and then they come back into the class you can then share the padlet that's one idea let's look at a few more I really encourage you to make use of padlet because paddle it does so many things you know obviously the students can write on it but they can even comment on each other's posts they can even vote on them which one's the best one there's so many different things you can do it's worth spending a little bit of time learning the technology because you'll be able to use it for loads of things when you're using zoom so what I'll do is I'll add some videos are in the description below to show you in more detail what padlet does so the second activity is very similar the whole idea again is take the pressure off you give the students something to do when they do that activity it produces lots of data lots of information that then you can open onto the screen and use for an activity maybe in breakout rooms okay so this time we're going to use a great technology again a technology that can use for loads of things it's called Google Forms if you have a gmail account you have Google Forms students can you can simply create a questionnaire let's say it's a questionnaire about students hobbies perhaps of what they do to keep fit and healthy so you ask them a girl to ask some questions you give them a survey they you share the survey in the screen the students click on that on the link it will open up the survey the students answer the survey all of that data immediately comes back to you and when you open it up it will be in the form of graphs and tables so then you can then show the students right this is the data that I've collected together from all of you from the questionnaire now I want you to go into groups and I want you to perhaps summarize information 50% of the students play football 30% of the students eat fruit every day 20% of the students try to get up before 7 o'clock in the morning that kind of thing they could just do a summary it could be a writing activity it could be a speaking activity you might start it as a classroom based activity get a couple of students to summarize some of the data and then put them into groups now I'm going to try and demonstrate this again this was something I did in a talk live the other day with more than 200 teachers and it worked really really well we did a really simple questionnaire but I'm gonna show you Google Forms and show you exactly what I did so let me quickly minimise my zoom we're on to Google Forms just to show you how I get to Google form if I log in to my Google account make sure you're logged in to your account just come here and click on your drive and that's where you're gonna find all your Google Forms now let me show you an example first of what I mean about these graphs now this was the questionnaire that I produced yes so really simple questionnaire it was with teachers I had a hundred and thirteen responses so what would you prefer to do teach online or teach face-to-face what accent do you like best there was two of us presenting so I was just asking which accent people preferred how useful do you think YouTube is for teaching and which of these languages sounds the nicest so I asked these questions and I asked them some questions also about the different technologies that they use now obviously this was for teachers but this questionnaire could have easily been for students lots of different questions that we can ask in the questionnaire we can include video we want them to watch your video and then answer questions about that or pictures I was just just simply doing a fun questionnaire but it could be a questionnaire about student study habits could be a question about their hobbies could be a questionnaire about the future what they're planning to do could be questionnaire about what they do to try to recycle and and help with the environment that's up to you think carefully about the questionnaire you make it's very easy I will show you how to make a questionnaire but first of all let me show you the brilliant thing when you get all these responses so I made this questionnaire I simply clicked on send and shared this link just copied this link here copied that and shared that in my zoom chat window the students clicked on it they started to answer this question all the teachers clicked on it after a couple of minutes I stopped the activity obviously not everyone had finished but if I click here now you can see it tells me immediately okay which would you prefer so most people would prefer to teach face-to-face some people would like to teach online people preferred my accent the other presenter was Donna she's American so the British accent come out on top there again it was just a bit of fun here I get some indications of how useful teachers think YouTube is and a lot of teachers it gets really useful and then we had a question about which is the most popular accent so it seems that French is the most part in fact no English is the most popular accent even more than French that really surprises me and we come down to here and we get these questions about how much people are using technologies now obviously that was just a quick survey just for fun but you can see that all of the information I could now screen share that and get the students to produce sentences for example most teachers do not make use of paddling for example French is the second most popular language so students could start to produce language and sentences they could be writing them etc based on the information in the questionnaire now they could do that in their groups as a breakout activity Orca they could do that on their own this is really powerful you could use this Google Forms for so many different things for example get their an idea about the students at the beginning of a course give them a questionnaire and collect some data about them what they've previously done to learn English if it was perhaps about learning English or I often use this to get feedback from the students at the end of a unit of learning so how much of the unit of they learn etc there's so many ways to use this technology I'm gonna quickly now show you how to make a Google Form so let me quickly take you through the process I'm just gonna quickly show you how to create a Google Form so best place to start is right from the beginning so you're logged on to your Google Account you're gonna come over here to the right click on your apps go to your Google Drive and then what you want to do is click on new and come down to more and click on Google Forms now what you want to do first of all with your form is straightaway give it a title so I'm going to call this my survey and then click over hit just so that you've got it titled that means that you'll always be able to find it in your Google Drive now now I'm going to come down to here and add the first question and the first question that I'm going to ask is what language do you like best simple as that okay now I'm going to put my choices in here so I'm going to say French and I'll put Spanish I'm going to put English and we'll do one more in fact what would do just to keep it simple is other so I'm just gonna clicking write other first question done now I'm gonna come over here okay that was a multiple-choice question I could have changed it to any of the other types if I wanted gonna add another question now so click here and I had another question and this question I'm gonna do is gonna be for example linear scale and I'm gonna say how often do you use YouTube just again I'm just demonstrating types of questions that you can ask you can do a lot of things here I will provide you with extra videos about using Google Forms and I'm gonna do from 1 to 10 and minimum is gonna be not at all ok so not at all and maximum is gonna be all the time okay so that would be 10 so it's like a scale type of question and I'm gonna make this an obligatory question I'm gonna make the last one obligatory as well which I can do so I can you can see I can make all these different types of questions I'm gonna click here again and if I add one more question now this time the question that I'm gonna ask is gonna be I will do a grid grids are quite good so I'm gonna ask a question here how often do you do these sports okay now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna have the row so the row on the on down words I'm gonna say football so play do these sports but let's come back and do that let's say football let's say running okay let's say for example go into the gym so we just put gym let's just do one more let's do so we've got swimming let's do swimming okay okay so let's change that question - how often do you do play these sports now I'm gonna put the columns now so we'll say never and we'll say sometimes I will say often and in this put for the last one could be for example every day I'm just rushing this through I'm just showing you how it easy now I can quickly have a quick look and see how my questionnaire is coming along so there it is which language you'd best how often do these suppose I should put a question mark it now and how often do you use YouTube so we put some questions in really quickly as you can see onto the screen and that kind of gives you an idea I'm going to close down the survey now just going to come back and just quickly edit that one you can add as many questions as you want you can include video you can include pictures once you've done your questionnaire all you would do is click on send go to the link and share that link and even make this little link shorter share that link copy it come back to your zoom click in the chat window paste that in share it with the students our students click on it and then they can answer the questions and then once they've answered the questions you would simply click on screen share and open up the questionnaire and look at the results and then discuss them and then possibly get the students to move into breakout rooms now Google Forms does loads of things like padlet exactly the same the reason I'm showing you this technologies is that you can use them for loads of other things so I've going to provide some links to show you how we can use Google Forms because it's even possible to use Google Forms for testing as well ok really hope that video was useful really as well as looking at what we do in the live session we should be thinking much more as well about what we're getting the students to do for homework and how we can link that in to the live session can we do activities where the students prepare activities before even for example answer the Google Forms at home or do some activities at home in preparation for the lesson and in future videos I'm going to be talking about that because really when it comes to teaching online that's what you need to understand one of the things that's happening a lot at the moment is there's lots of discussion around the live lesson and people are not talking enough what goes on outside of the live lesson and I'll be doing more video on that as well look out also for the video that I'm gonna do on Google Earth and zoom they work brilliant together anyway please come to teacher training videos calm if you're looking for more videos great section on Zoom great section on ed model great section on Google products if you want to look at Google Forms for example don't forget if you want to follow my work sign up to the newsletter that way you get updated with all the webinars doing lots of webinars at the moment the blogs and the online courses there is a free online course at the moment which is a collaboration between nyle and teacher training videos com really going well I think two and a half thousand students now on there and also you can sign up to the YouTube channel and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 162,922
Rating: 4.9514465 out of 5
Keywords: Zoom, how to use zoom, zoom tutorial, how to use zoom for students, how to teach online, online learning, zoom tutorial for beginners, how to use zoom for teaching, teaching online with zoom, zoom online teaching, zoom video conferencing tool basic level, Teach online, Teach online with Zoom, Student Centred learning, Zoom-student centred, online teaching, Zoom teaching ideas, Teach with Zoom, zoom 101, how to teach english online with zoom, how does zoom work, learn zoom
Id: bShCWezlfxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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