Zoom Tutorial for Beginners: How to Use Zoom Video Conferencing

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hello everyone and welcome to this video tutorial on how to use zoom now for the uninitiated zoom is a powerful feature-rich video conferencing application which allows you to chat post video and audio meetings and also collaborate on files and documents with other meeting participants online it allows you to recreate the in-person meeting experience in an online environment and it's particularly useful if you have team members working remotely or working from home now not surprisingly given the current circumstances the demand for zoom training has increased greatly and we're seeing many people who maybe haven't had to work online in this way before needing a little bit of additional assistance and that is exactly what this video is intended for now this is a basic tutorial using the free version of zoom that will walk you through the fundamentals and give you enough knowledge to feel confident the next time you attend or host a zoom meeting now Before we jump into the live demo let's explore some of the features of zoom so the most important aspect of zoom especially at the moment is the video and audio meeting facility and what this will do is it will allow you to initiate on-demand video and audio course and with the free version you can have up to 100 participants you can also schedule audio and video meetings for a future date and invite participants to join and you can schedule meetings more efficiently directly from your Outlook or Gmail account and you can also very easily join meetings using a meeting ID you also have the ability in zoom to record your meetings for playback later and this is particularly useful if maybe someone was unable to attend the meeting or even if any of the participants want to review what was discussed in the meeting so if you have a free zoom account you can recall meeting and you can save it to your local Drive whereas if you have a paint zoom account you can save it to the cloud and send it out to all meeting participants there's also a chat feature available in zoom which allows the hosts to speak to all meeting participants or alternatively have a private chat with any participant of the call and again this can be really useful if maybe someone is struggling with their audio as it gives you an alternative communication channel to administer any help and finally there are numerous ways to collaborate within zoom so once you're in a meeting you can share your screen so that all meeting participants can see whatever file or document you have open which makes it super easy to collaborate and share ideas and all of these things I've just shown you we're going to go through in the demo but before we get to that a really important point you want to make sure you set yourself up for success now in general what I've found when I've used webinar software is that the sticking point with most people if anyone's gonna have any problems it's usually with the audio or the video so people not being able to hear properly or maybe people not being able to see the video so it's really important that you just run through a very basic audio and video checklist before you jump into your zoom meeting now the most important thing here is to make sure that you are in a quiet environment and I say that because with so many of us working from home at the moment sometimes life can get a little bit chaotic but if possible make sure you are in a room on your own or at least somewhere that's quiet so that there's no background noise which is going to distract you or the host of the meeting now this sounds really basic but you would be amazed at how many people forget to do this so ensure that the sound on your computer is not muted so you might just want to press the mute button just to check mute is turned off and also make sure you have your volume at a sufficient level so that you can hear everybody and you can be heard again if you have a headset plug it into your PC or into your laptop make sure that that headset volume is not muted I know that there are lots of headsets you can buy out there which have their own volume controls on them and I've been a victim of this myself in the past where I have had my PC volume has been turned up but I've actually turned off the volume on my headset accidentally so that's another little thing to check if you have a headset with volume controls now a video conferencing obviously works best if you're using an inbuilt webcam and as long as you have your webcam selected in the zoom settings what I'm going to show you in the demo then it should kick in automatically when you start a video call however if you don't have an inbuilt webcam and you're using something like an external webcam just make sure that is connected up correctly and turned on and finally really important test your microphone and audio before jumping into your zoom meeting and the good thing about zoom is it does have an area where you can't test your microphone and your audio and again I'm going to show you where that's located as we go through the demo it's really important just to check those vital settings before you jump into the meeting to ensure you have as few problems as possible so with all that said let's jump into our zoom demo so the first thing that you want to do is just open up a web browser of your choice and in this case I'm using Google Chrome and jump across to the website zoom dot US and that's going to bring you to this home page now before we actually log into zoom I'm just quickly gonna jump across to the plans and pricing link at the top here just so you can understand the different options that you have with regards to zoom now in this tutorial today I'm just going to be using the free version but you can see that there are a number of other different versions so you have Pro business and enterprise and they're all varying different costs per month depending on which one you select now for what we're doing today the free version is absolutely fine and you can see there you can host up to 100 participants you can have unlimited one-to-one meetings but there is a 40 minute limit on group meetings and you'll see as you look through the features of some of these other packages then you have more and more features with each one now more than likely if you're using this at your organization they already have a nice package in place for you but as I said in this demonstration we're just going to use the free version so the first thing we want to do is we want to either sign in or sign up depending on if you already have an account now I already do have an account so I'm just going to click on sign in and I'm going to be using my Google account to sign in and you can see underneath we have sign-in with Google I'll sign in with Facebook now again if you're working at an organization it might be that when you signed up you've used your work email address that's absolutely fine and all you need to do is just pop your email address and your password into the box but I'm gonna say it's sign-in with Google I'm going to select my Google account because I do have a few and it jumps me straight into the Xoom home screen now let's just understand what we're looking at on this screen on the left hand side we have a pane of different options and currently the one I have selected is meetings and then in the middle it's showing me any upcoming meetings that I have any previous meetings and you can see I have one in there for yesterday I have a link to my personal meeting room which I'll talk about in a moment and then we have meeting templates so you can create your own meeting templates based on meetings that you've had previously and when it comes to meetings you can either host a meeting or you can join a meeting so let's deal with hosting and meeting first of all when it comes to hosting again there are two different kinds of meetings that you can do you can schedule a meeting so it might be that I want to schedule a meeting for tomorrow or next week or some date in the future or alternatively I might want to just quickly run an ad hoc meeting on the fly so I might be having a conversation with a couple of my work links via email or chat and we might decide that it's gonna work out better if we all just quickly jump into zoom to discuss whatever the topic is so let's deal with an ad hoc meeting first of all you'll see in the top right hand corner of the screen we have a host and meeting drop-down and you have three different choices in here you can host a meeting with the video off so if you or your participants are a little bit camera shy or maybe not quite video ready then you can just have video off where you can just hear the audio alternatively you can host it with video on or you can do a screen share only so you won't get video or audio but if you just maybe want to share a spreadsheet with someone or show someone a document then you could choose to screen share only now I am feeling a bit camera shy today but nevertheless we're gonna go for with video on now you're going to get this screen so you can see underneath it says please click open zoom meetings if you see the system dialog so you can see that I have this little dialog box pop-up which is gonna allow me just to open zoom now if you don't see this dialog box then what you'll need to do is click this link just here to download and run zoom but in this case I'm fine just to click on open zoom so my video is on and at the moment all you can see is me because I'm the only one in this meeting I haven't invited any participants yet and you can see that big box they're currently obscuring my face and my 13-day Quarantine hair thank goodness which is giving me a couple of options I can join with computer audio so that everybody on this call can hear me or I can do a test of my speaker and microphone now if this is the first time that you're using zoom I would definitely recommend running a test of your speaker and microphone just to make sure that everything's working okay prior to joining the meeting now I do these all of the time so I'm pretty confident that everything works I'm just gonna say join with computer audio and there we go hi everyone see you as I hover over this screen you'll also see that we have numerous different options popping up underneath and these are all of the in call options so things that we can do whilst we're on this call so let's just explore some of these before we invite another participant which is very exciting so the first one we have down here is the mute button and you'll see that there is also a keyboard shortcut for that so if you're someone who really likes working with keyboard shortcuts the shortcut there is alt a and by muting this it just means that you're going to mute your audio so again sometimes I like to do this if somebody is training something and there's no need for me to speak at that particular time just to cut down on the amount of background noise that can sometimes be quite a distraction for the person who's speaking I will mute my microphone so you just mute it by clicking and then clicking again to unmute now you'll see there's a little up arrow there so this opens up a whole host of options with regards to your microphone so again you can adjust which microphone you're using so I have a couple of different microphones there you can set the speakers that you're using so a lot of the time that will be the speakers that are contained within your laptop or your PC and you also have access to that test speaker and microphone option as well so don't forget that you have those little options under that drop down or drop up arrow I should say the next option along is stop video so if you want to stop showing your face you can very simply stop the video and that will just then show the profile picture attached to whichever email account you're using so I'm using my personal gmail account and that is the picture that you see if I start video again you can see me back here again and once again we have a drop up arrow where we have some video settings now this is kind of just a little bit of fun there is a setting in here called choose virtual background and these always make me laugh so I just want to show you because this is sort of kind of funny I don't know if you would ever use these but it jumps you into your settings and you can choose a different background if you want so maybe if you want to obscure your background maybe if you're at home and there's a whole load of mess behind you or something like that you could choose one of these backgrounds now sometimes they aren't the greatest but I'll just show you I'm going to pretend that I am currently on a beach so there we go I am suddenly transported to the beach that would be nice wouldn't it so you have a few different virtual backgrounds in there you may find them silly but they can be quite amusing and they can also obscure anything you don't want to see in the background now I'm going to switch back to none and I'm gonna close this screen down now the next option we have here is to invite so currently I'm sitting here with no friends to talk to just talking to you guys so I won't want to drag somebody else into this meeting and I think the unfortunate person today who's being dragged into this tutorial with me is mr. Adam Lacey the man the legend we're gonna click the invite button and we're going to invite him along now in here we have a couple of different options again I could choose to copy the URL of this meeting and I could then pop that into a chat window or I could send it via email I could choose to copy the invitation which is going to give all the meeting details as well or I can just choose my email service to send an invitation so I use Gmail so I'm going to select Gmail it opens up a new mail for me and it lists all of those zoom meeting details so there we have the direct link to the meeting the meeting ID and the password so all you need to do is just address that to whoever it is you're inviting to this meeting and then I'm just gonna send that meeting invite out to Adam and there we go like clockwork there he is hired I'm not too bad how are you are you enjoying life in quarantine yes yeah exactly so we're doing this zoom tutorial so now that Adam has joined this all the other option that you have here is to manage your participants so if we click the manage participants you'll see that we get this pane pop out at the side and you can see both myself and Adam listed there you can also see my little microphone going a little bit crazy because it's picking up my voice now if I wanted to mute Adam now I don't I wouldn't say that I do want to move at him I don't want to shut him up but if I did want to shut him up I would just click mute on his microphone and then I can't hear anything that he's saying as you can see there now I would say if you do have a lot of people on your meeting sometimes it is quite a good idea to you mute all of the microphones and you'll see that you have a button at the bottom that says mute all what you'll find is that you have if you have quite a few people on this copper on this call and everybody's talking or there's background noise that can be really distracting for the person who's trying to speak so quite often when I'm in a meeting I will mute my microphone just so they're not getting any background noise from myself so let's unmute Adam let's let him back to the party and what you'll also see at the bottom is there is a more drop-down so that will allow you to customize some further options so if you want to mute or participants on entry you can do that as well and you've also got some options there for allowing participants to control their own microphones so have a play around with those see what suits you best for your style of meeting now in order to get rid of this participants pain we're just going to click on the manage participants button again and it disappears now the next option that you have is a really useful little option and that is the share screen option so quite often again if you're in a meeting with one or more people you'll want to be sharing documents spreadsheets PowerPoint presentations or things like that and that is what you can do underneath this share screen option so we're just covering up Adams face for a moment there and you have a few different options in here you can choose to share any of with the windows that you've got open so you can see here it's bring me everything I have open on my desktop and that's fine if you just want to show one application but if you want to switch between a few things I normally go for the share entire screen option so if I'm switching from an Excel spreadsheet to a PowerPoint maybe to an email something on those lines all of the meeting participants can see whatever I see so I'm going to share my screen with Adam and I'm gonna click on share and you can see that we are now minimized down and hopefully Adam can see my screen now and I'm just gonna pull up a spreadsheet can you see that spreadsheet Adam you can see that's exactly I thought that was quite appropriate to put that up on the screen we are doing a team's course FYI so this is the beginnings of that which we're going to actually be discussing in a moment so really very simple to share files with other participants now when you want to stop sharing you'll see right at the top of the screen is quite small you have a red stop share button and again as I hover over that you'll see that there is a keyboard shortcut so if you're a keyboard shortcut fanatic Alt + S will stop sharing and we are back to how we were previously so super simple to share documents another thing you can do is you can utilize the chat panel when you're in a meeting as well so let's click on chat Alt + H compare keyboard shortcuts and we now have a group chat now you can select who you're sending your messages to so you can see here it says everyone in meeting which is just me and Adam or I can send directly to just Adam so that's gonna be useful if you have a lot of people on your call so I'm just gonna send hello there we go hopefully he should get that come through got some two finger typing going on there we go so very very simple I'm sure we're all used to using chat by now and again just to close down that panel I'm gonna click on the chat button now I'm gonna let Adam go in a moment because he is a very busy man and I don't want to keep him on this call for longer than needs feet but the final option I want to show you in here is the record option and again a super important feature if you want to replay your meeting so from my perspective I do a lot of training online and sometimes I use zoom and the people on the call sometimes like to go back through that training so it really helps if I've recorded that meeting or that call so if you do want to record you have a record button down here keyboard shortcut Alt + R and if I just click record so you'll see in the top left hand corner it says recording so it's currently recording everything that we're doing here and and this meeting saves into your zoom account so you're gonna be able to find and retrieve this meeting from your zoom account after you've finished and I'm gonna go back and show you that in a moment where you can retrieve these recordings from now if you want to stop the recording you just click on the stop recording button keyboard shortcut Alt + R and you'll see I've got a message in the top corner that says the recording file will be reverted to an mp4 and saved into zoo so now what I want to cover is just the different ways that you can view the participants who are in your meeting and if any of you out there are wondering why we look slightly different it's because we have had to edit this video and so we're not wearing the same clothes it's a different day so for continuity reasons I just thought I would put that in there so currently I am viewing this meeting in gallery view and you can see that the windows that myself and Adam are being displayed in are next to each other and currently because I'm the active Speaker I have a green box around the outside of my window just to really show that I'm currently speaking so if Adam was to speak that box would move to around his window now gallery view it's a little bit difficult to demonstrate with just two of us on the call but if you can imagine if you've got five six seven people everybody will display just side by side in their windows no one is highlighted particularly apart from the green box around the outside when they're speaking now there is a different view that you can jump into so if you have your mouse over your zoom window you'll see in the top right-hand corner it says speaker view so you can switch from gallery view which we're coming in across to speaker view which I'm going to do now to show you the difference and there we go so speak of you as a slightly different way of viewing the participants so you can see now Adam is absolutely huge in my window and I'm very tiny at the top there and again this is what will happen if you have more than two people on the call so whoever is speaking will be the largest window in the zoom window okay so you have those two different views just there which one you use is entirely up to you now I'm going to click the button again to switch back to gallery view and you will see there there is a keyboard shortcut old plus f2 and there we go we're back to gallery view now another thing that you can do if you want to is that you can pin certain participant windows so for example if I hover my mouse over Adams window you'll see in the top right-hand corner I get a couple of little buttons so I could unmute to Adam if I wanted to and then I have three little dots or an ellipses now if I click that we get a little menu pop out to the right-hand side and one of the options that we have is pin video so if my pin Adam it means that he is always going to be in that larger window he's always going to be showing as the active speaker so that might be something you want to do if there's just going to be one person speaking the entire way through you just want to make sure that if somebody makes a little sound the window doesn't keep switching between different speakers okay so you have that little option in the top corner and of course if you want to unpin I'm sure you can all see where we're going there if I hover my mouse over the window we have an unpin button in the top left hand corner click humping video and I can switch back to speak of you and we're back to how we were so those are pretty much all of the in call features that you have so really feature-rich now I'm going to jump out of here because we're going to talk about scheduling a meeting next so I do not need Adam for that but I just want to thank you very much for participating today and he's gonna log off I will see you later Adam bye bye so now that Adams left the meeting if I want to end this meeting I have an end meeting button in the bottom right hand corner keyboard shortcut Alt + Q I'm gonna say end meeting for all and now you can see what it's doing because we've got a recording is now converting that meeting recording and as I said that would be available in zoom for you to view for you to send to others after your meeting sometimes you do have to give it a few minutes depending on how long your meeting was because it has to convert it and it also has to load it now what you may have noticed there is that it was asking me to select a local Drive to save my recording - and if you are using the free basic version of zoom then you will only be able to save your recording locally however if you're using one of the paid versions of zoom then you have the opportunity to upload that to the cloud now when you jump back to your zoom dashboard you'll see you have a tab here for recordings and two separate tabs cloud recordings and local recordings so this is where you can come to pick up any videos that you've recorded and which one you select really depends on the type of account that you have so just remember that if you're using the free basic account it's gonna ask you to save that file locally so that's very simply how you start an ad hoc meeting and meeting on the fly now the other thing that I discussed at the beginning was that you can schedule a new meeting so you might want to do this for meetings that are a little bit more planned maybe something that's taking place tomorrow or next week and again you can do that from your homescreen here in the meetings area you have a schedule a new meeting button and you also have a scheduler meeting button in the top right hand corner so let's click on schedule a new meeting and I just need to go through and complete these fields so I'm gonna say sales meeting description is optional and just to save time I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna schedule this for next Tuesday I'm gonna schedule it for 1 p.m. and the duration of the meeting is one hour now you can see underneath there because I'm using a free version of zoom it's telling me that I have a 40 minute time limit on meetings with three or more participants and as always you have the option to upgrade now if you have a business package then you're not gonna see this you can select your time zone so I'm in London and let's pick that up correctly and you can also set this as a recurring meeting so if you have a sales meeting every Tuesday you can just select this option and it or schedule it for every single Tuesday meeting ID so this is the ID that's used for the meeting it's the ID that gets emailed out to your participants you can choose to generate a new meeting ID automatically or you can use your personal meeting ID now your personal meeting ID is created when you create your account in zoom and this is kind of your personal area and you can use this for your meetings if you want to now in this case I'm more than happy just to generate one automatically if you want people to have to enter in a password when they join you can enter that in there I'm gonna say no in this case and you can then choose what you want to happen when yourself as the host or any participants enter the video meeting so do you want the video to start automatically when people join or do you want to give them the option to turn their video on or keep it off now in general I find that a lot of people are a little bit camera shy so I like to keep this off and let them decide if they want to turn their video on or not you can choose the OP you want for your audience so telephone they can get them to dial in or utilize computer audio now for the most part most people are joining meetings from their PC or their laptop so computer audio is normally the one that's chosen but I generally just leave this on the default setting of both and then you have some additional meeting options so this first one here you can allow people to join the meeting before you do as the host if you don't select this option it means that if people start to join the meeting before you as the host of joined they'll just kind of sit there at holding the screen and it will just tell them that we're waiting for the host you can choose to mute all participants upon entry you can enable a waiting room so again that's kind of like a little waiting area that people can go into before the meeting starts and you can also set it so that all meetings are recorded automatically on your local computer now I'm not gonna enable any of these I'm just going to click on save and you can see there is my scheduled meeting and right at the bottom if I need to make any changes I can definitely jump in and click on edit this meeting so now if I click back on the meetings option you can see in upcoming meetings it's showing me that sales meeting that I've just scheduled and I can choose to start I can choose to delete and you can definitely go through if you've got quite a lot of meetings in here if any meetings get cancelled you can jump into here and you can delete any meeting you choose to now again if you want to invite people to this scheduled meeting if you click on the meeting to jump into it you'll see there there is the join URL so again you can just copy this URL and paste it into chats or maybe send out in an email or you can copy the entire invitation via this link and send that to your meeting participants now a third option that's actually really useful is to be able to create zoom meetings directly from within your calendar and you can see at the bottom here it says save time by scheduling your meetings directly from your calendar and it shows Outlook and also Chrome so these are little extensions that you need to download and I've actually already downloaded the one for Chrome because I use Gmail so let me just show you what that looks like so I'm going to jump across to my gmail email account so I'm now in my Google Calendar and I'm going to click on the 8th of April and it's asking me if I want to schedule a new meeting and what you'll notice is at the bottom because I did install that zoom extension for Chrome I now have an option to make it a zoom meeting so I'm gonna say strategy planning I can go through and I can add guests if I want to but I'm just going to click make it a zoom meeting and you can see now on the 8th it's added that into my calendar and if I double click on it you can see it has the link and all of the information required to join that meeting so if I'd sent that out to everybody who I wanted to come to this meeting they're gonna have all of the relevant information and the links that they need to just quickly jump into that zoom meeting so that option is actually really useful and really does save you from having to jump into the zoom application and set up your meetings so those are basically all the ways that you can schedule a meeting or create an ad hoc meeting the other option you have up here is join a meeting so if you click that it's gonna ask you for the meeting ID or personal link name now remember if you're trying to join a meeting you will have had some kind of invite from the host and that email will contain the meeting ID so you can literally just pop it into this box click on join and that's gonna jump you into your meeting now a couple of final things I want to highlight to you before we finish up this tutorial I did talk to you earlier about meeting templates so if you're somebody who creates a lot of meetings you can save meetings as a template to make your life a little bit easier and make yourself more efficient now if I go to upcoming meetings and I'm just going to click on this one here sales meeting so this sales meeting I've adjusted some of these settings and set up exactly as I want it to be and you'll see right at the bottom I have the option to save as a meeting template so I'm going to leave the template name a sales meeting I'm going to say save as template and now if I go back to meetings and click on meeting template you see I have that template there so that makes it very simple for me to schedule a meeting using this template so it means that I don't have to go in again and change the setting so if you use similar settings the entire time this can sometimes be quite a nice thing to do couple of other things that we have in this left-hand menu if we click on profile that's going to take you to your own personal profile so it's going to show your personal meeting ID the email account you have attached to zoom the user type so as I said I'm using the basic free version and you have the option to upgrade there it tells me I can host meetings with up to a hundred participants and then I have my language and my default date and time at settings you'll also find more settings in the settings option and again there's quite a few of these in here so I would recommend that you do go through and you set these to suit how you like to work so you have settings in here which control meetings recordings and also telephone as well now in general you don't need to fiddle around with these settings too much in order to run a basic meeting but if you're someone who uses zoom on a regular basis you may want to go into here and review those settings now at the beginning of this tutorial we went through a video and audio checklist and I asked you to go through and just make sure you have all of your settings set up correctly before you jump into your zoom meeting so I just wanted to go through a few tips in case you are having problems with your sound or with your video so when you're on the call a couple of little things that you need to check first of all right in the bottom left-hand corner make sure that you're not on mute so you can see now as I speak you can see that green bar moving up and down which shows that it's registering sound if yours looks like this then you have your microphone muted so make sure that's not muted first of all another thing you can check is if you click this up arrow you can see here at the top it says select a microphone now you can see that I have an external microphone that I have connected this is my laptop microphone and the same with speakers here so speakers this is my laptop speakers and then I have my microphone plugged in so whatever you're using whether you're using your system audio or whether you're using some kind of headset or microphone make sure you jump into here and you have the correct one selected some further settings you can check if you go into audio settings that's going to pop up this lovely little screen just here and you have two options video and audio and in here you can actually test your speakers and in here in this drop-down you want to make sure you select your speaker so I have my laptop speakers selected at the moment and you can then click test speaker you can adjust the volume levels and if your speakers are working you will see the output come up and down just here and you can do exactly the same for your microphone so again make sure you have your microphone selected so that might be an external one that you have plugged in or you might just be using your PC and your laptop microphone and if you're having problems you can click test mic to make sure that everybody else can hear you and you can see there my input level is going up and down so it's registering that I am currently speaking and you have similar settings in here for video as well so again you might want to make sure that you have the correct camera selected so I only have one and that is my webcam that's inbuilt into my laptop so Lenovo easy camera is selected in there remember if you do have an external webcam plugged in then it should register and you can pick it up from the drop-down menu now with regards to actually getting yourself connected those are really the only settings you need to explore so I'm just going to close this down now if you check all of those settings and you're still having issues you still can't hear the only thing I can suggest for you then is maybe log out of zoom and then log back in again the good old reboot log off log back in again you would be amazed how many times that does actually fix some of these minor issues now I'm going to jump out of here and we will get back to the rest of the course so that is pretty much it of course there is so much more to this application that we haven't been into like admin settings room management so on and so forth but really we want to this tutorial just to show you very quickly how you can schedule meetings run ad hoc meetings join them do recordings and all of those in call options I know a lot of people are working remotely at the moment with varying degrees of success depending on how familiar you are with video conferencing applications hopefully this has provided you with a little bit of useful information I'm gonna finish up now thank you so much for joining me today and I will see you next time
Channel: Simon Sez IT
Views: 496,036
Rating: 4.7341933 out of 5
Keywords: Zoom app, zoom tutorial, zoom tutorial for beginners, zoom meeting tutorial, zoom app tutorial, zoom conference call video, how to use zoom, zoom for teaching, zoom, how to join a zoom meeting, how to use zoom video conferencing, how to use zoom meeting, zoom for beginners, zoom tutorial 2020, how to host a zoom meeting, zoom video conferencing tool basic level, zoom video conferencing tutorial, zoom video conferencing, how to use zoom 2020, zoom meeting, how to use zoom app
Id: U_JohBDMur4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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