Advanced Zoom- How Screen share works when teaching online #teachonline #teachwithzoom

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hi this is Russell stone from teacher training videos calm I've had loads of questions about how the screenshare works in zoom and actually that is probably the most important part of what zoom is the way that the zoom really works is that you use the screen share to share content that you want to work with with your students so for example you might want to play them a video and there's a couple of important things about that you might want to put up an exercise for them to do and there's a way for you to get them to interact with that and you might want to play for a PowerPoint or something so what I'm going to do is just focus on the screen share and go for it exactly the way it works and hopefully by then really make it clear one of the key things is to make sure you've got everything set up before you start so make sure you've got all your screens ready that you want to share so have your PowerPoint open have your YouTube video page ready have your document ready because that will make life much much easier so this isn't an introductory video I'm not going to start from the beginning I'm gonna start from right how do we screen share how does it work hope you like the video hope is useful to you if it is please share it with other teachers getting loads of teachers asking me questions about this and are any questions or comments leave them below I'm trying my best to keep up with all the questions and the comments that I'm receiving and of course if you want to come and join me on my youtube channel I'm gonna be making lots more videos at the moment to help teachers with teaching online so let's get started with zoom and screen sharing okay so now you can see me absolutely enormous Lee off the screen I'm gonna turn myself off I don't want to be on the screen quite so big okay we're gonna concentrate on screen share now the first thing about screen shows that you need to make sure that whatever you are going to present you have got it open already on the screen and let me just give you a quick example so you can see I've got this PowerPoint slide and what I'm actually going to do is I'm gonna run that PowerPoint slides that I've got it ready to actually play okay so I've got it in to share mode and to come back now to my screen share I'm sorry to them to my zooom opening at forbes thing now I'm going to turn on the share screen and I can actually see that that PowerPoint slide is ready I'm gonna click on it and I'm gonna share it and off we go all right now if I come to one thing to remember if I click on the screen and then use the ctrl Keys I can move through the slides however ok watch this if I come up to here and click on a note and then I want to suck on of start drawing on the screen so I point on something like that now I can't move forward because at the moment this is what's active not the PowerPoint slide so if I click here all I'm going to get is dots so what you need to do is if you want to move on to another slide is click on the mouse click on the screen and now you're active again and you can move forward but you'll have noticed as well something else happens okay before you move forward you need to click on clear clear or drawings now I know all of this because I've been doing training this week and that is one of the problems that keeps happening let me go through that again so let's stop the share go back right through the process open up your PowerPoint slides by clicking on it and clicking wrong share brilliant click on the PowerPoint screen so that your on that is the focus you can go through the slides no problem if at any time you want to talk you want to write on the screen up you go to the top here click on a note do your annotations whatever you want to do you can draw around things but remember if you want to go on to the next page first of all clear the drawing then click on mouse click on screen now the screen is active and you'll be able to move forward and now you can draw again ok so again you would come back so you've got to learn okay we're going to stop sharing that screen so I'm gonna click on stop share that brings me back remember I can always put my video on any time and just turn it back off again alright and sometimes when you're doing screen share that's the way you might want to work so while you're doing this when you're not doing the screen share you're on the screen once you're gonna do screen should turn it off so just focus on the screen share right next thing about screen show if we're gonna do a huge video what's the best way of working so I've got a video ready I click on screen share now one thing I need you to understand when you're working with video you need to choose the video click on this button because this what is called is this one here share computer sound that's what we call system sound allows your participants your students to listen to the video through the system rather than through your microphone so you want to make sure that you've clicked on that and then again you click on the share button now one of us and then you can play the video and they're seeing exactly what you're seeing I'm just gonna stop sharing a minute so I'm going to click back again and just point out something else as well that you have got this optimized screen showing for video clips so let's just click click on that I'm not a hundred percent sure what that does it doesn't seem to make massive difference it may mean for example that only that part of the video is played but now you are playing a video now one of the things that I like about zoom is that you've got control because you are playing the video through screen share it means that if you play the video and you stop the video that also happens for the students now not all systems work like that so some systems you can be playing the video but the students might decide to pause the video or go back or play something else you actually haven't got control so the nice thing about zoom is that when you play the video that is exactly what the students see so you know what your students have seen ok when you're working with when you're working with video super quick publicity if you come to the front page of the teacher training videos calm I've put lots of videos on about teaching online if you want to learn about any of the key technologies just click on them across the top here as well loads of videos for example on Moodle if you want to follow my work sign up to the newsletter that way you'll be updated with all the new videos the blog posts the webinars that I run and the online courses and of course please join me on my youtube channel right let's get back to the video now something that a lot of people have been asking me about is can we get the students to draw on the screen so instead of you drawing on the screen can you get your students to do it and the answer is yes and I'm going to show you an example when I was doing some training yesterday with a friend of mine and I'm showing her how she can draw I can pass control so she's the student I'm the teacher and there is a few tricks here first of all obviously screenshare chews pen so that you've got the pen active and then pass control and you can pass remote control to the student and that the list of all the students will come up I'd choose a letter and then suddenly she can write on the screen and then I can just go up to the top and then revoke control at any time that I want to bring control back to me now the thing to do is to turn the pen on first so that when you pass control to whoever you want to pass it to they've got a pen that can start drawing on the screen at any point you can come back and revoke control so I'm going to show you this live I really hope it helps because I think it's a something that we all need and something can be really useful probably quite hard to manage you if you've got big classes but if you follow the steps that I'm showing you now it should make it manageable I'm gonna give you a note and I can now note things on the screen right now should be able to see that is that correct yeah can you see me on screen now I fact so what I do is I go to the top of the screen I roll over until there's a little drop-down menu that comes along and then I choose remote control and I say give mouse and keyboard control to alehna which I'm going to do again now I choose the person now you should be able to do it again yeah is that right can you yeah okay and then if I want to take back control I roll up to the top of the screen again roll over let me just click on this drop down menu so I have to click on it for the drop down menu to come I click on remote control and I say I bought control and now Cattrall comes back to me okay really hope that helped you a lot of people been asking me about the screen sharing in zoom so hopefully now that's made that clear how new video how you do pap on how you get the students to interact with the content zoom is great for a live session one of the other things about zoom is that you can actually use it for screen capture those of you that follow my work know that I'm screen capture mad and everything I do is about screen capture and in fact zoom can be used for screen capture because you can record a lesson and if you do a lesson with no one else just yourself and record it then you've got yourself a screen capture so it can be really useful for that there are quite a few advanced features in zoom that we can use and a few things that we can use it for a lot of people use it for screen capture obviously the only thing is when you use the screen capture facility in zoom you are limited you can't edit it or anything like that hopefully if you come to teacher training videos as I pointed out before there's some lots of other free videos on using tools obviously one thing I'd really recommend if you're a teacher or a small school when you haven't got a virtual learning environment then learn to use it model and model and zoom together can be really powerful and model all the homework and the activities and the exercises and then zoom to do the live sessions obviously you need to think about the input side of things that's very very difficult there's a lot to think about and so how can you deliver your train changing from teaching in a classroom context to teaching online and it's not the same you can never get as much as you can out the classroom but you can achieve some things and if you combine it with it model then you can do a good job as I've said before if you want to please follow me on my newsletter update you all the time send you all the latest videos blog posts etc and of course join me on my youtube and I really hope that videos are useful if it was like it share it comment on it it'd be great I really try my best to keep up with all the questions and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 133,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Stannard, Teacher Training Videos, Teacher Tech Tools, Educational Technology, online tools for teachers, Teacher Tools, Teaching with Technology, zoom online teaching, zoom app, zoom tutorial for beginners, Screen sharing, zoom screen sharing tutorial, zoom screen sharing youtube, zoom screen sharing video, online teaching zoom, using zoom for online teaching, zoom teaching english online, zoom online teaching platform, online teaching software for teachers
Id: YZv70dsoThc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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