How to Talk about Personal Style with Slang in English

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hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about how to talk about your personal style your personal style in this lesson I'm going to talk about phrases you can use to describe appearance I'm going to talk about a lot of vocabulary words you can use to describe your fashion or just an aesthetic like a look that you like and I'm going to talk about slang words for describing fashion and appearance we have a lot of vocabulary to cover so I hope we can get through it all as you join please send us a message in the chat to say hello make sure to LIKE the video too and share it so other people can find this week's live lesson while we wait for people to join two announcements announcement number one if you have not seen it yet data this one this is our new culture video I talked about it last week and it was shared it was public made public last Friday it is out now so please have a look this is the second yeah second video in our culture series it's about supermarkets in the US so if you want to learn a little bit about this part of everyday u.s. culture please check this video this is on the English class 101 live live channel English 101 YouTube channel it is live now well not live but you can watch it now so please check this out second announcement is about as always our free stuff that we have from the link below the video or above the video will see a video I'll go away for a second this one if you want to get the free stuff use our website right here so log in or make an account scroll down to the PDF you would like to download just click the PDF you want to get and then you can download that to your phone to your computer whatever so just like you're seeing on the screen right now okay so you can get those things this is one example there are a couple examples I'll show you a bit later so if you want these that's how to do it I'll show you again a little bit later all right great I see lots of people in the chat now on YouTube Caleb Joseph Stephanie Robert Wellington Abdul Aurora and Neen grace Edson hello everybody and on Facebook Anna Beale chameleon IR ciub hello bori hello Alf Camilo Javier many people fantastic if you missed it today's topic is your personal style your personal style so again as I said please make sure to like and share the video and then we're going to begin pretty much now actually again if you're watching on Instagram I highly recommend watching on YouTube or Facebook today I'm going to show lots of pictures for examples so let's get started I'm going to share the video and then I am going to begin the lesson so today's lesson is going to start with some common phrases we use to describe appearance so let's get into it the first expression I want to talk about is to look nice to look nice this is a very general expression you can use for men and for women to look nice in an example sentence you look nice you look nice so someone is dressed very well for a fancy party or someone has a new hairstyle that's really great you can say you look nice you look nice so you do need to keep in mind a point to remember this look does need to change if your subject is he she or it so for example he looks nice he looks nice so you want to talk about your brother or your father or your boyfriend or your husband or some male in your life he looks nice same thing for she as well she looks nice she looks nice so this is a general and polite friendly way to make a compliment about someone's appearance you look nice he looks nice he looks nice okay and if you want to use someone's name here like Eric looks nicer or Devin looks nice our recent same pattern use this s form here so Eric looks nice of course the opposite is doesn't look nice like that doesn't look nice he doesn't look nice but hopefully you can use the positive more often so looks nice and look nice okay Eric says I do okay all right good this is our first expression let's talk now about this one here to suit to suit so this is a verb so to suit is different from suit like the name of the clothing item I like a three-piece suit this is a verb to suit means to suit means to match to suit means to match something so for example that haircut really suits you that haircut really suits you that means your hairstyle whenever your haircut is matches you so in other words your haircut looks nice on you so it means something matches the person in this case that haircut really suits you so here I'm using that haircut as my noun phrase that haircut you could say that shirt really suits you or those shoes really suit you so again you need to be careful of your conjugation with suits if this part your subject here is singular it it really suits you use this s here it suits you it suits you if this part is plural like my example those shoes those shoes plural really suit you know s those shoes really suit you so please consider your subject and whether it's plural or singular those shoes really suits you that haircut really suits you okay so you are writing nice comments Alicia looks but make sure looks looks nice so if the subject here is a person use s Alicia looks nice so please be careful of that got someone caught onto you over there okay let's go to the next point is to fit to fit some people use fit to mean the same thing as to suit yes but for this lesson let's look at to fit to mean to match someone's body size to match someone's body size so for example this is kind of a negative expression I'm not sure that shirt fits you properly I'm not sure that shirt fits you properly so fit refers to the size of the clothing so for example if this shirt was super big someone might say like mmm I'm not sure meaning I don't know I'm not sure that shirt your shirt fits you properly so this means I'm not sure that shirt is the correct size for you I'm not sure that sure is the correct size for you I'm not sure that shirt fits you properly so again that shirt is a singular so we need to conjugate the verb fit to fits that shirt fits or that shirt doesn't fit you is another way to say that so to fit means to be the correct size for something but some people can also use it to mean match okay on to the next one on to the next one do be cute so let's look at these two together to be cute and to be sexy what's the difference here we tend to use cute like if we're talking about kids we'll say oh he's so cute or she's so cute it has kind of this childish feel about it in English cute sounds like something that's very like kind of for young kid like a cute game or a cute dress or maybe a cute toy it has kind of this childish feel about it so we can say that we think someone is cute like a person we're attracted to is cute but it has kind of a sweet feel like a nice feel about it like oh he's cute or I think she's cute so we can use this to describe attraction as well so the difference with like cute and sexy sexy is is kind of more adult generally so when we use sexy it's often when we can see a lot of someone's skin like we would to say like um like swimsuit models are sexy so like men or women without like a shirt or without jeans or whatever so we can see a lot of their skin and they're posing like in a way to model the clothes in an attractive way we would say that's very sexy so something that's more adult is usually sexy so we use cute more for like kind of sweet nicer things of course it's possible to be sexy and to be cute we can use both words to describe a person so this is kind of the difference in seal between sexy and cute for example her dress is so cute her dress is so cute so actually here I've used cute as an adjective this is probably the more common way that we use this I've got this as a verb here like Oh her dress is so cute this is probably a more common way that we use it but you could use it as a verb as well too like oh she's being cute she's being cute meaning like she's just kind of being nicer she's being sweet here are two similarly so to be sexy we can use it in in like a as a verb as well like wow like like they're being very sexy in this photoshoot today we could use it that way we also use it as an adjective here so that photo is so sexy if that photo is so sexy oops I meant it's look like a question that photo is so sexy like did you see his Instagram post or did you see her Instagram post that photo was so sexy so again it has that very grown-up like kind of adult feel about it usually how do we tell a little girl she looks nice so like if you want to compliment like a family member like your neighborhood someone in your neighborhood you could say it for example like your dress is so cute that's what I would say too like the little kids in my family like oh your dress is so cute or you look very nice so that's the expression we would use a nice example of everybody my girlfriend is so sexy very good very good okay other examples Pamela on Facebook hi says I told somebody he was cute and I felt he didn't like it maybe because it's a little sweeter than adult could be it could be so if you use cute with someone and they feel like time an adult they might not be happy so you kind of have to like try to understand their feelings a little yeah for sure for sure okay all right I don't see any other questions so let's finish up these last two the last two are another pair they are to be handsome and to be beautiful so I have these handsome and beautiful we tend to use handsome for men and beautiful for women we tend to do but we can use them for anyone so we tend to use handsome with like very masculine look so when I say masculine I mean looks that we historically we think about as being looks for men so that's what we use handsome to describe but recently especially recently there have been lots of interesting fashions where it's like women are wearing like these kind of strong suits and we could say she looks so handsome in that suit I've seen that here and there also beautiful although we use beautiful usually to talk about women we can use beautiful to talk about anybody to like oh wow his hair is so beautiful we can totally use it in that way so yes although we traditionally use handsome for men and beautiful for women these days we can use it with anything it's more about a feeling and less about like a specific gender so it's quite flexible at these days okay so some example sentences again this is as an adjective like he looks so handsome in that suit he looks so handsome in that suit so that suit looks nice on him he looks handsome he looks handsome or here she looks beautiful she looks beautiful so again I'm using these as adjectives here - okay great so that's our first part in the second part of today's lesson I'll go to next we're going to look at a lot of images for examples of these vocabulary words so if you're watching on Instagram you will not be able to see this please join us on YouTube or Facebook okay so with that let's take one short break are we gonna okay I will show you um this is the PDF I chose to focus on for today oh we will see this okay so you're gonna see one more time the video we showed you now so here it is if you want to get these free PDFs click the link in the description and put in your email address and name and scroll down on this page to whichever PDF you're interested in so we have many different topics I'm going to show you one in just a moment so choose the one you want and then you can download it to your phone to your computer whatever this is the one I wanted to show you today's lesson is about fashion and style and so on so if you want to pick up a quick vocabulary reference sheet on the front of this one this is called the shopping for clothes chichi there are of course vocabulary words for clothes like shirt pants and so on and on the back you'll find key vocabulary words for shopping so like credit cards how to use those some verbs you need to know for shopping as well there's also a list of adjectives at the bottom here to talk about fit yeah what I talked about earlier so like tight or loose whatever so check this out you can find this and Mark from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook okay let's continue to part two of today's lesson if you're just joining today's lesson is about personal style please make sure to like and share the video if you have not already okay let's continue on if you're watching on Instagram check it out on YouTube or Facebook from this forward okay let's take a look someone asked if the lesson ended here hopefully let's take a look then I've got this list of vocabulary words we're going to look at now so this is about like types of looks so looks that you're interested in some of these have a strong connection to fashion some of these are more about a lifestyle thing so our goal for this part is for you to finish this sentence so when you see a style that you like try sending this sentence in the chat I like something something style style so we're going to see lots of examples I hope that you can find one that's like your own favorite look or your own favorite style so let's get started the first word is vintage vintage so we'll see a photo of this vintage so vintage refers to these old things things from many years ago like they're not new a company did not make these things like last year to look old these are actual old things so you might like vintage fashion so that means old shirts or old dresses old shoes we that we refer to this as vintage style these things are vintage maybe you've been to a vintage store or a vintage cafe so this is called vintage vintage our first one so maybe you like vintage style okay let's continue on to the next one modern modern so modern modern comes from the word like modern referring to now like a contemporary time so modern means something that's very very recent so for example modern this is a modern building a modern piece of architecture so modern is this style where everything feels fresh and new so in like modern buildings it's lots of glass I've noticed lots of glass or maybe really big spaces like this is modern modern modern style okay some people are sending examples I don't like vintage style great great okay or I like gothic girl someone wrote okay we'll get to that someone else that I like retro style very cool okay lots of good ones okay let's continue someone says I like modern style great great so this is modern this is an example of modern okay Leah says she loves modern Eric says I like serials that's not a style - derailing okay let's continue to the next one the next one is gothic gothic this is a good pronunciation point this th the th is not gosh sick but gothic gothic gothic so Gothic style this is an example of a Gothic style building so the word this style comes from architecture so many like churches churches are a great example from this period in time this style with like these kinds of maybe dark feeling like buildings and like gargoyles and like statues and creatures plus these beautiful stained glass windows so this is part of Gothic style today's fashion Gothic fashion we associate we have a connection with Gothic fashion with wearing lots of black like you have a lot of black and you wear like a very white makeup that's kind of the image of Gothic fashion for many people so there's Gothic architecture and there's also this gothic fashion kind of this dark sort of I guess gloomy under I'm not an expert on Gothic fashion but we use gothic to describe that does gothic mean ancient no gothic does not mean ancient gothic refers to this time period of architecture or like if you can imagine maybe like Marilyn Manson like that 1990s or so if you know that artists Marilyn Manson is a good example of kind of a gothic I guess fashion person okay my friend style is gothics as someone good someone says I have a gothic style building great okay nice one someone says I you teacher you like modern style I kind of like modern yeah okay let's continue then let's continue to the next one street wear street wear so you might hear this called street style street style so street style this is an example kind of one example of street style so this refers to kind of a combination so street wear has come from a couple different places there's like California surf culture in there there's like hip hop rap culture as well so it's kind of this cool laid-back relaxed feel is Street like street style this can be called street wear so you'll see like the guy on the right in this picture has like athletic pants on that's there's kind of a sporty feel about these two so we call this street wear or street style street style so this is quite popular as well especially among young people is Street or street wear okay examples okay good let's continue on then to casual casual so this is an example a very casual clothes I have okay I have very casual clothes on today so casual is easy to wear it's comfortable for a lot of people casual just means jeans and a t-shirt so people in the u.s. a lot of people in the US are very casual we use this style casual it's what we use okay the next word is business business style or business dress so business dress is something like this suits wearing suits we're looking very professional so this is business style you may hear the expression business casual business casual is like Miss with a little bit of a casual feel so for example like a suit jacket and jeans is maybe business casual business casual but we think of this in the US as a business style business style ok onward to minimal minimal is the next one so minimal this the routier is like the minimum so it's like you don't want extra stuff you want as little as possible so very few things minimal people who like this style are called minimalist minimalist I'm a minimalist he's a minimalist so you could say I like minimal style I like minimal style I don't like lots of extra stuff I want only the things I need it's called minimal minimal ok someone says I like the minimalist style less is more yeah cool ok um I don't see anything ok someone says I love business professional style cool good ok great great let's move on then to sophisticated sophisticated so sophisticated we're first you have some like worldly experience you have this like refined feel about you so this is an example of a kind of sophisticated fashion she looks really cool yeah like she has like this fash this cool fashion sense about her she clearly understands how to create this interesting outfit for her personality so this is the feeling of sophistication she looks sophisticated or her style is sophisticated so a sophisticated style can be sexy it can be cute it can be handsome so it's refined it's like someone who has experience and knows themselves very well that is stated sophisticate okay onward time's running out next is sheek shiek the spelling of this CH IC chic chic we pronounce this chic so something that is chic we usually use chic to describe women's style to describe ladies fashion it's something again that's kind of elegant and like very smart like smart looking and pretty so here this image this is kind of thank you this is like a very pretty but it's also very smart looking so we describe this style as chic chic so I like chic clothes or I like my favorite style is kind of a chic style yeah someone says I'm curious about chic so this is an example of chic style okay onto retro retro so retro is very different from vintage because retro is new things that we make like they're something from the past so that means all of these things this fashion these items whatever they're new a company or someone made new things to look like their favorite things from the past so this is retro style retro style so vintage is actually the old things that's actually the old stuff vintage things retro is new stuff made to look like something that's old so it has kind of this new feeling about it like you're just kind of making something again this is retro okay someone says sophisticated can be chic and elegant yes absolutely is it Scheck or chic the spelling of chic is CH IC ch see sheek shiek do we have a youtube channel yes English class 101 on YouTube okay on to the last few because time is running out oh my funky is the last Oh coming up funky funky so funky relates to funk like music funk so it's often like these bright colors and kind of like this cool maybe a little bit sexy feel so she has like this bright red bag it looks red to me she has like this bright colored bag and like this cool kind of relaxed casual feel but her shoes are really like exciting yeah like so this is kind of a funky look a funky style or a funky feel we call this funky all right almost then last one or sorry second to last is rustic rustic this has become more popular I feel like on Instagram lately so this was hard to find a picture form but rustic the feel of rustic is like in a cabin an old cabin in a forest this is called a cabin so it's a small house in a forest a cabin so rustic is the feeling of being here in this cabin so many cafes are very rustic or maybe people want a rustic house so rustic is like this wooden natural feel plus something old that's how we like explain rustic so the spelling is ru s TI c rustic rustic that is a rustic style I've noticed lots of like rustic Instagram photos of like coffee and coffee shops in the last few years so I think it's a thing okay finally is the word fashionable fashionable or some of you wrote a stylish as well that's fine fashionable or stylish we use fashionable or stylish to talk about someone who's always like looking for the new fashion they always want to have something cool and original from like the top designer from a special designer so maybe this is it this is an interesting look so someone who is really interested in fashion we could say they're very fashionable or they're very interested in fashion we also use fashionable or stylish to talk about someone that we think has good style so he's very fashionable there she's very stylish means we like that person's fashion so we usually use this as a compliment fashionable or stylish so sometimes maybe it's a kind of strange fashion but we can use these words to describe those those people as well okay let's finish up there I have to go to the last part real quick I suppose I'll go to a few slang thanks for dealing with all those fixtures let's go to our slang the slang part of today's episode very exciting slang how to describe your look so we have all of these styles we talked about I hope you found one that you like slang let's talk about slang now so how do we talk about our own like clothing our own fashion cool we can use the word cool this is an adjective it's sort of an old word it's cool he looks cool she looks cool just as we talked about here you look nice or he looks cool she looks cool cool is a general compliment that shirt is cool what your fashion is cool you can use this with anybody it's fine to use with people younger than you older than you whatever to be cool this is a new one to rock in the last five to ten years maybe to rock this is a verb to rock it does not mean to rock a baby to rock for example sunglasses or to rock a shirt or to rock shoes means to wear it means to wear yes but it means to wear and you're excited about it so it's used like with something that you recently bought like I'm going to rock my new sunglasses at the beach or whoa you're rocking some great shoes so to rock it means to wear but you're super happy about it are you really excited about it so maybe some of you are rocking something interesting today so I'm not rocking anything I'm very casual like so I don't I don't make an effort to be like fashionable here but perhaps one day perhaps I should have tried to be fashionable today mm-hmm well okay all right so to rock something to rock something on - swag swag this is a noun swag is a noun swag this is a noun swag is not a word I use but swag refers to like a feeling like a feeling of confidence in one's fashion usually in your fashion or in your personality someone who has swag is someone who has confidence or they have personal style and they're cool about it like wow like he has swag or like she has swag something like that is how we use this word swag is a noun referring to confidence in yourself and in your personal style swag this is the word young people use okay on to the next pair on fleek and on point on sleek and OnPoint we use these like adjectives so I'll give you an example we use these often for like hair style or like makeup style or we use it for maybe nails we use this for small details often in our look so for example her hair style is on point today or like her makeup is on fleek so these expressions on point and on fleek mean perfect very good amazing awesome your hair is on point today so I use on point a lot I don't use on fleek I don't know why I don't like on fleek but on point means it's perfect so the idea with on point is that like you have a point here and it's exactly here it's just right so something that is on point is just perfect just perfect okay is it okay to use slang with strangers these are okay yeah you can use these these are okay it depends a little bit on the situation okay let's finish up well I have to end quickly let's look at the next three together the next three are snazzy snazzy swanky and spiffy snazzy swanky and spiffy snazzy means something that is cool and like special so that's a snazzy suit or that's a snazzy hat it's something cool maybe a little refined and special swanky is something elegant that's a swanky dress or this is a swanky bar something elegant and a bit expensive its swanky spiffy is sort of cute it has a cute feeling and it's special and nice so snazzy and spiffy are quite similar spiffy sounds a bit older that word sounds a bit older Oh spiffy suit I think it sounds a little bit cute snazzy is a little bit more grown-up snazzy okay I've got to finish quick almost end time I am at a time dressed to the nines is another kind of older expression to be dressed to the nines to be dressed to the nines means to be in your top form like you are at the highest point in your fashion he is dressed to the nines oh she is dressed to the nines for this like important event tonight or for this gala event tonight so the image is like a very elegant dress or like a very elegant tuxedo something that's just beautiful are so so nicely made so that's to be dressed to the nine so he's dressed to the nines she's dressed to the nines all right last ones dope dope this is a word that is used a lot with street wear street wear so something that is dope or like music that is dope it means cool but it has kind of this street vibe about it the street feel okay last one last one is trend or trendy trend or trendy this isn't really slang but it's an important word to know something that is a trend so a trend this is a noun or something that is trendy an adjective so that means something that is popular now so that means it's not going to stay forever it's just popular now so like maybe for example this street wear is there this shirts or this brand is a trend right now or this is a trendy brand something that is popular now but will probably go away soon that's a trend as an adjective trendy oh okay that was a lot I have to finish okay so if you missed anything this video was recorded so please go back and check this lesson for all of the vocabulary words we used and I hope that you found something you can use to talk about your personal style as well I have to finish there because I'm late so thank you to everyone who joined us and sent comments and questions fantastic we will be back next week next week the topic will be active voice versus passive voice that will be July 17th Wednesday 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that of New York City time so please join us for a kind of grammar ish lesson hopefully we can answer some of your common questions about active and so please join us again next week and don't forget to download your free things from the link below the video on YouTube yet dinner or above the video on Facebook Instagram please check YouTube or Facebook to get these so we'll end there thank you very much everybody as always enjoy your week enjoy your weekend and I will see you again next time thank you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 78,696
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Keywords: how to talk about personal style, how to talk about yourself in english, talk about yourself, slang, slang in english, english slang,, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english
Id: e44xZidf2cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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