How to Stretch (Open) Pizza Dough By Hand WITHOUT STRESSING IT | 2021

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stretch your pizza dough by hand obviously but don't stress it and let me show you what i mean okay now here we have two pizza doughs exactly the same as you can see there are no difference between them but let me show you what i mean when i say don't stress your pizza dough if we use let's say this semolina flour here as much as we can and we start stretching our pizza you will see that is it's easily stretching and we have no problems you can put a little bit more semolina power if you need [Music] but just to show you this is the result and what i mean when i say don't stress your pizza though you will see it next now the second pizza dough watch carefully we'll use just a little bit of semolina flour and we start stretching we use just a little bit more because otherwise you can clearly see now the difference this is what i mean when you stress your pizza dough here you see a fine surface on the pizza dough and on the other side it's the same way and you cannot even stretch it and that's because you don't have a lot of semolina flour this is the only problem that this pizza dough has use as more semolina flour that you can and then start to stretch your pizza dough because otherwise if you don't have enough of semolina flour on your surface then you will stretch your pizza dough and you can clearly see that this is a dough that has been stressed you cannot stretch it and it comes with big very very very thin parts like so and this other one you can clearly see that has been stretched with a lot of semolina flour and it's near to perfect in the other one it's not and i will show you a quick example what happens now if we put them into the whole one [Music] i'm gonna show you how quick it will burn on some parts of this pizza because it's too thin there where where it's been stressed so this is the pizza that's been stressed out and this is the normal pizza that we tried not to stress it out [Music] you can clearly see the difference this is the one that we stressed out and you can see how it got burned on this part because the dough became too thin and this is the normal pizza dough that we tried not to stress out you can see the difference you can see so this is our tip of the day on how not to stress your pizza dough and hopefully your pizza dough won't come out like mine try to use as much semolina flour as you need don't be afraid is never too much semolina flour i really hope that you're learning something from this and until the next time from los brano thanks and bye
Channel: Lo Sbrano
Views: 40,346
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Keywords: how to stretch open pizza dough by hand without stressing it, pizza dough, stretching pizza dough, pizza, how to make pizza dough, how to stretch pizza dough, pizza dough stretching, pizza dough recipe, pizza dough tutorial, stretching pizza, dough stretching, stretching pizza by hand, how to stretch a pizza dough, dough, pizza napoletana, how to make pizza, stretching pizza without rolling pin, how to stretch pizza dough by hand, how to stretch a pizza, restaurant pizza dough
Id: rJlTXk9OI5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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