How to Stream to Kick on PC using OBS Studio

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In this video, I'm gonna show you how to go ahead and stream to kick utilizing OBS studio. Let's go ahead and dive in. So the first thing you're gonna wanna do is you're gonna wanna have your OBS studio open. If you don't have OBS studio downloaded, I'll put a link in the description of this video. Once you have OBS studio open, you're gonna want to come here to the bottom right and select settings. Let's gonna go ahead and bring up a menu just like this. Now the first thing that we want to make sure is that our video settings are correct. That way when we stream to kick it looks good. So we need to have the base canvas to be a 1920 by 10 80 output scale, 1920 by 1080, and the common FPS values be at 60. Once you have that in place, you're gonna want to come to where it says stream, and you're gonna want to go to where it says service, and you're gonna wanna. Custom. This is gonna go ahead and ask you for your server and your stream key. So to be able to get that information, we need to go over to Kick. So what you wanna do is you want to go to and I'll put a link in the description of this video. You're gonna click on your profile image and you're gonna come to where it says Settings. Once you select that, you're gonna come here to where it says stream key. Now you're gonna see here the stream url. You're gonna copy that. We're gonna come back here into O B S and you're gonna paste that where it says server. Then you're gonna come back to kick and you're gonna go ahead and select the stream key and copy this. And the super important that you don't share the stream key with anyone cuz anyone who has that stream key is gonna be able to stream on your account. So then we'll come back to o Bs. We'll go ahead and paste that in. And then we'll go ahead and press, okay. Now we're connected directly to Kick, so if we come back into settings and you come here to stream, when you go live, it's gonna push you over to KI and I'll show you here an example in just a few moments. But before we can go live on Kick you need to make sure that your stream settings are good. Otherwise, you're gonna have a laggy and choppy stream. So to be able to fix. You wanna come to here where it says output, and we're gonna come to where it says streaming and output mode. You wanna select advance. Now, the most important thing that we want to focus on is gonna be the CBR Bitrate. So you want to be able to set this at at least 6,000. Minimum. 7,750 is a sweet spot, but you can do 6,000. But how do you know if you can afford to be able to use 6,000 without having lag? So to be able to check that you want to come to And I'll put a link in the description of this video. And what you wanna look at is your upload speed. This is what's gonna determine what you can utilize inside of OBS. So if you have a 12 upload speed or higher, you're going to be able to utilize the 6,000 speed inside of O B s, and then you want to have your key frame intervals at two and your profile at high. And then for your encoder, you want to use your hardware encoder or X 2 64 to be able to get the best experience. So now we want to go ahead and test that. So if we hit start streaming, it's gonna go ahead and say connecting, and then it's gonna say, stop streaming. And that's how you know that you're live. So what we want to do is we want to come back here to kick. We want to come to our dashboard, click channel. And then we should see that we're live. And you see my starting soon. You see that it's looking smooth. There's no lag. Everything is running perfectly. So now that you're connected to Kick and you're able to stream an O Bs studio, you don't want to have a boring looking stream. So go ahead and watch this video right here where I'll walk you step by step on how to set up overlays inside of OBS. So that way your stream on KICK looks professional. I'll see you guys in the next video.
Channel: LAS Curry
Views: 120,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Stream to Kick on Pc using OBS Studio, how to stream on kick, how to stream to kick on PC, how to stream to kick from pc, kick streaming, how to stream to, kick streaming platform, streaming on, kick streaming tutorial, how to stream on kick and twitch at the same time, how to stream to kick using obs, how to stream to kick from obs, how to stream to kick using obs studio, LAS Curry,
Id: rU6SovfRAbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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