Easy Way to Setup Kick Overlays in OBS Studio

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The easiest way to go ahead and make your kick streams look professional is by having overlays. So in today's video, I'm gonna show you how to go ahead and set up all of your scenes and all of your sources inside of O Bs, so that way your kick streams look professional. So the first thing you're gonna wanna do is you're gonna wanna go ahead and have o Bs installed. And then here on the left hand side where it says scenes, we're gonna start to create all the scenes that we're gonna go ahead and build out. So we're gonna hit this plus icon. The first scene we're gonna call is gonna be starting soon. You're gonna select, okay? And the best thing is that you're not gonna need to do this again after you do it this time. So if you follow what I'm showing you step by step, you're gonna have professional look and stream by the end of this video. So then we're gonna do, ending soon, gonna hit okay. Then we're gonna go ahead and add, be right back. Then we're gonna go ahead and add countdown timer. We're gonna go ahead and add gameplay scene, and then we're gonna go ahead and add here our just chatting. Okay. We're gonna take our countdown timer screen and we're gonna push it all the way up right under starting soon. We're gonna go ahead and get our gameplay scene and go ahead and put it under countdown timer, and then we're gonna get our just chatting scene and we're gonna put it under countdown, and then we have our Be right back. We'll put it here under gameplay scene, and now this is gonna be our core scenes that we're gonna be able to utilize starting soon. Countdown time. We're just chatting, gameplay scene. Be right back and ending soon. So now we need our sources. So our sources are going to be the overlays that we're gonna go ahead and add to our stream. So if you don't have any kind of overlays, I'm gonna go ahead and utilize overlays from stream designs. They have tons of animated overlays. You can go ahead and utilize. I'm gonna go ahead and utilize the Crimson package. You can go ahead and find a link in the description to this package or to stream designs in general, but this is gonna give us everything that we need our starting soon, our ending, soon our be right back, even our alerts, our panels, our webcam overlay. It's gonna go ahead and give us our just chatting and our gameplay bar. And then of course you can see here that they're gonna be animated. So this is how we're gonna be able to go ahead and see the animation. We got our countdown timer. We're gonna have our be right back and everything is gonna be animated. So once you go ahead and selected your package, we're gonna come back here to o Bs. And we're gonna start with our starting soon, right? This is gonna be the scene that you play right when you hit Go Live. Okay? So we're gonna go ahead and hit this little plus icon under sources. We're gonna come to where it says here, media Source, because it is animated now, if you're not using. Animated overlays. You can go ahead and select image to select a non-animated overlay. So for this example, we're gonna use animation. Animation is always gonna be a little bit more exciting, create more movement, and get people interested in your stream. So we're gonna name this starting soon. We're gonna hit okay. And now it's gonna ask us to go ahead and locate our file. So before you hit browse, when you download a package from Stream Designs, it's gonna first come in and look like this, right? It's gonna be a zip file. If you are on a Mac, you wanna simply double click it. If you are on Windows, you wanna right click and select extract, and then it's gonna go ahead and create a folder just like this for you, right? So once you have that zip file done and extracted, and you have a folder, you'll come to browse. We will go ahead and come to our desktop and we'll come here to where it says here, animated stream overlays, crimson. You're gonna see overlay screens. We'll select that and now we're gonna select our starting soon you'll hit open. And now here for this, we wanna make sure you select loop, so that way it keeps going and then you wanna select, okay. Now you're gonna see here that we have our starting soon screen. So next we're gonna wanna move over to our countdown timer and the same thing, you can get the countdown timer over on stream designs.com that matches the package that you want ahead and purchase. So we'll hit sources. We'll hit this plus icon. We're gonna hit Media source again, we're gonna name this timer and we're gonna press okay. We're gonna come in here and hit browse. And now we're gonna do is you're gonna come back here to the desktop and you're gonna see here where it says countdown timer. We'll select that, we'll open it up. And then for this, you don't wanna set loop because once the timer finishes, you want it to go ahead and move on to the next scene. So we'll press okay. And the way that you would run this is that you would start your stream with, you're starting soon, right? And then once you've got everything finalized, you're ready to go, you then can go ahead and transition to your countdown timer. That gives you an additional five minutes to go ahead and get things going, get things wrapped up, get people hyped up for your stream. And then from there you want to go ahead and dive into your just chatting scene, right? So before we set up our just chatting and our gameplay, I wanna set up our be right back because this is gonna be a great scene in the event that you need to step away, somebody's at your door. You need to go use the restroom. You're able to use this scene here, so we'll come to be right back. We're gonna come to sources. We're gonna hit this plus icon. We're then gonna go ahead and select Media source, and we're gonna name this B rrb, you'll press okay, and then here on the locate file, we're gonna hit browse. We're gonna come back to our desktop, and then you'll look here for our animated stream overlay. We'll come to overlay screens and then we'll look for where it says be right back. We'll hit that. Okay. This is, is you do wanna select loop for this that way because you don't know how long you're gonna be. And now we have our be right back scene set up. Then let's go ahead and set up our ending soon. This is a great way for you to be able to put on this screen when you're ending. People can still hear your voice, you can talk to them, and then you can get ready to go ahead and host someone, uh, to send over everybody who's watching your stream over to somebody else's stream. So we'll hit ending soon. Come to plus sign under sources, we'll come to Media Source and then we're gonna name this ending, you'll press okay and we'll locate our file. We'll come to ending soon. And then for this here, you also wanna select it at Loop. And now you can see here that we have our ending soon. So we've set up our, starting soon we've set up our countdown. We're set up our Be right back. And we've end setting up our ending soon. So now what we wanna do is that when you're transitioning between scenes, it's very important that it's not just a basic transition. You want it to have some kind of animation. Again, we really want your stream to look professional, and that's where a stinger transition comes in handy, right? So we're gonna go ahead and set that up now. And again, you can get that over@streamdesigns.com. Again, the link is in the description of this video. So I'm gonna come ahead here to where it says Scene transition. I'm gonna go ahead and switch this over and I'm gonna select this little plus icon. I'm gonna come and select the stinger, and then we're gonna name this stinger. Transition you're gonna select, okay, and now this is gonna ask you to upload your video file. So we'll hit browse. I'm gonna come back to my desktop and I'm gonna go to the Stinger transition folder. And now I have my stinger transition here. So I went ahead and added that in there. There you wanna scroll down and you wanna hit preview transition because the most important thing that we wanna focus on here, Is this time transition point. So the goal of a signature is that you want that to extinguish to occur, and you don't wanna see the B, right? So if we leave it at zero, And we hit this, you see the, you saw the B first, meaning the B is significant of your next scene. So you don't want to click transition and then you instantly see the A, right? So what I've found, and this is something you need to just tweak based on where you get your overlays from, if you got 'em from stream designs, you can kind of play around with the numbers that I'm giving you here, which is like seven 50 is typically a sweet spot, uh, for the transition. So if we go ahead and hit preview, you can see here, Then now you didn't see the B when I hit preview or the A, right? So that's kind of B, the sweet spot, and that's what you want there. Then here where you want audio fade style, you wanna make sure this says cross fade. What that means is that if you were to talk and switch between scenes, it's gonna maintain your voice and it's not gonna cut your voice out when you go into a new scene. So once you have that in place, you'll press okay, and now you can see it that when we go from starting soon to our countdown, We now have a nice animation that's gonna happen. Same thing when we go to our Be right back. So now that we have our signatures in place, our stream is already starting to look professional. Now let's go ahead and add in our gameplay scene. So when we come to our gameplay scene, there's gonna be multiple things that we need to add, right? The first thing is our play. So based on what you use to game, this is gonna determine how you do this. So we hit this plus icon. The first option is if, if you stream directly on your PC or on your Mac, then you're gonna wanna go ahead and use screen capture if you're on the Mac, or you wanna do window capture if you are on Windows. Once you select that, if you're gonna leave it as screen capture, and then it's gonna ask you to decide what you want to go ahead and display, you'll select window capture, and then you can go ahead and select the game that you're gonna want to be able to stream. So for this example, I'm gonna utilize a console, meaning that I'm utilizing a capture card to be able to bring in my gameplay scene. So I'm gonna hit this little plus icon. And if you're using a capture card, what you wanna do is you wanna select video capture device. I'm gonna name this capture card. You are gonna select, okay, and now it's gonna ask you to select the device. So what we wanna do is we wanna select our capture card that's connected to our console, whether it be your Xbox, your Switch, or your PlayStation five. So I'm gonna go ahead and select here the, uh, HD 60 X. It's gonna be my gameplay. You're gonna see that my gameplay is gonna come in now, so you can see my Xbox dashboard. So I can load up a game. You can see that it's working perfectly fine. So now that I have that in place, So we've added in our gameplay. The next thing that we want to add to this scene is going to be our gameplay overlay bar. So to be able to add that, we're gonna hit this little plus icon. We're gonna hit media source, and this came along with your stream designs overlay package. So we're gonna say overlay bar, you're gonna select Okay. And now we're gonna come to locate file. We're gonna browse, we're gonna come back to our desktop, and then here where it says Animated stream Overlay, you wanna come to where it says overlay screen. And then here you're gonna see your overlay bar. So we'll open that up. You can have it on loop because you want the animation to keep going. And now we have our bar here. It's gonna showcase our new follower, our new subscriber, our new donation, and our stream goal, right? And later, I'll show you how to go ahead and have the names automatically pop up when those things happen. So typically your overlay bar sits at the top of your stream and you can size it, make it small, make it bigger, or you don't even have to use it if you don't want to. Um, but I'm gonna go ahead and add it in there. And then I'm gonna go ahead and lock it as well. So now we have our overlay bar. The next thing we want to add is gonna be our camera. So you can, if you don't have a camera, you don't need to add it. If you do have a webcam, then you can go ahead and add it in here. Now. So what I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna go ahead and hit this little plus icon and I'm gonna come and select the video capture device. Now this is where I'm gonna type in camera. I'm gonna go ahead and hit okay. And then it's gonna go ahead and ask me to go ahead and select my camera. So I'm gonna go ahead and do that. Now I'm gonna come here to where it says Cam link. And now you can actually see me that I went ahead and popped up here, select. Okay. And now what I wanna do is that I wanna resize this, make it smaller. And I just wanna go ahead and place this where I need it to be. Now if you want, you can leave it that way, but inside of your Stream Designs package, it did come with a webcam overlay. So we're gonna leave our webcam overlay big for just a moment. We're gonna come here and I'm gonna go ahead and just disable it just for a moment here. And then I'm gonna come to this plus icon. I'm gonna go to Media Source. I'm gonna name this webcam overlay. I'm gonna select, okay. And now here you're gonna locate your file, right? We're gonna come back here to our animated package. We're gonna come to where it says webcam overlays, and you have three different options of webcam overlays based on what it is that you want to use. Now, I'd like to go ahead and use without the border. Select open. And now we can go ahead and select loop because we do want the animation to happen. And now here we have our webcam border. So now we can go ahead and bring in our camera so we can go ahead and adjust this. So the first thing you wanna do is you wanna grab your webcam overlay and you wanna adjust it and make it the right size for this canvas here. Once you had that in, Place. What you want to do is you want to either hit, uh, control or alt on your keyboard or command on the Mac, and that's gonna go ahead and allow you to be able to select both the webcam and the camera. And now what you wanna do it is a quick little hack, is you wanna right click, you wanna select group selected items, and we're gonna name this camera once you do that. And the reason why we do this, Okay is because now that it's in a group, now I can resize this and it resizes the camera and the overlay at the same time. So now I can grab my camera. Place it where I want it to be. And now you can see here that we've now created our gameplay scene. Now you can see here that my game is on this camera, but I'm facing away from my screen. So the easy fix to be able to adjust that is to click on your camera, go ahead and go to where it says Transform, and you want to go ahead and flip horizontally. Right. So now you can see here that I'm looking at the screen and that's what you want to be able to get viewers to kind of engage with you to know that you're looking at your gameplay scene, right? So now we have that in place. Again, you can see here that when we transition, now we have a nice transition. We come back to our gameplay and now we have this all set up. The only other thing that you would want to add to this gameplay scene is gonna be your chat to be able to show it on stream, and I'm gonna show you how to add that here in just a few moments as well. So now we wanna go ahead and move over to our just chatting scene. This is the scene that you're gonna utilize either right after your countdown time, or to start engaging with your community before you dive into the game. Um, but it's also a great way to be able to just have breaks in between when games are loading. This is also a scene that comes in a stream designs package. So we're gonna come to sources, we're gonna press plus, we're gonna go ahead and select Media source. We're gonna name this, just chatting. We're gonna select, okay. And then here where it says Locate Locate file. We're gonna go ahead and go back to our desktop. We're gonna open up our animated package. We're gonna come to where it says Overlay screens. And you're gonna see just chatting. You'll hit open. You wanna select loop, so the animation keeps going. And now you can see here that we have a just chatting screen. So now you're gonna see three different options here, right? So you have here in the center a box to be able to put a webcam. You have a box here to be able to put your gameplay, or you have, and you have a box here to put your live chat. This is all based on what you want to do. If you wanna put your game here in the center and you wanna put yourself small here at the top, you can do that, right? So for this example, I'm gonna put myself big in the center. I'm gonna put my gameplay on the right, and then we'll have our chat here on the bottom right. So, And to be able to do that, we're gonna select video capture device. Now we don't need to add a new one, we can just select the camera. Select, okay, here's the camera. Now what I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna size this and I'm gonna place it in this box. And then once I have it where I kind of want it, I just wanna grab my camera and put it under the just chatting overlay. And now you can see that I have a nice box around me with. Out any kind of spill of my camera. So now that's in place. The next thing we wanna do is add our gameplay. So we're gonna do the same exact step, right? We're gonna hit, gonna select video capture device, and then we're gonna add existing, and we're gonna do capture card, we're gonna select, okay? And we'll do the same thing. We'll resize this. And we'll put this here in this box. And again, this can be your screen share, this can be your gameplay. It's gonna be anything that you want to be able to display there. Um, and then you grab your capture card and you place it under the overlay. And now you can see that everything's looking pretty smooth, right? So we have our camera, and now we have our gameplay. So the only thing, other thing that's missing here is gonna be our live chat. It's gonna be our alert and it's going to go ahead and be. Are or our stream labels that we have here in place. That way when somebody on Kick Subscribes alert comes up when your chat is trying to talk to you on kick, all of your things pop up here. So to go ahead and get your kick chat overlay all set up inside of O B S studio, go ahead and watch this video right here where I walk you step by step on setting that up so that way you can complete the look and feel of your kick stream. I'll see you guys in the next video.
Channel: LAS Curry
Views: 18,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup kick overlays, how to setup kick overlays in obs studio, how to setup overlay on obs, how to setup overlay in obs, how to setup overlays on obs studio, how to make your stream look professional, How to add overlays to your kick stream, best way to add overlays in obs studio, how can I add overlays to my kick streams, obs studio, how to stream on kick, obs, LAS CUrry
Id: iwY2x8hYKuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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