How To Setup Kick Chat In OBS Studio (Full Guide/Tutorial)

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what's going on guys and welcome back to another video today we're going to be showing you how to get your streams chat on screen so that they can see it as well now this works really well if you're multi-streaming with restream or if you're just streaming on Twitch Kik or YouTube uh but this is the next video in my kick streaming series that I'm going to be putting out for you guys uh we have a video or two coming every week for the next three weeks with cool features and updates and things that you guys can do to improve your stream so without further Ado guys let's Dive In now once you log into botricks you're going to be brought to this page that shows all the platforms that you have linked to your account and right here we're going to click the kick one since this is for kick we're gonna hit settings right there so now we're editing our kick settings as you can see up here in the top left it shows a platform as kick so the next thing we're going to want to do is going to head over to widgets over here on the left hand side and then we're going to go down to the second row second column and we're going to click on the chat widget right here now in here it's going to give us a little preview right in this box on what our chat messages will look like when they appear on your stream this is what your viewers will see if you add this to your OBS or your streamlabs OBS so right here these options these are different options let's say you're multi-streaming and you want to have your chat from trovo twitch YouTube and Kik all at the same time you're obviously going to have all of these checks so I would suggest doing that if you're only streaming on one of them select that platform we can click hide bot messages and this will hide when botrick says something like if someone's talking in your chat and they level up by talking a bunch uh botricks will say Hey you leveled up to level one if you check this box right here it will hide those bot tricks messages from popping up on your stream so you can do that you can enable better TTV and seven TV emoticons right here with this option you can have it hide old messages I don't suggest doing this you kind of want the messages to stay there so people can read them you know if you have them hiding really quick uh you know someone may say something and then someone looks away for two seconds they turn back and now the message is gone so I would suggest unchecking that box you can have it hide commands I suggest doing that as well we're going to do that on mine now and then you can have it show platform icon and again this is mainly for if you're restreaming or multi-streaming so someone can see oh this guy's talking from YouTube oh this person is talking from twitch it just makes it a little bit easier and people can understand where everyone is chatting from and then here we have a few different design options these are the free options right here we have default transparent bubbles white cake side and streamline obviously if you change the design you're going to get a new preview up here showing you what that new design is going to look like so that's what streamline would look like I actually like the default design the best to me it looks uh really professional and really nice this is what I'm using on my stream so the next important thing here is the widget URL what you're going to do is once you get these settings right you're going to hit copy so that copied this link to your clipboard let's head on over back to OBS alright so here we are back in OBS and this is where you're going to paste that URL what we're going to do is whatever scene you're in that you want your chat to be visible we are going to go to that scene and then we're going to click the plus sign down here to add a source and what we're going to add is a browser source so we're going to create a new browser source and we're going to name this stream chat and click OK and now what you do is you copy that URL in right here boom and then you could select the width and the height right here let's say if you're trying to fit your chat into a specific box you would use these right here everything else in here you can completely leave alone you don't need to mess with it at all but let's hit OK and now we have this box right here that I'm moving around this red box uh this is our chat we can resize it like this um but what I was trying to say before is that if you go back into the settings using the width and the height you can actually fit it perfectly inside any box that you need it to whereas if you just resize it like this that's good to just make it larger or smaller but if let's say you have a box that's the width of my camera right like that but it's longer like this you can't make this longer without making the sides bigger but you can if you go into the settings and we change the height to let's say 900 now that box is longer you see what I'm saying with that so that's how you would do it and then you would lock this layer and now when someone is chatting on your stream as I showed you here in this clip from my stream it will show right there and everyone can see what everyone's saying it kind of does help a lot it adds a more of an engaging feel to your stream so I suggest doing this if you're new to streaming all right guys that's it that's how you add your chat onto your stream uh it's pretty simple um and you can mess with those settings kind of get it you know where you want it um it's very simple you're just going to add it as a browser source and then like I said the sizing is where it gets a little bit tricky you can drag the size larger or smaller um but it does help a lot to kind of mess with the width and the height if you're trying to fit it inside you know a specific box right like I showed you before if it's too tall the Box um and when you drag that chat larger you're going to want to edit that uh height to make it actually go the full length um because what it's doing when you're what you can either you can crop it but that's not going to look well so I suggest sizing it by you know holding and dragging and then pinpoint that size by using the width and the height adjustments in the properties layer of that Source but uh if you guys enjoyed this video hit that like button and subscribe to the channel um I have tons of videos coming out we're doing an entire kick series telling you guys how to do all sorts of different things on your streams to make it look a little bit more professional and a little bit more engaging for your viewers because that's super important and if you guys want to hang out with me live I stream on Kick Monday through Friday at 8 pm eastern time at Hammer dance so there'll be a link to that in the description below this video but anyways guys that's all from me I want you to keep those hammers up and I'll see you next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Hammer Dance
Views: 4,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to setup kick chat in obs studio, kick chat, how to get kick chat in obs, adding kick chat to obs, how to stream on kick, kick streaming, livestream kick chat, kick, kick chat obs,, how to stream, streaming, kick live, how to setup chat, how to add chat, obs, chat custom browser dock, how to add chat to obs, how to show chat, how to setup chat, for kick, obs, botrix, obs studio tutorial, obs studio, hammer dance
Id: AOQESijS09o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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