How To Stream On Twitch (PC 2024 Tutorial)

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do you want to start streaming on Twitch in 2024 I'm going to teach you everything that you need to know so easily that even your grandma can do it well maybe not your grandma but if your mom knows at least how to send text messages through her phone then she'll be able to understand so if that sounds good to you then make sure to drop a quick like on the video so other people can easily find this video the very first thing that we need to do is go over to you're going to go to the top right corner and you should see a sign up button you're going to make a Twitch account I know seems obvious right but some people might skip this step so don't be one of those people all right as you can see here we've been streaming on Twitch for over 6 years now it's uh pretty disgusting and I will teach you guys how to customize your channel to make it look nice and pretty and everything you'll need to know about streaming later in this playlist but for now I'll just cover how to stream so once you've made a Twitch account then you're good to go for this step next thing we need is what's called a streaming software and that's going to allow us to put our camera our game and basically design our live live stream for our viewers to see we'll be using OBS studio for this video and I'll make sure to leave everything I talk about Linked In the description down below so you're going to click on whichever platform that you use and you're going to download the OBS Studio program and you're going to run the installation like any other piece of software and I'll see you on the other side once you open up OBS Studio you'll see this disgusting looking gray Bleak kind of looking software but that's all right because it's going to get the job done even if it does look ugly AF so in order to cheer ourselves up we're going to take a very quick detour if you're wondering how everyone spices up their stream making it look really cool this is going to be your One-Stop shop for basically everything you're going to need for streaming I'll leave a link down below this video and lucky for us they also sponsored it too so high five but basically you can navigate through the top and they have a bunch of different packages alerts panels banners emotes badges pretty much everything you're going to need but my favorite thing about them is actually their stream design bestseller packages because it has everything you could possibly want all in one cohesive package so if you click on a package for example and we go on the left hand side I'm going to click a few down it'll give you an animated preview of what's included in this package so you'll see it has a bunch of animated different alerts it's got panels to put below your Twitch stream it has different animated webcam overlays to put around your webcam to make it look nice got pretty much everything you're going to need and it's just a really easy nice way to make your Twitch Channel look very professional and clean so I'll leave a link down below once again and you can also use coupon code CAW for 50% off your Pur purchase but let's go back to OBS studio so now that we're back to this ugly duckling of a program right here this main screen right here this little black box is going to be our stream preview so this is what your viewers are going to see when you start streaming obviously it's black right now because you know we haven't done anything yet so we need to start designing this bad boy but before we do that we're going to look in the bottom left corner and we have a little scenes Tab and a scene is a collection of sources and now a source if you click the plus button these are different little puzzle pieces to put in your puzzle so for example we can add our game capture we can add our webcam we can add all of these different little puzzle pieces on the screen so we'll be able to design our stream now scenes are collection of sources so for example we can have a just chatting scene where our webcam is the full screen and then we have some chat but let's say you want to play a game right so you can make an extra scene and we'll call it gaming and we can okay and so we can have this scene be just the game and then our webcam smaller so that way you can switch between scenes simply by clicking them easy enough right next to these tabs we have the audio mixer which is currently blank but don't worry we're going to add some audio sources and we'll be able to see the volume levels as well as adjust the volume to make them quieter or louder next to that we have scene transitions which I'll touch on later and then we have controls which I will also touch on in a moment that's pretty much the layout for OBS Studio you can see we got some stuff at the top as well but I will go on there as we get to it cuz I don't want to overwhelm you guys I like to keep things simple and easy so hopefully that's okay so let's start with the fun part and that's going to be designing our stream so for example let's start with this blank scene that we have I'm going to rightclick it and I'm going to rename it so click rename and then I'm going to type in just chatting and we'll just do a just chatting screen and a gaming screen and maybe we'll do another one so we'll do just chatting first have that selected and we're going to go to our sources we're going to click the plus button so the first thing that I want to add for our just chatting scene is going to be a video capture device now that's going to be any webcam so I'm going to click on video capture device I'm going to call this one webcam just so we know what it is and then we will click okay now it's going to give us a list of all the different webcams that I have I'm using the integrated one on my laptop which looks like absolute crap so we're not going to use that I'm going to go through all of my different cameras I'm going to click this one hopefully it's not in use okay I'm going to go with the other one and me one thing to keep in mind mind is that if you have your webcam open in another piece of software like my recording software you can't double dip so that's why I had to deactivate my second webcam in order to use it here hopefully it's not too confusing for you guys but now that I deactivated my second webcam I'm going to go and actually use it hopefully drum roll please okay that's the wrong one I got two of the same webcam you guys got to cut me some slack it's going to be this one and boom there we go that's my second webcam if you guys remember from the intro of my YouTube video but let's just have our webcam up and running that's totally cool and we're just going to Simply hit okay so now that we have our webcam on the screen we're ready to rock and roll because we have our just chatting which is fantastic that's great and now we have our webcam so the next part that we want to do for our just chatting scene is to have our twitch chat appear over our stream so our viewers can see it now if you're a one monitor user that wants to have their chat over their game because you don't have a second monitor to put OBS studio and your Twitch chat on so you can read it then I'll leave a card in the top right corner which will show you which video to watch for that specifically but we're going to add our twitch chat over our stream so our viewers can see it forgive me for bouncing around a little bit but this is the easiest way to get everything done to make it actually look nice so we're going to go to which I'll leave the link down below this video and we're not actually going to download streamlabs desktop this is another piece of streaming software in case you don't like OBS studio and I also have another video on this as well but what we're going to use is their chat feature so we don't actually have to download anything but what we're going to do is Click sign sign up in the top right corner or if you already have an account you can click log in and you're going to link your Twitch account to streamlabs so since I already have one I'm going to click login with twitch but you should sign up with twitch and link your Twitch account so it can be connected to streamlabs so we can get that chat so once you've logged into streamlabs and your Twitch account is connected then what we're going to do is go to the top where it has the search bar and we're going to type in chatbox that being one word we're going to see chatbox widget settings and we're going to click that and it's going to give us options on what our chat box is going to look like so as you can see here this is the default twitch chat box so it's a transparent background and it'll show the user name some badges as well as their text now you can go and feel free to switch between all of these different options for themes and it will change what it looks like I prefer either the clean or I prefer the twitch because it's just classic twitch right but actually I'm going to go with clean for this option cuz I think I like it better you can feel free to mess with all of the different settings here like showing different badges showing viewers platform icon like if you're multistreaming but that's a future topic which I do have on the channel so don't worry I'll cover multi streaming in a later video so you can feel free to customize it to your little heart's desire as well as including a background color if you want to have a background change the text color the font sizes all this is little customizations that you can do on your own so take your time pause the video and do that and then come back if you want to really get crazy with this so once you've customized your chat box to how you would like it you can hit save settings and we're going to scroll up and then you see this thing that says widget URL we're going to scroll over this and we're going to hit copy okay then we're going to hit copy again make sure you don't show this link to anybody by the way otherwise they'll be able to use your chat box which you don't want them to so once you've clicked copy and you've copied it again we got that widget URL copied we're going to go back to OBS Studio once we're back inside OBS we're going to go down to the sources we're going to add a new source by clicking the plus button then we're going to add a thing called browser it's a browser Source because we're going to take information from a browser URL and we're going to display it on our OBS now keep in mind you do not have to have the streamlabs tab open at all whatsoever you can close it because it's just going to read it through this URL little browser source that we're adding so you can close that Tab and literally never touch it again if you don't want but we're going to click browser and then we're going to call this one I'm going to call it chat box then we're going to hit okay okay and see this URL portion right here I'm going to hit contrl V also known as paste it's going to paste this URL right here and once you've done that we're going to Simply hit okay now you can see that our box is empty but when we start sending messages through twitch you will see them pop up in here so in order to test this what we're going to do is take a quick detour over to the settings in the bottom right corner we're going to click on settings then we're going to go to the stream tab so we're going to click on stream then we're going to click on service and make sure it says twitch then once you have twitch selected what you're going to do is Click connect account so we're going to click connect account then you're going to log in with your Twitch information so put your info in and click log in and then after you have linked your Twitch account right here you'll see a button that says disconnect account and that means you're locked and loaded you're good to go so after you've done that you can see we have a thing that says twitch chat add-ons and I would recommend putting on better TTV and franker faces that's just going to allow you to see certain emotes that people use in the chat it's really just that simple so once you've done that and your Twitch account is connected via that connect button then we're going to click apply and okay and then you'll see these little boxes pop up and if you don't see them pop up or you accidentally close them like this then what you can do is go to the top left and you'll see a little tab that says docks then you'll be able to see a bunch of different stuff here you won't be able to see some of these because they're just external things that I downloaded so don't freak out if you don't see certain things but what you should see is both chat and stream information so what you can do is Click stream information and you can grab the top of it and then you can drag it to a little area that you'd like to have it in I'm going to put it made let's say right here and if you're having trouble getting it in which that's what she said you can double click the top of this so double click it and it'll Auto put it in God this is getting worse it'll Auto put it into obs and you'll be able to dock it that way geez this getting off the rails so we can dock that then we can also go back to docks and then click chat and it'll bring our twitch chat up as well so I'm going to put actually I'm going to switch these I'm going to put my stream information over to the right I'm going to drag it by the side to make it much smaller cuz it doesn't need to be that large God I'm on a roll with these and we can go and drag this on the left and then we have our twitch chat and our stream information now the stream information this is the stuff that you'll be changing like your title your go live notification the category so what game you're going to be streaming as well as tags and other stuff and once you've done all of that then conveniently hidden behind my webcam you'll hit done and that'll basically save all of your stream information and then that way it will automatically be updated on your Twitch profile so we really don't have to worry about the stream information anymore so Loki I could get rid of it or I'm just going to leave it up so in case you guys get worried I don't want you guys to freak out so now to Circle back to our chat we're going to look on the left hand side where it says send a message we're going to click there and I'm going to send a message that says testing I will hit enter and send and you'll see it pop up on the screen now if you don't see it pop up on the screen Do Not freak out that's totally okay what you can do is one go back to streamlabs where your little chat box was and just double check that you actually hit the save settings button so hit save settings then you can go to your chat box Source here we'll doubleclick it and then you'll scroll down to the bottom where it says refresh cach of current page so we'll click that then hit okay then go back and we're going to send a another message and your message should pop up there if it's still not showing up for you you can go to streamlabs and contact their help desk they're super helpful and they'll be able to locate the issue for you but as you can see here we have our chat box on the screen I'm just going to send a bunch of crap on the screen just so you can see and if you want to adjust the size of the chat box what you can do is double click the chat box source and you'll be able to adjust these numbers here so the width and the height so let's say I don't want it as wide let's say I want it like n just about half as wide so I'll put 500 there and then I'll hit okay and it will change it so it's a little bit less wide so if I send a really long message for example like this okay that wasn't long enough that's also what she said there we go so we have our chat box here you'll be able to click and move it on your screen but one really important piece of information to know is that your sour are stacked on top of each other so for example the webcam is below the chat box so if I bring the chat box below the webcam it's going to be behind the webcam so make sure that you have things on top of each other all of these that's what she said jokes are getting out of hand I'm going to drag my chat box above my webcam because things can block each other if that makes sense so this is a pretty solid just chatting scene right now so we're going to have our chat we have our webcam that's pretty good start for just chatting so let's go over to our gameplay scene so I'm I'm going to click the gaming scene and that's going to switch over if you're wondering what that scene transitions tab down in the bottom right corner is that's what it is so if I click and switch between scenes it's going to do a fade that takes 300 milliseconds can also change it to a cut so I can just hit gaming and it'll automatically cut to it instead of fading you're able to switch around with those and play with that if you'd like but moving back to the gaming scene what we're going to need obviously is a game to play so I'm going to go and boot up a random steam game real quick so I've gone ahead and booted up Hollow KN everyone favorite game I know and now that we have our game up and running I'm going to go back to OBS studio so you can hold alt and tab and be able to go back if you're only using one monitor so I'm going to go and do that I'm going to go back to OBS Studio bring that bad boy up and in order to capture our game we have a couple of different options because one option might not work for you so we got a bunch of different options cuz I thought ahead and I got you guys don't worry so we'll go back to our sources under our gaming scene we're going to click add a new source and this time we have three different options we we have a game capture which you know is obviously a game capture what the heck else do you think it is we also have a window capture which will capture any window so if you want to capture like a Chrome browser or any other window AKA game as well and then we have a display capture which will capture everything on your screen so if you're looking at some lewd images then you might not want to do display capture but we'll start out with the tried and true we'll do game capture we'll just leave it as game capture we'll hit okay then we're going to have mode it's capture any full screen application obviously that's not working right now so that's fantastic we're going to click on mode we're going to do capture specific window and then we're going to hit window we're going to find Hollow knight from the list so I'm going to click Hollow Knight give it a second and boom we got hollow Knight right there that's fantastic that's good and great now for example if this was not working for you or you just wanted to use capture full screen and it this isn't working what you can do is first of all I'm going to hit okay and we're going to go back to hollow night or whatever game you're you're playing you can also go into the options of your game if it allows we'll go to video options you'll be able to change your full screen to like different things so I'd always recommend using borderless windowed or borderless full screen if it's possible but usually borderless windowed or you can do full screen off so AKA Window mode if you're having issues getting the game to capture but usually borderless is your best option so let's go back to OBS so as you can see now that it's in borderless it's automatically captured any full screen application which is great because if we have capture specific window on anytime we play a new game we're going to have to go back into this game capture source and change the window which is freaking annoying and I don't like doing that so depending on the game it can be a little finicky so like I said capture specific window is also a great option but let me go over some more options as well so I'm actually going to get rid of this by clicking on it and pressing delete and then hit yes so we have the other two options like window capture which is pretty much the same thing as game capture but this time it's like a window so make sure you're playing in a window Window mode if you're seeing this crap right here then just go to capture method and choose Windows 10 and up and bada boom bada bing you got it working here as well so if the first method didn't work for you you can use this as well mess around with those in-game full screen settings so hit okay and great now if neither of these work for you or if you want to capture your entire display you'll just go to display capture you can leave it like that hit okay and then you'll have capture method automatic or you'll be able to mess around with those as well and as you can see it's capturing my entire monitor but it's not capturing my monitor that I want to so I have to change my display and go to my actual Monitor and now you can see what I like to describe as hell so this captures everything on your screen AKA a capture inside a capture inside a capture so if neither of those options work for you at the beginning you can use this one if you want so I'll hit okay and I'm going to go back to just the game capture since it's working for me and I find it to be one of the better options so I'll just go in capture specific window Hollow KN hit okay and B boom bada bing we got our game capture on the screen that's fantastic so now we will go and add a new source so we're going to add a new one and we're going to add a video capture device so we're going to add our webcam but since we already added our webcam we don't have to add a new source we can just click add existing and then click webcam and then okay and it's going to bring up our webcam now remember it's on top of the game capture so what we can do is grab the corner of our webcam make it smaller and then if you want you can hold the ALT key on your keyboard and drag the sides to crop it also if you happen to get a literally anything from earlier where I said you can get like webcam overlays and stuff you'll be able to add those now as well so for example if you bought a webcam overlay or one of those packages uh what you can do is click the add source button and if we want to add like a webcam overlay that's animated We'll add a media Source if you're adding a static one you'll add an image so real quick for those that did get one we'll click media source for an animated one and I'll just call this one webcam overlay if you didn't get one that's totally fine you don't have to but I'm just going to show everyone so just give me like 10 seconds or skip ahead so I'm going to hit okay then I'm going to click browse and navigate to the file that I got from owned which is also linked Down Below in case you guys forgot so I'm going to click browse and find the file so since I have that package that I showed you guys earlier I'm going to navigate to the files we'll do animated webcam overlay and then I'm going to add this one right here it's just a minimalistic one they give you like a bunch of different options but I'm just going to choose the minimal one I'm going to click open and you're not going to see anything right here which is kind of weird that's fine but as soon as I hit okay it'll pop up there that's fine because we can double click the webcam overlay again and what we're going to do is make sure it Loops since it is an animated one and that's really all you have to do when it comes to this so then we'll hit okay again and now I'm going to click and drag it it's kind of bad that I picked uh Hollow Knight as the game because it's a very dark game so being able to kind of match up the size of this is going to be a little bit wonky but I'm going to try my best so I'm just going to get it to the best of my abilities like so and oh my God that looks awful get a little bit lower okay no that's that's not fantastic I'm going to get there guys okay that there we go that's perfect perfect and to make sure I don't mess that up what I can do is actually right click on the blank part of the sources we're going to do add and we're going to do a group so we're going to group this it's basically just aing a little fold fer I'm going to call it webcam folder click okay I'm going to drag the webcam and the webcam overlay into this webcam folder so that way if I want to first of all I got to make sure my webcam overlay is above the webcam I'm going to click just the webcam folder and that way if I click that I can move both of them at the same time so you're not moving crap around all the time and it's super annoying to refix so you're welcome and if you don't want to move things accidentally then you can hit this little lock button and it'll lock them in place and you can't really move okay why did that move that's weird let's click lock there we go I must have not clicked the lock button that was funny anyways these are both locks so now I can't move them if you want to unlock them self-explanatory right so let's put on some different chat messages right cuz we already made it so we might as well use it so we're going to add browser Source add existing because we've made it before chat box okay and we got our chat box we can put it wherever we want so let's just say we want it over here let's send some test messages perfect working great and that's a pretty basic little gaming scene because we got our gaml we got our camera we got our chat and then we have our just chatting scene so this is a very good starting point as a streamer so now we need to get into the nitty-gritty and I know it's not that fun messing with settings cuz a lot of it's complicated but I will dumb it down to the best of my ability cuz I like doing easy things and when people talk complicated words I get confused and I don't like that so I'll keep it easy for you guys I promise so the first thing we need to do is go to the bottom right corner and go to the icky settings I know know but what we're going to do here is we'll start with General okay the only thing that you really need to know about General is nothing just kidding but you have you got your English you got your language okay I'm not talking straight let's try this again we'll start with General you can change your theme to a bunch of different themes to make it look nicer so for example I don't know what ratne is oh wow that makes it look a lot nicer I messed with this this is dope I don't know if you guys have the theme or if I randomly have it but if you have it that's sick I'm actually going to use this so we're going to click apply dope you learn something new every day I've been streaming for six years and I didn't know that that's fantastic that must be like a new thing guys don't don't discredit me anyways you have some more quality of life stuff like your output settings here which is different from the actual output settings by the way show confirmation dialogue when starting streams you could do that just to confirm that you don't accidentally hit start stream and you go live so you can add a bunch of stuff here it's really up to you for the majority of things you don't have to worry about anything in the general it's really just quality of life stuff so we'll move on to the stream tab which if you guys didn't skip around and I swear to God if you guys skipped around it would be pissed so don't skip around then you should have your services twitch servers Auto and then this should say disconnect and then you have all this is already done we don't have to worry about this we already did this earlier but now the output the dreaded output settings oh my God they're awful not actually it's they they they could be pretty easy so I'll dumb it down so the first thing is you're probably panicking cuz oh my God Cody why does yours look different well calm down if you go to output mode at the top change it from simple to Advanced and once you're on Advanced you will see this so don't worry the first tab we have is streaming and what we have here as our streaming settings so the audio track one this is going to be the audio track that goes to Twitch so any audio source that we have on track one AKA a game volume our microphone volume our desktop volume that will be sent on track one cuz we will make sure it is and that will be sent to Twitch get it so everything on track one will be sent to Twitch AKA your viewers next we have the twitch VOD track which is a little complicated for this video so I'll touch on that in a future video then for the audio encoder just ignore that the video encoder this is going to be something you want to get familiar with the video encoder is usually the culprit that causes people issues okay so if you have an Nvidia graphics card I recommend you use Nvidia enve God I can't pronounce that Nvidia enve h264 this will usually give you the best results as an Nvidia card user now if you don't have that you might have to use a different encoder option so everyone has a different computer everyone has different graphics cards if you have this then good great fantastic you're done if you don't I'm sorry you got to put in a little extra work you can Google which one you should use and if you don't want to Google then you can use x264 but knowing that you're using x264 your PC is going to be running a lot harder than it would be using something like Nvidia nvec h264 so please do yourself a favor run a quick Google search if you don't have this and see which encoder option is best for you I promise you you're going to have so many more headaches if you don't take this part seriously so if you do have Nvidia nvec h264 then we're going to roll with these settings to get started so we'll scroll down to the encoder settings now if you guys are buffering you're dropping frames you know your internet can't handle it these are the things that you're going to want to tweak so to keep things simple we're going to set the rate control to CBR the bit rate this is what's going to be the quality of your stream personally I stream at 1080p 60 frames per second and I have a bit rate of 6,000 kilobits per second now there's going to be DieHard nerds that are going to say oh my God Cody 6,000 kilobits per second for a 1080p stream what are you crazy that's going to look awful I personally think it looks great so forget them 6,000 kilobits per second I think is plenty however if you have really good internet speed you can bump this bad boy up to 8,000 10,000 whatever you want how however if you start dropping frames and running into issues you're going to want to lower your bit rate the bit rate is basically your internet speed so if you have crap internet speed keep it on the lower side but start at 6,000 and you can adjust from there and by the way everybody has different recommendations for settings this is what works for me so if you're having problems you can feel free to do your own research but I found this to be a good starting point so we'll set our key frame interval to one preset is slower better quality tuning is ultra low latency everything else you can copy here so I'll leave this on the screen for a second or two otherwise you can pause it now if you guys are using the x264 option then honestly I'm going to apologize ahead of time cuz I never use this but what I would start at is CBR 6,000 kilobits per second i' leave this at zero CPU usage preset very fast profile I probably mess with high or Main and honestly I'd leave it like this now like I said everyone's setup is going to be different people are going to be like oh well you can do 8,000 kilobits per second or higher other people be like well you shouldn't do do that because if you have a higher bit rate it's going to put more stress on your viewers because they can't watch at that quality you're going to hear a bunch of conflicting arguments so just find what's best for you and ignore the rest of the noise that's on the internet so once we have all of our settings here we're going to click apply and that's just going to save all of those settings which is great now I know this is a little stressful and it's okay so let's take a deep breath ready in and out all right that didn't work for me so hopefully it worked for you but we can move on to the audio tab right here not the one on the left the one at the top so under Advanced Audio we're going to change all of these bit rates to 320 which is 320 kilobits per second giving us the best audio quality you're welcome and then we have the replay buffer which I have a separate video on so we're not going to worry about that right now I'm just going to disable that so you don't have to worry about that all right I know some of you guys saw the button down here so don't worry about it I'll talk about it in a later video so we're done with the output tab for now and we're going to go to the actual audio tab on the left make sure this is 48 then stereo now this is how we're going to add our audio sources for our microphone and our desktop audio so we have our Global audio devices we'll start with the desktop audio I like having it on default and basically the desktop audio is going to be everything coming out of your computer speaker so if you have a Chrome tab with Spotify running playing music that's going to come out of your desktop audio and your viewers be able to hear it now if you have game volume like obviously Hollow night has game volume it's coming out of my computer speakers right so that'll be coming out of my desktop audio device right here now I know default is going to reference the default audio device that my Windows computer is using so everything's going to be coming out of there now if default does not work for you you can go and try all of the other ones on the list until you get your desktop audio to come out because everyone's computer is different I've said that a lot but it's true so moving on to the next tab we have mic SL auxiliary audio we're just going to pick our microphone that we're using I'm using this bad boy right here and if you guys are curious on all the gear and everything that I use I have a whole playlist on all my streaming gear and stuff which I'll leave linked in the top right corner which you can watch after but literally my channel has videos on everything you're need to know for streaming you got to know gear you got to know growth tactics you got to know setup stuff software plugins all that stuff so just feel free to get your hands dirty go browse through the channel I got hundreds of videos so just don't be shy all right and if you got any questions just ask me over on Twitch when we stream every Monday so we have our desktop audio and we have our mic audio so that's all we need to know here you can copy the settings if they're not already the same here if you're having audio issues you can also disable Windows audio ducking or UND disable it what is it enable it I guess because sometimes this is known to cause issues but these settings work for me but if you're having audio issues try that bad boy right there that's usually like a 1 in 100 case scenario but if you're that 1 in 100 you're welcome otherwise everything else down here don't really worry about that we're just going to hit apply when we hit apply you should be able to notice that boom we have our desktop audio right there and then we have our mic audio so very quickly I'm just going to close this by hitting okay and you'll be able to see these different meters so this is our desktop audio playing the game volume so it's picking up our game volume and then we have our microphone which goes up and down whenever I talk and you can use these little sliders to adjust the volume of each so if I see that my microphone is like peeking in the red then you know take a step back homie and calm the heck down and then if you don't want to do that you should turn the volume down just a little bit just make sure you're not peeking otherwise that gives you Distortion and C Les you don't want that but basically you can play around with these and you know just kind of mess around with that to get it to your little heart's desire and you can see other things like my webcam overlay has an audio source which obviously isn't playing any audio so that's dumb so if you want to get rid of that you can click these three dots and then you'll be able to hide it so click hide and then boom you're good and if you want it back you can just click on these three dots and then unhide all and get back to there or you can simply just mute it by clicking that little button there but it it's whatever it's personal preference so let's go back to these settings in the bottom right go back to the audio tab audio is looking great if you're not seeing your game volume then either you need to go and change your resolutions because the game's like paused and it's not running or you need to change your desktop audio to where you get to the device that's actually playing your game audio so those are the things to keep an eye out for but we'll move on to the video tab now sorry I'm just making sure that I'm still recording cuz I've done like an hour video before and I wasn't recording halfway through cuz I had to go pee and that was probably one of the most dark and depressing moments of my life but I won't mention that so anyways we have the base canvas resolution which is what your monitor size it so I'm streaming on a 1080p monitor so therefore my base canvas resolution will be 1080p if you're playing on a different size monitor then you'll be able to click it from the drop- down list here and click that for the output scaled resolution it's what you want to Output your resolution at so I said earlier that I want my stream to be 1080p 60 frames per second which I think is a golden standard for Twitch streaming however if you have a crappy computer and you can't run at 1080p then you can change your output scaled resolution to 720p which is also pretty decent and that way it won't be as intensive on your computer however I got a pretty good computer so I'm going to go with that and if you want computer recommendations go check that streaming gear playlist that I mentioned earlier now for example if you have different resolutions for your base and output you're going to need a downscale filter but since I'm using using 1080 1080 then I don't need one but if you are doing this then you're going to want to choose L Co because it will give you the best quality available now I'm not using different output resolutions and base resolutions so I'm going to go back to this and therefore I don't need a downscale so yay for me common FPS values I'm going to want to make sure it's common right and then change this to 60 because I want to stream at 1080p 60 frames per second now if you can't handle that or you're lagging or you're buffering or whatever you can change this down down to 30 frames per second and that'll help and then if it's still doing that you can change it to 720 30 frames per second any lower than that and you're going to look like a Minecraft streamer so I wouldn't recommend it and by Minecraft streamer I mean like you know the characters in Minecraft not people that stream Minecraft whatever you know what I mean so we got our output video settings so we got 1080p 60 frames per second but that might change for you and your setup so we're going to click apply to save those settings and we'll move on to the hot Keys tab hotkeys can be a lot of fun and very useful but they can also be frustrating for people that don't understand what the heck they do so to keep it very simple if you don't know what a hotkey is basically if we want to have a hotkey for whenever we want to start stream we're going to click here I'm going to type a key on my keyboard so let's just say I'm going to click anytime I type the letter L that's a horrible hotkey to have because you're going to Type L all the time but if you have like a number pad you can put like one of the number pad ones just make sure that your numb lock is either on or off I forget which it needs to be on in order to trigger it but experiment with that and then you'll be able to set a hotkey to start the stream so anytime you press that key it will start the stream you're can to have a different hotkey to stop the stream as well and if you don't want to mess with these right now and I don't blame you then you can hit remove and worry about that at a later date why is this not getting rid of it okay hit the hit that instead of that there we go easy so you can feel free there's literally hundreds of different hotkeys that you can do so you can like show you can push to mute your mic push to mute other stuff it there's a bunch of stuff all right so I wouldn't worry too too much about it when you're first starting out I also have a dedicated video on that too but you guys probably already know that by now so we're going to hit apply and we're going to move on to the next step but before we get to the next step if you guys want more resources and stuff to help you grow your stream and just become a better streamer in general then you guys can go to my new website cawm where you'll find my Ultimate Guide to starting a twitch Channel which is a course that will hold your hand step by step to becoming a twitch streamer there's also quizzes and reviews and everything in there it's very Hands-On we also have a free streamers cheat sheet which you can download for free which will tell you what you should do before before during and after your streams to grow your content as well as content reviews newsletters coaching all that stuff as well as my twitch kick and everything else you're ever going to need so feel free to check this out it might help you out so moving on to the accessibility options I'm surprised I didn't stutter that one you can change different colors on stuff personally I don't use it but it's there if you want to use it then we have the advanced settings now this is very crazy you don't really want to mess with a lot of the stuff here but what I would do is scroll down all the way down until you see dynamically change bit rate to manage congestion I would personally leave this on because what this will do is if let's say your girlfriend or significant other is streaming a 4K movie on Netflix and it's sucking up all the bandwidth while you're trying to stream fortnite and your bandwidth just can't handle it your internet's freaking out instead of you being all choppy and stuttery and dropping frames it'll just decrease the quality of your image of your stream and your video quality so that that way it's a smooth stream still it just looks like crap so that way you can be like yo can you like watch not at 4K please and just get that situated or if your internet's just giving you a hard time that day I would prefer to have this on because I'd rather have my viewers have a not so looking good version of me instead of St it like that you know what I mean so I prefer to have that enabled so once we've done that we're going to hit apply and okay now we can take another deep breath because I know we've gone over a ton of stuff but hopefully this has been super helpful thus far are and we're almost there so a friendly reminder to drop a like on the video if you didn't already so this video will reach more people to help them learn how to stream so we'll do a quick review on everything just to make sure it's working we have our game volume running here we have our microphone volume here we have our just chatting scene we have our gaming scene if you wanted to add like a you know starting soon screen or whatever you can go and click this ad scene button say starting soon and then hit okay then you'll be able ble to add an image here and then you'll be able to put your starting screen image there and decorate it you can get crazy with the scenes but this is a very minimal setup for a first time streamer that I think is fantastic so we have all of our sources everything's looking good we're going to change our stream Title Here our go live our category change everything you need to do and then hit done which is behind my webcam so it'll save all of our settings everything's looking good our settings are fine so now is the magic moment when we get to hit the start streaming button okay so let me go over to my twitch channel to show you guys what's going to happen so I'm on my burner Twitch account so that way I don't denoy all of my followers for this video stream so as you can see we're currently offline on our twitch channel so let's go to OBS now I'm going to hit the start streaming button so we're going to hit start streaming okay now you'll see all of this information at the bottom we're streaming at 60 frames per second we have our CPU it's really low that's really good says we're live for 10 seconds says our kilobits per second is like 6,300 that's great it's green we're not dropping any frames so it looks like our settings that we picked are perfect for our internet and computer if this is red or yellow and you're dropping a lot of frames go back lower the bit rate try streaming it you know a lower video quality and mess around with those settings let's go over to Twitch to see what happened so as you can see now we are currently live on Twitch it says live here we've been live for a minute and 40 seconds because I had to do a retake because I misspoke once again shocker I know but as you can see we're live we're all good we can send some messages in chat and then obviously there's going to be a small delay but not a crazy delay and that's okay so we're live and streaming but there's a couple things really quick that you need to do before you stop watching this video first of all let's go back to OBS then we're going to click stop streaming so it's going to stop our stream let's go back to Twitch see what happens it immediately ended our stream which is great however many people skip this step and they aren't able to see their vods so they're like their past broadcast so go to your Twitch Channel go to the top right corner then you're going to go to what is it is it I think it's settings I want to say just kidding you want to go to the top right corner and go to Creator dashboard then you're going to go to the settings tab you're going to go to I believe stream and then you're going to change this to low latency so that way there's not as much delay between you and your viewers however if you're playing like a you know a first-person shooter and you don't want people stream sniping you you can do normal latency so that way they don't have your real time interactions and stuff but I like low latency also turn on disconnection protect ction that's a fun word to say and then this is the important part right here make sure store pass broadcast is on for whatever reason I don't think it's enabled when it's on by default so that's dumb so make sure this is on before you start your stream otherwise if you start at Midstream it's not going to save it but if this is on and always publish vods is on then you're good it will automatically save your past broadcast so that way you can go to your what is it where is the content tab video producer and then you'll be able to see all of your past broadcasts here and if you want you can click this and download them so that way you just have access to all of your archives of your videos so make sure that setting is on otherwise you're going to shoot yourself in the foot but I know we went over so much information so when you're ready watch the rest of this playlist to the side of me to set up your alerts and all that other fun stuff but my name's Cody and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 198,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to stream on twitch, how to stream, how to start streaming on twitch, how to stream on twitch on pc, how to stream on pc, how to stream on twitch pc, how to set up twitch, how to start a stream on twitch, how to go live on twitch on pc, how to twitch stream, how to setup twitch stream, twitch, streaming, how to stream on twitch 2024, obs, how to stream to twitch, how to start streaming, start streaming on twitch, twitch streaming, twitch how to stream, twitch stream tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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