How to stop your car being eaten by rats

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hello I'm David Allen welcome to the dog patusan today we're looking at strategies to stop your vehicle being eaten by rats yes it is a thing quite well known in rural areas less commonly understood in in city areas but it can happen anywhere where rats won't lead through the electrical wiring if your car and immobilize your vehicle the end to and to fix it when this happens typically requires because a new wiring harness which can have your vehicle off the road for up to a month and will be an insurance claim and you will pay the excess on your policy so very inconvenient particularly if you're on holidays at the time so here's some strategies if you're in areas prone to these nasty rodents I'm going to show you five strategies for stopping your car being eaten by rats so the first one is peppermint oil they don't like the smell of peppermint peppermint oil so you put a few a few drops on some of these cotton ball parts and spread them around the flat surfaces they quite like flat surfaces and you spread them around surfaces like that and they hate it second strategy is mothballs you don't have to put them in the engine bay just leave those on the ground under the engine bay and that's smell that they hate will just waft up all through thee through the engine bay number three leave a light on either a battery light LED light or even electric light under the hood because they like warm dark spaces if you're in a rural area perhaps you can leave the bonnet up which is a common thing that farmers do another strategy and number four is one of these high-frequency sound emitters which emits a sound not audible to humans it is audible to rats and they hide it and it repels them that's just hooked up to 40 volts and you just stick that under the engine bay and let it run run all night and the fifth thing that you can do is you can put a fake-out next to the car which you might pick up in the bunnies and they're put off by that as well so there you have it there's five strategies to stop your car getting eaten by rats and remember your adventure begins the moment you decide to go
Channel: Not Bad - David Allan
Views: 49,755
Rating: 4.8243513 out of 5
Keywords: solutions to rats eating car wiring, rats eating car wiring, Stop your car wiring being eaten by rats, protect your car wiring from being eaten by rats
Id: CKn1pHv_RVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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