The Grossest Part of Farming

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[Applause] good morning everyone exciting stuff going on today took the new four-wheeler wait what before we learned it blends in so well i was just a little camo a joke for you anyways came out to a bean field here uh beans are kind of tricky about moisture so as you can see it's kind of cloudy out today and it's a little bit humid and usually can't start cutting beans until a little bit later in the day but dad sent me out to the field to do a little moisture test so i'm just trying to crack the pods right now so yesterday afternoon it was blowing hot dry windy and these were crumbling apart but do you see how like squishy that is here oh i don't know the pods are still pretty soft that's going to make them really difficult to cut so i don't know i think we're going to have to wait a little bit longer maybe after lunch or i don't know maybe if a wind picks up we'll see corn is such a cool operation to watch especially when things are moving right along so that's three kickers in the field then that's three tractors that are attract or attached to dump carts and right now there's three trucks waiting in the yard and everything keeps moving in a circular pattern it's awesome so another large part of harvest is the green system and this is the boot pit here don't drop your phone laura that's where all the icky stuff is so hopefully stuff pumps out we'll see i will say this is engineered designed by my father your grandpa we put a well casing down in so it'll let all the bad water in below the bottom of the fit and put a sump pump in the middle of that so it should there's any water down there stand back everyone so thank you dad so we don't have to five gallon bucket it out exactly now this is like one of the stinkiest parts i mean that literally oh my goodness that scared me oh gross i mean that is that's disgusting oh that's not bad that wasn't too much mmm yummy when working on the grain system look there are two very important things to watch out for one rats which are the only thing in the world i fear more than mice uh they like to hang out around grand system so watch out for rats and then also watch out for your head because there is no lack of things to bump them on bump it on because there is no lack of things to hit your head on they're everywhere oh radio chat all right anyways so do you see this nasty stuff is going to come out of that this is what's attached to our short leg and we're going to be wanting to run some grain through the system but first you got to clean that out um and you got one more bolt i'd stick toping on yeah this is connected you brought big boy yeah all right just do it by is hand even the right way to go i don't even know what was it oh man that was gonna be hard to get out anyway okay all right you just keep doing your thing radio uh zip ties oh it didn't bring a zip tie sorry oh i'm holding my breath welcome to the oh my god i might actually vomit welcome to grosses of ellen farming oh my gosh that's really bad i bet you guys wish you me right now so dad harvested a load last night so the green card is full so here's kind of a test here we go first dump into the truck of the year i need to check the traps okay make sure everything's good wise decision i want to make sure they're closed but then also make sure they open all right here we go [Laughter] throttle down pto on there we go hear things working very slowly never push it when yeah in the season the slide gate do you see that little yellow thing sticking up right there that's how far open you know it is here we go we're running wide open now nothing's going on throttle up a little bit you're i think you're dead on here for the truck you can move that really doesn't change the placement too no not really kind of cool now we pull the truck in and test out our grain system [Music] i don't want to do too much [Music] it's a test [Music] a test we see if everything works ew we're waiting for the good stuff to start coming out all right so what i'm looking at here is they're warm and wet and kind of sticky and i don't want anything up here to get plugged so so far they're running in well i just don't want them to get clogged up morning everyone it's monday and the battery's dead on the tractor i turned the key pass stop to accessory and left it that way for like four days so deader than a door nail so i got the power stroke on the jumper cables hooked up for the starter so i've never actually jump started one of these newer tractors so hopefully it goes well oh we have lights nope not yet let her sit and she lives get this unhooked and the first task of the morning is going to move a flipped over pivot so even though we're done working on pivots we're still working on fiddles it's in the road ditch and we want to get out of there before the county tells us we have to get it out so we use the homemade crane we got it out of the ditch and you can see this tire is pretty chowed it's still a good tire we'll take this off probably good gearbox too but when it went over it folded that iron over but we'll take the tires and gear boxes and the center drive off but the rest of this will probably just get cut up and taken to the junkyard it's it's pretty bent up and it collapsed again i'm pulling it dad is pushing it we're just getting out of the way of the semi trucks when we go to harvest this field it is very bent we got the tractor back i parked the homemade crane in the weeds over there and now we're on to the green car so every year we after we're done we open this little door to let all the grain out so it doesn't get rotten in the bottom but can't get the door to go down because there's some corn back in there anyway so i'm just using to come along to come up i'm just gonna take it all the way up and clean the car putting some def in some diesel fuel we got bulk depth that just runs off 12 volt battery i guess now we're going to go pick up some fights and that's a wrap on irrigating 2021 glad to see it go now for harvest 2021 and we're back in the combine we're just leaving the yard we're gonna go try some beans it's a little cloudy outside it's not very warm so they're a little tough yet but we're hoping they uh those are definitely too green but hoping they dry up a little bit driving a 35 foot head down the road is definitely not recommended but we try to keep our trees and ditches clean so we can just drive around easy during harvest combine drivers just plugging away i'm in the grain cart today these are some awesome beans they're about hip high on me and i'm 6'4 and there's four pods [Music] four beans in a pod right at the top on several of these an excellent field of beans so far very pleased full load of beans everything's working really good right now look at that driving wagon for soybeans is kind of boring it's a lot of waiting uh soybeans are like i think these are like probably i haven't seen the tickets yet they're probably pushing 80 bushels a acre so 80 or a little above so opposed to corn which is like 200 plus so i just lot less bushels on only one car two trucks just going right to town which i can see the elevator just hauling it right to giltner there the weather is actually perfect for a fall harvest day the sun has started to come out there's a nice breeze blowing now and it looks like the custom seed corn harvesters are finishing up another one of my fields they're picking the last pass there and then moving on to that one i think we're about ready to go out and start harvesting dad is going to be in the combine which means i'm going to be in the grain cart so i want to do a little clean out before i spend the afternoon in here here's the before and here we go here's the after maybe you can't see too much of a difference but it looks and smells much better in here the time has finally come time to head out in green cart it's kind of cool so while the seed corn dump carts are dumping over there i'm hooked up to my green cart we made it out to the field and dad made one pass but the yield was super bad and so we read the manual and we're going to try to adjust some things and see if we can get the combine cleaned out a little bit this is why you start harvest with the field closest to homes you can easily go back and get stuff to fix the problems so how we decided that the yield decrease from last night to today wasn't just like a bad section of beans or bad pass or anything but we got out behind the combat and looked at all the stuff like like garbage that the combine was throwing out and there was just beans everywhere so something is set wrong on the combine so there's lots of things in there to adjust so dad made some adjustments and we're going to keep going and hopefully that cleans out uh some of that kind of clogged up portions in there so we're making another pass and i think he'll probably dump into me on this slug being grain cart driver for beans is a super easy job because it takes a while for the combine to get full so in my mobile office so i have my laptop and my purse in case i want to do some online shopping also another factor is that we planted two varieties of beans one on this half the field and the other on this half the field and we actually just switched over into one of the other so there's a pretty high possibility that one variety was a lot wetter or tougher than the other one maybe not quite ready to come out so on this pass they said things are working a lot better so we're right on the money everybody here we go this is not a drill harvest 2021 has begun all right be patient with me this is the first green cart dump of the year so hopefully i remember how to do this do you like one row closer than this no i'll let you know all right so i'm lined up just two all right so i'm just two rows away from the bean head right now and now i just make sure that the auger of the combine which dad just put out is right over the green car and then i match my speed to his how fast are you going [Music] i'm going 27 right now perfect i'm at 2.8 so we're right lined up with speed here we go in harvest the combine operator is the big boss they call all the shots everything revolves around them grain cart girl or guy well everything is always their fault so if the combine spills any grain somehow it will be the green card driver's fault and our first well i guess now this is our second little thing of the year one of the little sickles broke off looks like the bolts just sheared right off so now we gotta re-learn how to replace all these things we love harvest time horseshoes okay so i was just digging around in the dirt and i found it there it is so it must have been the bolts that went that went through yeah i wouldn't hurt that i can hear sickles but should we reuse it save money yikes watch your fingers this is how people lose fingers so that's right how the beans are cut are those sickles move back and forth uh yeah very sharp very dangerous token of the year back the other way okay back yeah i don't know what that was but the sickle's in we're good to go it only took us like 15 minutes it should have taken us two and a half but that's okay that's okay back to work well we have arrived at a standstill we've stopped four times in the past i'm a terrible judge of feet from there to there so really not far at all the problem is okay i'll be honest i really don't quite understand how the combine works yet still working on that um a slip clutch is going out or something things are stopping working for some reason so we have a guy coming out but it's after hours so dad's gonna empty out into the grain cart one more time part combined by the edge of the field i don't know call it quits for tonight we'll see oh there she goes we decided to call it quits for this evening because i know things are not working right with the combine and uh yeah so we're just gonna call it quits for today and hopefully everything gets on the right track tomorrow it says my one handful of stuff from the grand cart anyways thanks for watching the video day one of bean harvest hopefully tomorrow goes better than today right we'll see you later
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 364,476
Rating: 4.9551492 out of 5
Id: Tdi0Iy37CYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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