The Worst Thing that Can Happen to Your Car at Night and How to Prevent It

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rev up your engines, all right the leaves are starting to fall, cold weathers coming on, so I'm going to show you how you can keep rodents from getting into your car and damaging electronics, now when it gets cold outside rodents, a nice warm car what a comfy place to come in make a nest and live and it happens to more than just people in the country, it happens to people in the city, it's happened to me, as you can see on my old tree here my neighbor got a chainsaw and cut all around to kill the vines, well guess what happened inside the vines rats were living inside, here's their little nest holes, because a few years ago I was working on a car in the driveway here it was a windy day and all of the sudden I heard a flop and this rat landed on the ground and ran away, I guess it was in it's nest and the wind blew it out, now it's not too cold and here in Houston very often, rats and mice aren't looking for warm places to hide like they are up north, but still in the winter they get in the car they get under the hood and they start chewing on things and from what I've read of scientific research the rodents like chewing on the wires because the 12 volts doesn't hurt them but it does something to the endorphins in their brain and it turns them on, so they like chewing on all the little wires and they get a little tingly feeling inside and of course you don't want them messing with your wires especially on the computer system is your car so you want to keep them out of there, now I guess you get a cat throw it in there but I don't think the cat's gonna want to be living under the hood of your car, so here's something I found years ago that works quite good, it's an ultrasonic rodent chaser, I had a leg up on most people because my old house there, it's crooked its pier and beam, hey there were rats there that would get in the walls, we'd hear them in the winter, so years ago I stuck 120 volt versions of these ultrasonic pest repellers inside various parts of the wall and I know it works because we never hear them anymore especially in the winter when it's cold behind our bed on the wall, we used to have to beat on the wall in the middle of night we'd hear them squeaking and rattling around we haven't heard that in years, but little did I know they make 12 volt versions you can stick under your car's hood, now they emit ultrasonic sounds that rodents can hear but we and cats and dogs can't hear, when you put in the battery, I hooked it up to a 9-volt battery here a little light comes on but really, how do you know it's not a scam and it doesn't do anything well, here's how you find out, being a mechanic at one of these ultrasonic sound detecting machines, yeah you might I think, what am I doing with that, well it's good for finding special noises in cars when you work on them, so I put this on, put it next to the generating machine and as you can now hear when I put the headphones next to the microphone on a camera, it emits horrible vacillating sounds, now the early ones only made run frequency and it turns out that the roads got used to that one noise, but these they keep changing the frequency and it drives them nuts and they run away and you don't have to worry about it bothering your cats or dogs look, they sleep right through it, they can't hear it either, you can just put it anywhere you want under the hood, I hooked this one up to a 9-volt battery and it actually lasts quite some time, but it's also set up that you can just get the positive the negative wire and hook positive to the positive battery terminal and negative to the negative battery terminal, these things use up such a small on a power hooking it up your battery it's really gonna hurt anything in a car you drive everyday, it uses a really tiny amount of electricity, now I've been using this one for years but I only use it in the winter so I use this little 9-volt battery, because here in Houston most of the time it's really hot and no rodent wants to go under a hot engine on hot day you know, they're only gonna go there when it's cold outside seeking shelter, now over the years I've seen customers have the fuel injection wires chewed up, that can short out to the computer, I've seen them mess with the alternator wiring it can do a lot of damage if a rat or a mouse gets in and starts chewing away and I suppose since they're kind of getting high with endorphins chewing on it getting that a little electric thrill, they probably start chewing even harder the higher the rats get, now these little ultrasonic repelling devices, they cover a pretty wide area so something this size easily will do under your car but let's say you got an RV or something you're storing and you don't want rats and mice getting in that, they also make large ones that are for like outdoor areas and you can get one of those and throw them in your RV, I've seen them where they run on three C batteries and they'll run for months on that and they'll chase anything from coming inside your RV and making a mess, now since its mechanic Monday I'm giving away at one of these ultrasonic pest repellers, to have a chance to win, just place a clean non offensive comment on the YouTube comments below and a winner will be chosen randomly by computer to win a little machine that will keep rats and mice away from your vehicle and all that expensive electronics that they can destroy, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 269,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the worst thing, the worth thing that can happen, car at night, how to prevent, how to, how to prevent car damage, worst, worst thing, the worst, don't let this happen to you, don't let this happen to your car, how to keep rodents out of your car, how to keep rats out of your car, car rat repellent, keep mice out of car, rat in car, rat in car problem, rats, mice, mice in car, rodents in car, rodents in car engine, auto, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, mechanic, scotty kilmer
Id: 93nj6CeJ0s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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