Easy Tip To Keep Rodents, Mice & Rats Out of Your Engine Bay

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in this video today I'm going to be stressing a big problem that we see quite commonly here the shop and that's rodents or rats under the hood of your vehicle so let's get at it so here's a very common problem that we see with vehicles in around coming in through our shop here so what we're getting here is you can see we have basically rodent feces all over unfortunately they also they like to urinate you know everywhere and there's you know two big concerns with this one they like to eat the wiring and hose this sometimes and cause damage under your hood the other thing is there's they can actually carry disease so you know obviously you don't want to be messing with that at all so this vehicle here luckily has no damage yet but so basically doing an inspection all in and around and looking for what we can see nothing really there just basically like I say a lot of feces and that kind of stuff so anyways so you know if you have maybe like an engine cover you could pull that up and have a look but if you're not noticing anything yet that's a good thing now is the time to do something about it so if you've inspected underneath your hood and you've deemed that you have no damage you know I mean you don't need to be repaired or if you're not repairing yourself the first thing you're going to want to do is you're gonna want to clean the area completely so just before you get going on that you're definitely gonna want to wear gloves and you know potentially you know a mask if it's maybe really dry or if there's a nest that's really dry that you need to remove or something like that but if there's not masks probably you know it's probably advised but not that important one thing I definitely want to note is you do not want to use air or any kind of blower to blow it away you're definitely going to want to wash it you don't want to get anything airborne so if you at your home and you don't happen to have any degreaser like I have here basically soap and water would work quite well dish soap will break it down quite well you know spray it liberally and go over it real well and just you know really coat it and you know get as much as you can away so once we have this all sprayed down we let it soak we've got it cleaned obviously if there's any you know nests or anything like that we've got those removed you want to remove any leaves knots chicken bones I mean do we see them bring all kinds of stuff in there so make sure you've got a little removed got the soap on just give it a complete liberal spray down and just rinse it completely and thoroughly all right so we have a completely rinse now now it'd be a really good time just to do a rien spec ssin see if there's still any faeces left or anything like that if so spray it down again just you know continue to three times if you need to you know if it's a really bad case and then from there basically we're just going to go ahead and dry the vehicle so you know if you had if you have time you could probably just let it naturally dry start the vehicle up let it run maybe take it for a quick Drive that's probably what I'm going to do here just make sure everything's okay you may get a little bit of squeak from the belt off it's wet you know let me go away instantly may last for a couple of minutes but usually that's gonna be perfectly fine I wouldn't be worried about anything electronics or the battery or anything about that so I would just fire it up drive it everything should be okay alright so got the vehicle driven relatively dried off you know no huge standing pools of water or you know completely running off soaking wet just lightly dry it off it doesn't have to be completely dry for this next step but something it'll definitely help help a little bit if it is a bit more dry so basically what we're gonna have here is we have spray bottle with a boat you know half three-quarters full of water and what I've done here is I've added some peppermint oil so yeah I think I added a counter at about 40 drops of peppermint oil into the spray bottle and basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna completely soaked down the whole area so from what I understand though the mice the rodents they do not like the peppermint oil so we're gonna go ahead and soak it down completely you know basically give it a really good coating um it's not gonna do any harm to the engine so we wanted to really treat it really well so another thing you could do if you want it to you is that you could take a few cotton balls and put a few direct drops of this in them and kind of place them around the engine you know maybe three four of them you know basically to help you know make the smell more so yeah basically uh let's just go ahead let's give it a little spray down so I went ahead and got the engine completely coated the one thing that you're not gonna be able tell on video obviously is just how nice it smells so so I mean you can definitely smell the peppermint it's quite strong so the one thing I actually don't know is how long the treatment is gonna last so you know after a couple of weeks maybe open the hood just get a quick smell I mean if you can't tell it's there you know maybe just recoat it down I mean it's not it's a very cheap alternative to you know some of the other options we have a device that we install called a mouse blocker basically it's an optical and audio box that we put in here it makes a high-frequency sound and it flashes some lights helps scare away the rats but you know that cuz does come at a more of a cost this very cheap ineffective solution so you know give that a try I really hope it helps you out and yeah if you like what we shared today if it helps you in any way please consider subscribing and I hit the notification to keep in touch with our next in latest videos so until then thanks so much and yeah we'll see you next time
Channel: CarCraft Auto Repair
Views: 1,910,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodents in car engine, Rodents in engine bay, rats in engine bay, rats in engine solution, rats in car engine solution, rats in my car engine, mice engine compartment, easy tip to keep rats away, Easy Tip To Keep Rodents away, Mice & Rats Out of Your Engine Bay, prevent rats in my car engine, mouse in engine, How to get mouse out of engine, mice, mouse, tips to keep rodents away, Easy tip to keep mice away, how to keep rodents out of your car engine, how to prevent rats in car
Id: EdaUFZZtiF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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