How To Start Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest In 2021 (Ultimate Full Step-By-Step Tutorial)

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hey how you doing my name is Mickey from evergreen marketers calm and today I'm gonna show you how to start affiliate marketing with Pinterest but before I do if you're completely new to this channel here we talk about online business entrepreneurship and mindset if that's something you're interested in please make sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on the bail notification so that you can be notified whenever I come out with a new video just like this one without any further ado let's get right into the video in this video you're gonna learn how to use Pinterest effectively and how to grow on that platform organically I'm gonna walk you through the entire process of how to set up an account how to structure your boards how to pin correctly how to do correct keyword research and then we're gonna talk about how you can send your Pinterest traffic to a website where you can create content and then monetize it with an affiliate offer without even needing a website if you don't have currently the money to start one so make sure that you watch this video all the way to the end so you understand this entire process step one is to find an offer but before we do that we need to understand what kind of offers and niches would work well on Pinterest okay so I want to share with you a few facts about this platform now 71% of Pinterest users are females so when you're choosing a niche to focus on you want to go after something that is gonna be predominantly female oriented okay however having said that a lot of males are signing up to Pinterest so 40% of new signups are men so it shows that this platform is growing a lot more than every other social media platform that's currently out there also on Pinterest there is a ton of organic traffic okay you really don't need to go and spend money for advertisements on Pinterest at the time of recording this video to get a lot of traffic now that shows that Pinterest itself has a ton of upper community okay and the other important thing that I want you to know with Pinterest is that half of Pinterest users earn $50,000 per year or more okay so what that means is that there is a lot of opportunity on Pinterest it's actually been statistically shown that most of the people that come from Pinterest and buy a product end up spending a lot more money compared to people that come from other social media platforms okay so not only is the traffic on Pinterest very very targeted because it's a search engine meaning that you can go and target specific people that you want to get in front of but also that traffic is high converting and they're looking to spend money okay and finally just to make sure that you understand the opportunity that Pinterest can offer you only 28% of marketers are currently using Pinterest at the time of recording this video so there is still a ton of opportunity out there because a lot of marketers a lot of companies a lot of brands they still haven't picked up on the potential that the platform can have for their specific company okay so now that we understand how valuable Pinterest is we can go and find an offer on something like Clickbank now Clickbank is an affiliate network where you can find a ton of products that you can promote in all different kinds of categories now the reason why I talk a lot about Clickbank is because it's pretty much available worldwide and it's completely free to join without you needing to jump over too many obstacles okay to get into the actual network itself so if you come to Clickbank calm and you click on create account just enter in your personal information and your banking information so that you can get paid each and every single week from Clickbank and once you've done that you're gonna go to the affiliate marketplace now at this point it's very important to understand what types of categories work well on Pinterest and since we know most of the people on Pinterest our females okay we can start looking at the types of categories that would work well on Pinterest okay so things like cooking food and wine recipes right they're very visual things Pinterest is a visual platform would work well on Pinterest things like ebusiness and emarketing are also niches that work very well Pinterest home and garden right spirituality parenting parenting and Families is a great category that you can focus on because there are a lot of parents okay if we go back to this article here we can see that 80% of US mothers who use the internet use Pinterest okay so we know that there are a lot of parents new parents millenials as well that are looking for a ton of content around parenting around children's education and so on and so forth okay so these are just some ideas when it comes to categories itself another tool that can help you with finding your niche is the Pinterest Trends tool so if you go to google and type in Pinterest Trends you'll find this tool right here and when this is going to do is you can put in a search term and it's gonna give you essentially the search volume or the popularity of that specific search term over the course of an entire year okay so this can help you get more of an idea for what type of content you want to create in your niche what sort of pins are working right well right now what are people searching have this exact time and it can just give you a general idea okay so once you've found a category that you want to go ahead and start promoting the product in I'm gonna choose for this example parenting and families what you can do is you can sort of sort the results based on popularity so you can leave this as it is and I'm just gonna walk you through exactly what is sort of my four main criterias when choosing a product to promote unclick back okay so the first one is the gravity score the gravity is a proprietary formula that's been created by clickbank and it tells you how many unique affiliates have sold one copy or more of this product in the last 30 days so for example the gravity for this product which is reading head start ok has a gravity of a hundred okay this product here children learning reading has a gravity of 46 now I usually advise to pick a product that has a gravity of above 20 okay and try to not promote products that have gravities over 100 because that's when they start to become a little bit too competitive but obviously it depends on the niche ok if you have a product that has a good gravity something over 20 then you know that it's a product that you can promote because it's working for other affiliates ok the second criteria have is the average dollar per sale now this essentially tells you how much money you're gonna earn on average per customer and I usually look for a product that has an average dollar per sale of 30 and above and the reason why is because it takes about the same amount of work to promote a product that pays you 50 dollars compared to a product that pays you 5 dollars so you might as well promote products that pay you more money so that you can earn more commissions for each and every single sale ok the third criteria I have is recurring billing so you can see this by this blue icon right here it stands for recurring billing and all this tells you that is that this product at some point in time has some sort of monthly subscription that you can earn a percentage of each and every single month ok so it's just another incentive to promote a product it's worth your time right promote a product where even when you stop promoting it you can still be earning money each and every single month from customers that have purchased some sort of monthly subscription and finally and probably the most important criteria I have with a product is to actually review it yourself so if you can I suggest to purchase the product yourself or you can contact the affiliate support you can usually find the affiliate support in the affiliate resource section or they have an affiliate support section here with an email where you can contact these product owners and you can ask them if they can give you a free copy for you to review and check for yourself if they don't allow you to do that just ask them what their refund rate is a lot of the time that's a very good tip to understand if the product you're promoting is high quality or not usually products that are good quality have a refund rate between one and five percent if the refund rate is higher than that that usually is a red flag for a product that isn't extremely high quality okay because if a lot of people are refunding it means that they're not happy with something that has to do with that product okay so those are just some basic criterias that I have when choosing a product but essentially the most important thing is you want to find a category that you want to promote products in you want to find the product that you think you'd be happy to promote and if you can purchase it and review it yourself that's really your best option step two is research now what you need to do once you find an offer and a niche you need to come to google and type in Pinterest business and then create a business account right here okay you're just gonna sign up go through the process and create a free business account now as you can see I've already created an example account I've called a kindergarten nation and the reason why is because we're gonna be using sort of this example here and the parenting and families niche so if I wanted to monetize this product here with Pinterest something you know either this reading head start or this children learning reading I would go ahead and create an account all around sort of preschool kindergarten reading activities and and and so on and so forth okay so I'm gonna explain exactly how I would break down creating an account in this niche and then what type of content I would create to help target the most relevant people that would be interested in purchasing this offer here okay so if we go back to Pinterest before we go ahead and set up our account so if we go to the profile right here and we look through this you know obviously we can set up our account we need to put in a logo we've got boards okay so boards would be like categories within Pinterest and then inside of the boards you would put your pins okay so the pins that would be relevant to that specific board but obviously we first need to understand before we do anything how Pinterest works okay so Pinterest is actually a search engine it's the largest search engine it's the third largest search engine sorry in the world after Google and YouTube and so you need to treat it as a search engine and what do I mean by this well if we go to Pinterest right here there's a search bar right and people search for all kinds of things so for example I searched for kindergarten okay and when somebody searches for kindergarten what Pinterest is gonna do is it's going to show it related content okay just like YouTube or Google would do okay so Pinterest is very different to Facebook or Instagram those are very socially driven platforms with likes comments and shares Pinterest is completely different it revolves entirely around keywords okay so your profile if you want to get a lot of organic traffic needs to be search engine optimized okay and optimized to rank for specific niche on Pinterest so before you start creating your profile and setting up your name and creating your boards and doing your pins you need to do some keyword research okay and there are really three ways that you can do keyword research on Pinterest and I'm gonna show you all of them so the first way is something called guided search so if I go up to the search bar and I type in for kindergarten okay if I type in kindergarten you can see all of these little sort of colored bubbles at the top these are guided searches now what is this this is what Pinterest is telling you people are searching for the most when they're typing in kindergarten so people are looking for you know kindergarten breeding kindergarten home school schedule kindergarten design kindergarten math worksheets okay these are the most searched for search terms around kindergarten now I created a Google Spreadsheets that's gonna help you note all this down because doing your research beforehand when you're on Pinterest is what's gonna set you up for success so in this spreadsheet just to make sure that you understand we have the main keyword okay so here you'd pick maybe four or five different main keywords that are sort of the broadest terms in your niche so I might type in something like kindergarten preschool kindergarten activities so on those are really really broad keywords in my niche okay now then you have lead keywords now lead keywords would be these things right here so they're like more longtail keywords after your main keywords so for example kindergarten design would be a lead keyword kindergarten reading would be a lead keyword now what your job is you have to type in your main keyword and then scroll through all of these guided searches and you want to find the ones that would be most relevant to the offer that you are promoting okay and what you want to do is you want to write down these lead keywords here so I've typed in things like reading because reading obviously would be related to the offer that we're promoting activities I might type in things like I might find things like math or worksheets or anything that would be related where I can create content around it and then monetize that content with that Clickbank offer I'm gonna take note of these lead keywords okay and then finally the third thing we have is support keywords so what this is is when I go and type in kindergarten for example reading okay so if I go back and I go to kindergarten reading and I click on that what this is gonna do is now it's gonna put in kindergarten reading in the search bar and it's gonna give me a ton of other related searches okay and this goes even further in depth so what I'm gonna do is I know when I type in the main keyword kindergarten and then I click on the lead keyword reading these are all the supportive key words that people search for when they're typing in kindergarten breeding sorts so people are typing in free kindergarten reading kindergarten breeding activities okay and obviously I can click on these and it's gonna add these searches these keywords to the search bar and it's gonna go even further so then people type in kindergarten reading activities at home for example okay and as you go further and further you start to notice that those little colored bubbles disappear okay so this is what we would consider a long tail keyword this is maybe an idea for a keyword that you might create content for because it's not only what people are searching for on Pinterest but it's also very relevant to the offer that you're promoting okay so I hope that makes sense so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go through this process of typing in your main keyword finding as many lead keywords that are relevant to this main keyword and your offer and then finding as many support keywords as possible and this is gonna help you understand what types of boards you need to create what types of pins you need to create and what type of content more importantly you need to create that people are not only searching for on Pinterest but we can also monetize with our offer because if we don't do the research we don't know what people are searching for and so if we go out there and start creating content around keywords and search terms then nobody's searching for them were wasting our time right so we want to do the research and understand what are the most highly relevant search terms that people are typing in on a daily basis on Pinterest that I can create a piece of content for and then I can monetize it with my offer and it's gonna make sense okay so that's the first way that you can find keywords now the second way that you can find keyword is the auto suggestion okay so if I go back to kindergarten for example I can start typing in if I press the spacebar you can see we get a ton of auto suggested search terms okay so here you'll find different keywords that you will not find with that first process that I show you and if you want to find more keywords what you can do is you can just press the spacebar and then type in the first letter so I can go a and then I can see all of these keywords I can be and I can go through the entire alphabet and I can then note down all of these Auto suggested keywords here within my support keyword section so what I'm doing is I'm building a massive army of keywords that I know I can create content for and I can start to structure my accounts so that it's gonna be optimized to rank on the search engine the last way you can find keywords and get a general idea of how many searches keywords in your niche are getting each and every single month you can go up here to the ads section this is why it was so important to create a business account because otherwise you won't get access to this information so go to ads and click on create campaign okay now don't worry we're not gonna be paying for any ads we're just gonna be using the keyword research tool so leave this as traffic and then you're gonna click on continue okay now what you're gonna do is you're gonna scroll down a little bit further here and here you get this sort of related keywords now here you're gonna type in your niche so in my case I'm gonna type in kinder Garten okay and what this is gonna do is it's gonna give me a ton of ideas so it you know gives me keywords like pre-preschool ideas gets five million plus searches a month and I can scroll through this and find some of those more longtail keywords right keywords that that that have you know four or five words in them that get a lot of searches every single day month and year okay so as we scroll through here we can get more and more and more ideas we can get more granular with this and we can figure out what other keywords we can use and we can add to our spreadsheet right here so once you get done with this entire process of using one of these three methods to do keyword research that I've just shown you right here you should have a spreadsheet that's just full of keywords and at this point we can now start to use that spreadsheet to understand how to optimize our account when it comes to SEO okay so our boards are pins and what type of Compton we need to create and I'm gonna show you what types of boards you want to create based on the information that you have within the spreadsheet and what kind of content you want to be creating that's gonna be most relevant to people in your niche and most relevant to the offer that you're promoting step three is account setup so once you've done your research and you have your list of keywords with your main keywords your leave keywords and you're supporting keywords and you understand exactly what people are searching for in your niche it's time to start setting up your account okay so that we can be optimized for the search engine on Pinterest and so what we need to do is we need to now start keyword optimizing or title we need to keyword optimize our description and we need to start creating boards that would be related to what people are searching for on Pinterest and the offer that we're promoting so the first thing don't want to do is obviously add in some sort of profile picture now I created this within canva really quickly it's completely free to do it it's drag-and-drop or if you don't want to do this you can go and pay somebody on Fiverr there's plenty of people on Fiverr that will create really professional logos for you for about five to ten dollars okay so that's the first thing you're gonna want to do the second thing you're gonna want to do is keyword optimize your title so as you can see here I've typed in kindergarten nation because that's the name that I've given to this accounts and then I've added in some relevant keywords after that I know people are searching for it because we've done the research when we type in kindergarten I know that some of the main keywords that people are searching for are reading phonics home school design crafts and so on maths so what I've done is I've added in reading activities at home crafts maths and here you just want to give a general idea of the main and broadest topics that you're going to be covering within this Pinterest account so that people understand exactly what your account is about but more importantly the Pinterest algorithm understands what your account is about now in my case since we're promoting an offer that is chillie teaches children how to read I want to make sure that I'm incorporating the word reading and reading activities as much as possible because that's the type of Compton that I want to create if I want to get in front of people that would be super interested in the offer that I'm promoting okay so as you can see here I've now added in a keyword optimized description and I've said here you'll find everything on kindergarten learning activities and the reason why I've added this is because kindergarten learning activities was a keyword that I found people were searching for and obviously I want to have my main keyword kindergarten or preschool always within my boards within my titles within my description because that's the entire sort of broadest term of my accounts okay and then I've put in teaching this was another keyword that was searched for teaching children reading obviously is another keyword fun crafts crafts was another keyword phonics and so much more is what we take great pride in okay so once again you're limited in terms of characters when it comes to the title and the description so you want to be very selective of the keywords that you add within the title and description but essentially what you want to put here is you want to add in your most important main keywords and maybe two or three of the most relevant lead keywords so in my case since my offer is about reading I'm gonna add in things like reading and I'm also gonna add in keywords that I know are related to helping children learn how to read now I obviously have a little bit of knowledge in this niche because my significant other is a preschool teacher so I know a little bit about this stuff but if you don't obviously go and do research and understand the terminologies of whatever it is that you're promoting so you know what types of what keywords mean and which ones are gonna be relevant to the offer that you're promoting now to edit your keyword optimize title and description just go up here to edit profile and this is where you can put the display name your username and your description okay so that's all you're gonna want to do at this point um obviously if you have a website and I highly suggest for you to get a website if you want to do Pinterest like a proper WordPress website if you want to learn how to set that up I'm gonna put a playlist right up here that walks you through that in this video I'm gonna show you how you can use a website and create content without actually owning a WordPress website but if you do have a website this is where you're gonna want to add it in okay so I highly suggest once again to get a website if you can but if you don't have one you can also add in a YouTube or an Instagram account and you can just click on these buttons and you can claim your Instagram or YouTube accounts and link them to your Pinterest profile and what's gonna happen is that when people come to your profile you're gonna have either the link to your Instagram account YouTube channel or website right here where you can start sending traffic to those assets of yours immediately alright so once we've optimized our description and our title it's now time to set up our boards and now to recap boards are like categories within Pinterest okay so a board is gonna have all the pins that are related to that okay so a lot of people ask how many boards should I create when I first get started with Pinterest and the answer is it really depends on how much content you're gonna create and also what kinds of keywords are actually gonna be related to the offer that you're promoting okay now the types of boards that you want to be creating once again are keyword optimized boards so you're gonna want to go back to your little spreadsheet that you've created and you're gonna want to understand what boards you want to create okay so it's always great to have a board for your main keyword so for example a board that encompasses everything that has to do with kindergarten so let's say that you're gonna be creating content on kindergarten reading activities phonics design math activity science activities all of that content all of those pins can go within the kindergarten board okay but what you also want to create or specific boards for your lead keywords okay so what I usually do is I create boards around the lead keywords okay so what what I would do in this case is I would create a board that's titled kindergarten reading activities or kindergarten phonics kindergarten math activities kindergarten science okay now it might seem sort of repetitive but in the eyes of Pinterest than the algorithm they love that they want you to separate everything and categorize it in an organized way so they understand very specifically what each board is about so that they can rank you for the specific keywords okay now I'm gonna show you exactly how to set up these boards and how to keyword optimize them okay so let's just take this example here kindergarten breeding which I think for the offer that we're promoting would be the most relevant board to create first okay so we're gonna go here to create board and this is where you're gonna name it so you're gonna put in kinder Garten reading okay and just that's gonna be the name of the board now initially when you're just setting up the board I suggest to keep this board a secret until you fill it up with a bit of content and then you can make it public okay now click on create and now the board has been created okay now at this point just leave this we you can do this later but what you want to do is you want to come up here to this sort of this this pencil icon and this is where you can now put in your keyword optimized description and you are also gonna be able to usually categorize the boards okay now I don't see this option here but but it's it's usually there so what you're gonna want to do now is add in a description and you might be asking yourself well what do I type in to the description for the board well this is where you're gonna want to go and do some further more in-depth keyword research okay and this is why we've created this this spreadsheet here because it's very easy to go to and then sort of back to Pinterest and understand exactly all the keywords that are related to kindergarten reading so we know that we created a board that's titled kindergarten reading and now we have a massive list so you should have a massive list of supportive keywords right under reading these are sort of the more granular specific longtail keywords that are hyper related to kindergarten reading and this is what you want to be adding within your description for your board okay so I hope this makes sense so as you can see we structured our account or Pinterest account in a very very organized way we have the top layer our title and our description for for our accounts which covers the main keywords and all of the lead keywords and then we've created all the different boards that are related to kindergarten okay and we've put them all into their own separate categories and then we've optimized these boards with descriptions that have keywords that are very hyper related to that main lead keyword okay I hope this makes sense now what is that gonna do in the eyes of Pinterest it's gonna look at your account and it's gonna they're gonna say wow this account is covering every angle that has to do with sort of the kindergarten preschool education niche okay because you've taken the time to do the research the keyword research to understand how to optimize your account correctly to dominate that niche okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna write out a description and then walk you through the keywords that I used and why I use them and so on so that you get a full complete idea all right so I came up with a description here to show you guys exactly how you would keyword optimize your boards okay so let's go through whatever in here and why I've chose these keywords and I'm gonna walk you through exactly why I've picked these keywords inside of this description so learn the most important and up-to-date kindergarten reading activities strategies and teachings the content will cover all areas such as phonic ideas at practice worksheets free principles and so much more our goal is to help struggling readers reach fluency as fast as possible now as you can see this description is written in pretty good English it's not keywords stuff where it doesn't look like it's keywords stuff and it looks like it's an actual genuine comprehensive sentence but there are a ton of keywords here inside of this description that people are searching for and let me show you right now so here we have if we go back kindergarten of course reading activities which we know is a keyword that people are searching for we've got the word strategies and teaching so teaching right here and strategies okay now to find these keywords it's very simple I've just typed in the keyword of my board so kindergarten reading and I've just looked at what are all of the auto suggested most searched for keywords when people are looking for kindergarten reading because you want to follow up interest is telling you they're telling you this is what people want this is the content that they want these are the keywords that they're searching for so make sure that you include these in your boards if you want us to think that your board is very related to the content that people are currently searching for on Pinterest okay so I hope that makes sense now I've also included as we go further here this content will cover all areas such as phonic ideas so phonic and ideas or other keywords that you're gonna find here now I don't know exactly where it is because there are a lot of keywords but if we keep scrolling through here we'll see that there are the word ideas is somewhere here for sure so there's phonics you've got ideas a little bit further down I think ideas right there okay so that's another keyword and then at home practice worksheets so at home was definitely included in here so if we scroll further back down practice that's another keyword and at home was a little bit further down so at home right here okay at home and then if we keep moving forward we've got free printables and so much more so free printables are right here okay that's another keyword and then our goal is to help struggling readers which was another keyword that I found in here struggling readers which i think is a little bit further down here struggling readers struggling readers right there I didn't include the word activities because that was already included here okay so once again the algorithm on Pinterest is very smart you don't have to put all of these keywords together at the same time what the algorithm will do is it will read your content and it can find and mix and match the keywords based on what they know are getting the most searches on Pinterest okay so I put in help struggling readers reach fluency that was another keyword that was in this list here okay so as you can see in this description I've probably added about 10 to 15 very related keywords and I found all of this information for free on Pinterest they're telling me what people are searching for the most when they're looking for kindergarten reading okay so what you want to do is you want to go through once again all of your lead keywords okay and you want to then do another board for like kindergarten phonics if that's other type of content that you're gonna create okay and then you want to go through the same process so you would type in phonics okay and then you would go ahead and write a description with all of the relevant keywords that you're gonna be creating content for that you're gonna find in this guided section here step four is to create content now the reason why we need to create content on Pinterest is because we cannot send traffic directly to our Clickbank offers so we need to have content in the middle now this can be any sort of continent YouTube video a blog article a landing page it really doesn't matter but for this example here and for this niche I suggest creating either video or written content okay and I'm gonna show you how you can do this even without a website even though I do suggest creating your own website because it's an asset that you own and no one can take it away from you I'm gonna show you how you can start on a website called where you can create articles for free and you can actually put your clickbank affiliate link within your articles okay and then you can take your medium link and you can share it on Pinterest so you can drive traffic from Pinterest to medium and then to your Clickbank offer and it's gonna be completely compliant okay now if you want to learn more about how to optimize your medium articles where you can also potentially rank them on the search engine I'm gonna put a video that walks you through that entire process right up here but essentially on once you find a keyword that you want to create content for you can then start writing it here now if we go back to Pinterest we now need to find a keyword that we can create content for okay and obviously we want to find a keyword that's related to the offer that we're promoting so I've typed in kindergarten reading activities and now I want to go further within this these suggested search terms and when I want to find a very long tail keyword that I can create content for now what is a long tail keyword this is a keyword that has three words or more now why do we want to go after these types of keywords when we're starting out because our account is new and it's gonna be easier for us to rank for long tail keywords because they're less competitive okay so for example if I click on at home we have kindergarten reading activities at home which is a keyword or search term that people are searching for on Pinterest and as you can see there are no more auto suggested search terms so this would be sort of the deepest level we can go to okay and this is a piece of content that we could create an article that we could creates okay and we can put it within our board the board that we created kindergarten reading would be perfect with a pin that targets kindergarten reading activities at home so as you can see our Pinterest account is structured we're at the top on our title and an account description we have our broad as keywords then we go a level deeper within our boards and then the pins that go within each board and our content are sort of the most longtail hyper targeted keywords we can go after on Pinterest now it's very important that you do your keyword research before you create your content because otherwise you're gonna be creating content for keywords that nobody is searching for okay so this is where you're gonna be able to not only work hard but work smart okay and get effective results doing that so once you've found your keyword and we know we want to create a blog article or video around kindergarten reading activities at home if you have no idea about this niche it's time for you to go ahead and do some research so you can actually take this keyword go to Google okay so I typed in kindergarten reading activities and you can find articles so for example this article here has 25 activities for reading and fun writing okay and you can just go through this article you can find inspiration and you can take little elements of this article you can take elements of other articles as well if you go through here you can find other articles that are relevant and you can go ahead and sort of compile your own piece of content okay so that's what you want to do when it comes to creating content you want to find keywords that are longtail keywords that people are searching for on Pinterest and you then want to go ahead and use either you know a blog your website or create a YouTube video or use a site like medium comm where you can create your content so that then you can actually publish that content on Pinterest and start driving traffic step five is to create your pin so once you've created your content and on for example your website or here once again there's gonna be a link to a video appear that talks more about how to optimize your posts to rank on the search engines if that's something that you're interested as well so make sure to go watch that video I'm not gonna cover that in this video because that's not the point of this video but essentially once you've created your posts okay and you've added your affiliate links within your post so in the video that's gonna be linked up there I'm also gonna show you how to correctly add in your affiliate links with something like and how to use affiliate disclosures so that you stay compliant with the website's policies okay once you've done that you can publish it and then you're gonna get your link your article link that you can then use and share on Pinterest okay at this point it's time to create your pin and obviously you can create your pin in many different ways I use canva com it's completely free and you can go check a ton of tutorials on YouTube that show you how to create really nice compelling pins with canva but these are some examples that I created on canva you know five free super fun at home kindergarten breeding activities click here to learn more and help struggling readers okay now what I want to talk about in this step here is more about obviously how to structure your pins the more technical stuff the keywords where you want to be adding in your keywords you have to add them in a few different places just so that you are optimized as well as possible so first of all I want you to understand that Pinterest can actually read what's on your pin so you want to be adding in your main keywords as many as possible within your pin so here for example I have keywords like kindergarten reading activities which is which we know is something that people search for I have struggling readers which is another keyword that people search for I have help which is another people another keyword that people search for I have at home which is another keyword I have free okay these are all keywords that people are searching for within you know this niche here okay whether it's a main keyword one of our lead keywords or one of our supporting keywords I'm adding in as many as I can that I think are gonna be relevant to my pin itself okay another thing you want to do is when you download your PIN you actually want to have your keyword your sort of main keyword in your JPEG file and I'll show you more that in just a second when we upload our pin okay and another thing I want to talk about is when you create a piece of content the great thing about Pinterest is that they actually want you to create as many pins as possible sending people to the same piece of content so here's another variation that I created which could be used for the same exact piece of content so don't think that when you create an article or a video you can only create one pin I actually suggest for you to create as many pins as possible start out with two or three find out which designs are converting best and then you can go ahead and you can create similar designs to the one that's been working best on Pinterest to continue driving long-term traffic to that piece of content alright so once you've created your pins you're gonna go to action to Pinterest itself and you're gonna have to upload your pin and optimize it correctly and I'm gonna show you how to do that right now alright so once you've created your pin to upload it the Pinterest just go to this big red plus sign here click on create pin and now click right here and this is where you can add in your pin okay so this is what I wanted to show you in the actual PNG file of your pin make sure to add the keyword that you're trying to optimize for so kindergarten reading activities at home dot PNG you can then click on this and it's obviously gonna upload it here onto Pinterest and now you have to optimize your title and your description okay and this is a very important step so once again in your title you go you're gonna want to go and refer back to your spreadsheet okay so I hope you're noticing a trend this part here is the most important part of the video doing your research making sure that you have understood all the keywords that you can potentially create content for this sheet here is gonna drive all of your decisions it's gonna drive what content you create what boards you create what keywords you add to your pin titles in your pin description so you want to make sure that you're constantly adding keywords to this you're refining this sheet this is gonna make your life a lot easier so obviously in our title we want to add in our main keyword which is kindergarten and we want to add in one or two lead keywords that are the most relevant so in this case it would be probably reading and another lead keyword would be activities and then we want to add in about one supporting keyword and in this case our supporting keyword would be at home okay so here I might make the title five best kinder Garten reading activities activities at home okay and that might be the the title okay so I have kindergarten which is a main keyword I have to lead keywords reading and activities and I have one supporting keywords so that's absolutely perfect and now you have to add in your pin description okay and this is where you go back to your sheet here and now you want to start adding in all those other relevant supportive keywords that full under your main elite keywords so our main lead keyword for this pin is reading okay so I would want to go down this list and find and add to my description as many relevant supportive keywords here as I can so that just so that I can have the most optimized pin possible so that Pinterest understands what keywords I'm trying to rank my pin for all right so this is the keyword optimized description I'm gonna read it out to you and show you exactly what types of descriptions you want to be writing so when your children are struggling beginner readers it can be hard okay so struggling readers we know is a keyword that people are searching for K struggling readers am i right parents so now I'm you know calling out my target demographic need some help click here to learn five free is another keyword and super fun these this is another keyword kindergarten reading activities this is sort of our main keyword that were optimizing before for parents okay there's another keyword for parents that you can do at home today you'll learn about phonics new teaching ideas and practice lessons slash strategies you can do every day and then I've added in hashtags you always want to add in two or three hashtags with every single pin and your hashtags can be sort of your main broad niche so I've put in kindergarten kindergarten reading preschool okay now as you can see we've added in a ton of keywords in this post and all of these keywords should be very easy for you to find if you've done this you know spreadsheet correctly all you would have to do is go to kindergarten and reading because this would be your main lead keyword for this specific pin here and then you'd add in as many supporting keywords that you think would be relevant to the piece of content that you've created and for the pin that you're posting on to your account okay and then after you've done this or you're gonna do is you're gonna add in the destination URL so this would be the link to your piece of content whether it's a landing page whether it's a YouTube video whether it's a medium article here or whether it's sending people to your own WordPress website or blog okay and then all you do at this point is you publish the pin okay obviously make sure to select the board so obviously we want to add this to the kindergarten reading board make sure to put every single pin into the most relevant board that's super important okay it needs to go into the relevant the the most relevant board first so that Pinterest can quickly scan your PIN and understand where it needs to rank that specific piece of content now that is the entire strategy what you would want to do is just go and repeat that process and create as much content as possible once again remember when you create a piece of content you can create multiple pins okay so this was one pin this is another pin that you could have created for the same piece of content now when you create a new pin and you're sending people to the same article or video do you just copy and paste the title and the description no you want to use the same keywords or similar ones but you always want to reword the title and the description so that it's an original pin okay you never want to have the same pin with the same title and description because that's just gonna not rank you well on Pinterest okay Pinterest really doesn't like that now I have a few extra tips for you okay tip number one is if you want to automate this entire pinning strategy will you where you can create your pins in bulk and set them up on a scheduler I suggest to use tailwind okay this is the best app there is or software there is an appalling to tell when down in the description okay and tip number two and the final one that I have for you is at the beginning when we were creating our boards I said to put them on secret at the beginning right when you don't have any content now once you've optimized your board you've put in your optimized title and description you can actually find more ideas here so Pinterest is gonna recommend to you pins that they think are relevant to the board that you've just created so what I suggest for you to do is to just find between twenty to thirty pins just to fill up your board initially that you think would be relevant to the type of content that you're putting on this board and then you can come back up here and you can uncheck this and now make this board public okay so I'll make sure to repeat that entire process for every single board apart from that that is the entire process of how you can effectively start affiliate marketing with Pinterest thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it please make sure to hit the like button and if you haven't already make sure to subscribe and turn on the bail notification so that you can be notified whenever I come out with a new video just like this one if you enjoyed this video please make sure to check out some videos right here on the side I'm sure you find some of those extremely informative apart from that thank you so much for watching I hope to see in the next one take care
Channel: Michele Olivieri
Views: 53,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start affiliate marketing on pinterest, pinterest affiliate marketing 2021, pinterest affiliate marketing without a blog, pinterest affiliate marketing without a blog 2021, how to use pinterest for affiliate marketing, how to do affiliate marketing on pinterest, how to do affiliate marketing on pinterest without a website, how to start affiliate marketing with clickbank, how to make money with pinterest and clickbank, pinterest and clickbank, clickbank and pinterest
Id: mx8gpyqAd4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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