How To Start Clickbank For Free And Without A Website (New Strategy For Beginners)

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hey how you doing my name is Mickey from evergreen marketers calm and today I'm gonna show you how to start on Clickbank for free but before I do if you're completely new to this channel here we talk about online business entrepreneurship and mindset if that's something you're interested in please make sure to hit the subscribe button and turn on the Bell notifications so that you can be notified whenever I come out with a new video just like this one without any further ado let's get right into the video in this video you're gonna learn a step-by-step process to start promoting Clickbank products completely for free and you also will not need a website now what I want you to do is to make sure to watch this video entirely so that you understand each and every single step and also towards the end of this video I'm gonna give you some tips and some resources that you can go to that are gonna allow you to speed up this process so that you can see faster results so make sure that you watch this video all the way till the end step one is to find an offer now to find an offer all you have to do is go to clickbank comm and create an account if you don't have an account go to this big grey button right here and put your personal information and your banking information so that you can get paid each and every single week through Clickbank now once you have your account you're gonna go to the affiliate marketplace and this is where you're gonna have access to all the different offers that you can promote as an affiliate here on Clickbank okay now for the strategy that we are going to do today it's very important that you follow these criterias when you're deciding what offer to promote okay so if you have no idea what kind of offer you want to promote and you don't know which category you want to be in then what you can do is you can go to the advanced search right up here at the top and you can start entering in different criterias so let's say that I want Clickbank to only show me products that have a gravity that's higher than 20 okay and only products that have an average dollar per sale that's higher than fifteen dollars let's see okay what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna click on search and what Clickbank is gonna do is it's now gonna filter all the different products for me that meet these criterias so as you can see they've come back with a hundred and forty nine different offers okay so you have all kinds of offers in health and fitness you have offers that are inside of home-and-garden self-help spirituality so on and so forth okay now when you're looking to choose a product on Clickbank there are a few criteria so one of them is gravity you want to make sure that the gravity is at least 20 and above and the reason why is because gravity is a formula that tells you how many unique affiliates have sold a copy of that product in the last 30 days meaning that the higher the gravity is the more demand there is for that product at this current time and the higher converting the product is okay because we only want to promote products that are currently working for other affiliates because it makes it much easier for us because we already know that that product is selling for other people the second criteria you have you should look at is the average dollar per sale now the average dollar per sale I usually like to stick to thirty dollars and above and the reason why is because the more products you sell the more money you're gonna make right and it also means that you need to sell less units of that product per day to start making a decent amount of money think about it if I'm selling a product that's five dollars to make a hundred dollars a day I have to make around 20 sales whereas if I'm promoting a product that's only you know if I'm promoting a product that's around thirty five dollars per sale I only need to get three sales per day to make the same amount of money so you have to put in the same amount of work but you can get the same exact results for Less product sold if that and the third criteria is recurring billing now recurring billing you can see this by this blue icon right here stands for recurring billing that tells you that at some point in time this product has a monthly subscription that they offer to their customers and you as an affiliate can earn a percentage of that monthly subscription every single month meaning that you do the work once you get the customer once and you can continue to get paid for that customer month after month even when you stop promoting that product all right so I'm gonna scroll through some of these offers here and I'm going to pick an offer that I believe will fit well with the strategy that I'm gonna show you today and then we're gonna move on to the next step all right so for this strategy here we're gonna be using this product as the example the custom keto diet and this product meets all of the criteria is right it has an average dollar per sale of 43 it has a gravity of 246 and it does have a recurring billing okay now for this strategy it's very important that you get familiar with the product that you're selling okay so what you want to do is you want to go to the affiliate page right here and your gonna want to understand exactly what it is that you're promoting so for this product here it's kind of self-explanatory we're promoting something that has to do with the keto diet but you wanna dive deep and understand exactly what the product is because if you don't you're gonna be targeting the wrong people that aren't interested in this product and your conversion rates are gonna be lower okay so what I suggest is to go to the affiliate page and start understanding everything that they talked about so they give you a couple of examples so if we go into the actual affiliate page here and then you just enter in your name and your email I'm gonna do that right now and then I'm going be back once I'm inside the affiliate section so once you're inside of the affiliate section you have a ton of different things so you have obviously a welcome section I would read this here because they probably talk about what it is that they're promoting you can go here to the product information so right here literally tells you what it is so it says our custom meal plan service was designed to help men and women all over the world turn their lives around and take charge of their health and figure the custom keto diet is a brand-new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences daily activity levels height weight and target weight goals okay so this is what people are gonna get here's what they will get an eight-week meal plan created based on the expertise of certified nutritionist personal trainers and chefs meals that have calorie and macronutrient content tailored to their specific situation goals and so on okay so this is essentially a a step-by-step personalized nutrition plan that follows the ketogenic diet okay so we understand exactly what this product is who it's targeting and what type of content we need to create to get in front of the right people that would be interested in purchasing the software okay now for this offer here we were very lucky because in the affiliate section they literally had a whole section that talked about what the product entailed and what people were actually buying so that you as the affiliate know what you're promoting but if you're promoting a product that doesn't have all this information it's your job to find out exactly what it is that you're promoting so go through all of the different things that they have the landing pages the videos they have you know a lot of product sections affiliate section sorry have videos go through the articles a lot of affiliate sections have articles and email swipes and also you can go back to Clickbank and if your product has what's called a video sales letter which you can see on the product page here I'd actually suggest to watch this entire video because this will explain actly what the product is because when a customer or a potential customer goes to this page they're watching this video and this video is going to explain to the person that's potentially looking to buy this product what it is that they're spending their money on so you as the affiliate putting the time to do the research so that then this strategy that I'm going to show you can be ten times more effective step two is to find keywords now the reason why we need to find keywords is because in this strategy we're gonna be ranking content on Google now I know that I said you didn't need a website and this would cost you no money and that's true you actually don't need a website even though I do suggest creating your own website if you can and if you want to learn how to do that I'm gonna put a video right up here but I know that a lot of people when the first getting started they just don't have the money to invest okay so this is gonna be the closest thing you can get to without having to start a website and what we're gonna be using to create content to rank on the first page of Google is a website called mo now if you have no idea what medium is this is a Content website where you can post essentially short articles and a lot of these ranked on Google okay now there are two reasons why we're using medium number one is because it's highly trusted from Google and like I said you will find a lot of articles that have been written on ranking for certain keywords on the first and second page of Google you can just do a search for yourself and verify this now if we go to a keyword research tool that I use kW finder you can also see that has a domain Authority of 96 out of a hundred which is extremely high Google itself has a domain Authority of 99 and YouTube has a domain Authority of about ninety eight so is very very well trusted from Google and has a link profile strength of a hundred out of a hundred meaning that it's very very hard to outrank and a lot of the content that's on the website since it's hosted on medium is trusted by Google that's why it ranks but the second reason why we're using medium comm is because in their policies they say that you can post affiliate links okay meaning that you can hyperlink text within your article and send people directly to the affiliate page okay and it says here affiliate links such as link out to Amazon with your code or any other link out where you will receive a commission or other value are allowed in posts all it says is that you need to disclose somewhere in the post that it includes affiliate links okay and I'm gonna show you exactly what they mean by disclosing that it's an affiliate link okay so those are the main reasons why we're gonna be using to create content and rank on Google but at this point what you need to do is you need to go ahead and actually do keyword research so that we know what type of content we need to create to get in front of people that would be interested in purchasing this custom keto diet plan okay so to find relevant keywords what I've managed to do is find out that custom keto diet itself they have a blog so that we can further understand what type of content we need to create to get in front of people that would be interested in this offer so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna paste the URL here and we're gonna go to the website directly and we're gonna scroll down and see what type of content they're posting so as we can see they're posting recipes shifting to a low-carb lifestyle has never been easier when you can eat food that you thought you'd miss plus all our recipes are designed to target fat loss so they are creating content that are keto friendly low-carb healthy recipes that are gonna help people lose weight okay so we know exactly what type of content we need to create at this point because the actual company itself is creating that type of content now to further analyze what keywords we need to optimize for because once again not all keywords are equal some are very competitive and some are extremely easy to rank for we need to use tools now I'm gonna give you two examples I'm gonna give you the tool that I use and then I'm gonna give you a free tool that you can use if you don't have access to using the tool that I have so when we go straight to kW finder this is the tool that I use I'm gonna put a link to this in the description you can get a ten day free trial what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put in the domain itself because I want to search for all the different keywords that this domain might potentially be ranking on Google for and I'm gonna click on find keywords okay now a kW finder is gonna do is this gonna come back with some keywords now sometimes as you can see here it doesn't but that's absolutely fine because what kW finder does do is it gives you a section here of relevant websites now we know that these websites are very related to the content that a custom keto diet is posting meaning that we can analyze these websites and almost be a hundred percent sure that the content that they're creating would be content that's very well-suited to people that would be interested in purchasing that clickbank offer so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on this key dough Wiz com and now kW Finder is gonna find a ton of different keywords that this website right here is ranking for okay and as you can see now it gives you even more website so you can go as deep as you want with this research now it's come back with a thousand seven hundred different keywords which is huge and like I said some keywords are very competitive and other ones are not okay and we want to find those hidden gems those keywords that are super super easy to rank for and the way that we can do this is we go to the filter up here at the top and we're gonna put a minimum search volume per month of a hundred and a max keyword difficulty score of twenty nine now the keyword difficulty score is a score that kW finder gives you from zero to a hundred and it essentially gives you an an indication or an idea of how hard or easy it's gonna be for you to rank for a specific keyword okay so when you're first getting started you want to make sure that you go for easy keywords that are easy keywords to rank for that have a pretty good search volume we're gonna click on set filter and as you can see kW Finder has now cut the keywords down from 1700 to just over a thousand now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna double tap this and it's gonna order all of the keywords from sort of least competitive to most competitive now if you have keywords that don't have a keyword difficulty score like this you can just click on them and what its gonna do is it's gonna update the keyword difficulty score for you okay now just to make this very easy I'm gonna scroll all the way down to the bottom so that we can go to the keywords that already have been updated and I'm gonna start giving you examples of keywords that we can create content for that would be hyper related to the offer that we're promoting so for example this right here halo ice-cream kedo this gets a thousand three hundred searches per month and has a keyword difficulty score of six okay so very very easy to rank for and has a pretty good search volume if we go further down here we can see like ketogenic peanut butter cookie recipe you could create an article that's giving people ketogenic peanut butter cookie recipes and it gets 29,000 searches a month and has a keyword difficulty score of 11 so it's very very easy to rank for and gets a ton of search volume this is a perfect keyword that we could create content for and then we could send people to our affiliate link right because we know that if people are searching for ketogenic recipes they're interested in either starting a ketogenic diet or they're already in a ketogenic diet and they're looking for more recipes right and the product that we are promoting is perfect because it's a personalized eight-week ketogenic diet meal plan okay so what you want to do is you want to go through all of these types of keywords you want to find the ones that are very related to the product that you're promoting and the ones that have good search volume and have a low keyword difficulty score and you just want to note them down put them in an excel sheet and and just make sure that you have as many possible keywords as you can right when it comes to affiliate marketing the more keywords you have the more content you can create the more content you have on the Internet the the more traffic you're gonna get to your affiliate offers and ultimately the more money you're gonna make so make sure that you spend some time doing this research right here finding those hidden gems of keywords now if you don't have access to kW finder or you don't want to use that tool I'm gonna give you another option this is called uber suggests so if you go to Ober suggest calm and create a free account you can do more than enough keyword research to get started with without having to upgrade to the monthly subscription for this product okay so if we go back to kW finder and I'm gonna take now a new keyword let's say this perfect key TOCOM I'm gonna come back here I'm gonna paste this domain here and I'm gonna click on search this is gonna perform the same exact process that kW finder did okay now once it's loaded up you're gonna want to go here to keywords and what this is gonna do is it's gonna give you a ton of different keywords and it's gonna give you the search volume and it's gonna give you the keyword difficulty score as you can see a lot of the keywords that this website is ranking for are very very very competitive but what we can do is we can scroll down and we can start seeing keywords that are not super competitive okay so for example low carb fast-food has 11 keyword difficulty score it gets 18,000 searches per month so that's maybe an article that you could create a medium to comb you have is peanut butter good for you gets 14,000 searches per month has a keyword difficulty score of 10 carbs in corn tortilla that's maybe a question that people are asking that you can answer gets 12,000 sir a month and you and has a keyword difficulty score of nine okay so I'm I assume you get the point right what you want to do is you want to find keywords that are low competition and have a decent search volume that you can create content about that is also very relevant to the offer that you were promoting okay now another great thing that you can do with this tool is you can actually export this into a CSV file so I'm going to show you very quickly how to do this and then what you can do once you have all those keywords in a CSV file how you can very quickly filter that data and find those keywords that are those hidden gems that meet all of those criterias that we want alright so what I've done is I've exported some keywords from ubersuggest here onto my computer and I've filtered them based on a criteria so I said only show me keywords that have an SEO difficulty score of 15 and below okay because once again we only want to go after keywords that have a good search volume or easy to rank for meaning that the SEO difficulty score is low and they're very related to the product that we are promoting okay so we can take a look at some of these keywords so for example how long to get into ketosis get six thousand six hundred searches a month and has an SEO difficulty score of seven so this would be a perfect keyword to write an article about because people are probably searching for that keyword when they're just getting started with a keto diet they're looking for further information about how long does it take to get into ketosis once you start the diet how long does it take to start seeing benefits so on and so forth you can create an article about that and then you can lead some of that traffic or send some of that traffic to your affiliate offer right so this is what you want to do you want to do keyword analysis at the beginning find those keywords that you can create content about that are related to your offer make a list of them put them inside of like an Excel sheet like this so that you can start creating content for each and every single one and once again the more content you have the more traffic you're gonna get the more affiliate Commission's you're going to make step three is to create content now this is the most important part because if you don't create the content you're never gonna get the traffic so I'm gonna show you how you're gonna want to create and structure your content on so the first thing you're gonna want to do when you're creating an article for a specific keyword is you're gonna want to perform this search which is site and then in quotations you're gonna want to put the keyword that you are trying to rank for and then you're gonna want to perform a search now what are we doing here I want to see how many other articles are currently on and they're optimizing and ranking for this specific keyword and as you can see there are zero articles right now on that talk about any sort of Kido cookies so that's great because it means that there's an opportunity for us to create a very informative piece of content and rank on the first page of Google for this specific keyword all right now what you want to do once you've established this is you want to do further analysis of other competitors in this specific keyword okay and the reason why is because you're going to have to optimize your article to rank on a Google and I have a full video which is called the seven step SEO checklist which I'm going to put right up here that shows you how you need to optimize your articles to give you the best chance of ranking on google for the specific keywords that you're trying to rank for and this is the exact same process whether you have your own website or whether you're writing an article on to rank on Google Google wants to see certain things and if you don't give it to them you're not gonna rank for the keywords that you want okay but just to give you an overview in this video so that you understand the entire process you want you're gonna want to go back to google and type in your main keyword so for this example it Kito cookies okay and then you're gonna want to press the spacebar and what this is gonna do is it's gonna give you all the auto suggestions these are keywords that people are typing in the most after kedo cookies so they're typing in keto cookies recipe keto cookies know baked keto cookies easy keto cookies vegan keto cookies with coconut flour these are all of the most related searches to keto cookies and you want to note all of these down on either a piece of paper or once again on an excel sheet or a notepad because we're gonna incorporate these variations of keywords throughout our article okay the next thing you're gonna want to do is search for the actual keyword and then scroll to the bottom of the first page and once again you're going to want to make note of all of these related search terms these are other hyper related keywords that people are typing in either before or after keto cookies okay so that's the first thing you're gonna want to do the second thing you're gonna want to do is make sure that you you research your competitors and when I mean research what is their average word count how many h1 to h2 h3 headings are they using throughout their posts so that you can understand or get an idea of what kind of article you need to create to potentially rank on the first page because listen if the average article on the first page has 2,000 words and your article has 800 words you might have a great article but if your article isn't the same word count as the other competitors that are ranking for this keyword you're never gonna outrank them so you need to do your research so you know what what type of content you need to create so just go into the first 5 articles and see what the average word count is that's very easy you just go into the article you copy all of their article and you put it into a free word counter on Google and you get an average estimate ok so if you know that the first 5 articles have about 1500 words you're gonna want to do 10 percent better than that you're gonna want to write 1600 1700 words 1800 words to give yourself the best chance of ranking on Google okay so that's what you're gonna want to do before you even start riding so you understand the structure that you need to put in place for your article all right so once you're inside a medium to come and you've created your free account you're just gonna go up to your account icon and you're gonna click on news story and this is the page that you're gonna be on this is where you're gonna create your content okay so as you can see if I scroll up to the top I've put a title here that says five delicious keto cookie recipes ultimate guide and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create five different recipes I'm gonna link out five different recipes now if you don't know any recipes just do research where I go and find out from different articles what are five great keto cookie recipes now the most important thing here is to make sure that you're actually optimizing for the search engine and you're using those auto suggestions that we talked about and those related searches so as you can see I've put in the main keyword that were optimizing for keto cookies in the title of the article which is the most important thing you need to put that in the title of the article and you also need to sprinkle this keyword throughout the article not not a huge amount you need to put it maybe two or three times okay throughout the article now the really important part is the way that you structure your article okay so you want to put some paragraphs here and you want to make sure that you separate these out so it's easy for people to read okay and then here you can the great thing about in is you can create these dividers which is really easy to do you just add this plus sign and you have the divider here and it adds it like that so you can add these dividers and you can separate out the different sections so here I'm gonna do number one keto cookies peanut butter recipes and I'll find a recipe and I'll create some content about it then I'll come down here and I'll put eggless keto cookie recipe now where am I getting all of these titles from I'm getting them from the auto suggestions so as you can see if I scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page you can see that people are searching for keto cookies peanut butter so I'm gonna make sure that I include a recipe that has to do with keto cookies and peanut butter okay they're also searching for eggless keto cookies so that's another recipe that I'm gonna find okay they're also searching for keto chocolate cookies so I'm gonna add that as another recipe okay and then I might come up here press the spacebar and see okay I might add a recipe that's keto cookies with almond flour or I might add a keto cookies vegan okay so you want to incorporate as many of these OTO suggests that and related searches as you can throughout your article now you don't need to make every single one of these search terms a heading of its own you can just sprinkle in these keywords throughout the article if they make sense okay but that's the general structure that you want to incorporate for your article so that you can have an article that's optimized to rank on the search engine now another thing that I would suggest is in between write the content and a new section try and add an image so you can come here and you can actually add royalty-free images so if I want to you know type in Quito cookies right here what this is gonna do is it's gonna come up with a bunch of different images okay now obviously you need to scroll through these a bit to find the perfect image that actually makes sense but let's say I wanted to add something like this I can add this image in here it comes right into the article and then I can continue writing write maybe two or three hundred words for an eggless Quito cookie recipe does that make sense so right here inside a medium dome you're starting to structure an article that is gonna optimize for the search engines correct okay now you might be asking yourself well how do I make money from this this is the next part that I'm going to show you how you can actually start very subtly incorporating your affiliate link throughout all of this content now this is how we're going to monetize this content remember those dividers that we were putting in between each section of our article where this is where we're going to put in a sort of cool to action so I've added in something very simple like one a custom keto diet plan personalized to your weight loss goals click here to watch this free presentation and this is where you can hyperlink this text you can just um highlight this click on this hyperlink right here this is where you'd paste your affiliate link okay but you need to make sure that when you are using this strategy here you disclose that this is an affiliate link so right next to it you need to add affiliate link or an affiliate disclosure you need to make sure that you add this on every single link that you have throughout your article and also add it either at the beginning or at the end of your article and I'm going to show you what kind of disclosure you want to add so if you scroll all the way down to the bottom and let's say this is the end of your article you want to add in a section like notes any link any link that is clicked throughout this article may be an affiliate link where I receive compensation okay now you want to add something like this now I'm not a lawyer so you know the wording in and of itself you need to do some research about it or you can do this very easily on Google but by just typing in affiliate disclosures but you want to make sure that you are taking your precautions with this because the last thing you want to do is to put in all this work to create this content and then get banned because you didn't you didn't put the correct affiliate disclosure okay and for those of you that might be asking yourself well if somebody knows this is an affiliate link will they actually click on it well some people won't okay some people might think that if you or getting compensated for sending somebody to a product then you're not gonna be genuine about it but to be honest with you most people actually will appreciate that you are being open and honest by them clicking on this link you're gonna get compensated in some way and if you're genuine and honest in your content and you're actually trying to help people and give them good information most people will be absolutely fine with this you know this is 20/20 everybody has affiliate disclosures I have an affiliate disclosure I have a disclaimer down in the description below and there's nothing wrong with with you telling people that if they click on something and they go ahead and purchase it you're gonna get a compensation for that okay because at the end of the day it costs them no more money at all to click your link all right so that's what you're gonna do with okay this is the entire strategy the entire approach yes it is a lot of work but as you can see it's the closest thing that you can do to get a website without actually paying for a website even though once again I do suggest that if you do have the money going ahead and getting a website is going to be your best option because you own that website and nobody can take it away from you but this is a way where you can get started and actually start making affiliate Commission's with Clickbank without any cost whatsoever okay there was zero costs in this video this doesn't cost you anything the keyword research tool doesn't cost you anything doing the research itself throughout Google costs you absolutely nothing and now I'm going to show you how you can promote this article on a platform that is specifically tailored for articles and blogs and that's gonna be completely free as well step four is getting traffic now I know that I said that this strategy is going to rely on you creating content ranking on Google but getting your content index from from Google can actually take some time so if you want a more reliable faster way to drive traffic using something like Pinterest to send traffic to your medium articles is super super effective this is a way that you can get around having to pay for a landing page software or having to have a website you can just use something like a medium and send the traffic from Pinterest to that article and then a certain percentage of people that read that article will click on your affiliate links throughout the articles and go to your Clickbank offer because it's actually against Pinterest Terms of Service to put your clickbank affiliate link within your pins okay so you need to send people to either a landing page or a website or something like a medium article okay now if you want to learn how to set up your Pinterest account how to set up your boards how to create pins that actually drive traffic to your content I'm gonna put a full video right up here alright and that's the entire step-by-step strategy if you enjoyed this strategy and you want more completely free Clickbank affiliate marketing tutorials please let me know by leaving a comment and hitting the thumbs up thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it please make sure to hit the like button and if you haven't already make sure to subscribe and turn on the bail notification so that you can be notified whenever I come out with a new video just like this one if you enjoyed this video please make sure to check out some videos right here on the side I'm sure you'll find some of those extremely informative apart from that thank you so much for watching I hope to see in the next one take care
Channel: Michele Olivieri
Views: 8,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start clickbank for free, how to start affiliate marketing with no money, how to start affiliate marketing with clickbank, clickbank free traffic sources, clickbank without website, how to make money clickbank without website, how to start affiliate marketing without website & investment, how to make money with clickbank fast and free, how to make money with clickbank without a website, clickbank strategy, clickbank strategy 2020, affiliate marketing clickbank 2020
Id: lW-CIN2zdtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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