Complete ClickBank Tutorial - How To Make Money As A Beginner [Step By Step] 2022

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hey what is going on fellas ross mitchell in the house and welcome to the ultimate and newly updated clickbank tutorial in which i'm gonna be showing you how to make free money on the clickbank platform as a complete beginner the goal for today's video is to show you how to make your first 200 dollars per day in the fastest and the easiest way so i'm gonna be showing you step by step how to do that and everything is going to be done in four easy steps and like i said this is going to be a perfect tutorial for people who are just getting started on the clickbank platform but also if you're skilled affiliate your advanced affiliate and you're already making money on the clickbank platform it's again worth watching because i'm going to share some techniques that i have personally developed for my own affiliate marketing business so you can implement them and probably maximize and increase your profits from the clickbank platform when it comes to clickbank you have to know something very very important in the last two years alone clickbank have paid more money to their affiliates for example in united states they have paid 54 more money and more paychecks to their affiliates compared to 2019 and the years before in sweden they have paid 136 more money to their affiliates we're talking about clickbank and in china the staggering 800 more paychecks clickbank have paid to their affiliates uh this is a statistic from a clickbank it's i didn't create this it's actually if you google clickbank reports you can see that report and the question is why is that why they paid more money why they have paid more money in the last two years alone compared to all the other years well the answer probably already know the answer it's simple it's because of the global lockdowns unfortunately we as human beings we don't like lockdowns but we as digital marketers we love them because they actually drive the online sales rapidly not only in affiliate marketing but all around the web so the global online sales are rapidly growing every month since all these lockdowns happened two years ago so now it's the best time to start your clickbank and affiliate marketing journey you will not find a better time to do that so first the timing is perfect and secondly clickbank and affiliate marketing are actually one of the easiest business models because for example in e-commerce you have to purchase the products you have to ship them yourself you have to do customer support and you you have upfront cost because of the products and in clickbank and affiliate marketing you have none of that clickbank takes care of all the shipments and all the customer support etc so very easy business model and also like like we see it's increasing in revenue and the potential is huge now let's go back to the four steps we're going to be covering today on this working session and the first step is i'm going to be showing you how to create your very own clickbank account and how to set it up for success but not only that i'm also going to show you how to find hot products hot offers or top trending offers that you know they convert and you know that they're making money for other people basically i'm gonna show you offers that other affiliates have tested for you so you know you're going to start your um clickbank journey with something that is working and like i said the goal for today's video tutorial is to get you making money as soon as the end of this video so by the end of this video you should leave with a skill that you can implement right away and make money right after you finish watching this video and so for step number two we have special tool from google which is going to help us increase our revenue and this tool is absolutely free to use and you don't have to have any experience and it's very easy to use so i'm gonna show you how to use that and how to set it up step number three is the traffic i get this question all the time hey ross how do i get traffic where do i get the traffic how do i get the high quality traffic so in today's video tutorial i'm going to be showing you one of the best and high quality traffic sources which is a social network that is kind of neglected by other affiliates and other digital marketers i don't know why they just don't use it or probably they don't know how to use it but the traffic is huge we are talking about millions of visitors and also it they're very high quality so we're going to see this in just a minute in step number three and the final step number four is i'm gonna show you another special software that is again free and which will help you to double and even triple your earnings from clickbank so without out of the mind let me share my screen start setting up the system and let's make some money together all right welcome back fellas now before we start with the four steps that i'm gonna be showing you today and how to set up everything i just wanted to show you what is possible with clickbank right now we are in one of my clickbank accounts and i'm under reporting right here so if i click paychecks right here and this is going to load and i'm going to refresh this page right here so you see i'm not trying to trick you in some way but in this account i have made eighteen thousand dollars in 2021 alone and we can see that these are bi-weekly paychecks so basically they send me paycheck every a second week and every second week i receive one thousand one thousand two thousand one thousand one thousand four hundred dollars so now this is what's possible with clickbank and this is just one of my many accounts in the other account right here i'm going to go over to paychecks again and boom okay i'm going to refresh one more time so in this account for 2021 i have made 71 000 dollars but this time this account i have set it up to weekly paychecks as we can see right here and every week i received a payment of on one thousand seven hundred dollars three thousand dollars three thousand dollars uh five thousand dollars some weeks in the good weeks of course this is affiliate marketing so i you know every week is different than the other week for example in this week i have just received 600 bucks so it varies but it is very steady yeti kind of money coming into my accounts every week or every other week so why i'm showing you this i'm not trying to be cocky or be like hey look at me who am i i just want to show you that i actually do what i preach uh i actually i am an affiliate my my business and my company we do affiliate marketing a lot so what i'm showing you today is something that i do in my day-to-day business i'm not claiming you're going to immediately start making that kind of money thousands of dollars but at least today what i'm gonna be showing you is a very very simple very easy to do system that will set you up for success and hopefully by the end of this video you should have a clear goal or clear kind of skill that will help you to earn your first hundred dollars a day and scale from there and by the end of the video i'm gonna show you how to scale your campaigns to thousands of dollars after you initially start making good money on the clickbank platform without out of the way let's go ahead and i'm going to show you all the steps today you need to take in order to make money on the clickbank as a complete beginner and so the first step is scroll down on this video and hit the like button so i become as famous as justin bieber no i'm kidding i'm already more famous than him so that's fine all right enough with that first step we have to go to and once you go to the website on the right side you're going to see this button that says sign up so click sign up on the right side you're going to see the signup form so follow the process choose your country don't try to trick the system choose your country then choose your first name put your first name last name phone number email address select a password and then click continue to the terms and conditions so you can click this box because now it's kind of grayed out and you can't click it until you read the terms and conditions and after you do that click join click bank and so after you do that and you login into your account you probably are going to see this dashboard so let's go to just the dashboard right here and it probably would not see any earnings but from here what you need to do is go over at the top right here where it says marketplace so click the marketplace and here you're going to find all the clickbank or affiliate offers that you can promote and make money with them so on the left side we see some categories and they have a lot of categories mobile languages gardening games etc education business and marketing so these are different topics and when you click them they have subcategories as you can see i click this one and i if i click betting systems i have another subcategories under that and we have self help so they have many many products and many many affiliate offers but what i recommend for you is just go here at the top and click the magnifier glass and here where is this is the search bar where it says find products so instead of putting any keywords leave that blank and just click the magnifier glass once you do that you're going to see all in today we have all the 2950 products on clickbank now this number varies every single day because every day there's some more offers added or some offers are being taken down so this number it's not um exact number when you probably when you're setting up your accounts so from here as we can see the results are sort by rank and they're high to low rank is a score that clickbank assigns to every offer and for example let's take this offer right here this is called the okinawa flat belly tonic this is an offer for people who want to lose weight drinking some japanese tonic i'm going to show you more in just a second but what i want to show you here is um for those of you who are very very new to the channel because i know some of you fellas you're already familiar with me and what i do but for the newbies here what we have is on the right side we have average money per conversion that means this is the amount of money you're going to receive for one conversion that means if you just make one sale one affiliate sale today you're going to make 150 dollars so usually you need one sale per day to make 150 bucks which is pretty pretty amazing this is the title of the offer and this is the promote button so if you click the promote button and i'm going to click it this is what you're going to see this is the hop link generator from clickbank when you click generate hop links and i'm going to show what is a hop link click click generate and boom this is your hop link from clickbank this is your unique hop link or affiliate link related to your account that you just created and every time somebody clicks this link and purchase the product you're going to make 150 dollars this is pretty pretty amazing so how do you pick offers or products that you know they will convert usually we start with the gravity so in this case the gravity is 307 and what is a gravity usually clickbank does not give us much information of how they uh calculate the gravity but what i can tell you from my experience the gravity is a combination between how many affiliates and how many sales a certain product or offer is getting in a certain period of time so the higher the gravity the better chances for you for success usually i don't promote products that they have below 50 of gravity but in some cases i do and like i said by the end of the video i'm going to show you some other ways on how you can promote and how to find very very kind of high performing products or offers that nobody knows about them so you can make the most amount of money and like i said by the end of the video i'm going to show you how to do that but now this is what we need we need to look for a gravity that is above 50 and also i forgot to tell you that this product okinawa flat belly tonic is in the top three categories on the affiliate marketing because a flat belly tonic is into the health and fitness niche so on the affiliate marketing uh and all over the web there are three and especially on clickbank there are three top categories among all of this on the left that i showed you that they make the most amount of money and these categories are health and fitness make money online and do it yourself diy niches so these are the top three categories i'm not saying that the other products will not make you money what i'm saying is that these are the easiest to set up because they're very popular the audiences every i mean for example think about it every second person or not every second let's say every third person wants to lose weight or gain weight or wants to get fit etc so health and fitness is one is actually number one and under health and fitness i'm not just referring to just weight loss but like i said gaining weight getting fit and also let's say something related to health like back pain diabetes acne etc so health and fitness is one of it's number one now after we find a product that has gravity above 50 then what we look for is these icons here and these icons to see what they represent you can see that on the left side and take a look at the blue arrows i always always try to find products with a blue arrows and these are right here and what does it say it says recurring so basically once you make this um one sale it means that every other month or every month you're going to be receiving money for free because this product has some kind of a subscription attached to it so people when they buy the product they can opt-in for this subscription and every month when they pay or every every month when they are charged for their subscription you are also going to be getting paid so you make the sales one you make your 150 bucks and then after that every month you're making free money so that's pretty pretty good to know and i always try to find products that they have these arrows the second thing i look for is this orange arrow so this orange arrow indicates i'm gonna scroll here that this product has upsells and what the upsells mean it means that you're going to make even more money because when people purchase this product initially after that they're going to be presented with special offers so every time they purchase the special offer and the upsells can be not just one they can be two three and even four and five upsells and each of these upsells you're also making money on top of them so this is pretty good to have of sales and recurring revenue so for now this is what you need to look for in a product so to recap about the products make sure it's in the top three niches health and fitness make money online and do it yourself diy the second thing is look for gravity that is above 50. third thing is look for these blue arrows so you can make free money or passive income every month after you promote this product and of course think about it if you put working time setting up the system and working on this product and promoting this product might as well make some free money every month after you do that right and the final thing is look for upsells this is the orange arrow now another thing you might want to look at is the affiliate page and every vendor like the big vendors they have dedicated page to us affiliates so can they can help us make even more money so in this case we have that affiliate page right here and i'm going to click right click and i'm going to open this on a new tab and here we can read more about this product so welcome to okinawa flat belly tonic again product that helps people lose weight thanks to a japanese tonic and we can read i recommend you read everything about this product and just pick a product and study it read everything about the product read the affiliate vendor page right here uh what is okinawa flat belly tonic who buys the okinawa you see these people behind the product they're very skilled affiliates and they're professionals and they pretty much have given you everything for you to make your work easier because if you make money they also make money so it's a win-win situation and that's why they try to give you all the marketing materials upfront so you can have like a very easy and smooth start so you can make money as soon as possible so we're going to be using this page in just a bit but what i wanted to show you is go back to the clickbank marketplace and now it's time to click again the promote button so we can generate again our hop link so i'm going to click that again i'm going to click this link or just highlight it and copy this link and like i told you every time somebody clicks this link or visits this link and purchase the product we're going to be getting 150 bucks so so let's go back here again highlight copy and i'm going to open a news app and i'm going to paste this link so we can see how the actual offer looks like so click paste hit enter and let's see and boom so what is in front of us this is called a vsl video sales letter basically it's a video presentation sometimes they're kind of long two hours but sometimes they're 40 minutes or 50 minutes but there is a purpose behind that some people think or especially the marketers they think oh it's too long it is not when people are buying products related to their health especially they want to inform themselves a lot so it's not just oh i like this i'm gonna buy it so that's why these presentations and guys these presentations or video sales letters they have they've been created from by professional marketers these guys on clickbank who own this product they know what they're doing so that's why they created this presentation what i recommend is once you find a product that you are going to be promoting is watch the entire vsl get familiar with the product again make sure the product doesn't seem kind of scammy spammy product just like like a regular person look through it and decide is it a good product or is it kind of not so good like a scam or spammy product because unfortunately on clickbank there's some good products products or offers but also there's some not so good and scammy offers so i always i always watch these via sales and not only that but later on we might um this vsl might help us with our promotion and you're going to see one just in just a second so watch the vsl study the landing page read everything again get familiar with what you are selling that's the purpose this is how we're going to make a lot more money and so now that we have decided on a product now that we know this product pays a lot of money and has a very good amount of gravity it's a recurring product and it's kind of a top trending offer on clickbank again if we click promote we generate our hop links and then we can start sending traffic to this link but if we do that we might get one or two sales but this is not how you make a lot of money on clickbank and this is why we're going to be using google i told you this is step two so we're not just going to send traffic to this affiliate link none of that i mean yes it might work and it used to work in the past a lot but not anymore so we need the so-called pre-lender we need something to pre-sell people before they click our affiliate link so for that purpose i'm going to open a new tab and i'm going to type hit enter now this is a free tool from google and you have to have a gmail account to sign up for this it's free and this google sites too will help you to build your very own landing page or slash website absolutely for free and i'm going to show you how to do that and why we need to do that to maximize and increase our profits from clickbank so just go to and sign up with your gmail again it's absolutely free once you do that this is what you're going to see some templates that um they're presented for us and today we're going to be using the template called club so click that and boom so what we have here is our very own landing page now what we're going to be doing this is a drag and drop builder basically we can drag and drop with our mouse and tweak this to fit our needs and what we need like i said we need to pre-sell people into the let's in in our example do okinawa flat belly tonic so we want to give them even more reasons to buy this product so let's go back to the clip to the and here we're going to edit some stuff now from the top this is the header click this icon which is the delete we don't need the header so i'm going to click delete and as we can see it's now deleted this one i'm going to hit delete again and now we are left with this image we have some text at the bottom here we have these two images which we don't need so on the left side i'm going to click uh delete and what is that let's see we don't need that as well i'm going to hit delete and this is empty space delete and what is that this is looking good now let's see oh we don't need that as well purpose i mean we need purpose but we don't need that uh text in the middle so let's click delete and delete okay so i think we're looking pretty good so far oh this one we don't need delete yeah i've clicked delete so many times but like i said it's going to be a working tutorial today so i'm actually going to do everything live on the go and now what we want to do here is this image we should make it as a thumbnail if you remember from let me open the okinawa offer if you remember we have a vsl so let me click that again and i'm gonna so i can show you what i'm talking about so this is our affiliate link right so if i copy this paste this on a new tab what we see is a video presentation right so this is the vso so in here in google sites we want to show people that they must watch the video sales letter this one so we want to tell them hey there is a free video free video presentation that will show you how to lose weight by drinking some japanese tonic click to watch it so that's the purpose of this image so we're going to change this image and for that purpose we're going to be using the affiliate market the affiliate place from the japanese tonic and then we're going to give them some facts here below to make them even more uh desire to make them desire to watch the video presentation to inform them about this japanese tonic what it what it is about how it works who does work for etc etc so we can give them more reasons for them to click and proceed to this video sales letter and here now they're going to watch this video and purchase the product so what we do how do we find a good image for our page right here well i usually use a couple of examples but if you remember our offer okinawa flat belly had a affiliate page right here and i clicked that already which is this one remember that when you scroll down here what most of these affiliate vendors they have so-called um email swipes for people who have email lists and what we need we want to open this let me find where is that converting email swipes okay there we go so i'm going to click here as we can see click to get immediate access to the high converting swipes so i'm going to click that and here boom as we can see we have a thumbnail with a play button in the middle so we want similar image to create or to recreate to place on our landing page from google sites now we can even take these images because they're free to use they're provided to us by the vendor by the affiliate market by the clickbank vendor so uh today i'm not going to show you how to put the play button because it's going to be just easier to scroll down and find look at that this image looks pretty good this lady was kind of fat and then she became kind of a slim which is pretty pretty good and if i scroll down we should be able to find even more images let's see oh there we go this image by the way is kind of bizarre looking and this image is called pattern interrupt image because you can't really tell what it is it's kind of weird and it sparks curiosity in people's mind and i always always like to use images like this bizarre and weird looking images because they're very engaging and they're very kind of they drive a lot of clicks when people see that just out of curiosity and even if you don't want to lose weight but you're curious to see what the heck is that so i use a lot of these weird and bizarre looking images so we might use this one or let's scroll down to find this one is also good it's kind of related to the product is the ancient japanese tonic maybe in the jar let's see another one these images are also good uh the before and after this is pretty good actually another one so let's use that one so right click and copy this and paste it on your computer or i'm going to take a screenshot because it's faster and on my computer i take screenshots by holding down shift command and five and i'm this is my screenshot too so i'm going to just do a screenshot like that because it's going to be faster for me for you you just download this on your computer and then i'm going to hit capture and boom i have the screenshot ready to use i'm going to click done now after you download this image let's go back to our website that we're building the landing page and we can actually rename this instead of saying clip i'm going to highlight this double click and i'm going to say okinawa okay now tonic there we go and then name of the club it's not the club it's going to be uh japanese tonic and i have misspelled that japanese japanese tonic like that because this is actually the actual offer so click the image and then click it again so you can see these icons on top and click these dots and here as we can see we see replace image and i'm going to hit upload and i'm going to upload the image i just downloaded from the email swipes and here is the image so i'm going to click that and i'm going to click open and boom so as we can see it's kind of cropped so what we want to do is click once and then bring that maybe down you see this blue circle and boom we can see now the entire image so so far so good looking pretty good this is going to be our call to action when people land on this page they will see this thumbnail and when they click it they're going to be redirected to the actual offer i'm going to show you how to do that in just a second but for now what we want to do we want to inform them with some text here below for those of them who want to actually read before they watch the video and how we come up with a text that is engaging text that is not only informative but also will prompt them to click to watch the video presentation and buy the product well we again go back to here where we downloaded this image these are the email swipes because everything was provided to us by the vendor so what we want to do in here read all the emails and just select an email that you like and use it in your copy you don't have to be a copywriter so for example i can use this statement a maverick japanese doctor recently leaked the secret ingredients of an ancient japanese tonic that targets the root cause of the belly fat and activates a powerful little non-fat burning hormone inside you it melts away all your suburban body fat so pretty strong statement pretty good so you don't tell them what actually is because it needs to be a bit secretive so you can prompt them to click to watch the video but you actually tell them more what is actually but not actually what it is if you know what i mean it's like okay it's a japanese doctor and he discovered this ingredient this ingredient is so powerful it's going to burn your belly fat click to watch it click to see this ingredient you see it's got to be kind of intriguing it's going to be kind of um mysterious you know so people are engaged and people want to know hey what is this what is this ancient japanese tonic i want to know so they click to watch the presentation so this is a good statement so let's scroll down and find if we can find even better a maverick japanese doctor this is the same and and then we have um kind of the same sentence i mean the same statement but uh said it in a different way a doctor from japan recently leaked the formula of a secret japanese tonic that burns fat from your uh frame faster than anything else discovered uh shady figures behind the scenes were scrambling to keep this formula hidden to protect the profits of the pharma and weight loss industries okay this is really good so what we want to do is i'm going to highlight these sentences i'm going to copy everything these are good i'm going to copy this and i'm going to come back to my website right here this is the google sites and in here what we've done i'm going to double click to this text i'm going to highlight everything and i'm just going to paste everything i've copied from the email so i'm going to click paste and boom looks pretty good so far now the title we should change it to something that is again intriguing engaging so let's go back to the email swipes and here we can see the subject actually for email 2 is called ancient tonic melts 54 pounds of fat or just 54 pounds and subject to says drink this japanese tonic in the morning to burn three pounds every two three point days 3.5 days pretty good um i'm going to scroll up and find if i you know to see if i can find even a better headline drink this before breakfast burn one pound a day okay this is good um or yeah let's copy this one or maybe you know i want to be related to the japanese tonic okay this one i'm going to copy this one ancient tonic melts 54 pounds and i'm gonna say of fat so let's copy that go back to our google size highlight everything oops nope okay like this and i'm gonna say ancient tonic melts 54 pounds of fat there we go and we can leave it in that order you can leave more text but what we want to do i'm going to hit enter here below this text and i'm going to say i'm going to put like a call to action and i'm going to say click here to watch how it works or click here to discover to discover this cover uh this this japanese ingredient something like that ingredients and japanese again let me spell that so i'm gonna put this on a new line and this is click in japanese like that why i said click okay so click here to discover this japanese ingredient and how it works or and how it can help you and how it can help you lose weight fast exclamation mark boom so this is a pretty good call to action so click here you see so what we want to do now we want to put our affiliate link across this web page and of course we want to delete that caption for the image above delete that we don't need the caption so just like this and so now let's go back to clickbank click promote again this is our offer that we decided to promote let's click promote generate hop link again and just click this icon and the hop link will be copied to your clipboard copy this come back to our website and in here in the text what we want to do is what i said click here i'm going to highlight this zoom out a little bit and in this icon you see where it says insert link click this icon i'm going to zoom out so you can see how to zoom out i can't okay let me zoom out so you can see so i'm going to highlight again click here click this link and instead of this side we're going to just paste our affiliate link from clickbank so click paste as you can see this is our hop link from clickbank it says etc and i'm going to hit apply and boom this became now our hyperlink second thing is we want to actually put an affiliate link above this image because when the the people will think this is a video thumbnail which is actually a video thumbnail so click here in the middle click one more time and you see where it says insert link here at the top click again and insert the same link you just paste the same link like that and hit apply and boom now we've created a very simple landing page for us which when people land on this they can either click this video thumbnail and we're going to test everything in just a second to see if it works or they can read more about the ancient tonic that notes 54 pounds of fat and then click here to watch the video presentation you can play around with this text i usually keep it in the middle but like centered and you can actually play around with these blue dots maybe make it a bit wider like this and on the left side like this and a bit more on the right and i think it's like that should be good enough boom okay like something like that and let me make it a bit like that okay you know what i don't like it so i'm kind of perfectionist so i want to make it perfect i don't like it i'm sorry folks but i want to make it looking pretty good and i don't like how it looks now let's see okay now i like it much better all right perfect now here at the top we have a menu we want to delete these buttons we don't want people to click anything but our affiliate links this is our affiliate link here with the image and then this one right here so by the way just for the record if your offer does not have an affiliate page like this one so you don't have these email swipes where you can source information what i recommend is just watch the video sales letter watch the video presentation get familiar with the product for example let's see the smoothie diet or i don't know let's bio energy code and just google the product and google the benefits of bio energy or pros and cons about bioenergies just google the keyword related to the product so for example old high balance this is again kind of a i believe a diet product for weight loss or the smoothie diet in my last year's video i showed you how to create not smoothie but drinking teas how to lose weight by drinking teas so this is how to lose weight by drinking smoothies and you can get a lot of information by just googling uh seven benefits of drinking smoothies to lose weight or how to lose weight by drinking smoothies or how to gain weight or how to get fit with smoothies etc etc so that's another way for you to get information about the product you're going to be promoting but in our case we have these email swipes so they help a lot so let's go back here to our landing page and the last thing is like i said we want to get rid of this menu and how we do that over here to the right like i said we don't want people to click anywhere but our affiliate links so we want to remove this home event and about so go over here at the top right oops like that click pages and as we can see here are the pages and i'm going to hover over events click this uh three dots i don't know if you can see that i'm gonna click that and scroll down and hit delete now the the events are deleted and i'm going to click on this page again delete and boom we don't have a menu which is pretty pretty good we are already done with our landing page so let's test it and let's see what we have done so far because we have some more work to do in order to make money now let's go here at the top and click publish we're going to publish our website now google will ask us for a name and we're going to give it let's say japanese or japan japan then tonic and is it free yes it is japan tonic so here as you can see google gives us custom domain name related to google basically it's going to be japantonic basically our website is hosted on google this is a good thing but if you wanted to take a step further you can create a custom domain name as you can see here so you don't use google's name servers but you can let's say as you can see here it says make it easier for people to visit your website website with a custom domain link like domain name like and you can click manage and attach your custom domain name but for now i'm going to leave it like that and i'm going to click publish right here and it's now it's publishing um let's see boom your site has been published and here i'm i can click view and let's see how it looks like folks boom looks pretty clean and pretty good landing page right so let's see if it works now when people land on this landing page um and they see this image they can read what is this about ancient tonic merge for 54 pounds of fat so let's see if they click this image they should be redirect to our affiliate landing page with the vsl let's click that and let's see boom booyah there we go our landing page free landing page from google is ready to rock it's working let's test the other link always test all of your links so click here let me click that and make sure it redirects boom it relax perfect everything is working everything is looking good now we come to the third step which is driving traffic one of the most important steps is how to drive traffic to this landing page so people can click your links and you can make money i told you i'm going to be showing a special a social network that is neglected by people and how we're going to be driving traffic so let me open a new tab and we can start driving people to this landing page and we can start making money and so the social network with very high quality traffic that we're going to be driving traffic from today it is called probably you've seen pinterest before and you've seen it in my other videos that's why i told you that it's kind of neglected by other affiliates i don't know why but i'm gonna show you pinterest is a very very good social network with a lot of uh people who are looking who are in pinterest to find products to buy this is what is um the best part about pinterest is not just a social network it's a social network for ideas people come here to get ideas about furniture about clothing about lifestyle etc etc so that's why it's so powerful for us as a digital marketers and affiliate marketers so let's go ahead go over to pinterest click sign up right here at the top right corner and in here instead of filling out this information scroll down where it says create a free business account because we want to promote stuff here so we need a business account so let's click that and now create a business account from here give yours your email create a password and put your age and then click create account now after you do that pinterest will ask you about about your preferences what do you like for example lifestyle are you into clothing music food etc so just pick the topics that you like the most or the topics that are related to your affiliate offer from clickbank for example uh i'm going to select let's say diet healthy meals lifestyle fitness exercises etc so do that set up your pinterest account and now boom this is my pinterest account and i've already logged in i've created this one just for demonstration purposes and by the way if i click this circle here at the top this is similar web so i can show you pinterest the traffic that it gets you see similar web you can do it for yourself if you want gets 1 billion monthly visits so we're going to tap into one month 1 billion monthly visits on the pinterest platform this is huge traffic and like i told you it's very high quality and it's very buyers orientated so once you create your account it's good to go over here at the top right click this arrow and go to settings so you can edit your account name your account for example here put a photo profile picture just put whatever picture you you want to find uh you can find i have put this light bulb because i've named my demo account bright ideas and as you can see here it says cool gift ideas diy and trending products and gadgets daily blah blah blah so i have updated this profile to be for you know bright ideas it's kind of broad niche i can use it for whatever so that's why i use it for demonstration purposes and this light bulb corresponds the name bright ideas it's like but uh you know the the bulb kind of got lit so yeah make it congruent uh choose a image with let's say if you're going to be using diet offers just put image related to diet like late weight loss meals etc and that's about it next thing after you create your profile we want to go over here to this button and click create and we want to create a pin these pins if you go to let's say on the left side and click a home feed these are the pins basically this is what people see all of these are pins so we want to create a pin related to diet and so we're going to be creating a very unique pin so people can see it and this pin i'm going to show you how to rank it very on top on the pinterest platform so a lot of people can see it and can click it so you can make money and i'm going to show again the entire process from a to z so you can see the entire flow of the entire funnel so let's go over here click create and create a pin now this is where your pin is going to stay and i'm going to show you in just a second how to create this pin but on the right side in the title the title should be related to your product or to your landing page so in here we're going the my landing page says um burning fat ancient tonic melts uh 54 pounds of fat so my title in pinterest should be something like uh lose weight drinking lose weight with tonic let's say with tonic be careful choose your keywords wisely because pinterest grabs all the keywords and the more keywords you put the better uh you're going to rank on the pinterest platform so lose weight with tonic and here is something very important that you should know we have to use a lot of keywords in this description and i have other videos i told you in the beginning of this tutorial that i'm going to put a lot of other resources that will help you maximize your profits so i'm going to link an entire playlist with all my secret kind of tactics and methods that i use um to maximize and increase my profits in one of the videos that they they are in this playlist you're going to see video related to how to optimize pinterest to give you millions of visits to your pin so i'm gonna link it down in description below but please watch this video first finish it and then set it up and then watch the other videos in the playlist which again you're going to find down in the description below but here like i said but here as i stated we want to use as much as many keywords as we can so keywords are related to diet and weight loss so we're going to be saying let's say how to lose weight wait wait wait without dieting and without exercises question mark well this japanese japanese doctor if you remember it's a japanese doctor here from the statement this is the email swipes so a doctor from japan recently leaked the formula okay so we're going to say well this and this is comma well this japanese doctor this just does just that by uh by giving his or his patience is i probably have to edit the entire thing this uh ancient tonic and all right so i edited boom so now i don't have any grammar issues uh how to lose weight without dieting and without exercise cess in plural well this japanese doctor does just that by giving his patients or its patients this ancient tonic you you can lose up to 54 pounds of fat in the first uh first five days watch um or just click to learn more boom and that's it and then what we have we have add a destination link so guess where is going to be our destination link our landing page of course this is the destination link so copy your landing page highlight everything copy this go back to pinterest and paste the destination link right here boom and now the most important thing is to create your actual pin and i told you we're going to be using another free software to help us increase and double our money which is going to be this is the software that is going to help us create a very unique very engaging pin for pinterest that is going to drive a lot of attention and a lot of visits to our landing page so um you can sign up for free i'm going to leave links for canva in my description below it's going to give you uh free access limited free access but you can still use it you can still create wonderful pins just you can't use some of the features but they're kind of advanced so you don't you really need them so all the links by the way for google sites all the links that i use for pinterest and everything are going to be down in the description of this video so go over here click the link in the description sign up for canva once you sign up this is what you're going to see once you log in here and what you need to do is just go over here to the right side and click create a design and once you click that in the search box type pin like that and as we can see we have pinterest pin and we're going to go with either the first one or the second one but the first one it's going to be a better one so click that as you can see we have a blank canvas here and on the left side we have a bunch of pre-made templates so basically what we need to do we want to just click let's say this one and it's auto populates here on the canvas and we can double click let's say this text and change it we can change the image etc so it is pretty pretty powerful too uh i i actually use it on a daily basis for everything is actually i used to use photoshop a lot but canva saves me a lot of time so in the search box here we can type diet or health so let's say diet and look at that already pretty awesome stuff and look at that cold smoothie and tasty so we can actually let's i'm gonna click this one and it already looks pretty good so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna highlight this title you can just double click and i'm going to change it to lose weight with tonic again with tonic and then i'm going to say this is going to be let's say um i'm going to go back to the email swipe so we want to come up with a cool term here so let's go back to the email swipes and we want to find cool keywords um with this ancient tonic alone she lost 454 pounds in seven weeks so let's copy that and we're going to change it a little a little bit with eggs without exercises so let's copy this go back to canva and here i'm going to paste everything paste i'm going to bring that up like this and i'm going to say with this ancient tonic you can lose 54 pounds in seven days in seven weeks without exercises uh i don't need you without exercise says like that so it's looking pretty good already we don't need these three bucks as we can see this is like three dollars we don't need that so let's actually instead of three dollars i'm going to delete that he just press uh the delete button on your keyboard and in here on the left side where it says elements i'm going to click elements and in the search box i'm going to type diet and look at this we have a lot of images but i'm going to go with um graphics here let's click graphics and look at this so what we want to do i want to find an image that is very engaging and actually this one look at this one looks pretty good so what i'm going to do i'm going to click this image it's going to populate over here over my canvas and i'm going to drag this image down here below i'm going to shrink it a little bit so it can fit this bubble looks pretty good isn't it uh actually we can use even this one or this apple or this smoothie look at that let's use this no i like this one you have to decide for your own this bubble i can change the color of it so i'm going to click and here at the top left corner i can choose maybe green looks much better and now i can use actually let's say this kind of smoothie or actually you know what this meter let's click this meter right here i'm going to click it boom and i'm going to click this as you can see circle so i can reverse it like that i'm gonna bring it up here and boom it's already looking pretty good and now what i want to change is the actual image here behind so maybe this one is looking good but what we want to do is as you remember they had here in the email swipes something similar uh where was it okay there you go you see a jar full with some liquid um so it's kind of similar it's still looking good this one is looking good as well but if you want to experiment just go over to elements again click photos this time photos and i'm going to type in the search bar right here smoothie let's say smoothie or tonic let's let's see if they have something with tonic oh yeah they do look at that this one so what we do instead of clicking the image just click hold and drag this here and boom looking pretty good actually let's try to find something even better uh oh this one let's see not bad i don't i kind of like it let's oh this one let's see this one nope or this one let's see this one yeah that one looks actually better and i'm going to move this image with the bubble i'm going to select both of them here to the right and actually i'm gonna make the color of the bubble the same as these uh letters so what uh what you need to do is click the letters the wording and you see here at the top where it says a text color click that and on the left side we see that this is the brown color so what we need to do is now click the bubble the green thing click again the color and change it to brown boom and so we have that i think it looks pretty good this is kind of a more traditional tonic so let's try to find something that is not so traditional full with something oh this one this one looks good let's see let's see oh yeah now if the image is cropped like in this case what we want to do is double click and boom you see now we can move this around like that and hit enter and boom the image is right here now if you still can't see it what we want to do is we can put it up or i can double click again and bring this like this up like that maybe like this let's see no it's not good so i'm taking too much time here but really the the creation of the actual pin is actually one of the most time consuming things because you have to experiment you have to test different stuff and i think this one looks pretty good so far let's try one last thing smoothie smoothie like that oh look at that man boo yeah i like this one or let's see if they have maybe maybe maybe i don't know let's try to experiment with something it's something gotta gotta be like i said engaging and weird in the same time something that you don't know what it actually is let's try this one nope let's make oh let's see this one no this one no this one yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes so let's move that back here and move that right here my icon oh i like this one this one is awesome now that you have found your pin and you like it and it's kind of engaging and intriguing you don't know actually what is inside this jar that's the purpose of this pin to tell them what this tonic is about but don't tell them what actually is inside so it's kind of a intriguing now after you have created this pin click here this arrow at the top and now click download this button to download this pin click download and download it on your computer and i'm going to download it right here and now let's go back to pinterest and select click this icon to upload your pin from canva and it's right here and click open and boom it looks beautiful it looks awesome we have these the title we have the description we have the google sites uh i didn't tell you but here the gift ideas this is a folder um you have to create a folder related to weight loss let me see if i have one i yeah i do have fitness if you don't have that just click create a board not a folder board and name it now that something that is related to your weight loss offer so i'm gonna put this on in fitness like that and now fellas final thing is click publish boom let's see what we've done boya looking pretty pretty good so we don't want to promote it we just want to click see your pin click see my pin and boom this is what people will see when they land on your board uh when they find your pin and for example they read that they lose weight with tonic and they're like what is this about let me see i want to lose weight with this tonic what is this tonic and they see here uh with this ancient tonic you can lose 54 pounds of uh pounds of fat okay i have a misspell here i have to fix that but you can lose 54 pounds oh actually no i don't with this engine tonic you can lose 54 pounds in seven weeks without exercises and then people see that and they decide okay i want to see and they click this image and boom they redirected here to our landing page they read everything they see this other weird looking image and they're even more engaged now and they click this image as well and boom they are redirected to the actual offer from clickbank do you see how congruent the whole process is this is an entire funnel that we've just created and we made it in order for us to increase our sales and our profits from clickbank to make them more engaged to make them people to intrigue them so if i go back here our work is not finished now this takes time it's not going to happen overnight so what i recommend create as many pins as you can create daily pins people will start following you and people will start discovering your pins the next thing you can do to increase your visibility to your to other people is just go over to the home feed right here or just click this um a magnifier glass and just type diet diet and start following other people not driana come on let's type weight loss and what you need to do is start following other people start following these boards because once you follow them let's see this one oh stop uh follow them by clicking this follow icon because once you follow them they will follow you back and on top of that when people go to their um profile they can also see saved posts and guess what if you create good enough pins people will start saving your posts and your pins and more people will start discovering your pins so again it's an ongoing project by creating more and more pins and engaging with other people you're increasing your chances for getting a lot of traffic to your own pins etc and so if we have to recap for today's session create a landing page find a good product find a product that is not scammy and not spammy create a landing page free landing page on google then go on pinterest sign up for pinterest until it's still kind of not so popular and it's still not so saturated create a profile start today start posting every day or every other day start building something and now of course this takes time like i said you have to post on a daily basis you have to follow people you have to wait for the traffic to come in it's not going to happen overnight it takes time it takes dedication uh on the other hand if you wanna start something as soon as possible if you want to see result instantly i have this is what i told you in the beginning i have a private training right here it's called this is my private training for it's a paid training so uh in this one i take you from a to z on a much greater scale i go into much greater details i have here in this training this is a video training with 20 plus videos in which i set up a live campaign and i actually walk you through um how to set it up for success you can see results within days not months not years and this training is also very beginners friendly i'm not trying to make you purchase my training um what i'm saying is like this training is designed um for people who uh want to go to the next level faster you don't want to wait because in reality this is free traffic with pinterest and s3 traffic it takes time even if i want it i couldn't push it to make money over overnight so you gotta wait here a couple of weeks months and sometimes years i have a video that i waited over a year to create a stream of traffic you can still watch this video again in the playlist which is in the description below and on the other hand if you don't want to wait if you want to have something instant this is the only training you would need trust me i've myself purchased a lot of clickbank trainings i signed up for a lot of masterminds i've been clickbank affiliate for the past eight years so i know what i'm doing i've been scammed myself many times i would purchase a course that is not worth it even a penny but i purchased it for hundreds of dollars so i've created this training to help other fellow marketers and again you don't have to purchase that it's just up to you with pinterest and other free traffic sources it takes time it takes um it takes time for the algorithm to scale your campaigns it takes time for you to create that and on the other hand this training just cuts the learning curve cuts the time and we go straight to the profits within days so that was about today's session i hope you guys really enjoyed it i hope you've learned something please let me know down in the comments below when you start making money i i'm really pumped when i see comments on my videos that my techniques and my strategies helped people make money and you can also go to my private facebook group and join our community with 20 000 plus affiliates so you can ask questions and you can interact with us and get inspired uh it's clickbank affiliates it's called affiliate pros this link is going to be again in the description below so all the links and all the materials uh you would need to set up this entire system are going to be down in the description below so without further ado thanks so much for watching and now it's time for you to set up this system and start making money until next time cheers
Channel: Ross Minchev
Views: 43,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clickbank for beginners, how to make money on clickbank, make money on clickbank, clickbank affiliate marketing, clickbank tutorial, clickbank university, clickbank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 37sec (3937 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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