How to Add A clickbank product to your website With Elementor

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alright guys hope you're well I'm gonna do a video today showing you how you can promote Clickbank products within your blog wordpress site Wix site wherever you're using any new blog posts and attached to my website they go into this area so the new blog posts I'll be doing about a Clickbank product will be showing up in here and it normally comes in like ascending order so what you want to do is login to Clickbank I'm already in there this is basically what you'll see when you first log into Clickbank next you want to click on marketplace then we're gonna scroll down here and obviously you just need to select the niche that you're into I'm gonna choose let's go for e-business and emarketing so as I've got a blog let's click on blog marketing and see what there is there and it's quite a few different ones to choose from all the different niches on Clickbank there's something for everyone so let me just scroll down here okay so I don't wanna waste your time so let's say we go for this one here WP speedy links I'm guessing this is WordPress speedy links open that any new tab so look okay so it's got video promoting the product which makes it a lot better I find if you're gonna promote a product it having a video explaining that product makes it a lot easier to sell it so lets you just come to this come back to the marketplace and then click promote and then what you need to do is basically just generate hot links and you copy this and this is basic or your affiliate URL sorry so if you're clicking here just just make sure it's working and there you go it's my hoplink it's got my clickbank username at the top there so that's all working fine okay so we need to do is go back to our blog get into dashboard and because this is going into a blog post I'm gonna be sticking into the post pages so we just click here these are all previous posts I've added to my website so I'm going to add a brand new one that's called gonna call this exactly what it is we'll press speedy links and then obviously I'm going to put in the under category web design and marketing so publish that okay so let's edit with elemental some my preferred page editor for WordPress it's wait for that to load up excellent so now what I normally do I use you click into I'll just slow down click this one here and then I normally get a template so look here so with lmn so there's tons of really good designs you can use but I don't you just keep it simple so I choose the blog one let's insert that okay so and obviously I start adding the information the most important thing you need to do is add your URL which was my speed to links pop link that was created within a Clickbank so if I go to my blog post and I just put WP speedy links let's just go over that and then we're gonna have a insert a link into that text so in that WP speedy links text we're just gonna add the URL click the apply see when you hover over that now you can actually click on it and it will take you through to the speeding links sales page okay so the other thing I was going to show you is once you've done that normally you're getting like an affiliate page so you'll click on that actual page it will give you normally resources like images and videos you can add to help you sell the product so I just copy and paste this so just copy that come back here and then we just paste it underneath that obviously for the sake of it II I'm not gonna edit everything because you'll be here for everything you'll get bored you get the general idea so once you've gradually started updating your blog post you'll soon be able to sell the product and look professional so if I go down here promo tools that's it here so you even get emails you can use to add it you to edit the the products as well so you'll get images so what I know we do our save image it's like that download so I'm going to add an image to this blog post I'll drag an image widget into this cart here just underneath that introduction of the product click on the image or image widget sorry and then all I'll do is just drag and drop the image for the product in there and another thing you want to do is put a custom URL in there so your facee one second uh copy and paste is the wrong thing there just get my link again so I get my hop link which is my affiliate ID copy and paste that in there and then what you want to do here and link options is have it open in a new window so that means your website will stay loaded just open it into a new tab when the customer clicks on that button and that's it's pretty simple yeah one other thing so if you want to actually have on your blog post so some when someone looks at your website I'll show you what I'm talking about so actually shows a picture of a blog post this should show up and then this should now be the latest blog post so if I scroll down here as you can see WP speeding links there's no image there so to add an image I'm gonna click down here bottom left settings and then you're gonna choose your featured image so we'll just go for that other one because I've already got in uploaded onto the website click insert media let's update that now if we go back to our homepage let's refresh that now the image should be showing up for that specific blog post maybe it is if someone clicks through to it then it shows you everything about that product obviously I need to still edit tons of the tons here so this is basically what I was just telling you a minute go if you don't click open a new page then it will come away from the website but then if if you click on the actual link you should see that opening a new tab there you go so your website still stays open and that is just the basics of adding an affiliate product from Clickbank to your your blog your your WordPress website your Wix website or however you want to sort of go about advertising it okay right I'll leave you to it have a good day
Channel: Review Labs
Views: 440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clickbank tutorial, clickbank tutorial for beginners, clickbank for beginners, elementor tutorial, elementor wordpress, elementor pro, wordpress tutorial, wordpress tutorial for beginners, wordpress for beginners, blogging for beginners, blogging, make money online, make money from home, make money online 2020, john lunnon tutorial, John Lunnon Wordpress Tutorial, John Lunnon Elementor, make money from home, make money from home 2020, make money from home online
Id: 3GFtFf8_pF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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