How To Start A Criminal Empire In Bannerlord

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I spent about five to six hours testing everything related to gang alleys and we're gonna go over everything here in this video let's get started you need three things to take over a gang alley you need a companion with at least 30 rotary skill and no mercy trait you need between 5 to 10 troops of any kind and you need to physically clear at least one gang alley from any Town let's take a closer look at the companion when you go to a Tavern it only shows you skills that that companion has if they have 50 or higher skill so if they have between 30 and 49 it will not show until you hire them what I like to do is hire them and check their skills if it's below 30 I grab all the gear off them sell it and then fire them the reason firing them is important is because it kills off that companion and spawns a new one in the world for you to find so you have a better chance of finding the right match give me back my son and finally you cannot have the positive Mercy trait their Mercy must be neutral or negative next we need to hire five troops you can hire anywhere from peasants all the way up to tier 6 Calvary and you need between 5 and 10. if the more and better quality troops we put means that we'll have an easier time defending those alleys when they get attacked and also give you more time to react when a gang alley is attacked you have anywhere from 5 to 10 days to respond and again having more units of a higher tier will allow you to have more time to get there and finally we need to clear one gang alley to do this we go into town hold alt and look around for these red symbols we need to work our way to that spot open chat dialogue with the thugs select the middle chat option first the top chat option second and that will initiate the fight we need to kill them off without dying which is easier said than done most of the time now most towns have between one and three gang alleys and we can clear all three if we want however we can only place one companion in charge of each town now I wasn't able to confirm in my testing but it does seem like clearing all the other gangs in the town does delay the amount of time you have before they get attacked gangs will eventually respawn after some time however if you clear them out it does give you time before for that now once the gang's cleared from that Alleyway a pop-up will show up we select the option on the right and then it moves us to the screen where we need to select troops to move over again we can choose anywhere from 5 to 10 troops and if you don't have at least five troops the option to take over the gang alley is grayed out and you have to leave it alone now what happens once you take over a gang alley if you look down here in the bottom right the income does show up on The Ledger and it'll also show up on the other tab of the clan page just above the workshop section the income earned is calculated as two percent of the prosperity of the town so it makes sense to look for high Prosperity towns and skip the low Prosperity talents our rogory companion will build up Bandit troops over time and you can hire them however there's no UI option unless you manually go in and talk to the companion in person also you can swap out a companion at any time if you want you can do it from two different screens you can do it from the other tab or you can go in and talk to them in person and an option will pop up to switch them out we can add or remove troops from an alley at any time Through the Alley Tab and any Town enemy ganks can attack your alley at any point you will get a pop-up it'll make the same sound as if somebody declared war on you before the attack happens as I mentioned you have between 5 and 10 days to get to that town and help defend once we arrive at the Town that's being attacked we click on the Alley Tab and the very top option allows us to help defend be aware these battles happen with your main battle Loadout and not your civilian Loadout so make sure you have a good weapon to help companions that are running an alley do get passive rotary XP per day it's not a ton but it is a trickle and it happens every day so it will add up over time our main character can also earn Rogue for three different things taking the alley in the first place for owning alleys and for defending them although the first two don't really give you that much but defending gives you a ton now through my testing I didn't run into an upper limit I was able to get up to nine Alleyways but crime rating does increase by 0.5 for each one that you own so be aware at 30 criminal rating towns will not allow you to enter and you must sneak into the town which your 6 success will be based on three things your rogary skill with higher rotary skill giving you a better chance the perks selected there's one perk in the rotary scale that will increase your chance of getting in and your Renown the higher your clan tier the lower chance you have of getting in now at 60 criminal rating the kingdom will declare war on you and there's nothing you can do about it however if you're a vassal you can actually go up to 100 criminal rating without them declaring war on you but you will lose influence you lose one influence for every two criminal rating that you have so at 100 you're losing a staggering 50 influence per day it's massive if you do find yourself running into this situation you can actually pay to reduce your criminal rating and the amount that you pay is similar to what the alley income is so it's not profitable to build up criminal rating and then pay it down later you end up washing Out close to break even now if you personally own a town that you own the alley in that criminal rating is calculated separately and collectively among all the towns that you own and since we're talking about criminal rating let's talk about the Decay rates if you're a castle of a kingdom it decays at -1.5 per day if you're neutral to them it decays at -1 and if you're at war with them it decays at 0.25 per day so now that we know the basics of how the alleys work let's talk about strategy if you want to push Ally's hard from the beginning you're going to want to find as many rotary companions as you can possibly find then we're going to want to look for the highest Prosperity towns we can find the Nala is usually a good Pick baranov starts with 5K and there's quite a few in the Empire as well now we're going to want to make sure we only take over ones that are within five days travel distance from each other making it easier for us to defend and if we don't plan on being part of a kingdom we're going to want to take at most two alleys per Kingdom and if we are vassal we can take up to three otherwise criminal rating will start to stack up and become an issue and we should expect between 80 to 120 Dinars per town if we pick good ones and between 30 and 40 for bad ones and finally let's close the video with my personal thoughts it's not great income but it is good for the start of a game and decent for a bandit campaign when income is usually very difficult to come by it can be a challenge to take over gang allies if you're not skilled at fighting while outnumbered but you can still cheese it the biggest issue we'll run into is how many companions we can hire and how hard they are to find it took me between 5 to 10 talents to find one companion with at least 30 Rogue skill and we only start the game being able to hire three and get plus one for every Clan tier the problem is clantier is very slow to grind and so it can take you a while to build up a significant amount on the bright side owning gang alleys is a great way to increase your rotary skill in the early to mid game for both your main character and for companions if you're trying to get to level 300 rotary it's probably not going to make that big of a difference and you're better off rating and one thing that I would love to see changed is having a higher rotary skill increasing the amount of income that you get from the town as it stands right now if you have 30 or 300 the income is no different at all and that's it that sums it up I hope this video has been helpful and I'll see you on the the next one [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 164,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Id: X95q8cKJKYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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