3 Ways To Take Your First Fief In Bannerlord!

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in this video I'm going to show you a couple of the easiest ways to earn your first fee let's get right into it a couple things to start you probably want to be at least a clan tier 2 have a party size of over 100 so maybe have a decent quartermaster a couple perks that give you a party size increase and then a handful of tier five or tier four units in this case I'm going to show you it's possible to do it with just melee units but if you use range units it's probably even easier the first and easiest way is to take a town that rebelled in this case legeta now you won't normally start at war with these people so what you're going to want to do is either start a raid on their Village or attack one of their nobles and then you can just back out if you don't want to actually fight the battle now a couple things here if you look at these flags there's two in here there's one for the peasants and there's one for a noble party in this case if you hover over it it says medical use this party of 36 units it's much better to wait for them to leave than to fight with a minute because you can't starve them out in this case we camp it to wait for them to leave and then we'll give them plenty of space to back out now they're no longer in there we can go in I don't really care about the peasants I don't even know if they joined the siege to be be honest but the nice thing about attacking Rebels is they have at most four different Noble parties that can defend their Thief most of the time they just run around with like a chicken with their head cut off and they don't really do much they definitely don't defend their Siege so we really only have to worry about the Defenders here there's Garrison of 245 units and 102 militia now the Garrison has 10 days of food we have 23 days so we can literally just sit here and wait for them to starve we could build Siege engines if we really wanted to they have the onager which is fine most of the time they're pretty easy to avoid in battle but in this case let's get some engineering XP we'll queue up several trebuchet so they've got three days left before that Garrison starts to starve if we start The Siege duel right now most likely it's going to kill units in the Garrison rather than the militia so why don't we do this let's put away our last trebuchet into storage we'll wait the extra three days since we have plenty of time then any kills we get from destroying their Siege engines will actually subtract from their militia meaning we'll have an even easier time taking the city so they've officially run out of food and you can see their Garrison is dropping extra extremely fast so they've officially starved they have only 133 militia left however they do still have onager this is generally not a problem though however in this case we already built the trebuchet we might as well use them and make our lives even easier little feet belongs and just like that we blew through all of their Siege engines and they have only 133 troops left we can launch the assault now with all of our Siege equipment as well so there's nothing fancy that needs to be done we're literally just going to let our trips go in and do whatever they want now there may be a little bit of a hiccup on that first wave that comes up because usually only a couple go up but once they all start streaming in no problem they'll take the walls you'll have very few casualties and the casualties that you do have are high tier units so they should be injured not killed most of the time and they're rolling up the defenses on the right flank and it looks like the right flank already burned through their defenses so they're already in the gates and the main gate is about to be breached but one of our guys open it up like I said these battles against the rebels are really easy so you can see here we lost only 10 of our 130 and the vast majority of the time if you plan on keeping it you're better off showing mercy and taking the morale hit so that's the easiest way to get your first Thief if you happen to come across a town that Rebels however that's not always the case let's look at something that's a little bit more difficult but more common now the next method is much more common we're going to be looking for people that are at war with each other in this case the asteri and the Western Empire so we can see right here kuyas is being sieged by a pretty healthy force of 1300 troops so that's a ton of nobles that are attacking that will not be able to defend we're going to want to Target some thiefs that are far away from that area meaning they won't be able to get back in time Veron Castle is an excellent candidate it's only got 183 Defenders and walls level one once again we can't declare war on them directly so we have to attack somebody in this case there's a noble here we could attack him ooh attack we could destroy this guy we'll just leave him alone he's not going to bother us for now let's go Siege down Varon now we don't really care what type of Siege equipment they're building we just need the siege Camp to build and then we can start this Soul immediately and you can see they have three that finished and one that's not quite done yet and for this tactic we switched it up and went with mostly archers again if you're going to have to fight Garrison troops it's much harder to do it with melee and without Siege equipment so in this case archers are going to really fit the bill here now let's look at what Siege equipment they have they've got onager mostly in the middle and the right flank which means if we take the Left Flank we should be just fine we're going to place all of our troops right on the front line and we're going to immediately March them up the hill and because we have archers we can spread them out across the whole front and it doesn't really matter they're not going to get hit by any Siege equipment there unfortunately we did get targeted by an onager I guess they saw me behind the barricade and didn't care but we should be okay here now as I mentioned before quality is much better than quantity especially when it comes to sieges so in this case you can see our men took the walls they're quickly going around and cleaning up the rest of the trash with a little over 100 troops we took our first fee and we only suffered 14 casualties for it now if you're not too keen on being at war with these guys you can seek somebody out right away and ask for peace in this case we left our Castle alone somebody seized it we can ask him for peace right away but be prepared to Shell out about 150 to 200k each time and there you have it we've got our first Thief without having to wait for a rebellion and we saved the easiest one for last because this is probably the most common way that most people know how to do it okay clench your two you can join somebody as a vassal in this case we joined Britannia under the leadership of caladog we've saved up a couple hundred influence and we can call some people into our party you don't need a ton of influence to do this in this case we started with 200 we didn't even use that much and we headed back down to the same castle thereon it's got the same roughly 200 Defenders but this time we have a huge Army we'll finish the siege Camp much faster and we'll have no problem finishing this sea jaw now you might be tempted to send the troops here I would not do that anytime you're fighting a Siege always fight these in person because the AI has a huge advantage in Auto resolve defending in a Siege now we don't need to do anything fancy here let's just get all of our troops up to the front line everyone and everybody gets a charge command the balance of power is so heavily in our favor and we have a ton of archers we will completely demolish them before they have a chance to do anything back and as you can see in the kill feed it's mostly green they are defending their walls a little bit but that's not a problem well like I said not too hard we lost a few more troops this time than some of the previous examples but we were using ai-led troops which means they're mostly trash the 66 is actually not bad at all now the thief is not actually ours yet we have to win it in a vote but because we're the player we don't own a thief and we help participate in taking this thief we have a massive Landslide chance of getting the vote in our favor let's go see what it says now this case kelladog is a greedy bastard as you can see he's got 43 chance to win we didn't use all of our influence so we can sway the vote in our favor if we really want to this is one of those things where I see a lot of newer players make the mistake try not to get too involved in these if you don't have a little bit of influence banked I generally like to keep at least a couple hundred on hand just in case something like this scenario happens so we throw 100 influence into our name and it becomes our first Thief one thing to note here are Garrison's only 28 troops and a militia of four and we still have quite a bit of cohesion left with this Army so we can just sit here and wait there's no need to let these guys back in the wild we should probably try and hold what we took and one final note before we close this video out another Siege chart that could be useful is something that's really far out of the way like ustical Castle there's only one way in and out of this peninsula it's very remote and takes a really long time for sturgia to react to this in this case we've got seven days to starve out the Garrison which we probably need to do however if you do get some people coming to attack you sometimes you just have to give up I would say you have less than a 50 chance of being able to complete a Siege Camp before you get attacked so don't be afraid to cancel The Siege run away and try again another day it's not the end of the world so I hope this video helped you out you can take your first thief in no time now if you excuse me I've got to dispatch to these filthy sturgeons with my fian Champions see in the next one
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 249,950
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Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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