Gangs O' Glesga (Mount and Blade Mod)

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[Music] Hey hello everyone welcome to a one-off video let's turn the music down now this is gangs of Glasgow it's a mod for mountain blade whatever troll mod but of a dork mod this is the original engine blade as you'd see it doesn't exist for warband but as you can probably tell it's moored beast on the gang culture of Glasgow for those that don't know Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland it is not the capital but it's the biggest in terms of population and probably area as well and yeah I thought I would give this mod a try but normally I do like my videos to be child friendly apart from when I'm teaming with certain people in octal hardcore and but I will see or I will preface this by saying there will be bad language in this video although is 2020 and I don't think a lot of people really well excuse upon but I don't think all people really give a toss about bad language so you know just in case there's anyone that does just watch out and right off the bat there we go this is how it starts although they've obviously changed the text all right there pal welcome to Glasgow the Strathclyde gender studies board to do GUI so tell me yeah anyway right let me trying to figure I think that means go back no but I'll be yours T into your throat yep I brilliant alright we'll go with that one right you were born years ago but you have not grew not much if at all your dad was Procurator Fiscal a Tory voter a policeman is Paul s not police polis yeah because we're in Glasgow that oh I just took Jared but all of a sudden I saw you out gypsy had alkie no keep it made some these weren't even I would understand I was gonna try and compare by the rent of Scots I use compared with other Scottish people let's go with that one you came into the world a son of privilege but despite your family origins you offered in trouble with a corpse because you are ungrateful we luckily your dad subpods behind closed doors none of your crimes ever each court oh why you started to learn about the world almost as soon as you could watch tailee wait did they have tallies in Glasgow and you spent your early life as a student of YT s boy a shop assistant Gabe ah wonderful we need ya anyway I appreciate some of this is it PC although keeping by this mod was probably from years ago and some of this slide will probably be well well said what do I know about like gangs in Glasgow not very much I'm very much aware and there are theories of Glasgow of all as you can probably tell I don't go there in fact I don't go to Glasgow much to be quite honest with you let's just go with our we did right as a boy growing out of jail - you took to the streets doing whatever you must have survived begging thieving it's what's not signing on to Aaron ok a siding on tear your bread you lived from D to D in this violent world always one step ahead of the law add three hate of the Home Secretary then as a young adult life got wash as it always does you became a policeman that does it well working in Glasgow yes Sigurd in a bad master student drug deal okay okay that he did Nicole Hill Pedroia to travel from school to school buying and selling big it was not a rich existence is not rich existence but you became a master at haggling even the most miserable 12 euros to go you a good price is this even legal said you you would be well placed to buy a bat shed like in Scarface but sued the credit crunch hits the credit crunch oh yeah credit crunch late to thousands and you decided to strike out on your dog what made you take this decision communist better less the loss of a booze being forced out of your home anyway let's just go without option because it seems the more sensible your dad is like that guy out of broadsky beats small turd boy video a right however you do you cannot go back there's nothing to go back to whatsoever hope you be have had is God no and you must face the fact that you're out and proud in the wide world allowed to sink or swim like that live swimming in the video from broadsky's beats water etc every get to Glasgow oh we've got to choose a better sure right like this is no different to any other boat to play games I'll just do this both camera no there we go I saved myself some good skills and of course we're gonna do this so let's just Brad demise yep sure that guy likes who that guy looks like a we did add we did from the thirties more like you wake up onto the bush or glaze go greed after another long nights you can read that part yourself not only avoid he be charged with breach of the peace you're in glasgow scotland the city / eat you'll sectarian hatred a territorial gang violence Sookie so I should be this clear this is no laughing matter okie this is real this stuff happens it obviously doesn't just happen in Glasgow you don't play slight London lose the big cities in England I'm sure have gangs but to like knowledge board gang culture and other cities other than Glasgow but gloves go is obviously the biggest so that's probably where it's bullsh rife no matter how much I laugh I do acknowledge these kind of issues are no laughing matter in the last few days the city has entered an even more noticeable they were spiral than usual with all I warfare breaking between various gags and unprecedented levels of brutality being showed by the pause the global financial crisis isn't helping matters so it's saturated about 2008 2009 a virtual army of unemployed workers have you dated Aswad to Caesar factories at building sites effectively shutting the city dode the state has responded with its customary tact and intelligence to the demands of the people by filling the city center with lawless snatched squads it backed out port police fads and breaking out the firearms from their vaults but who gives up monkeys about any of that stuff hey it'll only be a couple of hours till the pub's open again the future looks bright if you're drunk anyway let's get to Glasgow all right so basically that's the fun part of the board over the rest of its pretty well it's pretty much like boats a blade again this is the original beta blade not war bad there's a few things that are different as it like the combat and things like that I'm sure probably something graphic so maybe a wee bit different as you can see we've got various places what the steel works here we've got it's got the police station somewhere there's George Square where on one night EDT I think it was the red flag was raised I've been there I can't confirm that I did not see a red flag being raised there but then again I didn't go there in 1918 and that would beat me over a hundred which I'm not what else do we have was that Charley's got beards bar the bars I've never been there to be honest most of the time I go to Glasgow usually it's usually spent in and around the what you call it what's that big street called with the trod Church what's that called again don't remember near the bus station at the train station I've got bad memory but it's usually sped around there although the shops there are bollocks bits of strut here we go Strathclyde Pulis headquarters the pigs trough see yeah there's not actually that much to it and it's actually very very difficult to fight daily armies to fight so we've got Jack we've got a bunch of junkies here we've got a bunch of junkies there I'm sorry I didn't jump keys now when I played this before managed to like single-handedly tico a bunch of junkies as you see I don't even have a way of weapons I've got pies buckfast but part from that I don't I don't have anything I need to like there's Katie Seuss I feel like I'll be for training but I need weapons so hmm work we get weapons buildings maybe the building say why don't I have any weapons all right let's good see if we can buy something for the buildings nope we're running into those guys no Chad's so just junkies so far I've not cause daily trouble or you can't run into buildings buildings are awful and it's obviously let's get tea at the building site Oh doh doh doh doh doh doh or you're having a laugh there's no need to fight chaps I have a busy starting money without work that's our favorite game PS what I can't afford that all right okay you've accounted big beads hurt you'll have one lads fit for battle yes okay get into where's this hole ladies so this is what every street looks like in Glasgow and they just comfy over there this is incredible Oh is he we've got a spar doesn't Greg's it's got a job centre oh ho oh here we go and the problem is I don't actually have any weapons they probably do everyone away party loses stuck to you but I'll accept that we'll have a party so you were wounded was it what was I would did let's just go take them head-on they've probably got stores or bottles or something Oh Oh yep told you I died I got knocked up clutches by big need we are bottle alright anyways te prisoner don't t be a far away for the building say please look at me the junkies that are there wasn't maybe this video last time I tried to well there was a bus of battle there surely they've got something right crucible odds i crucible forced a barber to give you free fitted drink can i what i just wore right fine but i just want some like a weapon because of the better I don't have a weapon yeah could come out here please please please please help me right let's get stuck here dog say this guy I talk well look at these guys these are these guys are decked out they got their speeds okay so these guys these supposed to be like the the regular work working folk you don't have jobs anymore along with some laborers so I think I hired I so the geezers are no shirts they're bo kho phi coal-fired electricity electrician I should say there's a joiner there's all like few guys so we should have this at the bag easy big day it's the big day to be beated up by the regular light working people is that guy God ain't that guy's got knife if I like guy has been knocked out and he's still starving right come on please some people got some loot good to see here James the Douglass come on I didn't get anything let's just try it we beg dad what there's duty to fight off up attack somebody or do you trip what are we alone okay so we could run away our leaves our meets to get daunted order your boys to attack without you tell them you tell them you've got bad back there's a waiver to them I gotta do it right gone good that will be funny I've don't laugh this much and so long right right let's recruit some more lakhs right why viruses x-rated wait I heard some community officers I died off a weapon what you hear that soundtrack crank it hope this isn't like copyrighted if I yeah I think my video can be deleted all right you can still heat it but you get the point my video could be blocked and like 400 countries even though there aren't four hundred countries it could still be blocked in 400 countries so I see it's exactly the same battlefield every single time which I mean it is a BT or mod obviously like it's just for the laughs and it's funny he's beating me laughs that's the whole point right we to go in and help right come on come on no don't mean II W crying out loud right okay what big date was kid what's continue Oh what I was taking president again after people these are being happy slapped for camera for vids that will be over the net afraid the chance to skip round kick where can i buy stop why would i buy like actual goods like maybe the police station I think we're gonna have to go to the police station unfortunately oh yeah one thing I wanted to do where's my sensitivity I'll start out right now because for some reason it's so high let's go to O'Neill's see what's here oh oh oh oh oh what what the police came out of nowhere why would the police after me why I done I mean I've been stabbed a few times but surely big stabs not against the law a whole Strathclyde pull us right surely there's one of these oh okay these are just like oh here we go Arby's bear yes I've got nobody just tip my food keep my food I want I want a weapon then all to Bali expensive look you got a second for one he's got he's got a good swing on it well we could we can sell our sharked let's sell our sharks so what shields that's probably garbage actually maybe we could get better water this one's got resistance of seven the size of 40 so the size is it as great but it's got better resistance boob we I think that's about it we've got a weapon we we got what data out of it wonderful visit the boss okay so it's basically like boots and blood here they've obviously don't bother to yeah I still got the same noobs yeah this is obviously stuff that's been peopled over chica we thought that a boot a we're all look it looks exactly like George oh no okay yeah well real is up right up there with the best I'll give it credit does look a fair bit like George Square again I don't copy a lot of it oh there's the pose there's the was it well acted with the traffic court earnest heats and he's got our bot fast bottle in his heart that's funny building site sup it doesn't look like looks more like an ambulance hey this is what this is this is how realistic it is you could jump on top of the police car they'd jump up and down on top of it making a racket got my new sickle which is probably a little bit trash community started oh their daddy taught me when I was studded doing on all right what's this pressure dig oh oh it's a woman what can you tell me about this place well how's life tags are hard to credit crunch just pick my summer home into negative equity okay right what's going on these days they say that source or loves nothing more than war Trey station officer what do you want I want to talk with a boss not his ethic door bad you could go ed if you leave your weapons with me do it is like to carry your beat debate I should make a skin and bought about Glasgow like off can you do that it's kind of can you like just cheats Qaeda to Glasgow that'd be fun who's this a geezer after you want what can you tell me about this place okay so he's as boring as the woman they look a bit more like they've come back back - bleh - they're not been retexture so good see what they see oh this guy looks well-dressed oh there he doesn't ought to talk he's just like all the other geezers who says geezer ragged bored man alright me you got somebody to you get rid of of course pal you won't fade okay I don't know why I just asked the hearts of tricks bit is there anything for savored know even the gloves are too expensive okay right wait what was that hobby where I thought bumping their gums aboot new ADIZ a lot of rubbish as usual global warming Celebrity Big Brother the Iraq war Susan Boyle the same old rubbish I really would actually what a fight because so far I have it actually what a fight oh right who's this tool seller I want to kill some person I need a blade quick fast part we don't sell weapons the chance the Paulus would come dude on us like a ton of bricks but have all we look at these tools if you had intended DIY and all that right because they can't just sell pit I mean I think that's that's classified as a weapon whole big needs Oh big nice there's only two of them quick quick quick and we're gonna rock out with them this will be an easy job easy dub alright get into them got again go to get a music up wasn't done [Music] trinny I apologize 25 language of the song it's just too good but you never hurt to look at this there's only tear them charge oh boy Gibran come on up that was a shot yeah we got killed we killed a big need what the heck is that weapon I'd better get some weapons after this why we won what a nice chibi song for our first victory there's a there's our meets cheating Assad I don't know who they are alright we've got our top back and we got a chip machete oh look I just it was Gollum oh wait I've got a new battle area it's um the middle of a field it's like a scheme or something there's just there's just a bunch of flats and then this I'd any kid with this know what this is but oh hi why do these guys okay never made their broomsticks their brushes where's my machete I've got my machete out I think the community officers are deed ah come on my wing till I get my half my health but look at these all we needs yes there's only four throwing I think we could take these guys these are these are just we need so easy I'm gonna have top what yeah this video was getting blocked actually move these songs are so old that than the public domain I don't know here we got my a song so much I'll turn it down a wee bet one don't we do cover ourselves from the stones or the bottles these guys are so slow yeah that it's easy to see why more bands superior in terms of combat the combat here so sluggish are so clunky I'm looking at done i I do like it hey there we go easy 1v4 although they were pretty lame compared to some of the other bad guys we've come up against hey check this out we got some paint Bucky bottles to throw I want to try it my new weapon which is bottles of Bach fast because if you could turn them into petrol bombs although that might be a bit old P against bunch of junkies oh okay right my throwing is obviously pretty darn awful right we're gonna have to take him in melee unless we like or what okay about a throwing no not one doctor okay come on we could do this I'm suddenly invested in this it's not just a laugh anymore it's serious I'm getting done in the heat behind with a boss or something or a store okay we've got some awesome tunes to spur us on one hand I'm done oh come on don't be like that this guy's got a massive brush massive two-handed weapon then I got another one don't my shields almost God but - but that's alright now let's not bother pick up the broom I haven't really trained in 200 weapons this guy knifes me okay because he was the last one if I lost the last guy I would be so upset there's the River Clyde what if we could fight anyone on the bridge who is this a bridge or is it just a poor representation of the Clyde tunnel steelworks should we go stay there the night who's this the United workers who are these are they different hang on we are sick of endless violence in this mod we will fight only because we are programmed to do so and not because we enjoy ugh sort like prepare to die and stuff I was pretty cool actually when I'm done with you you'll respawn not far from here don't relive Jake tails or why they take more than up they take more than up hey then I had some like four times and he didn't die at that point I knew it was over what are they doing why are they down here okay but who's that oh I get it these are caravans that'll be why I was robbed a caravan get into them oh whoa and because we're on the bridge next to the the Clyde we've got ourselves oh we've got ourselves an awesome tune and we've got a different scene this is actually really cool whoa I'm guessing jumping into the clades not a good idea oh please tell me oh whoa I've gone back in time all right I'm just gonna leave there and go after the Nemean army yeah just you walk into that me walk into the Clyde please thank you oh here we go oh why no I never even got one hat never even got one hat I'm just going to see what this act like car person does oh yeah force the barman to give you free food and drink chat up the local guys way you think what does that do as the party member with a few special scars you record that you can still smell is the guy's fault [Applause] we were playing a ranger song what kind of here that anyway you know I just caught my cotton a year there oh yeah thank you very much for checking this out I don't have much more to say other than I definitely won't be making a CDs on this oh well as funny as it is I just don't think I'll be that immersive because of the song started they're developed is more we're just for the laughs and their say obviously crossovers and the you know Aboriginal men to bleed game to this one so yeah it's more for a laugh what ship was it was a good laugh anyway thank you very much for watching have a good day clean content will be back again the model I'll see you then bye for now
Channel: JamestheDouglas
Views: 73,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamesthedouglas, james, the, douglas, gaming, mount, and, blade, mods, showcase, Gangs, glasgow, gameplay, george, square, stathclyde, police, credit, crunch, creditcrunch, neds, wee
Id: wRMtUxtmgo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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