God's Waiting Room

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if you have a Bible turn to Psalm 40 BeBe Winans and the clock sisters that's what's up amen thank you all for being here Detroit yeah that's what's up thank you all for being here we really appreciate you all and I think this is a privilege for Vicki and I to serve you all this is pastors Appreciation Month and I want to appreciate my wife I know pastors could appreciate it a lot during this month but I'm telling you any there's no pastor who can do what they do that's married without a wife that supports them or a spousal support staff I celebrate my wife thank you but she could shut this thing down today she say I'm leaving because I would go right with her - uh yeah I'm leaving - I have a message for somebody it is it is particularly to somebody it may not be all of you today this is not a general word this is a specific word and so my prayer is is that it would meet you where you are hopefully you'll say something to me to let me know that I'm that is you as always encourage me encouraging if I know as you you know you in here maybe you're watching online but it's Psalm one Psalm 40 I'm gonna read the first three verses this is the New Living Translation it says I waited patiently for the Lord to help me and he turned to me and heard my cry hmm verse two he lifted me out of the pit of despair out of the mud and the mire he set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along verse three he has given me a new song to sing a hymn of praise to our God many will see what he has done and be amazed and they will put their trust in the Lord I want to talk to you today from the subject a woeful worshipful witness a woeful worshipful witness ah waited patiently for the Lord he inclined unto me and heard my cry he has lifted me up out of a horrible pit he has set my feet upon rock and established my going the old King James says he has put a new song in my heart even praise unto our God many will see it and will put their trust in the Lord I waited patiently on the Lord it was woefully it was it was a deep pit I waited patiently on the Lord he heard me he rescued me he delivered me he brought me up and when he brought me out he made me worship he put a new song in my mouth and then it wasn't even my intention some of y'all see where I'm going it wasn't even my intention but many saw it and put their trust okay yo this is the slow service I forgot I say they say woeful worshipful witness I waited patiently on the Lord it was a horrible pit see the reason why y'all ain't related to this yet cuz ain't nobody in here waited a long time on nothing from God but but if you know what it's like to be waiting on him if you know what it's like to have something in your life I don't care how much you shouting sure there is something in your life that you've been waiting a long time on him to change I waited patiently on the Lord he inclining me he heard me he delivered me watch this put a song about that's the worship many will see it and put their trust in Allah I wasn't in trying to witness okay let me slow walk this yo y'all did this dis song this song has a flow to it and I he they flow I I suffered he moved they believed weren't even about me wasn't just about me I I waited patiently in the Hebrew when it says I waited patiently literally that means in waiting I waited while I was waiting I waited that's a long time right there while I was waiting I waited in waiting I waited is there anybody listening to me right now that's been waiting so long that you can literally say while waiting I waited see what that means is is that while I was waiting other people got what they were waiting on while I was see yall angle help me right now while I was waiting other people got married and while I was waiting other people had babies and I had fertility issues while I was waiting other people got jobs and I'm still unemployed while I was waiting other people's children got all drugs and my children still give my your legal help me today while I was waiting other people got out and I'm still in while I was waiting other people got healed and I'm still sick there's anybody here know what it is to be waiting why you're waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting maybe you're at the DC jail right now and you can say while I was waiting somebody else got acquitted while I was waiting somebody got a real lawyer and not a public defender while I was waiting somebody else got a door open for them and I'm still in this situation while I'm waiting I'm waiting that's my predicament let me give my point my first one is my predicament his predicament look before I go in predict see his predicament is he's waiting but we don't know we don't know exactly what he's doing while he's waiting he just says while I'm waiting patiently we know he's waiting patiently and he's waiting on the Lord we have to go down in the rest of the verse to find out what he's doing while he's waiting we found out what he's doing while he's waiting when he says and he heard my cry so one of these we know he was doing while he was waiting he was crying see some of y'all know you'll get with this message because you ain't waited long enough you ain't waited til you had to cry about it see your little situation got fixed before the tears came down your eyes with somebody I'm whoever I'm assigned to preach to today you've been waiting so long you've been crying about it anybody know see TV like you ain't just laughed about it you cry cried you cried you cried that's different he didn't say I complained about it he said I cried complaining is horizontal crying is vertical I complain to y'all I complain to him and I complain to her and I complain to them I get on social media and complain but when I lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help and I cry out to him now taking my problem to a level where it can be really addressed say while I was waiting I was crying what does that mean I kept telling him about it I kept it on God's mind I kept reminding him of it I kept worrying him about it see I know some of y'all too deep some of y'all so deep you prayed about your situation one time and left it alone that ain't my story I prayed about it one time in 9 o'clock and then it stressed me out again in 902 so I talked to him again about it and every time I worry about it I tell him again Lord I'm back I'm back what a friend we have in Jesus excuse me while I've reached all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to God and pray everything to God in prayer every to God and pray every time I need to pray o what peace we often forfeit Oh what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything I keep telling them about it every time I see the symptom come back Lord you already know what I want you already know what I've been asking you for have your way but I please sir if I got any grace on my account would you please use it on this situation see I'm talking to her I'm talking around people today maybe you're learning you listening to me and you understand what I'm talking about you've been waiting on something so long that you've been praying about it so long that you know what it is to why you're waiting I'm waiting and I'm crying I'm crying out to God and I'm talking to him about it and I'm letting him know you know interesting it's when you're in God's waiting room I've said this before we're in God's waiting room is real tricky God's waiting room is real tricky because you think it happened see God's waiting room is not sequential you know ask the question you know you're going to barber shop or the beauty salon employment particularly barber shop in the barber shop unless you have an appointment when you're going to barber shop when you walk in the barber shop you survey the room you don't just survey the barbers you surveyed awaiting customers and yeah I know I know see we're not gonna bother shop I know who was in there when I got there and I know who came in there after me when you go in the doctor's office and they tell you to sign in I know I signed in before her cuz she came in three people after me cuz I remember them a little loud kids she bought in with her and I know she bout to go in there before me the way my head and back hurting and are yelling go help me in this situation you ever been at the deli or the meat line and you pull a number and somebody's gotta walk up in there they say who's next I'm gonna tell you who's next I know I'm next cuz I seen you push the look caught up here you push that car to be after me don't even try to get in front of me y'all know what I'm talking about but in God's waiting room somebody that came in fifth get in the first is somebody who came in first get in the blast that's the first shall be last and the God and you sitting there saying yeah anybody waiting I waited patiently that's my predicament then he goes deeper in center brigham excuse me excuse me y'all if this ain't for y'all y'all can just leave he goes deep into the predicament in verse 2 he says he says he brought me up out of a pit of despair Negus revelation into what the predicament was it was a pit of despair it was a pit of despair and did he says and it was muddy and the mire mud and Myra now all of this is allegorical he's not literally in mud he's not littering my that's the best he can do to describe it what he's saying is is that it's an unstable situation and because it's muddy and minor that's quicksand that means it's not only bad it's getting worse who am I talking to in here God sent me to preach to somebody who's in a situation and it ain't even getting better he it's ax ax fiying it's continuing to get worse why are you waiting and watch this watch this 3-way says it's muddy and it's a pit it's because this what I believe I believe he said that cuz it's deep some things you just have to just give it one word it's deep you have been a situation where you say pray for me and you can't it wouldn't it just pray for me is deep yeah how many people know it's deep is this is it's just deep what you mean is deep I'm telling it's deep I I can't call none else it's just deep it's spiritual it's personal its financial it's legal they got its expertise and all that kind of stuff it's a whole yeah see I know what kind of church I pastor I said this expertise up in the situation it's protective orders y'all ago help me cuz I know it's deep I can't even in reason I gotta call it deep is because I had no reference point for it in other words I know somebody in this world has had to deal with this but I ain't seen nobody there to deal with nothing like this is deep cuz its new this is a problem I ain't never had to face anymore and he says that is the nature of my predicament that's what I love about God see God will put you in something that is so deep and you're in it so long that can't nobody get you out but him see see see detects moves from my predicament to his provision his provision starts in verse 1 when it says it says it says six things he did I see six things that God did after I had my issue six things God did let me read them to you because I know you ain't see it first thing it says in verse one is he turned to me then it says he heard my cry that's two number three he lifted me out hmm number four he set my feet on solid ground in the universe room number five he steadied me as I walked along number six he has put niversary he has given me a new song the same six things God did when he stepped in with his provision now check this out the reason why God had to do something as I told you before is the reason why this measure is only for people who have a situation that you've been in so long that you've already tried everything else see see see when you when you had a situation where anything else work see some of y'all ain't really dependent on God you're kind of dependent on God but rain really tripping whoever God do something because you still ain't called unk yet and you still ain't call the people down Myrtle Beach and people up Southwest and you still got you still got a couple of cars to play you still got a couple of space in your hand so you're gonna get a book out of this some kind of way cuz you ain't used all your cards but is there anybody here that knows when you played all your cards and you know talk to the doctors and you talk to this person and ain't nobody got a way out for you when the counselor can't fix it and the medical people can't fix it and your accountant can't fix it and your back does anybody know what it's like to have your back up against the wall and my problem has pushed me up in the corner and if God doesn't bring me up he Buster's he lifts me he turned to me let me walk through this he first says he turned to me he turned to me no that means that means he got we got closer that's verse one he turned me we got closer and watch this now he pulled David out in verse two but he got closer before he pulled him out okay that's good I got to slow it down for y'all I got closer to him before he changed the situation oh that's good see some of you don't appreciate the fact that even though it ain't fixed yet it brought you closer you wasn't that close to the Lord before but because of it and it made you pray and it made you cry now you're closer and it ain't even change yet the first move happened we got closer is anybody just grateful that's you're closer to the Lord because I'm just glad I'm closer to him Keith I wasn't this close to the Lord three years ago but when the Lord took me through that and I had to bury this person and I had to walk away from that and I lost that I hate when I love us but I love what I gained I'm closer to God who am I talking to in here he brought me closer to him well me closer to her well let me hurry up I'm not boring you he brought me closer to me closer then he says then he says he heard my cry this rested me up right here it's messed me up this is a theological problem when David says after I've been waiting patient waiting all this time he heard my cry it would intimated that God had not heard him heretofore how you like that word heretofore let me give it to you up there previously that means if he's just hearing me he didn't hear me before that ain't accurate dave is doing the best he can what he's saying is he answered me see somebody need to tweet this you need to understand that even his silence don't mean his death God can hear your prayers even when they're not expressed God his unspoken prayers God knows the crown of your heart God knows my thoughts from afar before I can articulate it he already knows what I want dark and lost docket interpret groans he can interpret tears gawking interpreter look you can just he knows what that meant anybody grateful that even if I don't get it out of my mouth he already knows he already heard by the way some of you've been crying a long time God is not troubled or offended by your tears he treasures your tears the Bible says he pushed her tears into a bottle who would put tears into a bottle unless they were precious to him some of you shamed to your tears you just got to stop crying out to people all the time mmm let me keep going then he says he lifted me he lifted me out this situation I couldn't you explain what it was cuz cuz it was deep it's just deep fast no sir I was just depressed I won't anyone trouble you it's just deep but the depth of it qualified only God to deliver me out of it this is how you get an idea watch this this is how you get an idea cuz he doesn't say he doesn't say how long he waited so you got to get the first three to find out how long you waited you found out in verse I think you first three but he says many will see it I'm jumping ahead of myself but let me go in this was like he said this how you know because some of you wonder I died I [Music] but how long this is how long how long we gotta deal with this most people can handle their pain if they knew how long if you knew when it was going in if God says I got you Friday we're straight you'd be like I damn well thank you Laura I can work with Friday that's a long time but I'm coming Friday right you'll be here Friday this would be over Friday see but God didn't put a calendar on your payment so so so this is how you know how long this how you know how long he says many will see it many will see what he did and they will put their trust in him that messed me up when he said Minnie how do you know how long he's going to keep you in the situation it's until many are aware of it because he can't get glory out of it when not in me know about it see some of y'all like to keep your pain private he ain't gonna do a private miracle cuz you ain't gonna tell nobody you know that stuff he wears it and we're gonna lie to know so we got a trial it get out when he can't get no glory out of it but God will have you behind up in something so long that's so deep and so public that when he brings you out Mimmi that was free then he says he lifted me then he set my feet ooh he set my feet on a solid ground I love what I love about God is he doesn't just pull you out of something slippery and unstable he pulls you onto something that's stable here's what God told me this morning whoever this message for who listen whatever God is pulling you out of you will never go back in it again [Applause] I don't know who that's for but whatever he pulls you out of and whenever he pulls you out of it you will not have to live with that chaos and that situation again because when he pulls you out of it he's not gonna put you in new mud he's gonna put you on solid ground he will take you from instability to stability and put you on something stable and watch this another reason why you ain't going away is cuz he won't just pull you out and start you close to that pit he walks with using away from it he steadied me as I won't why do you ever steady me as I walk cuz I've been in this so long this is all I know this has become this has become this has become my point of reference and so I don't even know what it's like to be free I don't even know what it's like to have a peaceful night of sleep I don't even know what it's like didn't have to worry about that so yes to steady me as I walk away from it because I've never walked this way before whoever I'm talking to gosh that girl just pulling you out he's gonna walk you away from it don't you walk into a new place freedom he did that he's steady my feet he walked with me he lifted me all I did watch this all I'm doing his praying and waiting last thing he does he put a new song he put a new song in my mouth a hymn of praise to our God now what makes it a new song is the fact that it's a new deliverance it's a new praise because it's a recent move of God okay I'm loving I don't have to help y'all it is my responsibility as your pastor to teach you spiritual manners here's dispersal manners when somebody does something for you it is your manners that's to tell you to say thank you it ain't got nothin to do with your denomination think I'm gonna do with how you were raised and it's shown and do with your personality it's shown you how to do how cool you are it's manners when somebody does something for you to say thank you the reason why he's got pray there was us it was willful I'm in a pit it's horrible I'm in a pit it becomes worshipful when he pulls me out so here was just if he does his part my responsibility is is to give him praise so i'ma give you an opportunity this ain't for everybody but if there's anybody in here that knows that he has pulled you out of something and brought you out of something then you out I said you owe him not me you owe him now you can see if you got your cell phone then you don't all embrace but if it had not been for the law who was on your side some of y'all know you was up in something then it had to be the Lord that brought you out and if that's the case you owe him pray can somebody just give them a praise right now for bringing you out let him hear you I'm not ashamed now the same let him hear you thank you lord I remember I remember you brought me out I remember how deep it was I remember how bad it was I remember how dark it was I remember I lost I was I remember I trap that was what the Lord came and pull me out whoo whoo whoo now why are you standing where you standing I need to do me one more favor one more favor won't somebody in here has not got out yet so so so so here's your opportunity if you ain't got out yet you have an opportunity to worship him by faith coz if it's already deep and you've already waited and you've already prayed if you believe he's able to do his part then you can praise him right now before he even pulls you out maybe it's something else I thank you God coz I see by faith I call those things that are not as though they are I dare you to see it fixed and praise them for something that's already worked out and then some of us need to praise God on behalf of people that don't know how great he is and say I'm praising him for you right now let you know he did it for me he'll do it for you he's no respecter of persons my predicament his provision and his purpose was his purpose that mini hair was see it I thought it was about me god I got you I'm after them ah suffered he moved I praised they believed what did they believe they rejoiced and they were amazed verse 3 says and what he did all I did was waited and prayed while I was suffering he moved he delivered he rescued and they were amazed and put their trust in him what if your storm is their salvation see see how let me tell you something loo say something I'm one of them Christians hang on TV I don't want a witness like that I like happy witness I like going around telling people to Lord bless me prosper me only himself only one say he healed me because that means I was sick I don't even under that I want them blessings it is just glory to glory no trials but I don't know anybody that's really walked with God that hadn't gone through a valley so deep then only he could pull them out and while others were watching their trust in God occurred because of his triumphal work in your tragic situation so as woeful ah suffer he moved I praised him and they believed in that good I don't know who exactly needed that but this would I know some of us his word is all we got we ain't looking for a word in the newspaper if he doesn't speak to us through his living word and through men and women of God that's all we got to hold on to God thank you for giving me something to hold on to thank you for letting me know my tears are okay with you thank you for letting me know if I'm in it you can bring me out your faithful let's pray thank you Lord for this truth may it really transform our thinking may it transform our lives I pray that you would continue to give life through this word give hope and strength people who need it the most and we thank you for it all now in Jesus name Amen before we leave I want to
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 9,766
Rating: 4.9159665 out of 5
Keywords: Keith Battle, Zion Church, Zionchurchonline, sermon, church, motivation, inspiration, Jesus, psalms, patiently waiting, wait on the lord, believe, deep, black church, dmv, maryland, landover, pastor keith battle, keith battle, waiting patiently, God's waiting room
Id: gQOO7_HPTcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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