The Correct Way To Spool New Fishing Line | Baitcasters & Spinning Reels

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oh who are you over here y'all already in here look today i got me a couple new rods a couple new reels i'm gonna show you how to spool up your uh your baitcasters and your spinning reel there's a little difference between the two right obviously uh obviously shopping i'm shopping for some fishing line here but obviously spooling up a baitcaster versus spooling up a spinner reel is a little different and there's a couple little things you need to do if you start off good you finish good so i'm going to show you what you need to do with your fishing line and you're spooling up a brand new rod reel best way to do it so you don't have any accidents out there on the water all right do a testing for me real quick testing right here this is what we're going to do with fishing line in the shop with the light coming in hot here we go we got our line out what i'm going to show you we're going to go over how to spool up a spinning reel we're going to go up how to spool a bait caster correctly so i think in my opinion spooling up a spinning reel is a little bit more difficult than a baitcaster so we're going to start with the easy one the one that's not quite as intimidating as uh as the other one empty spool one thing that you know that is really popular right now obviously fluorocarbon line is a little bit more expensive than monofilament so some people like to do what's called back spooling and that's basically where you take some monofilament and fill up some of the spools so you're not using a full you know 175 yards of fluorocarbons that can get kind of expensive right so i've there's something that i've learned about using a back filling a spool with monofilament or and for a long time i didn't even use monofilament i would just use whatever line that i can find what i have found is if i do decide to back spool my bait casters so i don't have to use so much fluorocarbon that's all you're doing is filling up the spool what i've found it is very important to actually use monofilament and not just use fluorocarbon or use some other type of line actually before i use fluorocarbon for backspooling some some old you know fluorocarbon i would actually even suggest that you use braid here's why when you use fluorocarbon fluorocarbons as a harder material and when it spools on your spool it wants to back off it wants to come off because it's a harder material right and if you use fork a fluorocarbon backing it's it's going to cause a lot more backlash it really does it definitely caused a lot more backlash and one thing that i realized is that i need to also go to a smaller pound test i was using 15 20 25 pound test backing material because i didn't have to use quite as much backing uh you know to to fill up my spool that was a mistake because the bigger the fluorocarbon is the more bulky it is and the more springy it is and the more it wanted to come off my spool so what i started doing was let's start using eight pound test mono for backing or smaller pound test you don't have to use exactly a but use smaller pound test mono the reasons being so mono is a lot more easy to work with it's more flexible it's not as springy it's just a lot softer material and it's even softer and even more flexible the smaller the pound test so eight or ten pound test backing that's what i like to use for backing on my bait casters so what was happening with that fluorocarbon if i make a long cast and i get a backlash the backlash was exaggerated and it was backlashing all the way down to my to my backing material so what i did i'll take my eight pound test fluorocarbon put a couple inches on there you know you can fill up your spool just however you need be if you're just going to be flipping to targets where you're not using a lot of line obviously you can fill your spool up a lot more if you're going to make be making a lot of long casts maybe you need to put not quite as much just a little bit just a little bit of mono backing on your on your bait caster so you kind of got to judge it and then you got to judge it by the the uh what type of reel you got how big the spool is there's no one answer for how much backing material you need to use on your bait casters that can be anywhere from 40 yards to maybe as much as 125 yards it just depends on the real the application and how big a pound test line you're going to be using so for me personally i don't really use a lot of backing material unless i'm doing using braid i'm just spooling straight up fluorocarbon most of the time i'm just going to fill the whole spool up with with fluorocarbon i do that for a couple of reasons uh one of those reasons is you know i backlash a lot quite honestly like people think professional anglers don't backlash well look this one right here backlashes quite a bit so if i throw out there and get a big old nasty bird nest i don't have to worry about putting that rod reel down because now i got a backlash i had to cut it out and now i you know i don't have enough line on my reel uh i like to just go ahead and spool the whole thing up the fluorocarbon this is 20 pound test fluorocarbon and what i'm going to do when i'm spooling up you see i didn't even i didn't even thread my line through every every guide on this rod i just did it on the first one you can do every guide if you want to or you can do just one i do suggest that you do just one at least one guy works better than just going straight to the reel and you're just going to thread your line right through the worm here make sure your line doesn't go under the bar under the little bar that holds your worm gear down and i'm going to thread it under the spool okay i'll go under the spool is what i like to do you don't have to go under the spool and i'm just going to make a little connection now my little connection not super easy it's sort of like a little clinch knot is what i use on some of these spools like on my loose reel i actually don't even have to with fluorocarbon i don't even have to tie a knot on the spool they have little holes on the spool what you can do is just stick your line through the hole in the spool and start reeling it up in your line or grab it just depends on how you want to do it to be safe it's probably a good idea to tie you a little clinch knot and cinch that down on your spool make sure you cinch that down really good one important thing to try to remember always watch and make sure that there's no line that has uh went under any of the real seats it's really easy to kind of not be watching what you're doing and get it under the reel seat or any around any of the of the of the equipment around the reel so just reel that guy on there once you get it once you get it cinched down take your scissors and cut your little excess off and now you're ready to start spooling okay get that cut a little closer i do like to cut it as close as possible because if you get it close as possible it just makes your makes your spool start off a lot cleaner and you don't have to worry about having any bumps in your spool or anything all right get it started there we go now this is very important very important part of it what i like about the strike king lines you see i've got a little suction cup here on the back of it one of the hardest things to do when you're spooling line is to find somebody or some type of piece of equipment to hold your line while you're spooling up got a suction cup this comes on the line when you buy it and you can just stick that anywhere on your boat any kind of flat surface anywhere i'm just going to take it and stick it to the move this cooler here i'm just going to take it and stick it right into the fiberglass in my boat and you want to make sure that that line is coming off of the top because it's going to come off of your spool and your reel when you go to make a cast is going to come off the top just like toilet paper right so off the top make sure it's coming off of the spool that you're spooling from from the top which is going to go to your reel on the top it keeps the coils consistent and you're not going working against the grain when you when you roll it up on your reel very simple make sure you guys see like i was sitting here talking remember i was telling you how fluorocarbon wants to come off your reel just sitting there talking it wanted to back off the reel so make sure you start off with no backlashes no bumps or anything when you start spooling up it's going to pay you pay off for you in the in the future one thing you want to do when you're spooling your light on here make sure you keep some tension as you're spooling it on to the reel you see i'm using the index finger in my thumb of my left hand and i'm just placing it right here above the reel and i'm going to reel that line up on my reel keeping it nice and tight those first maybe 30 to 40 yards are very important if you start doing you finish good if you start batting is running the one side of your spool and you got a couple you didn't keep the line tight and it's starting to get a little bumps in it it's going to end bad so i'll just start it and just take your time man you know sometimes when i'm in a tournament and i'm bringing taco you know i might get over here and do like this get it going pretty good take your time keep some tension on there as you get to the top of the school then you can kind of let off of that tension a little bit okay i'm just going to reel it on reel it on reel it on here's a tip for you guys especially when you when you're using bigger pound test fluorocarbon line all right don't fill those spools up as high as you would normally this is 20 pound test bigger pound test when i say bigger pound test fluorocarbon i'm talking about 17 20 25. i like to keep my my spool i'd rather have less line than more line here's why remember i tell you that line is is especially brand new fluorocarbon it's been on this for a while who knows how long that's been on on the spool since manufacturing so it's in this original state it's in that coal it's been in a coil for two months let's say right and you take it out of the pack you go to make a cast and it still wants to be in that nature as it was in a spool but you're trying to straighten it all out it's got some memory in it what you want to do to keep it from having so many backlashes to make that line more manageable you're using friction of the spool so i'll spool it a lot lower than i normally would especially with big big i can't stress it enough especially with big pound test 17 20 20 25 pound test leave some gap in your spool what that's going to do when that line is exiting the reel is going to give you a little extra friction it keeps that line coil that the lot the spool doesn't spin nearly as fast so if you do get a little bit of overrun you've got the reel to help contain that line slow the spool down and you'll get a few less backlash doesn't mean that you're not going to get any backlash but for sure it's going to help you with backlashes i'll cut my excess what we used to do back in the day it doesn't work quite as good with fluorocarbon as it does with mono but what you're going to do now instead of when i when i go the thread the rest of the line through my reel remember what we said instead of opening the bill on my reel just smashing the push button and letting that line go and feeding my line through the the eyes i'm going to do it a different way that lines it wants to come off this reel really bad now because now it's on a much smaller spool than it was when we just pulled it up you see how big that spool is we just went from this to that to about a two and a half inch spool we went from probably a six inch spool to a two and a half inch spool i don't like that at first so what i like to do if you mash that button and you start threatening threading it through the eyes you're going to notice that that line wants to come off there and you'll get a backlash and you made a cast and you get a backlash here's the way to to avoid that back off of your drag a lot all right don't even mash the button just back off when you drag a bunch and what you're going to do as you're threading your line through the eyes you're just going to use your drag and it's going to keep you from backlashing because you've got steady tension on your spool all along while you're uh threading your line keeps you from backlashing remember what i said as long as we start off good we're gonna finish good and there's nothing more frustrating to put on fresh fluorocarbon taking it out making your first cast backlash and now you gotta miss we'll thread it through and then you're ready look i need a little extra you see i've got tension on my line because i i just i didn't open my bill i just used my drag i can tie my bait on here i'm going to get this little casco swimbait right here and tie on my little swimbait and i'm ready to go fishing as simple as that so that's a little bit on what you need to do with a bait caster when you're spooling that guy up spinning reels all right a lot of variables when you're talking about spinning reels there's just a lot going on here line management is what kills you on a spinning reel spinning reels is funny spinning reels are considered probably you know you got a beginner fisherman this is the first thing we give them and in my opinion i've had some of the most intense moments verbally with spinning reels ever like bait casting equipment you either got a backlash or you don't the spinning reels it can get ugly really fast okay so i've got two setups that i use when you're talking about spinning reels sometimes i use straight up fluorocarbon or straight up mono most times gonna be fluorocarbon situation where i will use straight up fluorocarbon on a spinning reel is going to be a situation where it's very windy all right reaction baits when i'm throwing a jerkbait crankbait uh you know something probably with treble hooks straight fluorocarbon or if i'm in a situation where i know i'm going to be breaking off a lot uh weight fishing you know i'm probably going to be breaking off a lot because you throw out you get hung you can't just motor over with the trolling motor you got to kind of figure out how to get over there so sometimes i break it off a lot and just going straight fluorocarbon it keeps me from having to tie two knots when i break off i only gotta tie one knot obviously that's gonna be a lot faster and i'm probably just gonna be in a better mood the rest of the day so i'll use it in that situation for most and be honest with you for most applications using braided fluorocarbon is going to be the way to go increase sensitivity longer casts better hook sets more flexibility with one rod and reel just there the benefits of braided fluorocarbon outweigh straight fluorocarbon 10 to 1. there's no question of that but i do still think that straight fluorocarbon it has a place in my boat on my spinning reels that's taboo right now because the fad is braid the fluorocarbon that's just what everybody likes to do but there's certain situations where straight fluorocarbon works the best what i'm going to show you how to do is how to spool this guy up with braid uh we'll talk a little bit i'm not going to go into a lot of details about my union knots and so forth this is strictly about how to get started perfectly with your spinning reel with braid okay one thing you're going to need there's two ways you can you can address this issue when you're when you're putting braid on the spinning reel on a spinner reel the spool doesn't spin the line just exits the reel okay now unlike a baitcaster the spool spins and the line exits as the spool spins off right that's the way the line exits the reel the spool never spins here it just simply coils off of the spool the line does the line's the only thing that moves during the cast at the spinning reel which makes it easier to cast you don't have to maintain the speed of the line to make a cast but one thing you do have to do especially with braid you have to have something that the braid can bond to without slipping if you just tie straight braid to the spool of a spinning reel it's not going to work out good it's going to slip on you when you're going to set the hook that braid is going to spin on the spool because braid is slick and your spool is slick there's no friction there so the spool will just just spin so you'll go set the hook and your your line is going to spin on the reel and you're just not going to get any tension they're not not going to have any traction but there's not enough friction there for the line to bind to the spool and not move so to address that problem there's two things we can do the one that i prefer to do is i actually use electrical tape electrical tape when you tie the line to the spool the the braid bites down into the electrical tape causes friction and the line cannot spin on the spool when i put pressure the other thing you can do is you can put a backing material on to the spool most of the time that's going to be some type of monofilament you can do that as well and then tie your union knot from your mono to your to your braid or you can just put a little piece of tape at the end of the mono once you put however much you need on your spool it does two things keeps your braid from spinning and also braid is a much finer diameter than fluorocarbon or mono very much much smaller i would say almost half if you had 10 pound test fluorocarbon 10-pound test braid the diameter of the braid is going to be much much smaller so it's going to hold you have the capacity to hold a lot more line on your spinning reel a braid than you do fluorocarbon or mono so you can use that model to take up some of that spool space so you're not putting 300 yards of braided line on your reel it'll take out some of that spool space the spool spacing you won't have to use all your line i'm using strike king pro grade braid right here 15 pound test i like to use a high vis keep in mind on my reel this is a reel that i already use i'm using just black electrical tape on on the back of it doesn't matter what color it is doesn't even have to be electrical tape you need something that this line is going to bond with so it doesn't slip this is brand new out of the pack and what i like to do usually when i'm threading my line up is i'm just gonna this has the same suction cup by the way i'm just gonna put that there what i like to do is just use the first eye uh you can thread it all the way through the top i just usually don't you know you can do that there's no problem with that what i like to do for my union knot to my spool right i'll just make a pretty much just a clinch knot i'll take and make a little bunny here with my line like that and i'll take the tag in wrap it around my middle uh my middle finger and i'll just make about three or four loops back towards that bunny here that i made then i'll run that tag end back through the bunny ear around my middle finger and what i'll do is just leave a little bit of i'll cinch that down into us just about the same length as the spool and then i'll put it around my spool and my spinning reel like that and then cinch it right on down clip your tag in you want to clip it kind of close because you don't want that tag in flopping around in your spool when you start spooling it down later okay click your bill over and what i'll do is a couple of wraps just to get this guy started i'll get two or three wraps in and then i'll lay my spool up here where i'm actually going to spool my lineup here's what you need to do with braid you can kind of get away with being careless about which way your layer is full but since i'm a professional fisherman i just try to cover all my bases so what you would want to do if you're spooling up any other type of line fluorocarbon mono especially label up lay it flat it'll go right on the spool just the way it's coming off all right so i'll just lay it flat with the label up and spool it up like that and you kind of have to go slow because every once in a while it'll you know the line will grab the spool like you see it there and as i mentioned with braid you really don't have to be you don't have to be quite as intentional about what's your spooling orientation it's very limp very soft material which is one reason that i like to use braided fluorocarbon fluorocarbon combos the braid is very manageable very limp long cast the thing that i like about braided floor carbon combos better than anything is it allows you to be flexible in your line sizes 15 pound test braid is very very hard to break i can do a lot of things i can do anything from salt water fishing for redfish to catching smallmouth to catching crappie on 15 pound test braid now i can tell you why because the 15 pound test braid is a pretty durable line but if i need to go extremely finesse i can put six pound tests on here but if i need to take it to the coast and just absolutely rip on redfish i put 15 pound tests on here with the same rod so i may have two rods on the deck but i have the capability of presenting my lures six or seven different ways because i can change the pound test of my leader that's one of the one of the things that makes braided fluorocarbon just say that's this is what's the way to go because you can do so many different things with the braid before carbon combination you can go from finesse to straight up bringing them in this got dog on the boat power fishing with the same rod just by changing your pound test i usually i usually follow the same protocol i don't like to fill my spool all the way up to the brim i'm going to leave just a little bit of gap because you don't want that line getting a little coil in there and then it all backing off all right so leave a little bit of space in the lip of your spool to your to your braid that's going to help you out i'm about there and just click your line i like to do the same thing that i do with my bait casters instead of when i go to thread my line through the rest of my my guides here what i do instead of opening the bail up and running the risk of opening it up and getting like a bad bird nest just to start off with close the bail all right and then back your drag out a lot that's going to give you just enough tension to where you don't have a mess on your reel and you just take your line feed it through all your gods right and every time you need a little extra you just pull on it like that and that's going to save you from making a mess most of the time all right and that my friends is how you spool up you're new to bass fishing and you want it like how do i get any line on these reels this is how you do it my friend it's one of those simple things that we sometimes take for granted making the right steps at the beginning will save you a lot of backlash a lot of profanity if you're like me all right just keeping it real folks you start having trouble with your lines rods and reels the language gets intense be real you did it too i know you have cause i fished with you i've seen you i've seen your videos i seen you instagram the ig tv i seen your stories you do it you get a little intense you start off good you end good everybody's happy everybody wins that's how you spool them up
Channel: Brian Latimer
Views: 105,542
Rating: 4.9297194 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish tips, bass fishing, bestfishingvideos, brian latimer, flw fishing, pro angler, lake hartwell, blat, fishing line, fishing reels, baitcasters, spinning reels, braided line, fg knot, palomar knot, fishing knots, favorite rods, googan rods, googan line, fishing basics
Id: 4ymeN1fzoKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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