Native Speaking Teachers - Pros and Cons

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hey everybody Chris here with you for another video and today I just want to tell you about the benefits and the downfalls of studying with a native speaking teacher so as usual maybe you've seen the other videos that we've done here as usual we're going to give everybody a few minutes to get onto the call or onto the video and we want to make sure that everybody gets all of the information so I don't want to start before everyone is here but yeah I just we're coming on to the video and as you come on to the video if you can see me and hear me just right number one in the comments okay so if you write a number one then I'll know that you see me and you hear me great alright so you can also write in the comments where you're from and I'm interested to know where everybody's from today because we usually have a very international crowd here so I'm from the United States and I live in the state called Florida it's really warm here and yeah I really like living here but I like traveling too so let me know where you're from and that'll be great alright everybody's coming on the video I see lots of comments lots of number ones so we're gonna go ahead and get started it looks like we have about 200 people on on the video so far great and so guys I'm going to tell you today about the pluses and minuses of studying with a native speaking teacher what is a native speaking teacher well a native speaking teacher is a person from an english-speaking country so he speaks English or she speaks English as their first language all right I see we have someone from Chile here someone from Iraq Wow hey guys how you doing great someone from South Africa excellent excellent so yeah you know we have some people from different countries from Mexico excellent it's great that we have so many people from different countries and what I want to let you know is today we're going to talk a little bit about teaching and a little bit about studying English so if you're a teacher that's great and I just want to remind all of you that you can find all of the links that I talked about by clicking the video and looking at the video description Claire says she's from Taiwan excellent Italy Vietnam cool cool all right guys so yeah if you click on the video you can see all the links all of the description of this video and you can find all of my pages and groups and everything like that and I really encourage you guys to add me to your friends so just right now you can go to my you can go to my page and you can add me all right all right so today we're going to talk about the pluses and minuses or we can also say the pros and cons of studying English with a native speaker so if you have studied English with a native speaker before write that in the comments right now what are your impressions how was your experience did it work for you did you understand what they said sometimes when students study with a native speaker they say that they don't understand right because a lot of native speakers don't speak clearly a lot of people tell me that native speakers mumble a lot and it's hard to understand what they say so write in the comments right now and let me know what you think about studying with a native speaking teacher all right we have someone else from type from Thailand here excellent lots of people from everywhere today all right we have about 300 people here and so yeah right what do you think about studying with a native native speaking teacher and also I'm going to tell you about some special deals and special things that I'm doing some promotions and that will be a little bit later so first let's talk about some of the important things about studying with a native speaker and let me remind you that you know you can just add me to your friends add me to your friends on Facebook that's cool and that way you can see everything that I post because I post about English a lot alright Jem's writes in the comments is this free yeah absolutely I am doing this completely free and so I do this probably once a week sometimes I get busy and I don't do these videos but I try to do them often to help everybody and yeah this is free so let me tell you a little bit about Who I am I have been teaching English for about 10 years I opened up a language school and that was when I first started teaching I opened up a language school overseas in Russia actually and now I am living in Florida and I teach online so I teach students online and I help teachers I do teacher training online and I help teachers start their own teaching businesses so I do a lot of stuff I also help schools find teachers so if you're a teacher send me a message if you're a student send me a message I have lots of stuff that will help you I have free stuff I have other stuff you know lots of stuff so okay so let's see we see I see some people thank you for your help you're welcome guys thank you for being here thank you for listening English is really important to help people understand each other today right maybe you like it or maybe you don't but English is our world language and that means that people need to be able to speak English to communicate with each other that's why we need to help people learn English let's see no Elly says I'm an English teacher excellent send me a message I think I can you know help you out with some stuff I have some teacher training programs and I help people with their teaching businesses so yeah alright guys so let's talk about native speakers and let's talk about why people study with them why they don't and yeah okay so one of the things that people don't like about studying with native speakers is if they have a very low level of English they can't understand them right they can't understand them because most native speakers of English don't speak other languages it's sad but true a lot of people who speak English don't learn other languages because they think that everyone in the world should speak English and I know that sounds strange because in almost every other country people think that people think that you need to learn more than one language but in a lot of english-speaking countries people don't and that's sad okay let me answer one of these comments real quick I see someone writing me that about some questions so guys keep asking your questions I like to go back in the comments and look at the questions but you know when I'm when I'm teaching I can't answer all of them immediately so if I don't answer your question it's you know I'm not disrespecting you I'm not ignoring you I'll come back to your question okay all right let's see Denali says I'm a teacher also excellent excellent excellent cool okay so guys another reason why it's difficult to study with native speakers well a lot of times native speakers aren't teachers so sometimes people will teach or travel to another country to teach and they're not a teacher right they haven't had any training to be a teacher and a lot of people you know from the United States Canada England Australia they might not really know about the language they might not know about the language and they might not know how works so sometimes a teacher who is not a native teacher is actually better yeah natives native speakers are not the best teachers all the time and just because you are studying the language it doesn't mean that you need a native speaking teacher from the beginning right if you are just starting out you might want to study with a teacher who speaks your language now if you can find a native speaking teacher who has training and a native speaking teacher who speaks your language also then that's great that's just excellent because they will probably understand how you think in your language and how you need to change how you think when you speak English so let's see someone is writing what about teaching English as a second language yes that is exactly what we're talking about teaching English as a second language so okay let's talk about that point thanks for that comment there are also a lot of native speaking teachers who studied English at university or maybe they are an English teacher at a school or university and they teach English to other English speakers now this is a different type of teacher if you are trying to learn English and English is not your first language you need a special type of English teacher you need a teacher of English as a second language or a teacher of English as a foreign language that is someone who has already had training in teaching people who don't speak English as a first language alright because these are different things when we're teaching someone who already speaks English how to speak English better that's completely different from teaching someone who English is not their first language and they're trying to learn English alright so okay I see a lot of questions coming in keep writing those questions guys we're going to talk about a lot of them so what I want you to do right now is if you haven't done it already add me to your friends on Facebook so you see all of the posts I talk about English a lot and I post videos about English a lot so you can find my link when you click on the video there's a video description and you can find all of my links there I have YouTube channels free videos I have a website I have lots of stuff groups on Facebook join those and and I have a lot of resources for you alright so when I say good question here one thing about native speakers can understand what someone wants to express even if she or he doesn't proud each word really well aha so yeah sometimes native speakers don't really don't really understand what people are saying if they don't pronounce it correctly so I want to make sure that you understand what that is about there's a difference when when a teacher is correcting you between correcting mistakes and correcting you so that you're understandable and this is another problem with studying with a native speaker a lot of native speakers have the culture of their language and they're they're teaching the culture of their language which is really good this is one of the pluses of studying with a native speaker that you not only learn the language not only learn how the language works but you also learn the culture and cultural aspects of the language so you know in your language something might not something might not mean exactly the same thing as it means in English there are lots of examples of this where in one language that the translation is not exact in the culture they use the word differently so maybe the translation is the same but they use it differently in practice in the culture so let's see I'll take some more of these questions here why I can understand native native teachers but it's not the case with talk shows or films great so a native speaking teacher if they're good they change their language so that it's understandable to their students let me tell you why they do that because when you're learning new information you need to understand about 90% of the information that someone gives you so you can understand new information 10% new information if they give you 50% of the information that you understand and 50% that you don't then there's going to be too much information you're not going to remember it you're not going to learn very well so a good teacher does something called leveling to level your language and what that means is that if we're teaching someone who has a low level of English we need to change how we speak all right we need to change how we speak so that they understand 85 90 % of what we say and then we can deliver new information and they'll understand that in new information they can remember it but we're going back to culture one thing about a lot of english-speaking countries is in the culture of the language we believe that it's rude to correct people that different people speak differently and we need to accept that and we need to to think that everyone is equal everyone's the same and it's okay to make mistakes well as a teacher who's helping someone learn English as a second language or English as a foreign language sure we need to let people make mistakes that is important as a student it's important to make mistakes I tell all my students that make mistakes now so you don't make mistakes later that's what studying the language is for to make mistakes and to practice that but a lot of native speaking teachers don't correct students they don't correct them enough they let students make lots of mistakes they don't tell them that it's wrong and in my opinion why study with a teacher who doesn't correct you the teacher needs to correct you what you need is you need a person who listens to you understands your mistakes and corrects your mistakes and the teacher needs to understand why you make those mistakes and explain that to you that's what a good native speaking teachers should do a good teacher in general should do that but many native speaking teachers just don't correct people because it's rude in their culture and yes it's important to learn culture it's important to deliver culture while we're teaching but it's very very very important to also understand when you're speaking correctly and incorrectly and that means that we need to correct people and in the situation when we're in a classroom or a lesson teachers need to correct students okay out on the street in real life don't correct people that's okay right and probably students shouldn't correct other students in the classroom that's correct that's right that's the good cultural thing to do but the teacher needs to correct the students all right great let's see it going back to some of the comments let's see no le wrote sure we're always making mistakes Maru wrote grammar equals culture ah cool that's a good idea yeah okay guys so keep writing those comments and I'm gonna keep answering them let's see inshaa writes many native speakers are just speakers but not experts but they teach without holding a proper degree is it okay how to get rid of mother tongue accents okay in should thank you for writing that that's very that's correct so let me come back to that because I see another comment that I need to talk about right now someone wrote in Morocco if you don't know something teachers put you down and I've heard of that in other countries too guys motivation is the most important thing when you're learning a language or anything else you can't split students down you can't make fun of students you can't tell students that they're stupid when you do that it just takes away their motivation to learn the language in general we need to make sure that people are motivated especially for children it works for children and for adults but for children if they're not motivated to learn the language then they're just going to think that you know they're gonna have a bad association a negative association with the language itself and with learning the language we we can't have that all right we need to support people we need to make it a fun environment we can make jokes we can joke around with students and maybe sometimes when they make mistakes we make jokes that's okay sometimes we can be sarcastic in the classroom as a teacher that's okay these are good tools to use in the classroom but one thing that we don't want to do is be disrespectful put students down and say that they're stupid that's that's unacceptable a good teacher does not do that all right so going back to going back to the other comment that that was written you're right that a lot of times teachers and people who say that their teachers they actually don't have any training and if you guys want to add me and find out more about teacher training and all of that I have a lot of material for teachers so add me to your friends on Facebook right now you can see a lot more of what I'm doing and I have a bunch of groups that you should join they're all in the description of this video so just click on the video add all of the add all of the groups there because you'll find a lot of stuff that you like so yeah some people some native speakers go to other countries and they work in language schools or English schools and you know people pay money to go study with them and these teachers don't really know anything about the language all they know is how to speak it they know how to speak the language because that's their first language that's their native language but they don't know how to teach it and it's really sad when this happens because all they need is a little bit of training they only need a little bit of training to be a hundred times better as a teacher and if no one is pushing them at that language school or English school then the chances of them developing and becoming a better teacher are very small so when you're looking for a teacher you want to find someone who is qualified someone with experience and you want to find someone who can explain things that you need explained all right you should be able to ask a question to your teacher and your teacher should be able to do one of two things either your teacher can immediately answer you all your questions and explain why and tell you that thing and give you some examples and maybe even give you exercises just like that that's an expert teacher all right that's who you want or the teacher needs to be able to say I don't know I'm going to find out and I'll tell you later because a person who thinks that they know everything or who tells you that they know everything that person really knows nothing all right the most intelligent person anybody who's really smart knows what he doesn't know all right so if you ask someone something and they say you know I'm not sure I'm gonna find out and I'll tell you later that's good that's a good teacher someone who just says someone who just says that you know I know all the answers and then you ask them something and then they tell you something but it's not true that's a bad teacher you don't want to teacher who lies to you all right and if you're a teacher out there and sometimes you don't know the answer and you just make something up stop doing that all right you're just hurting people and you're just hurting your own reputation so okay I see lots of comments coming in okay so for those of you who are still with us right now I want to tell you about my special offer if you are a student of English I have a special deal right now special promotion you can study English with me for two dollars a month just two dollars a month alright now if you like that price your you can send me a message or you know if you want to to study with me for two dollars a month just write two dollars in the comments right now right two dollars in the comments and then I will send you a message all right and I'll let you know how to do that great so enough about that if you are a teacher then I want to help you become a better teacher I want to help you have a teaching business because I believe that teachers need to be able to make a decent money right the teacher needs to have motivation to teach and to become better and to do that teachers need to have good career paths right now in a lot of places teachers don't make enough money and that's really sad because teachers who don't make enough money they aren't getting better as teachers and teachers who don't make enough money they're not teaching they don't teach to the top of their potential right when they know that they can do more and they can earn more and they can have a better future then well they have better students better teachers means better students better students means better future so let's make teachers better and if you're a teacher out there I'm not saying that you're bad if you're not me I I have lots of things that I need to work on still I'm not perfect I don't know everything you know but I like helping other teachers become better at what they do and I like helping my students and that's what I love that's why I do this so let's see some people are writing is this a trick I see lots of people writing two dollars two dollars it's not a trick okay absolutely not a trick if you want to study with me for $2 a month just comment write your comments right now right $2 alright and I'll send you a message great okay let's talk more about native speakers and non-native speakers when I was teaching in Russia I lived in Russia for eight years and I started a business a teaching business in Russia that was my first teaching business and it still works today we have American teachers and British teachers and Australian teachers teachers from all over the place they come to Russia and they teach in my school and so we do we do teacher training there and a lot of things something that happens a lot in Russia is I hear people ask this question should I study with a native speaker or non-native speaker and it's really sad what happens around the world in lots of countries teachers who are non-native speakers for some reasons a lot of students think that they're not as good as native speaking teachers and it's really sad and it's not true at all in my experience native speaking teachers usually are not as good as non native speaking teachers honestly so if you're watching this video and you're a native speaking teacher I'm not saying that you know you're bad what I'm saying is most native speaking most native native speaking teachers because let me let me clarify most non-native sorry most native speaking teachers are just teachers and not real experts all right if you're an expert then you know who you are right now and you know that this doesn't apply to you if you're not an expert then you know who you are too and you need to step your game up you need to do better because you know there's no excuse it doesn't take a long time to master your craft if you already speak the language it doesn't take a long time to learn how you did that and and to go backwards and figure that out okay okay you need practice delivering that information you need training but it's not impossible and it doesn't take a long time non native speaking teachers are usually better because they already went through the process of learning the language once now let's talk about some of the issues that non-native teachers have okay a lot of people compared native teachers non-native teachers and okay maybe we need to compare them because it is those are different things but there's a difference between a native speaker who is a real teacher an expert and one who is just a teacher who who just speaks the language and doesn't really know it it doesn't know how it works it doesn't know how to deliver it to people who are learning it non native speaking teachers have a different problem non native speaking teachers they usually get to a very high level of English when they learn English as a second language they might be upper intermediate advanced proficient and then when they go to teach people who are a beginner or Elementary they feel like they need to show their level so like I told you that native speaking teachers need to level their language they need to speak simpler when they're talking to people who have a lower level non native speaking teachers need to do that too all right if you have an advanced level of English as a non-native teacher and you go into a room with your students and you talk and you speak to them at an advanced level and they are beginners why are you doing that okay it's the same thing as if a native speaker goes there and just speaks English the whole time it doesn't make sense you need to change your delivery a good teacher knows how to deliver the same information at multiple levels and that is not limited to just native speakers that that is everybody all right so I see lots of two dollars two dollars two dollars in the comments people are writing that's that's true so what are American English as I can hear but what nationality no idea well yeah I'm American I'm I live in Florida in the United States right now great let's see Wellington Marshall said don't qualify them as teacher than their instructor as simple as that yeah you're that's true I mean a lot of that's a big problem when people go to study with a native native speaking teacher they just they just talk they don't teach all right Joanna says I'm not a teacher but I would like to improve my English speaking skills I understand almost everything that you said what I lack when I went to speak I'm interested in learning how to make it well great okay so all everybody who is writing me that they you know they want to learn this or they want to learn that you have a special offer right now you can study English with me for a whole month and every month for two dollars I'm only doing this right now you know in April I'm gonna stop doing this so if you want to join that if you want to study with me for two dollars a month right two dollars in the comments right now and I will send you a message I'll tell you how to do that and you know even if you don't want to study with me if you're just watching the video for free that's cool too okay it's not all about the money teachers do need to make money and teachers do need to have some business skills to represent themselves but it's not all about the money what's more important than making money is making a difference all right because if you are a great teacher if you're an expert and if you help people the money will come automatically that's what I believe and I know that it's true because I've tried this I try to be valuable to my students and to people who aren't my students like today what are we doing this video I'm not getting paid for this video no a good teacher native or non-native needs to provide value to people and that's something that a lot of that's something that a lot of teachers need to learn the first thing that people buy from you they buy with their time if they don't think that you're using their time well then they're not gonna buy something from you with their money right first you need to show them that their time is well spent with you that's for all the teachers who are watching alright guys so I want to tell you guys that today we're talking about native speakers and non-native speakers and let's see good a question here in the comments I'm gonna answer this because it's a good question why why do you add do plus verb instead of just telling the verb excellent great question and if you guys have other questions about English you can write them in the comments right now because I'm gonna be answering whatever you guys are asking about in our program for two dollars a month and if you want to join our program and study with me for just two dollars a month just write two dollars in the comments right now but in that program we actually answer the questions that you write so you're going to you know ask me what you want to know and we're going to talk about that and I will make lessons about that that's what I do for two dollars every month if you want that right two dollars in the comments so yeah this question why do we add do in front of the verb instead of just saying the verb well it's to show that this verb is positive right we have three different forms there might be positive verb or a negative verb or a question and we need to formulate the sentence differently let's use the example of like we can say I like pizza and I really do I love pizza we can say I like pizza and we can say I don't like pizza right if we say I like pizza it's positive I don't like pizza negative and do you like pizza a questions now in the negative form and in the question form we use the helping verb do right I don't like pizza negative one do you like pizza question form and in the positive form we don't usually add the helping verb do we just say I like pizza but there are some situations when we really need to show we need to stress we need to put an accent on the fact that this verb is positive so let's imagine this situation I'm talking to my friend John and I say John I like pizza and John says what you don't like pizza so I said positive verb he said he thinks that I said Nate as something negative right he thinks I used a negative form of the verb and I say no I do like pizza so let's start start again I say I like pizza John says what you don't like pizza and I say no I do like pizza so I add do in front of a verb to show to stress that this is positive to show that maybe someone didn't understand me correctly or to stress the fact that it's positive and not negative right I might also do this when I want to compare positive and negative verbs for example for example men usually don't like shopping but women usually do like shopping so here we have comparison we compare negative and positive and to show that this is positive we add do in front of the verb very good question all right I see lots of people writing $2 $2 it looks like looks like I'm going to have no free time because I'm going to have so many students that's great so again anybody who's watching right now if you want to study English with me for $2 a month that's not one lesson that's how many lessons do we have if you want to study with me for two dollars a month right two dollars in the comments there's not one lesson that's let's see we have we have one lesson about opinions we have one lesson about an important question we have a worksheet we have a quiz we have a video response and we have a live video so that's five six there's a lot for two dollars a month it's not just one lesson but yeah so if you want to study English with me for two dollars a month right two dollars in the comments and I will send you a message and I'll tell you how to do that great alright guys so I'm answering questions that you write me right now if you write me comments then I'm going to answer you tatta writes you could say that du equals really well when we say really it it's more like very right and do just says that it's positive it's a positive verb if we say really for example I really like pizza this means very it's more than just I like pizza but if I say I do like pizza it doesn't mean very it doesn't show how much I like it it just shows that this sentence is positive and that might be compared to something negative all right let's see Miriam writes how to get band 7 in IELTS wow that's a big question that takes a long time of studying really it's a big question I can't answer that one right now sorry I have to be honest great so let's see Denise says how long will this lesson continue I'm honestly not sure you guys can ask some more questions and I will try to answer them right now but I want to make sure that everybody here knows what we are talking about the topic today was the pluses and minuses of studying with a native speaking teacher and a non-native speaking teacher great and I said you know if you want to study with me for a whole month and every month you can just pay two dollars every month two dollars it's not very much money I think yeah I don't know but two dollars just right two dollars in the comments right now if you write two dollars or dollar sign and the number two then you can join me and study with me for two dollars a month okay so we're talking about native speakers pluses and minuses what's another way to say plus and minus what's another way to say plus and minus not about math right we're talking about good things and bad things so we're talking about pluses and minuses of how how native speakers teach and how non-native speakers teach and I see Claire writing to comment haven't seen you drink any water any tips on how long how to talk a long time without feeling tired Claire thank you for that by the way anybody who sees Claire leaving comments under this video Claire is also a teacher and she's a really good teacher and I know that she loves teaching kids but I think that she's a good teacher all around and okay I see some answers too to the question advantages and disadvantages good that's a good example do's and don'ts all right do's and don'ts it's a little different but you're it's also correct we could also say pros and cons pros and cons the ups and downs yeah let's see Evelina says where you from I'm interested in your accent I'm from the United States right now I live in Florida but I have lived in a lot of different states in the United States all right Cynthia wrote you could say positive side and negative side good yeah uh Huaraz have are also wrote negative and positive awesome awesome great guy's drawbacks yes that's also like a negative thing and or or minuses right here's for and against good you guys know know this really well so okay one more time I'm just gonna tell you guys about what you can do after you have watched this lesson so if you haven't done it already I really suggest that you add me to your friends on Facebook alright just click and add right now if you click the video that you're watching you'll see a video description and there's lots of links to my youtube channel my facebook group my page just add all those things my Instagram page it's there add those things and add me to your friends and let's see what is this Maru wrote you don't seem from the USA I mean I don't know what else to do to tell you I'm from the USA so find someone who you believe is from the USA and ask them if I'm from the USA and when they hear me speaking then they'll tell you that I'm from the USA that's my tip to you let's see Lucy writes tips for the toy fool yeah I've helped people prepare for the toy fool now they have the toy full IBT internet based test it's a little different than the one on paper Aamir writes someone is collecting lights likes Amir guilty as charged what can I say great insha says if you open an academy in thailand you'll transform language here make a lot of money you know I would love to I would love to open language centers everywhere but it does require some investment in time and actually I'm working on a book right now about a better method of teaching because for all the teachers who are watching right now sorry to all the students I know there's a lot of people who wrote $2 and a lot of people who wanted to to study with me but and if you want to study English with me you can do it for two dollars a month just write two dollars in the comments and I'll send you a message and you can study with me for two dollars a month just write two dollars but but yeah I'm changing the method and trying to help people become better teachers so let's see someone wrote your your face looks Russian haha that's funny I lived in Russia for a long time so maybe I have some Russian emotions going on alright another comment here are there any minuses are there any negative sides to studying with a native native teacher yes yes yes yes there are native native as sorry negative aspects of studying with a native speaker so we've talked about them a little bit let's talk about them a little bit more okay native speakers usually have two three big problems first they don't know how to level their language leveling your language means speaking at a lower level when the students have a lower level because students need to understand most of what you say so that they can learn new things native speaking teachers like we talked about a lot of native speakers are not real teachers they're not experts and what that means is they just talk and they don't teach and that's not good all right a real teacher knows the language and can explain it to you can explain why you make mistakes and can correct you great let's see Maha wrote I don't know where your lessons start please tell me the exact time Maha it's different every time sometimes I come on here and I and I do these lessons at 1 o'clock here sometimes ten o'clock sometimes 4 o'clock is different if you want to study with me you can just if you want to study with me right two dollars in the comments and you can study with me for two dollars a month and I'll write you a message and then you'll know exactly what I'm doing you'll know exactly you you can participate in the lessons I'll tell you exactly the time you get all of that all right all right guys so there are a lot of people who are writing comments here Miroslava writes have you learned some Russian when you're in Russia yes yes yes yes it was great I love learning languages and I love teaching languages so yeah so anybody who's Russian who's watching you can write me in Russian not right now not in the comments but after this so just click the video go to the video description and you can add me to your friends on Facebook and then you'll see all of my posts about English uh I'm here thanks buddy let's see how our wrote can I speak with you for two hours three times a week to improve my speaking if you have time we'll manage for that yeah I do individual lessons to huar so you can go to my website Chris americo's comm and you can find more information there but you can also study with me for two dollars a month if you write two dollars in the comments so yeah Alex wrote hi in Russian cool well write me in Russian in in my messages and I'll answer you there alright guys so um there's a lot of people writing stuff that's not questions and unfortunately I have to end this video very soon so what I want to do right now is answer one or two more questions and give you some more time to to write those questions and to listen to what we're saying Maru writes again speak with a British accent please I'm not British and it's kind of rude and I I don't do accents alright I do my accent American English I can explain British pronunciation to you but it's funny if I if I try to do an accent of someone else so yeah let's see there is a question for two dollars what do we get yeah so if you want to study with me for two dollars a month right two dollars in the comments if you want to know about individual lessons go to my website Chris americo's comm and what do you get for two dollars a month you get let's see we have a video about expressing your opinion about different topics we have a video about an important question that's every month one of these videos we have a live video where you get to write me what you want to know and I answer your questions we have worksheets quizzes and let's see I review all of what you've done and your video messages where you speak there's a lot of stuff so so yeah every month it's new stuff and and I change it every month so whatever you write me I try to make the next lesson the next month about that all right so if you if you want that right two dollars in the comments and you can study with me for two dollars a month and when usually people who watch these videos some people watch them live on Facebook like right now and some people watch them on YouTube later and some people watch them on VK that's a Russian website so you can find me in all those places and you can write two dollars and I'll try to send you the link all right okay guys so I don't see any more questions coming in and it looks like I'm just repeating the same thing over and over again and nobody likes that so what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to end this video oh no there's a good question Lucy rights are you speaking on a low level no I'm speaking at what I call an intermediate level all right so the speeds that I'm using the vocabulary that I'm using and the grammar that I'm using is at an intermediate level and my program for two dollars a month is also at an intermediate level and Rula writes two dollars for what yeah well you get several lessons every month three lessons every month at least three and then you get worksheets tests I mean quizzes and we get an interactive video chat you know there's a live video so there's a lot but great let's see I see someone writing in Russian again how do I get the recording of the video you can get the recording of the video on VK you can press the video right now and you'll see the description of the video and you can add me to your friends on Facebook so you can do that now add me to your friends and you can go to my groups on Facebook VK instagrams all the places I have pages YouTube I have lots of free videos actually there's still about 200 people watching the video right now live so guys if you want three videos like this one go to my youtube channel I have over 500 videos 500 videos for free where there English lessons about grammar vocabulary pronunciation idioms phrasal verbs live videos like this 500 all right go check that out alright guys that's it for today's video and thank you so much for watching it's really important to be improving our English skills and to help people around the world understand English on a higher level because the better we understand English the better we understand other people all right let's see one more question Roy writes could you please answer me if I say I do like pizza is that correct yes that is correct not we don't say it all the time we just say it to stress or emphasize that the sentence is positive that the verb is positive alright alright guys have a great day and I look forward to speaking with you and there's a lot of people who wrote $2 in the comments so if you want to study with me for two dollars a month right two dollars in the comments and I will send you a message and it looks like there's a lot of people who wrote there so I don't know when I will do this free video again because clearly I'm going to be very busy alright guys have a great day and wherever you are in the world keep learning English keep teaching other people English and thank you so much for watching alright bye bye wow so many people
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 3,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: native or non-native teacher, best native speaking teacher, best native teacher of English, best native teacher of the English language, native English speaker practice, native English speaking practice, native teacher speaks Russian, kris amerikos english teacher, kris amerikos youtube, kris amerikos lessons, esl, tefl, non-native english teacher, english class, learn english
Id: 6hIRREuGAgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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