Present Perfect vs. Past Simple - Learn English online free video lessons

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hey everybody how's it going thanks for joining today and thanks for checking out this video I'm going to give a couple more minutes for everybody to to get in and to be here before we start the actual content of our lesson today so if you have any questions during the lesson today feel free to leave a comment I'm going to be checking the comments closely so if you have a question then I should be able to answer it for you and if you don't understand something that I say or if you don't understand you know if I speak too quickly then feel free to send a comment and say hey Chris shut up a second I can't understand you or just ask your question in the chat so that'll be great and I see that some people are saying that there's no sound if you can hear me make sure that you write in the chat right now let me know that you can hear me great all right so let's make sure that everyone can can hear me before we get into it I see at least one person says they can hear that's excellent all right what about everyone else hi hi from Ukraine I see the comment hi from Ukraine Brazil is here hey guys in case you don't know my name is Chris americo's and I am from the United States okay there we go I see lots of people writing I hear you I hear you I hear you someone wrote namaste Chris I guess that means hello hi how you doing hi from Ecuador great to have you today so guys today we're going to be talking about isn't perfect and past simple and I don't know about you but from my students this is a huge huge topic that people always ask me about and I hope that today's lesson is going to help you understand this topic much better because I want you to be able to use present perfect and past simple correctly so that you don't make mistakes and you don't make the usual mistakes that a lot of people make it's a very difficult topic and I understand that in in some other languages there isn't a similar idea maybe you're a similar concept and present perfect can be a little confusing so before we start talking about this topic I just want to remind you that if you have questions you can write them in the chat and also I want to remind you of something else you know I have a lot of experience teaching and a lot of my students who I've taught I've noticed that as soon as we discuss the topic present perfect and past simple they start using present perfect all over the place and this is something that we want to avoid all right we do not need to use present perfect all the time we need to use it in the right situations and we need to use it only when it's necessary so today we're going to talk about the rules and when to use it and when to use past simple because both of these things can tell us about some action that happened in the past so let's talk about this topic today and if you have other questions as we move through this topic feel free to write them in the chat I'll check and I will answer you great guys it looks like we have about 400 people with us on Facebook we have a few more peep in the app and looks like we're ready to start so again guys hi my name is Chris americo's and I'm from the United States right now I live in Florida I am a professional teacher of English as a second language or as a foreign language I have almost 10 years of experience now I have a Language Center that I that I started and that I manage in Russia and I also teach online I also do teacher training for teachers who want to teach better and give better results for their students I also recruit teachers for language centers in different countries so if you have a Language Center and you're looking for native speaking teacher you can send me a message and I also teach a course on how to start your own language teaching business so that's who I am and that's why I'm here to talk about this topic because I have I've taught a lot of people this topic and I enjoy helping people learn this topic and I understand why it's difficult so the first thing that we're going to talk about is past simple so today we're talking about present perfect and past simple past simple isn't always simple right we have a lot of irregular verbs we have a lot of things that when we when we use these verbs the form of the verb either changes or doesn't change or doesn't change how we think it will change so past simple can be difficult but for the most part students who are you know somewhere around the end of a pre intermediate level or higher already have a good understanding of past simple and today we're going to compare past simple with present perfect so first of all let's talk about what past simple really is and what we need to know about past simple in order to understand present perfect correctly past simple is just one point in the past one action one event so we want to think of it and understand that it is not a continuous process it is not something that it's not something that you know repeats usually it's usually a one-time thing and I'm gonna come away from the topic for a second because I see a lot of comments let's see a mere yes I remember you Amir thanks for joining us today and Jemma McIntyre Jemma says she's been an English teacher from nine years and she'd like more information on the course to help people set up a language school so what you can do is if you have any questions or offers outside of this video then of course you can just send me a message there's a link to my page in the English is fun group so you can go there and click on this link where you see my name in the description of this video also at the end of the video I'll share a lot of links to my different pages and sites and so you can you go and check that out and while you're here if this is your first time in the English is fun group make sure you press like because this group is amazing this group has helped a lot of people learn English and study English on a regular basis so make sure that you stick around and check out the other content on this page now let's get back to past simple so passable is a one-time event one point in the past and we're going to see that this is very different from present perfect also we want to associate past simple with concrete or specific points in time so what I mean by that is when we use a phrase like yesterday or last week or you know two days ago this is something that tells us we need to use past simple we need to use past simple because of this one concrete period of time that's finished so when we talk about past simple we're talking about one time event one point in the past it's completely finished and sometimes we have a phrase that helps us understand that we need to use past simple a concrete or specific time or a time phrase so anytime that you hear someone say you know yesterday or last week or two months ago or five years ago these time periods are 100% completely finished and when we have a completely finished time period we use past simple that's the first thing that can make this much easier to understand when we use past simple and when we use present perfect now an example of past simple is the phrase I did the verb to do in the past did I did so in past simple I did this again talks about a concrete specific time period so I can say yesterday I did my homework a month ago I did my homework the day before yesterday I didn't do my homework so when we use past simple we have this concrete period of time it's finished another thing to remember is that we need to focus on past simple when not only it's just finished period of time but we see a result so past simple it gives us a very clear results we see the results and that's it and we're not saying we're not saying any more information about our experience or other events that are connected to this results or the reason why this result happened so those are some important things to remember about past simple and as we continue as we talk about past simple and present perfect and when we compare them you want to remember those things about past simple because as I said before a lot of people who get into a lot of people who get into studying present perfect they start using present perfect everywhere and that's not what we want to do we want to use it only in the right places now I'm gonna respond to some of the comments I see that say czar says can I teach past simple for kids to have any didactic material available you can teach past simple to kids and for all of you who are watching right now who are wondering about English for kids or for young learners as we call it or any teachers out there who teach kids right now I am presenting this information for adults so I assume I believe that most of the people watching are adults and that they are able to understand abstract concepts children on the other hand are not able to to understand abstract concepts well not as well as most people and not not I don't mean most people I mean not as well as adults not as well as grownups and and so what that means is that we don't want to present information about grammar about vocabulary about different things especially grammar with abstract concepts so right now I'm saying you know concrete period of time well what does that mean to a kid doesn't mean anything really so we don't want to use that kind of explanation for kids so if you're teaching kids you can absolutely teach them past simple but you need to teach it to them through examples you mean teach it to them in a way that you know you can use another another method called task based learning which basically sets up a task for the person to complete and by completing it they will have to use information necessary to understand this concept and so this is a great way to teach someone without telling them directly without using abstract concepts great so now let's talk a little bit about present perfect and how it's different from what we just said about past simple present perfect is not about one specific time or one specific event in the past instead present perfect talks about how an event from the past is connected to now all right I usually tell people that I usually tell people that present perfect is like time traveling and I see in the comments someone says I've been working all morning it was short not enough for me okay these videos happen once a week just everyone who's watching once a week I'll be back in this group next week Tuesday at the same time that's 1:30 New York time or 8:30 in the evening Moscow time and in these these videos usually lasts about one hour sometimes shorter sometimes longer but just so you know what will happen next time and so when we talk about present perfect we're talking about how we're talking about the past and the present and one phrase so it's like time traveling right because we're both in the past and the present for example if we have a result now we might want to explain how something that happened in the past affected this or caused this result to come about so that's when we might use present perfect an example of present perfect is I have done so remember our example of past simple was I did and our example of present perfect is I have done now let me talk a little bit more about present perfect I see that there was a comment what's the difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous oh no this question is what's the difference between present perfect and present continuous okay actually the difference between present perfect and present continuous is very easy present continuous describes something that's happening right now at this moment in general continuous tenses talk about something that happens at one moment and perfect tenses talk about how an event that happened earlier affects a result that happens later great so so yeah so present continuous talks about the present moment and present perfect talks about how something in the past effects our present result now great so when we talk about present perfect and we compare it with past simple what we're really doing is we can see this past event and with Pres perfect we tie that or connect that to the present so in a lot of cases we can use both and has a little different meaning and a lot of people get confused about this for example what's the difference between I did my homework and I've done my homework both of them show us a result both of them show us that the homework is finished however when we say I did my homework we're talking about a past time something that was completed in the past and we're saying nothing about the present nothing about now and when we say I have done my homework we're talking about how something happened in the past the completion of the homework we finished the homework in the past and now that is important now we see the result now I can do something different because of that past action okay so past simple just tells us that it happened I did my homework good great good for you right I've done my homework means that it's finished and now I can do something and now it's important and now we're speaking about this for example great and and we'll see some more examples of how those two things present perfect and past simple are different that's our whole topic for today so we will talk about it for a long time let's go back to the comments hi teacher from Dubai hi from Dubai Chris from Florida here thanks for joining us let's see Robinson wrote excuse me but there is a present perfect continuous example I have been going to the beach uh-huh that's present perfect continuous great so when we use present perfect continuous which we're not going to talk a lot about that today because comparing present perfect and present perfect continuous is much you know it's a different topic so so yeah so when we talk about present perfect continuous instead of focusing on results we're focusing on a process it's the general explanation that I can give you Clarissa writes you're making it so complicated Clarissa thank you for writing that it's not clear and I will try to explain it a little more clearly there are people with lots of different levels in this watching this video right now and so that's why I am trying to explain at a more or less intermediate level so if you have any advice on how to make it a little clearer go ahead and write it in the chat let's see in the the comments in the chat are going really fast guys so I'm trying to answer all of them I see a question there where can I follow you so you can follow me by following the link in the description of the video you can see a pinned comment at the top of the of the comments that you're writing in and you can also follow me by the links that I will share at the end of the video in the chat justá-- or or is that ustah sorry if i'm saying your name incorrectly from poland okay probably ustah could you use more example sentences yes we will get to the examples the beginning of my explanation today is very general about the basic differences and next we're going to look at lots and lots of examples great let's see hello I get stuck a lot with present perfect tense could you help me use it conveniently yeah stick around we're going to talk about that today in this video Maria says very clear thank you and Rodrigo says glad I joined this live video cheers from Brazil hey guys great so let's get back to the topic and I'll come back to the chat later guys all right great so we can form the present perfect by using have or plus the third form of the verb and the third form of the verb is called past participle and that's the formula that we can use to create present perfect and for example we said have done my homework done is the third form of the verb to do great so when do we use present perfect let's look at specific situations when we use present perfect first of all you know we can say that ooh I see a comment right now in the chat I have to answer if we use present perfect all the time will it work no it will not work guys it will not work please do not use present perfect all the time this is a big mistake a lot of my students do this when when I say when I explain present perfect to people usually they start using it all over the place please do not do that ok it's not correct all the time and I would even say that we use past simple much more often than present perfect and since we're on that topic there is a difference between how british british english speakers use how sorry how british english speakers use present perfect and how american english speakers use present perfect there is a difference and we will talk about that a little bit it's not a big difference just in some situations usually but in general british english speakers use more use present perfect more than American English speakers and that's because maybe we can American English speakers don't use present perfect correctly in one or two different situations that we will talk about a little bit later but when do we use present perfect well there are some clear situations when we use present perfect for example when we're talking about our experiences so I can say I have been to Germany have you been to Germany this is a question about our experience in general in our lives all right so this is one situation when we use present perfect like I said we use present perfect also to show how a past action created or influenced a present result or something that we have now and let's look at some other examples of situations when we use present perfect we use present perfect for actions that started in the past and are continuing in the present so for example for example I have taught English for 10 years and a lot of people at this point might ask a question about present perfect and present perfect continuous can I say I have been teaching English for ten years yes you can both are correct just I have taught English for 10 years posted right now there's a result 10 years is my result starting from the point when I started teaching English 10 years ago so we have a starting point in the past and moving forward to now if we measure this time between the two points 10 years so I have taught English for 10 years shows us this result or this total time if we say I have been teaching for 10 years then this shows that this was a repeated thing that happened over this period of 10 years so actions that started in the past they're continuing to the present let's look at some other examples they haven't lived here for years they haven't lived here for years so this means that in the past they started not living here and until now they haven't lived here they continue to not live here and it's true now that's another thing that we want to remember about present perfect is that a lot of times when we talk about this past situation using present perfect that thing is still true now so for example if we say I haven't lived in Mexico this means that in the past I didn't live there and it's true now but if we said I didn't live in Mexico past simple this means that it was true in the past but it's not true now that's something to remember so just like if we say the phrase I understood again this is past simple it tells us something about the past that's true but it's not true now okay understood I'll probably ask you when did you understand and you don't understand now when did what happened so if we use past simple remember that it's finished and it's not true now and another good thing to remember about present perfect is that usually when we speak about present perfect we can insert the phrase we can think of the phrase until now okay so it shows this time period between the two points the point in the past the point in the present now and between those two points shows this so we can say until now to demonstrate this period and even we don't save this this little you can think of when use is perfect so for example I haven't lived in Mexico until now well me I will live in Mexico in future [Music] Mexico if we say haven't done my homework this means that until now and now it might change but this is what present perfect means we can think of it like until now or a lot of native speakers of English will use the phrase so far which means until now so we could say for example I have I have won this game five times so far this means that until now it's true about five games but maybe after this it will change or maybe I will win again or maybe something will something else will happen this is what's so far or until now means let me go back to the comments because I'm sure there's a million of them there can I use already in past simple for example I already did my homework yes and I'm going to repeat something that I said already that when we when we are in this type of situation sometimes in British English we will use past sorry in British English they would use present perfect and an American English you would use past simple so it might be different between different native speakers but it's 100% to say this let's see we also have a comment I'm looking for short course training can you help me please I can and just send me a message it sent a message to my page here or to my email or you know contact me on one of my other pages and you'll find all the links at the end video I'll share them all with you in the chat another question do you use present perfect in the spoken language absolutely absolutely yeah that's another question that a lot of people have they say you know well there's so many rules about present perfect and you know maybe I don't have present perfect in my language so it doesn't make sense that people would use it in spoken language is it just a thing that you use in writing no we really really use it in speech and we need to know the rules we need to know when to use it because sometimes this could be the difference between someone understanding us correctly and want not understanding us at all and and the next comment I hello I'm from Croatia you're very helpful thank you you're welcome thanks for watching and I see another comment from Olga blue cava oh look a week of a' is one of my long time I'd say firm and she's a great Montessori teacher and practitioner of Montessori so it's really great to see you here Olga thanks a lot for watching I'm gonna read your question now how I usually discriminate these two tenses if I can say about specific time in the past I use past simple if not present perfect but not always I noticed that American be more often yeah that's definitely that's definitely correct although Americans definitely use present perfect less and use past simple more great so guys just to give you another example of how important this difference is let me tell you this sometimes the difference between present perfect and past simple is the difference between life and death and I'm sure a couple of you are laughing right now because you're thinking life and death it's just English it's just a language but really guys between life and death let's take a look at this example maybe you know the film directors Alfred Hitchcock and Quentin Tarantino so Hitchcock and Tarantino well Tarantino is alive today and if we want to talk about his work we can say Tarantino has directed many films Tarantino directed many films this is because again we can think until now until now and when we when we say this it means that it could change after this it might be different soon after we say this phrase he has directed many of films so there's the possibility there's the the chance that it will happen again but when we talk about Hitchcock he's not with us today he's he's dead or as we say in English he passed away he has passed away and when we talk about him and his work we can say Hitchcock directed many films and this is because it's not possible for this to happen again it can never happen again because he is dead so really the difference between present perfect and past simple is the difference between life and death now I see another comment here in the chat Maria writes aussies never used I already did my homework we say I've already done my homework and that's that's definitely true for those of you who don't know what an Aussie is an Aussie is a person from Australia sometimes we have some funny names for people from different places people from New Zealand might call themselves Kiwis so there's a lot of different funny words that or nicknames that we might use but Aussie is at standard phrase about Australians and yeah Australian English in some aspects is closer to British English than to American English however Australian English is very unique and has its own you know pronunciation own slang and special phrases but yeah a lot of dialects or types of English would use present perfect instead of past simple in many tuitions where Americans might use past simple so let's go to our next example she has worked in the bank for five years so again here we can see that she started working in the bank five years ago that's our that's our point in the past and this continued for five years and this continued until now because it's present perfect so it continues from the past until now she has worked in the bank for five years so if someone says this to you she has worked in the bank for five years does she work in the bank now yeah probably she works in the bank right now it's still true it's true now because that's what present perfect means I'm going to show you an example soon where that might not be true it might be a little different but in general yes this is true our next example when sorry we have had the same car for ten years this is a good example because we use the verb to have in present perfect have had now a lot of people laugh when they hear this what the verb to have two times in a row we have had the same car for ten years and that's this is correct in English and again if this describes how we had you know the past moment and we talked about the ten year period until now if we say we had the car for ten years this means in in the past we had it now we don't have it and there's no connection from the past to the present just happen in the past and that's it all right well what about another situation when we use present perfect we also use present perfect when the time period that we're talking about has not been finished or has not finished so an example of this would be I have worked hard this week so guys remember I told you about past simple we have a concrete or specific time period it's completely finished like last week yesterday when we hear these phrases time periods that are 100% finished then we need to use past simple but when we have a time period that's not finished we use present perfect so this week this week hasn't finished today today hasn't finished so in these cases were almost always going to use present perfect next it has rained a lot this year so this shows our experience this year this years not finished although we talk about the past here our time period is not finished so again we have our past point one point or one one time in the past one event and so it rained right it rained in the past rained this year and until now which is still this year it's not finished it has rained a lot so we can describe this period between when it started raining this year and now let me just show you a picture that kind of represents what I'm talking about the picture is really really tiny but hopefully you can see it and I'm gonna go back to the comments and try to answer some people used to says my ten-year-old son is saying hi hi thanks for joining us and thanks for including your son Veronica says if she doesn't work at the bank anymore the correct way would be she worked at the bank for five years past simple is that correct Thank You Veronica if she doesn't the bank anymore then yes we would say she worked at the bank for five years there is one situation when we might say it differently and we're gonna talk about that in a second so keep watching and we will talk about that great so let's go back to another example she's studied Japanese Russian and English so she started this in the past we have our past point when they started and she's continued this until now it's true now she has studied this and remember that when we say she has studied this or when we say she studied this there's a small difference so yeah in some countries people might say a present perfect in some countries people might say past simple for example Americans usually would say past simple she studied but most other english-speaking countries would say she's studied or she has studied and it's a very small difference here but it's important she studied means that she did it in the past it's finished it's not connected to now she has studied it happened in the past or it started in the past it's probably true now and the most important part is that we see how that past action or that past event is connected to now so she's studied Japanese Russian in English and now she can speak them do you see we tie it or connect it to something now that's true like if I say if I say I've been to Paris so I know what the Eiffel Tower looks like if I just say I went to Paris then it just tells you you know about a finished action in the past and doesn't say anything about the present let's see what are some other some other examples I guess that last example was from a different rule but let's remember that when we use present perfect we're talking about until now or so far another reason that we might use present perfect is for actions that are repeated in an unspecified er or not a concrete period between the past and now so for example they've seen that film six times so they did it more than one time but we have a result now we have six times now also we might use this phrase to show you know to explain something now why is this the condition now why is this is it situation now for example hey do you want to watch Shrek and I say no I don't want to watch Shrek I've seen that film six times so why do I not want to watch it now so to explain now I can use present perfect and say that because of the past now the situation is like this let me go back to the comments and see what's happening there great will I be able to check this video later yes you will definitely be able to check this video later and you can check it out on my wall on Facebook you can check out in my group called English with Chris americo's and of course you can find it right here on the wall of the English is fun group if you haven't pressed like already make sure you press like so that you get all the updates from this group Maria says you've clearly explained the present perfect and given some great examples thank you you're welcome you're welcome Ryan thanks for joining us today I you know we haven't talked in a long time but it's great to have you and it's great when native speakers can join and and see what's happening and he wrote she studied Japanese Russian and English but is studying Portuguese now right so it's a good example of comparing present perfect and present continuous as someone had asked a question about this earlier so thanks for that comment all right let's go to another example we could say for example we have eaten at that restaurant many times right so we showed that in the past we ate at the restaurant and it happened again and again and again and the result right now that we can see is many times all right another reason that we might use present perfect is for actions that have been completed in the very recent past or actions that have just been completed and I hope that that everyone is still with us today and everyone's still watching because this is a very important moment this is what some people were asking about earlier this is a situation when American people and British people or I should say American English or North American English speakers and British English speakers differ in their speech they say different things so in this situation usually American speakers will or North American English speakers will use past simple whereas British English speakers will usually use present perfect so let's look at some examples of that we usually use the word just here and when we use the word just it means that it happened very recently so remember we talked about the example she has worked at the bank for five years and we said because it's present perfect it's true now and we said she worked at the bank for five years because it's past simple it's not true now it's finished but I told you that there was another situation that we would discuss later and here it is if we say she has worked at the bank for five years maybe she just stopped maybe she stopped very very recently maybe she just quit her job or was fired from her job so maybe she doesn't work there now maybe it's not true now maybe it just changed in this situation we can also use present perfect so we could say she has worked in the bank for five years I can't believe they fired her for example okay so looking at the example that we have on the screen now I have just eaten American English speakers will usually say I just ate using past simple again guys this is not correct or incorrect although some people might say that that the British English version is more correct and I kind of agree but you know American English speakers use past simple in this situation and it's fine everybody understands them let's look at another example she's just finished her work and American English speakers would say she just finished her work so this is the situation when we can use both and it will be it'll still be clear for people when we were talking about experience in that situation we must use present perfect it doesn't matter where you're from you have to use present perfect or it will have a different meaning like when we were talking about the two film directors Hitchcock and Tarantino if we say Tarantino directed many films and we don't use present perfect if we don't say he has directed many films if we say he directed many films then this means that either he died which of course that's terrible or he his career finished he's not making films anymore or for some other reason we believe that he will never make a film again it can never happen again so in that situation it's very important to understand present perfect or past continuous but when we're using the word just and when we're using a situation where something finished recently people in different countries might use different tenses I'm gonna go back to the comments and and and answer there Sarah writes is there a way to let to understand that I did an action for a period in the past not only once yes Sarah usually we will use past continuous for that and that will be focusing on a process so an example of that would be I was doing for example I was doing my homework and that's focused on a moment in the past so today we're talking about past simple and present perfect but I see lots of questions about other verb tenses and maybe in another video maybe next week we will discuss those topics remember guys we do these videos once a week so every every Tuesday at 1:30 New York time or 8:30 p.m. Moscow time you can come to the English is fun group or you can go to my page and you can see a live video and you can join and get lots of use useful information and if you guys want to get in touch with me you can send me a message you can go to my pages you know I every day I release a new video every single day every day I released two videos so I have a telegram channel and I have a YouTube channel and I release one free video there are two different videos but one free video in each of those platforms every single day so it's a good thing to follow I'll send the links to those places at the end of the video today and those links will be in the chat so you can check the comments and read and find those links great so let's continue another reason that we use present perfect is when the precise time or exact time of the action is not important or if we don't know exactly when it happened so yeah a lot of times we're focusing on this results and how something in the past helped create this present result and it's not so important about when this happened so for example someone has eaten my soup now this is another example of when American English speakers will probably use past simple but it makes sense to use present perfect here because we have you know the past action or past event someone ate my soup but we're also talking about the present and where we see this result now right it's important now so someone has eaten my soup great another example have you seen gone with the wind this is another example about our experience yeah great okay guys we are almost finished with this video but there are a few more things that I want to talk about at the beginning of the video and at the beginning of the lesson today we talked a little bit about you know how we can understand that we need to use past simple maybe we can say that it's some keywords or cheats how to use past simple how to know when to use it and when we have a concrete time period like words like yesterday last week two months ago we have to use past simple it's just a rule we have to do that if we use a concrete time period from the past that's finished and we use present simple present continuous sorry present perfect if we use present perfect with a finished time period from the past then this is a mistake and it's confusing for people so when we're using present perfect there are also some words that we generally use with with present perfect and so we can remember that but usually we use them with present perfect and here they are the words ever never so far already yet just always only and still we use these words a lot with present perfect so I'll give you some examples we can say have you ever been to Germany we use ever only when we have a question or a negative sentence when I say negative sentence I mean a negative verb in the sentence so for example I have never never is negative but we could also say I haven't here the verb is negative I haven't ever been to Germany so we cannot use ever with a positive sentence we cannot say I have ever been to Germany no we can't say that only with negative sentences and with questions we can use knit we can use the word never with positive sentences and never is basically negative version of ever so we can say I've never been to Germany we can use so far to count how many times or how long so for example I have lived here for a year so far this means that it might change soon great we can also use already I've already been to Germany again we can use already with positive verbs or positive sentences and the word yet we usually use with negative sentences or with questions so for example have you been to Germany yet I haven't been to Germany yet or I have been to Germany already I've already been to Germany now when we use just we talked about just just shows that something recently stopped or recently finished so we can say I've just been to Germany this means that it happened not long ago very recently we could also use the word always I've always wanted to go to Germany so this when we use always with present perfect it usually shows that this period of time started from the beginning of your life or the beginning of you know the very very beginning of something we can also use only and only means that not a lot of time has passed it's similar to just so we can say I've only arrived I've just arrived I've only arrived and I'm tired so only in just are very similar when we use them in present perfect and we can also use still for example I still haven't done my homework and this means that not doing my homework continues and is true now all right guys I'm gonna go back to the chat and I'm gonna answer some more questions in the chat and then we are going to call this video quits for today because we've been at it for almost an hour and as I said before I will be back next week so if you guys have some suggestions about topics that you'd like to review you can write them in the comments and I will check them over the next few days and prepare a topic for next week so I really hope that you guys I really hope that you guys benefit from the information that I shared in this video and remember that you can follow me bye bye you know following me on my page or my group English with Chris americo's and you can also follow the English is fun group make sure you press like to get all of the updates from the group let's see I'm going to answer some of the questions from the chat useful grammar lesson thank you you're welcome thank you for joining us let's see what about have you ever been to Germany is that true have you ever been in Germany is it's correct it's that's the correct way to ask and I have been to Germany if you're asking about me personally I've been several times let's see thanks for thanks a lot for your class you're welcome thank you for joining us everybody who's watching and everybody who has watched today thank you so much you will be able to find the recording of this video on the wall here in English is fun group or on my wall on my page and don't hesitate to reach out and contact me I love answering questions so feel free to write me you can also contact me by email my email address is info dot chris americo's at or you can go to my website chris americo's calm all right guys we're going to finish the video now and I'm going to send all the links to the chat so you can find them all there and don't forget to come back next week same time same place that's 1:30 p.m. New York time and that's 8:30 p.m. Moscow time so if you're in any other timezone try to figure it out and be there at the right time but if you like our page if you like the group is fun then you should get a notification about videos live videos that happen here I'm not the only teacher who does videos here there's a lot of useful content a lot of great people working on this group and on this page to make it a great resource for English learners so guys thank you again for being here and that's it for today I look forward to seeing you guys next week take care bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 19,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kris amerikos tenses, kris amerikos present perfect, kris amerikos past simple, kris amerikos live
Id: IYzLDo8279U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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