Helldivers 2 - The Most Efficient Solo Helldiver Difficulty Settings To Use (PC Settings)

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what's up guys I've been requested multiple times to go over my settings that I utilize for solo hell dive difficulty games so I figured I'd go ahead and answer those questions in just one video so let's go ahead and get straight into it so I don't have any magic settings all right but I'm I am going to go ahead and and show what I've got for game play I use remember a mode per weapon I I don't see why you wouldn't use it per weapon using it Global is not ideal because if you're using a weapon like let's say the antimaterial rifle the sniper rifle you want to be an ads but then when you swap back to the breaker the shotgun you don't want to be an ads so if you use Global that is what's going to happen and it's going to mess you up so just leave it per weapon it's just going to make your life easier remember weapon functions leave it on yes so you don't have to set back the settings you have per weapon every single time you pick it up just leave it on there's really no reason to turn it off weapon switch mode this is a controller setting I do not use controllers guys so I cannot speak for any controller settings switch weapon pick up always leave this off this is going to just throw you off your game every time you pick up a weapon you don't want the game to force you to change your weapon because if you're dealing with a bunch of units on top of you and you just want to pick up that rail gun or that flamethrower on the floor while you're maintaining gunfire you don't want this setting on it's just going to completely mess you up Dynamic aim mode I also leave it off this just puts you in first person view by tapping your aim button this is likely going to mess you up as well sometimes when you try to aim and you accidentally tap and accidentally SW switch into first person mode when you didn't intend to yeah I don't think this is going to be ideal I recommend leaving this off display camera Shake strength this is purely an immersion based setting uh I leave it off all the way because uh I'm personally kind of a sweaty player generally speaking in in shooter games so I leave this off because I I don't want immersion based settings that's going to make my camera be shaking all over I rather just leave it off this is going to help you out out a little bit is going to keep your aim a bit more steady but uh yeah personal preference if you prefer to just be immersed rather than maximizing your efficiency then leave this on but if you prefer to maximize your efficiency just turn it off vertical field of view put it on Max I have it on 90° this is going to help you the most for solo play because the Max field of view is going to allow you to check your sides without even actually having to turn if you have it decreased all the way to four to five you just lose so much Vision you're going to have to be turning like crazy right and left and you know as a solo player you don't have players watching your back or your sides you you have to do that for yourself so this is going to be the most efficient uh setting you can possibly have and it's one of those settings that once you put it on you might not like it for like 10 15 minutes but you will never want to swap back after a few minutes once you do swap back you're you're not going to understand how you could possibly play at lower fields of you generally in other games I don't like like that high of a fov but in this game it's fantastic anyways Graphics device well yeah that that's my uh video card this is why my FPS is so high some people were asking how do you get over 140 FPS that's crazy because I have a a really good video card that uh thankfully helps me out quite a bit with the recordings uh the resolution I play on 140p for the videos to be in 140p uh quality render scale scale on ult quality um don't really know exactly how big of an impact this really has I believe when I opened up the game for the first time it was either on quality or native I'm not exactly sure I remember I messed around with it for a couple of minutes and I ended up landing on Ultra quality and this is what I play on until now uh display mode I use borderless window I generally recommend full screen uh just something that uh back in the day when we used to play Counter Strike borderless window was not recommended it was always recommended to use full screen you know there was like input lag or whatever but anyways nowadays I use borderless window mostly for my recording software it makes my life a little bit easier but uh I would likely recommend full screen frame rate limit leave it off vsync off as well moving on to Graphics motion blur all the way off depth of field off Bloom off these three are also uh settings that are mostly for immersion mostly for trying to make your game look better but I I I never like these settings no matter what game I'm playing I always turn them off I don't think they actually make the game look better at all I don't think they make the game any more immersive I just think they mess you up and it makes it even harder to really understand what's going on so anyways all of these off sharpness I believe this is the default setting and these are the quality settings that I have the only ones that I believed I changed if I remember correctly was render distance I believe it was initially on Ultra and I put it on high because this was lowering my FPS by something like 20 FPS and the high is just enough to see everything I need from as far as you can possibly see so hi does the job V vegetation and Rubble density uh if I'm not mistaken if you have this on low it will be better for you because there will be less like little grass and rocks on the floor that's just going to make your visibility a little bit worse I would recommend putting it on low if you're not you know recording content because it would allow you to see ammo and samples and stuff like that a lot easier it's going to make your life a lot easier U but I leave it on high for Content creating purposes and this is the rest of the settings again no really no not much mystery there for audio um sometimes for gameplay I Pump Up the Music volume for you guys when I do no commentary gameplay but uh ideally you want to play with musicum volume a little bit decreased the reason for that is so you can hear the moans and groans and growls of your enemies without the music just pumping into your ears you know pretty much blocking off any sound that you can hear ideally you want to play with music so low that you can only see when you're in an engagement because the music will also kind of tell you if you're being engaged or not but you also want to leave it low enough so that you can hear your units around you without you even needing to look at them keep this up as low as possible so you can just hear uh when the music starts when you're get engaged probably one will do the job but I've been leaving mine on four recently for HUD I believe this is all default I'm not entirely sure if I ever changed any of this but this is what I have it on again I think this is default although that's pretty cool I think I might leave that unvisible now I never actually noticed this one but yeah uh I I don't think I ever touched on any of this I'm going to try vertical visibility to always be on if that's what I'm thinking it is then it's going to be quite useful in certain situation but yeah this is what I have it on I believe this is all default uh so accessibility the only thing I believe I changed is the reticle color white is default I changed it to green and I think retical outline I put it on as well just to make the Crosser as easily visible as possible personally I enjoy a very visible Crosshair uh for me it's just always worked out better for me controller I don't use a controller guys so I never touched it mouse and keyboard my mouse sensitivity is 0.05 that's uh pretty good for me I can do 180 is quite fine it may be low for some players but it's still pretty high in the grand scheme of things uh I play on 800 DPI uh 0.05 uh this I don't think I ever changed except for Mouse smoothing I remember I changed it to off two little tips here is when you do your key bindings um first of all I don't remember what the default key is for the strategy list but I don't think it's this button I leave it on my mouse for me it's quite comfortable I don't I don't know if this is default this might be default and I might be talking out of my ass but I changed it to my mouse I think I changed it to my mouse it's a lot more comfortable for me and the strategy is right here I would recommend it uh being changed to something else you probably don't want to do W ASD because if you have W ASD then you can't move and call for a strategy at the same time but personally I already tried using the arrow keys but I couldn't quite get used to it so personally I opt in to sacrifice my movement to keep these in but I do know and I am very aware that this is not ideal this is not ideal you want to use different keys if you want to maximize your efficiency however this is much more comfortable for me so I just kind of left it there right now it's been working fine so but yeah ideally you want to change these and another tip that I'm going to give is if you're playing on Steam then shift tab is going to open up your friends list what you want to do is you should change that you should CH you should go on Steam and change the shift tab from opening your friends list because that's going to disable you from being able to Sprint and open up your mini map at the same time because every time you're sprinting when you click tab what's that going to do that's going to open up your friends list instead of opening the mini map so a lot of people they're sprinting they have to stop sprinting so they can open the mini map and then return to sprinting but you don't want that so go into your steam settings and change that into a different key binding uh and that's it no magic uh settings there but a lot of people were asking to see what they are so that's what they are and that's pretty much it thank you guys for watching I'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 27,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: dzSww_nurwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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