St Louis Style ribs on the Weber Kettle

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hey y'all welcome to better than good barbecue today I'm gonna be making some st. louis-style pork spareribs that I got from Kroger and I'm gonna be making them on the Weber Kettle doing the three to one method that's three hours unwrapped two hours wrapped up in foil in one hour after that unwrapped to let that Bart form I'm gonna be using a barbecue rub that I made that's got some sriracha powder some brown sugar in there so it gives you that sweet heat and I'm also going to be using this Carolina vinegar style barbecue sauce from Heinz that I got on Amazon for about $13 for a six-pack so I'll go ahead and throw a link in the description for this so you can check it out for yourself but basically be running on the Weber Kettle I have a slow in sear set up well I say that but it's actually the charcoal Weber baskets and I modified them to operate like a slow and sear for about 20 bucks versus the $100 for the slow in sear so we'll see how that does and once it's time for me to get the troncos going I'll take you on over there show you that set up and then we'll come back and trim these up and get them ready to go on the grill we have the let me get this out of the way so you can see but we have this basket right here that's holding all the charcoal to one side of the grill and basically what I have is unlit charcoal couple pieces of wood and a little space right here without any charcoal I'm gonna put the lit charcoal right here as the lit charcoal comes in contact with all the unlit then it'll take off this way and what's called the minion method and that's going to allow these charcoals to catch in a flow and keep that low and slow heat going over the ribs for a good five six hours I have this water pan in here don't have any water in it yet but I've been putting water in here and as the heat hits the water pan it's going to create some steam and moisture and keep these ribs nice and moist I'll be putting some water and some apple cider vinegar in there when it comes time so let me get these charcoals lit oh let me show you the trick to lighting that small amount of charcoal basically this is a charcoal basket a charcoal chimney flipped upside down with just a couple briquettes right there so I'll be putting some paper down here in the bottom and lighting them and that will just catch this little bit and that's what will go in the corner right here so let me get that going and we'll come back all right I'm gonna show you how I trim these ribs up pretty simple what I like to do is actually just check them for any any loose bits anything that's just gonna burn when you get it on the smoker just kind of get rid of it [Music] next thing I do is there's a membrane on the back of these ribs right here on this white part if you look real close you can see that that membrane right there and what you got to do is you have to separate it from the bone and then peel it away all right got some yellow mustard here I'd like to start on the backside of the rib just because when you flip it over you want you want to keep that topside looking good for the initial part of the grilling so basically what you do is just get you a little bit of mustard on there it doesn't take a whole lot you're just looking for a binder for something to stick now always remember keep a dirty hand and a clean hand when you're doing [Music] [Music] now that we've got those good encoded basically what I'm gonna do is let these hang out in that sugar and all the seasonings are gonna start to sweat and stick to the meat and that's really gonna penetrate it and give it a good flavor so these are gonna hang out for just a little bit while I get the coals hot and get the Weber up and running and we're looking for an internal temperature on the Weber about two hundred and fifty degrees and then we'll throw these on and we'll get to cooking now we got the coals good and hot they're starting to turn white up on the top there so I'm gonna go ahead and do is put them right here in that space that doesn't have any charcoal in there so they can start catching this away and then we'll let the smoker or the kettle come up the tip and then we'll be ready to get the the ribs put on there [Music] [Music] I get my water pan set up now oops hold on one of them snuck away here there we go all right let the water pan set in there I got some water and apple cider vinegar going in and that apple cider vinegar what it does when that steams that'll also help tenderize the meat a little bit release it from the bone and just help with the cooking process it doesn't really add any flavor it's more so just for releasing it from the bone and everything we go ahead and grab the great I got this part that flips down or flips up right here I'm gonna position that over the coals in case I need to add more coals or wood or anything like that later on but that's going to be the setup the ribs are going to go right here once this thing comes up to temp and we'll come right back alright so it's been about 10-15 minutes of the smoker coming up to temperature and if you'll notice I have the thermometer over here but that's directly over the coals and the event the top vent is on the opposite side of the coals and this is where the meats going to be the reason for that is you want that smoke to come up and travel all around the chamber the cooking chamber coat the meat and go right over the meat and then out the holes if I had it the other way and I had the thermometer where the vent is well that smoke would just come right off the coals and just right out the vent over here and it wouldn't ever really get all the way around the ribs so that's the reason behind that and I'm just going to take this instant read thermometer and kind of hang it down in there and kind of see what temperature the smoke chamber is at where the ribs are I'm gonna go ahead and get the ribs on now all right let's see oh yeah smoke it up nice we're just gonna go right like that for the first portion of the cook I'm going bone side down on these ribs and we're gonna let it roll like that for about two hours I'll then I'll come out and check on them after about two hours I'll come out and see how they're demoed and they should have a nice bark forming on there sometimes with the three to one method it's closer to two hours when you need to go ahead and wrap them in foil or there could be two and a half it just depends so what I'm gonna go ahead and do is leave this top vent about halfway cracked and I have the bottom vents down there about a third of the way open after being on for about three hours and 20 minutes and they're really looking good you can see that bark formed up nicely it's not sticking to my finger when I touch it they look like they're set and they're ready to go ahead and be wrapped in foil so basically what I'm gonna do is go ahead and take them off and I'll bring you guys around and show you how I wrap them and what I do with the sauce and everything all right y'all we're about to take the ribs off of the kettle so what I'm going to go ahead and do is on the foil before we take the ribs off and what this is gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna put these ribs on they're gonna come off really easy they'll still have some bite to them but this sauce just makes it super simple and that's what I like to use so I'm gonna go ahead and grab them real quick I mean look at the color on that that's when you know they're ready it's it's got a nice bark that's formed then they're not falling apart when I pick them up but at the same time that rub is not coming off when I'm touching them that's when they're ready to be wrapped in foil you're not gonna lose that bark they're gonna maintain all that flavor this is gonna be great so like I said I'm going meat side down right on top of that sauce simple as that and then all you got to do is just wrap them up or make sure that you got them nice and tight you don't want any of that moisture escaping you want a nice seal on there but that's all you got to do right there you don't have to get much more complicated than that so what I'm gonna go ahead and do is throw these back on the grill meat sit down this time I'm gonna go ahead and do that to the other rack and then we'll be right back it's been about an hour and a half of the ribs being on covered in foil let's go ahead and take a look and see how they're all right so you see all that juice and that's just all coming from the rib itself and mixing in with that sauce that we put in there the membrane has pulled back off the bones and you can see the bones are starting to expose this tells me that this rib right here this rack of ribs is ready to come off and what I'm gonna do is go ahead and remove it from the foil just discard all that put it back on the grill and I'm gonna rub some sauce on there and then just let that sauce firm up for the last 45 minutes or so all right y'all we got them back on the grill I'm gonna go ahead and use this sauce from Trader Joe's it's a sriracha and roasted garlic barbecue sauce so yeah that's what I'm gonna put on there my buddy uses this on everything he kind of turned me on to it so I'm gonna head and throw them on there and what you want to do is just directly on top get you a good coat of that for both of them and then just kind of rubbing in no writer want wrong way to do this just make sure it's all coated on there and then what we're gonna go ahead and do is leave these uncovered for the final step and it's just gonna form that bark up it's gonna the sauce is going to tighten up once we leave it on there and they're just gonna come out real nice alright I think that's looking good so I'm gonna go ahead and get the cover on there we'll come back here in about 45 minutes to check on them and then it'll almost be time to pull them off and cut them up and get to eat ribs have been sitting back on the weber kettle uncovered out of the foil for only about 25 minutes it actually they ended up firming up a lot quicker than what I thought part of the reason being is that when I when I take the lid off and put it back on to do things I'm noticing that the the Weber's temperature rises pretty rapidly and I think it just got them done quicker let's go ahead and take a look and that's what we got so basically you can see the sauce has set the bark is formed and they they just look great got the ribs off they rested in a pan for about 10-15 minutes and man just check out the color on these right here I hope I hope that comes through the camera cuz man they look beautiful these and see how we did and when I slice into ribs I go ahead and just take them flip them over that way you can see where the bones are and you know where to cut here I'm gonna get this guy out of the way and you just cut right in between those bones I'm just gonna pull one of these guys out real quick just we can get a taste test going but man look at that look at how we did I hope you guys can see that cuz man it's looking beautiful from my angle I mean just the the bark and the the sauce and everything it just looks great well I can't wait any longer I got to try it out see how we did oh yeah that'll work got a nice bite to it coming right off the boom oops I'll clean that up but man that is one good rib right there I'm getting sweet I'm getting a little spicy both from the rub that I put on there and from the barbecue sauce from Trader Joe's ma'am that's a great I forgot to mention during the whole process was the gloves I'm using so I got these cotton gloves underneath these these gloves that I have from Walmart actually from the paint section they're called venom or something like that but their machine gloves or industrial gloves I can't remember what they're called but these cotton liners right here you can get them on Amazon I'll go ahead and throw a link in the description for those as well basically when you have these on and you combo them with gloves on the outside it allows you to grab hot meats and work around a hot grill you don't burn your hands up if you just rely on gloves only you'll end up burning your hands pretty good so be sure you have this combo if you're gonna be doing what I did today this is actually the first time I've ever smoked anything off a weber kettle usually I'm using the stick burner that I got right here old country barbeque pits Pecos offset smoker or the weber smokey mountain which you got behind the kettle there so it was really fun for me to do this and this is actually my first youtube videos I want to mention the guys that got me into barbecue or taught me a lot on barbecue via YouTube first off T Roy cooks man I started out watching your videos your page is awesome thanks for all the pointers Malcolm read how to barbecue right love that page you got swine live barbecue great stuff on that channel as well and you can't forget in Franklin I'm here in Texas I live in Forney Texas and you can't forget Aaron Franklin him down at awesome and he's got the best barbecue in the world I mean that that's that's point-blank so thanks to those guys thanks for everything get me to this point and and growing my passion for barbecue and brought you out there that are following along remember if your barbecue was just good you could have had better we'll see you next time
Channel: Better Than Good BBQ
Views: 85,473
Rating: 4.8941956 out of 5
Keywords: #WeberKettle #PorkRibs
Id: gF3Iq2KgH7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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