How to Make: Jalapeño & Cheese Chipotle Smokies! Step by Step Tutorial | Smokehouse Bayou

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hey guess what who's that I'm back yeah we're the proud parents come check this out can't wait to see this well we got the boy girl what is it cold out here oh it is cold hey check it out we got the big bike grinder the number 12 so it's not the biggest it's not the next to the biggest but I think it's the next to the biggest right so but they also got the double grind attachment which means when you grind it you don't have to go push it back through again the very last one smoke cast back hey guys look got jack drink water from mobile check his channel out I won't put a link below but Jack and I have done some other videos together always a pleasure having you here man blaze being here he came to smoke out Bayou international headquarters because we're going to do jalapeno cheddar Smokies are they gonna be the little Smokies they're being something they're going to be probably about a seven millimeter I think is the diameter but we're gonna cut them whatever size you want to not yes Lee I'm used to saying Smokies there's a little salty too but these would be more considered like a snack stick or a B stick so we're going to show you the process of doing that from the taking it from the roast all the way grinding it through showing you how we case it and then the stair step - you're smoking method to make sure that you don't bust those cases so it's gonna be a fun day man it's gonna have a good time all right hey y'all stay tuned hey guys the first thing we need to do is get these roasts cut up so we're just gonna cut them I mean there's no rhyme or reason really to this we're just going to cut them into sizes that will fit into the grinder and will do the beef and the pork practically the same way [Music] you're a master meat slicer cook well thank you sir man holla I've never been trained I just dived in they hugged over there and started doing it you know all right we got it sliced up all right jack what we've got is we're gonna buy you to us that we use on our chip hopefully jerky that's what we're gonna season it with today and we also have some pink here and salt yet again something else you get from Academies corner and almost in them guys a veil okay crazy anyway twelve pounds of meat it's going to be about two and a quarter pounds of Bayou dust and about a half an ounce of this curing salt so I've already poured it in there we're just gonna kind of mix it up like this and we'll get the meat seasoned then we'll run it through the grinder so uh that's really good so let me ask you something this is a curveball for you that you just let me know okay so we're been ready to put this on there but my question is do you think it's a difference between seasoning this now before the grind or after the grind you you see any difference oh well I like this I was seasoning it for homework and let the grind and do the mixture of it you know I mean I just don't know if you go wrong as soon as you get all the ingredients in there okay all right well I'm gonna go ahead and they're seizing this up I don't think there's any rhyme or reason about that look at their boat now that's got the that's the Bayou dust and it's got the curing salt in there oh boy now if I do this jack and I don't sneeze it will be a miracle because that paprika and that uh cayenne pepper I ain't just working on you this is all the seasoning that we're going to use that didn't stick to the meat originally you know and so as we grind it through then the next guide will help we'll work it all in and rewrite it in there that makes sense that makes perfect sense okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he's got the bigger knife on this side and the smaller more plate I guess is what you'd call and so anyway it's a real nice attachment that will save you some time now we're gonna run it through twice anyway simply because we're doing beef and pork but if we were just grinding up one type of meat we probably wouldn't have to grind it twice you know you start factoring in the seasoning and all that kind of stuff that might dictate that you're gonna turn the grinder twice but otherwise like when I make boudin something like that and I grind it through here not only have to grind it just one time so it saves you saves you a complete additional road when you get that attachment which I think just worth the money you know all that seasoning work back in there we'll run through it making a mess for you mister that's always so don't make a mess and they don't taste it keep doing it till I get tired to me there's nothing like just knowing that at meat right there is fresh lead around and there's no water added to it right it's from one animal well I guess cage - it's on you know a Hagen uh can be so yeah it's not like ground beef but you don't know if they're scrapping that from 50 different animals you know I remember the first time I ever even thought that Dalton like I've never thought about the fact that I might hate a hamburger that had 50 different cows represented at those like oh my gosh you know so driving your old leaf is a huge advantage I'm liking this like you get Joe in there these jalapenos [Music] I'm just cutting these up and little rounds here and we got one pound of jalapenos [Music] so that was one pound to 12 pounds of meat you know and we're leaving the seeds in because we like it spicy that's how we roll then there you go mix it for us right sure yeah go ahead and I'll let you okay I'll turn to play in the ground beef [Music] now Jack what I figured is we would mix these in together grind these jalapenos in on the second grind of this meat and then after that we'll hand mix the cheese in of cheese there what you think about I think that's a great idea okay so find as good as I can mix this with this will just start grinding it right apart one tip and I you know I mess this up sometimes but it's good to get something down in the hopper first so when that motor cuts on it's got something down in there that kind of lubricates you know instead of it going dry so now it's got stuff in there so we don't start grinding this y'all ready let's do it [Music] [Applause] a handful when I get my opinion really yeah you see that how thing you coming out in there that's gonna be awesome you know that body does that we're users secrets on that well I tell you what when dr. bumpy jerky did you know that we sell that's what we use buy you those so this exact season is how that season so yeah it's got a good Chipotle so the only thing you're really giving up is so maybe we should change the name of this to jalapeno cheddar Chipotle Snooki's I think that would be why you could call it a Latina cheddar - hopefully Smokies made by two studs from the south if you want to get real real light but that's just what you've grabbed ID laughs you hear people clicking off this video right now as soon as you made where you going hey man we got it ground up we got the Howell pinions in there now we just gotta add the two pounds cheese man that's gonna be good you can smell that Chipotle egg can't spoil your I try not to go down in there yeah that looks good think so yeah all right he's nice and blended all right so we ready to fill this thing up I guess yeah yeah we just don't push the collagen casing on the two beer usually when we kind of fill this up it holds about 3 foot of tubing cut just so you're gonna tie a little knot in the end but I'm gonna I'm gonna loosely tie group at the beginning because it'll have a little hair in this till we push that air out they get that sausage coming through there you go you can see that we get that going to fit out with cinch up at 9 I'm gonna feed this to Jack hey while we're stuff in these casings I remember we need to get a little wood in the water we're gonna be smoking these Smokies home well we talked about it in there how about we use a mixture cherry wood and hickory wood we're gonna throw it in this five-gallon bucket of water and let that soak for about 30 minutes before oh man it's finally time to load the smoker I mean by the time you cut it up and grind it and then season it and everything takes a little while to get to this step so we're very excited we're loading the smoker right now and you can see we kind of put it in a little curved pattern there so it'll sit on these racks easily normally stuff like this you'd probably smoke in a hanging situation but we're gonna make it work on this southern pride all right we're gonna be putting chick I just told hit Hickory and cherry chicory we're gonna be smoking with chicory today so cheery wood some Hickory so let's get this thing fired up make a video about making Smokies I didn't know I was gonna be put to work okay not that pain when you call a jack and say hey man I've got a great idea for a video you always do it do something that requires it to be in the smoker for about four hours so you get a half a day of free labor out of it hi guys look we've uh we've had these on the smoker for four hours in about 25 minutes okay and I started out at 165 and basically kept them there for about three and a half hours then we went to 185 for only about an hour I guess I feel like I do maybe a lot an hour so we're gonna check the internal temperature we're looking for 165 right anything above it go in the center of this puppy right here we are and we're right there with one make you a minister all right we're 167 I don't know if you can see that jack but yep until I can see but we're hitting internal teams we'll check it all no more yeah 177 all right so what we're going to do just roll this cart around that's good idea telling lies path here you're gonna take them out just throw them in this bag we want to cool them down get them down around 40 or so but you gotta see a change in this case they're just going to get a little more firm and you know how when you eat your snitch stick the Smokies or sticks to have that pop to it it's gonna add to that pop a little bit there's snap I should say and then once we get them cool now we're gonna cut toward our desired link please yeah that's like a shock bath right dinners you've been in the sauna all day and then they make you getting that ice bath Penny's got pretty color on all right the bath is over it's time to start cutting and stacking them up and man they are a beautiful mahogany color of that mahogany color look at that that's a good lighting situation from 12 pounds of meat 2 pounds of cheese and a founder jalapeno the yield was about 10 pounds total when we got through the process look we've got a stack of Smokies from our smoke today and we're pleased to do a taste test so wow that really did stiffen these things up mm-hmm got a little snap to it trial all your that's good tell us what you're tasting what do you flip flavors are you tasting [Music] getting the spice from the jalapeno can't really distinguish the jalapeno like in a specific sense the cool thing is is gotten the Bayou dust has a sweet pea component that's the whole flavor profile that we go for you know and so you can taste that sweetness and then here comes the Chipotle Chipotle this smoke in right mode and I guess the cheese I mean it kind of just kind of mellows it down a little bit as far as like the texture but man that will snap I mean the thing about it is when I eat this I just want another bite you know that's I know I hear what we're trying to get you to say somebody's place so I tasted the Bayou does like you a minute ago well an hour or so ago on its own so I'm definitely I'm kind of amazed that the Bayou does flavored that whole thing without you putting anything else in there so whatever you whatever your secret is to the Bayou dust I would not be honest with you I think you could ramp up the jalapeno for my taste I love spice you do you work with that home of you we all powerful we used to pass a pound of jalapenos to 12 pounds of yeah and if you're a spicy lover fan you might might wrap that up you know you might could put but put a little bit more help in together and I can see the cheese in there oh yeah delicious look if you make these at home get ready to hide them because they will grow legs and disappear you leave that sitting around or gets out you got that did this this is better than any beef stick I've ever had right I mean you know and you can tell like this is like legit homemade deal as far as the other if you have a stack of that sitting at your house man that's meal replacement right you know if somebody wants this January they're trying to lose weight this and that the other something like that is a great meal replace yeah you know you can take it to work with a bag of almonds how to get you through the day you know so all right guys you want to take this home for me look not take this home all right did you want to take to go this video home hi guys Smokey's homemade I think I thought I was gonna do the do way let's redo this alright Smokey's at home homemade now do
Channel: Smokehouse Bayou Smoked Meats
Views: 27,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smoked, smokies, snack, sticks, protein, chipotle, beef, pork, casing, sausage, jerky, bbq, seasoning, salt, sugar, spicy, jalapeno, cheese, cheddar, fun, bayopu, bayou, crew, southern, Jaxx, drinkwater, howtobbqright, smoky ribs, ribs, chops, hunting, fishing, meat snacks, beef jerky
Id: lGnL10Hh_E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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