Using a Pellet Tube on a Gas Grill

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[Music] hey barbecue fans here we are out in sunny arizona where it's only 112 outside get your jackets so today we're gonna do something we're at our friend jack's house we're gonna do some tri-tip on a gas grill but what we're gonna do a little bit different is we're gonna use a pellet tube to give it some smoke so let's give that a try and we'll see how it goes so what we're going to do to get the meat tender is we're going to go ahead and poke it with a fork a little bit here and then we're going to tenderize it do a dry brine with some salt for about 15 minutes don't be shy if you have a jakarta that works too but if you don't forks work [Music] watch your fingers kids don't try this at home a little arm power taking a look at these these both look pretty good might do just a couple trims on some of that fat but not much these are from costco usda prime just gonna do a little bit of trim here on some of this silver skin it doesn't need too much it's in pretty good shape most of that should render out if not we can just spit it out all right so we're going to use some meat tenderizer we're gonna liberally spread this on we'll let it sit for 15 minutes and then afterwards we'll wash it off this is always a good idea with these thicker tri-tip meats really help get this thing nice and tender nice layer all over that thing soaking in all right our dry brine is complete so we're gonna wash the salt off get this washed off and pat it down with some paper towels and we can get the dry rub on drag and we'll be ready to rub all right so now we're going to put on the rub so what we're going to use today is some cosmos it's a little bit of cow cover hot this stuff is excellent on beef then we're going to top it with a little montreal steak that's a little secret that i learned from malcolm read on how to barbecue right makes a nice topping gonna be excellent so let's get on the rub and it's beef you can give it a nice pretty heavy coat here because it can take it it's going to get a nice flavor to it all right now we'll get the other sides you want to make sure you get all size of course you already know that this is a good rub here every part that's open get that covered i think we're looking pretty good so i'm gonna let this sit in for maybe 10-15 minutes and then we'll go ahead and top it with the montreal steak in the meantime let's go check out the pellet tube all right so here's my buddy's new weber genesis 2 gas grill i did try to talk him to traeger but he's not quite ready for that yet so here's our alternative what we're going to do is we're going to have the benefits of the gas grill in order to light it up quick cook quick but we're gonna add in the ability to do some smoke flavor to our cooks so what we've got is our pellet tube found it on amazon i can put some links below just search amazon you'll find it easily several different models out there pick the one you want so we just take the tube we got some regular traeger pellets we're going to go with the gourmet it's a blend of hickory cherry and maple and you just fill up the tube give it a little bit of a shake it kind of helps pack it down in there so that when they burn they burn consistently so what we'll do put it here on the top of the grill so that when we get it burning we'll get that nice smoke flavor we'll reverse sear the tri-tip for 30 45 minutes get it up to about 120 and then we can do the final searing so it should work out pretty well so let's get this lit oh we're gonna do it the old fashioned way i'm just gonna start it like this just get the end of these pellets burn it get that flame going so you get that flame going for a few minutes and then after that then we'll blow the flame out and just let it burn on its own let's get that flame going all right see we've got the pellet smoke in here we just want to make sure there's no flames if you have flames they're going to burn out a bit faster and you're going to burn through your pellets quicker so if you burn out that flame it's burning it's going to take them all we're going to do it much slower and give you more uh cook time we found we usually getting maybe two three hours of cook time smoke time out of the pellets i think it says six i don't know if you quite get six you might get four but uh definitely a good two to three that's all we're going to need especially for this tri-tip so now that we got that we've got our grill grate so what we'll do first is we're going to cook on the left side in indirect heat and we're going to cook them up to 120. after we've gotten a 120 we're going to crank up the grill and we're going to set it about 550 600 and then we're going to get the final sear on them to be a nice reverse sear cook so let's get the grilled it up uh this is the easy part so pretty much just turn on your burner so we're gonna cook it indirect so we're gonna cook uh we're gonna start the right burners here get those going press the button and we're lit so this is our first time on this grill doing this indirect so we're going to try to get it about a 250 degrees so we'll start this about medium here and we'll close the cover and see what we get up to we may be adjusting as we go but let's get started all right so i learned this from malcolm reed now this was before he had his own steak rub so you would put your own barbecue coat on first your own barbecue rub that you like and then put on the montreal steak seasoning now he's got his own rub you can go check that out if you want i haven't bought any yet but i'm looking forward to trying that out for now we've got the montreal steak we've got a big bottle so we're going to use it this doesn't have to be quite a big coating as we did with the other layer we just want to get that nice peppery texture in here that is going to give us a nice little pepper bomb should work very well with the cow cover you could probably also use cosmos's steak rub as well i bet that would work good too we got the top sides done just do a little bit light coat here on the back side but it's mainly for looks for a little flavor pop all right we'll let that sit grill's heating up we'll be getting on real quick here all right the weber genesis 2 comes with the igrill3 uh worked pretty well there's also an app for that we've got that loaded on the phone it's going to help us check our temperatures and monitor until we get to 120. we just get those popped in we'll get those ready to insert into our tri-tip got the grill running it's about 300 so we're gonna crank that down just a little bit but that ought to be fine we don't want to try to get it too much over 300 for our reverse here let's get the meat on all right there get our one here you can see our smoke is rolling let's get our probes in and get them all dirty but that's all right okay probe one probe two all right so our first piece of bead is hit 120 so we're gonna pull it off got our probe one is hit see we got a nice texture here on the meat now this other one has a couple minutes so we're gonna just close the grill now and get the other one up to 120 all right all right so our second tri-tip is hit 120 so we're going to get it off the grill and then once we get it off the grill we're going to get the grill temp up to about 600 and then we'll do the searing we still got a lot of smoke actually quite a bit of smoke left so we could have done this smoking for another probably three hours looks like it's only about a quarter done here so that's excellent okay let's get this off all right let's get that grill running so we're gonna go ahead and turn this one on to high and we're gonna crank this one up to high and we know we're gonna go under this burner here to our uh our sear grate all right we've got the grill at 600 degrees just almost so we're ready to sear so let's get these on we'll probably do them about a minute and a half aside okay we got the one on all right let's get it seared all right our first timer's gone off at two minutes let's make a turn i actually got some vegetables on here these are looking good too keep those running now let's put the meat all right we've started two minutes aside let's check the temperature we're going for about 135 and we are well into it here we've got about 140 137 here so we're taking these off we're going to call it good put them here on the platter cutting board turn down the temps a bit we're going to let them rest about 10 minutes and then we're going to have some dinner we'll let you know how it turns out all right we pulled the tri-tip off the grill we let it rest 10 minutes now let's slice it up as always you're going to get a little bit more done on the ends and that is looking just about where we want it we're going to slice it about pencil stick here we've just got juices running out we got really nice sear nice grill marks not too done not too undone just right this is going to be super good to have nice tri-tip right there that is delicious all right so we're done eating it was fantastic everybody loved it a couple thoughts so a quick recap so what we did is we dry brined the tri-tip with salt for 15 minutes we washed that off thoroughly so then we took the cow cover hot from cosmos rub put that first layer on then we took the mccormick's steak and we put it on and then we got the grill up to about 250 we put it on we cooked it indirectly until it reached a 120 temperature then after the 120 temperature we took off the tri-tip cranked up the heat to 600 then we put it on the sear grates for two minutes aside check the temp pull it off 145 let it rest about 10 minutes and then we're good to go that's all you have to do it's a simple cook so if you have a gas grill a great option is to use the pellet tube it gives you the pellet smoke you can cook indirectly get that smoke flavor throughout the meat and then after that and then you don't have to go out and buy any pellet grill if you have already got the gas grill so that's a great alternative well thanks a lot i hope you all spread some barbecue love to all your neighbors and friends and hope you're all jonesing for some [Music] barbecue [Music] all right here we are in sunny california except we're in arizona oh yeah [Laughter] all right this is always kind of tricky to get lit there we go oh went out got to just barely get this thing on you can hear a little bit coming out maybe not there we go let me get a few colors to come out that's okay oh just knocked it out myself let's get this started again okay oh knocked it out there we go all right oh we're gonna put on the montreal steak seasoning now he's got his own rub you can go check that out if you want i haven't bought any yet but i'm looking forward to trying that out for now we've got the montreal steak we've got a big bottle so we're going to use it oops we'll get that flipped up [Applause]
Channel: BBQ Jones
Views: 79,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grill, Gas, Pellet Tube, Weber, Genesis II, Smoker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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