How to Smoke a Brisket on a Gas Grill (All Parts)

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okay we got a Auggie's Charbroil gas grill and we're working on smoking it so let me show you what we got going on here we've got our brisket which looks really dark and has a crest on it because we seared it on the flames first we seared it for about five minutes on each side and these are our this is hickory smoke inside aluminum foil we heated it on the gas burner hot enough to start smoking and then we put the brisket on the opposite side of the grill on the top grate to try to keep it cold right now the grill says a little over 200 degrees I'd say the grill is probably 190 200 degrees right now and I'm going to show you the view from the back so you like see exactly what I'm talking about let's see if the camera adjust here you've got your brisket up here on the rack and you've got your smoke coming from the aluminum foil on the other side and the reason we do this is because we don't want that brisket hot at all we wanted it right at 200 degrees or that's how I prefer it so the smoke and the brisket are on opposite sides and that's how we're doing it on a gas grill to give you a look again brisket smoked and to get the wood chip started we actually use this burner on the side and the burner on the side got it hot enough and then we transferred it from this burner right over here to the very right side burner so remember the entire grill is all the burners aren't on the only burner that's on is on the right side and it's on low and it's only to keep the aluminum foil hot enough to keep those wood chips smoking and that's how we smoke on a smoker bisque brisket on the gas grill and we'll give you the next step here in about an hour - okay guys I'm going to show you wood chips we got soap in here we're using hickory wood chips and I'm going to show you how to make your little aluminum foil packet Andrew can you help a record for me all right or and moderates boxes works a little pile here it's really simple and there those have to be you guys and Obama so now that our my wishes you know like really hot let's start smoking gas grills you have like a side burner that has a griddle on it for cooking like whatever you want on the side of your grill what we're going to do is we're going to tick off the side piece so the griddle I don't know is going to call it take it off we're going to take our packet that has soaked hickory wood which is on the other club put it down on your burner and then get on high fight it and then keep it directly on the flames now the key to getting your wood ship started is even though it's going to start smoking early don't put it inside your grill until it's smoked for say five or ten minutes slowly gets really good and hot because a lot of what you see is going to be water vapor too because it's so good chips so we're going to put it on the on the on the gas burner let it smoke for about five minutes to the wood chips are hot enough to burn on there and that's the key to wanting to burn on and then when it's finished you transfer it over here to the red side of our gas grill now right now I've got the right burner on low and it's just hot enough to keep those wood chips burning and to keep it at 200 degrees alright guys so we've had the great wood chips that have been so wrapped in foil I have them on the side burner in the flame it's probably been about three or four minutes so I think it's hot enough to transfer them in the main portion the grill wonderful brisket which is a nine pound biscuit brother way of sitting so it's a hot as hell so I'm not recommend picking up this up by hand and then transfer it to this murder over here and like I said before it's the only burner that's on is the right side burner and I'm going to go ahead and turn it on high that way I can keep this hot enough to keep smoking and go ahead and turn this one off because I will leave it right now and close the lid and that burner is going to keep those wood chips hot enough to continue to smoke right now there's not a lot of smoke coming off there little bit give it about five minutes and we'll start coming up with the spreaders on high close it back up we're still at 200 degrees and I'd say we'll smoke it for another 30 minutes and then we'll wrap it in foil and put it in the other and I'll show you that stuff when I'm done okay all right guys it looks like we're finished smoking now the brisket has a nice little parka you can see where all the rubbers kind of dried up it's still moist from the fat but it's got a great bark and we're finished smoking it we've smoked it for about two hours at 200 degrees so I'm pretty confident that this risk is ready to finish now because we're using a gas grill and because we don't have the best equipment the best thermometers and because this at home and we're amateurs and we're inexperienced we're going to do this a really cheap way which is in the oven so we're putting it a little boil now I've heard a lot of things about putting an aluminum foil and there's a nickname for this process with the bracelet it's called the Texas cheap and the reason it's called the Texas cheap because we're not putting in the grill we're actually putting in the other and the the job of the aluminum foil is to keep it sealed so all that moisture stays inside so that when it's in the oven it won't dry it out so this part of the process you've got to wrap it up as best you can and keep it as tight as you can so that you won't lose any moisture so we're going to just tug de corazon is tight you keep the best deal I can I don't want to put any holes in it because every hole you put in it steams going to come out of it you don't want to lose your steam you want it to stay nice and moist on the inside so I'm going to continue to wrap it - there's no possibly way that any of that moisture can escape and now we got our finished product we've got a 9 pound brisket that's been seared on both sides for five minutes it's been smoked at 200 degrees and a gas grill with hickory wood chips for two hours at 200 degrees and now it's ready to go in the oven I've heard a lot of things about how long to cook it and they say most people say about an hour and 15 minutes an hour 20 minutes for every pound this is a nine pound brisket but what I tell you to do is just check your brisket frequently and use a meat thermometer to make sure it's cooked and I'm thinking we'll probably cook it's 160 180 degrees and that's all personal preference everything when it comes to brisket this personal preference so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put it in the oven for 8 hours at about 225 degrees and it's been on the oven at 200 Earth I grill for at 200 degrees for about two hours so the total cook time is going to end up being 10 hours at about 225 degrees we use my meat thermometer and if it's not finished I'll cook it for another hour or two hours but it should be done and we'll get back with you when it's done and see how it runs all right guys we're here in Katy Texas and we're finishing up the brisket that we started on a gas grill I'd like to let you know that the preference here is to pair a barbecue brisket with a shiner block beers okay so eight hours later this is eight hours into it 225 degrees we're going to take the brisket that's been wrapped in foil out of the oven ten twenty five degrees is just barely hot nothing out of your hands but if you're a little more little girl I would recommend it use some of this so take our trusty meat thermometer make sure this safety okay the center and let's check it out we want to make sure it's safe to eat the minimum I'd say is about a hundred sixty degrees but I like 180 degrees that's what I want right now we're at 180 degrees so this brisket is safety now the one thing that you remember a brisket like your ticket on the oven is don't cut it immediately let rest for a few hours because if I wrap this brisket and I cut it not only on the juices are going to follow all over the floor all in the counter but you're going to lose all of the flavor all the genes to be cut immediately so we're going to give it a couple hours and then we're going to slice it and the other thing you have to remember is that there's a certain way to slice the brisket because you have to remember that it's more than one muscle and the grain of the muscle is in different directions so you have to cut it very carefully you know we'll be back to your next video and show you how to cut the brisket once it's done not three out or the rest completely postal Kolkata so one thing you got not a brisket with several cuts of must so you have to separate the muscle and then pellets work code again so what I'm going to do is farm this later fat meal and separate these two cases in sa so we kind of like press the instant so that we're actually separate but you can see then we've got two completely different cuts of muscle that works already now I've got a little bit here and that's kind on the side of the probably she'll that's a little bit far so basically we have one cut here everyone cut here you wish you're going to do is you don't want to travel a little bit of the fat not too much but just some of the excess fat that's you Natalie a little bit too much there so I just trimmed off a little bit of that excess fat and now you can see we've got a nice piece of cut cut of me with just a little bit that I I'm going to set this aside for now so I take this piece this cover here make sure the fat there's only a little bit of fat here so that's going to completely fine go check this side and I think this is a fat side this is the messy sides this is the fat side so I'm going to do is going to braise the top of it make sure to trim off some of that fat and you can tell the fat ends and the meat started to pick see it right here cut that so the side so that I can even scraps later come up a little bit more not back so naturally perfect should be all battling trimmer and I know there's a little bit of good meat there but trust me we take this little so they set this piece aside take this piece and what we're going to do is we're going to cut completely against the ground that means that if you cut with the grain you're going to have long stringy pieces that are really in hard to hartley and that's why it's very important you pick this properly so I mean look at the brain and because the grain is building this play I'm going to cut it completely perpendicular so I've got a front end he may look all these burnt ends and those are the pieces with a lot of seizing and basically we'll second we're going to finish slapping a sign of thing who's Gladys other side it's nice and tender has a good color and you can see the nice pink smoke ring on the outside with a bear before each other smooth burger it's not the good wheat inside the pan Stefano refrigerator right because we're planning mara okay cut against the grain and the most important part about heading of Bristol is the fact chapter 1 where there's two mussels and we're going in different directions so remember cut against the time
Channel: Andrew Smith
Views: 163,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brisket (Food), Grilling (Culinary Technique), Gas Grill, Texas
Id: cEUb3w5rrIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2013
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